Patricia Garrido

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@Songline: I mentioned child rapists specifically, not rapists generally. All child rapists have either been raped as children or have witnessed this crime. That does not apply to rapists who only attack adults. Also, the hell Garrido wanted daughters to get their "approval." He wanted girls to continue his misogynistic behavior of lording over them. And, lastly, Patricia Garrido was more than "accepting" of her son, regardless of what he did. Again, the man confessed to disturbing crimes against children (e.g., exposure) and his intense desire to rape young girls. Still, his mother was a staunch defender of his. As his own father said: in Patricia's eyes, Phillip Garrido could do no wrong.

We're trying to figure out two things: was Patricia Garrido involved and why. The latter is critical to the former. We can't just accuse someone without basis. We have to provide a reason. That's what we're trying to do.
Much of what you say is right, some is interesting for me to look up.
BBM: If you or anyone can ever figure out why anyone allowed her son to live with her knowing what he really is.
We may cure much in this world.
I do not know why in Patricia eyes PG can do no wrong :crazy:
unless it is a way for her to validate her own insanity. :crazy:
Then say she thought they were all his children....
If she thought JC was his daughter that was pregnant twice then at least she had to think it is incest. She did say all the girls were his.
IMHO it is a very sick mentality. she was his enabler.
Because right from the start she said she thought that JC was his daughter, (then she did see JC pregnant) and she thought that the 2 girls were hi children too. 18 years ago she did not have dementia, as her ex husband said she got that about 6 years ago. And she sticks up for her good boy.
My hinky meter said instantly the first time I read anything she said - This does not sound right. I think she is a lie a minute.

uhhhhh if she thought the two girls were his, and jaycee was his, she had no problem with him impregnating the girl she thought was his daughter?
what a sick twisted family. this is like something out of 'the hills have eyes" or texas chainsaw massacre.......i am SO FREAKING GLAD Jaycee and her girls are out of there
In a very recent interview Patricia said: "I don't want to talk about what Phillip did wrong. It upsets me." So it seems she has a long history of shutting her mind and looking the other way and not talking about unpleasant things.

You have to wonder if this is just another excuse... "it upsets me". The way I see it is "it would upset me to talk to others about it because they know what a monster he is, so don't ask me any more questions because the next question would be why didn't it upset me so much for the past 18 years (and more like 40 years)." Once, everyone would realize she was aware, then she knows darn well she will be confronted with more difficult questions so she thinks she can hault it all right there with the "I'm a poor little old demented woman who doesn't remember and if you bother me with this stuff you might make me even more sick." I have to wonder if she realizes Jaycee, the girls, the others she has been in contact with as well as Nancy will be talking.
You have to wonder if this is just another excuse... "it upsets me". The way I see it is "it would upset me to talk to others about it because they know what a monster he is, so don't ask me any more questions because the next question would be why didn't it upset me so much for the past 18 years (and more like 40 years)." Once, everyone would realize she was aware, then she knows darn well she will be confronted with more difficult questions so she thinks she can hault it all right there with the "I'm a poor little old demented woman who doesn't remember and if you bother me with this stuff you might make me even more sick." I have to wonder if she realizes Jaycee, the girls, the others she has been in contact with as well as Nancy will be talking.

gotta wonder at this rate if garrido's brother is just as twisted as the rest of his family. i mean seriously
@Jbean: That is a good question. To me, Patricia Garrido knew exactly what her son was. He was not only a convicted kidnapper and rapist, but he confessed to wanting to rape young children. Still, Patricia Garrido stood by him. To me, that means that she was OK with what he did. But considering what happened there over the course of 18 years (e.g., girls all of a sudden showing up, living in the backyard), it strikes me as unreasonable to assume she didn't know what was going on. She's only been suffering from dementia for the past six years. Now, it's true, one can say, "She knew but was too scared to do anything," meaning that she wanted to help. I don't believe she wanted to help at all because she was so accepting of his disturbing behavior before, no matter how chilling. It would assume that all of a sudden she had a change of heart about her son's behavior and I just don't see that. Also, I doubt Phillip Garrido would invite someone to his home unless he could trust them (Note: obviously, being an invite is far different than a captive). He trusted his mother.

Of course, it wasn't Phillip's home, he WAS invited into Her home. Sometimes I wonder if this could have been all Patricia's idea. She did say she always wanted girls didn't she? If not for Phillips rapist past, I wouldn't have been surprised!
By the way, there was an article where a "pal" of Phillips was quoted as sayingsomething to the effect that Nancy was the maid figure and ran around cleaning, while Jaycee got all the attention. My assumption is, whomever that was who said that, must have been in that house, invited by Phillip and was with all three of them. I think I posted that article under Nancy's thread.
I have not been following PG at all. So let me ask this. Why do we think that PG was not in a similar situation as JD? By that I mean held against her will until she learned to aquiesce? Perhaps not held against her will in the literal sense such as Jaycee, but rather in a controlling fashion; a weak person and a strong person? PG certainly has the ability to make people submit.
Again, I have not read much info on her nor am I basing this on anything; only asking the question and hoping to be brought up to speed.

It is irrelevant if she was held against her will or pressured in some way. She is an adult and is responsible for her personal actions (or lack of them in this case - she could have done something but did not). The analogy would be Patty Hearst. Acting out as a result of Stockholm syndrome or something similar might generate some leniency and/or sympathy but it doesn't excuse you from liability.

The situation Jaycee was in was completely different since she (as far as we know) didn't do anything that would be chargeable.

IMO Patricia should be facing charges, at the very least aiding and abetting and/or accomplice after the fact. I think the only reason they are leaving her alone for now is her age and physical/mental state.

By the way, there was an article where a "pal" of Phillips was quoted as sayingsomething to the effect that Nancy was the maid figure and ran around cleaning, while Jaycee got all the attention. My assumption is, whomever that was who said that, must have been in that house, invited by Phillip and was with all three of them. I think I posted that article under Nancy's thread.

That article was in a british tabloid. But, the language used in the quote made by the "pal" was something a british person would say, not an american, so its quite possible they just made that up.

The bits in question:

The pal added: "I thought she was Phil's wife. Nancy was cleaning around like she was the maid and Phil gave the young girl all the attention."
The friend, who asked not to be named, said: "He gave me the card and said, 'she's a real looker right, that's my girl.

From here:
I hope they've evaluated Pg's mother, because if she knew about the kidap, rapes, pregnancies, etc. then she could be a danger to other nursing home residents. If she knew, she should be in the prison nursing home with the other criminals.
Bada bing:

@Jbean: That is a good question. To me, Patricia Garrido knew exactly what her son was. He was not only a convicted kidnapper and rapist, but he confessed to wanting to rape young children. Still, Patricia Garrido stood by him. To me, that means that she was OK with what he did. But considering what happened there over the course of 18 years (e.g., girls all of a sudden showing up, living in the backyard), it strikes me as unreasonable to assume she didn't know what was going on. She's only been suffering from dementia for the past six years. Now, it's true, one can say, "She knew but was too scared to do anything," meaning that she wanted to help. I don't believe she wanted to help at all because she was so accepting of his disturbing behavior before, no matter how chilling. It would assume that all of a sudden she had a change of heart about her son's behavior and I just don't see that. Also, I doubt Phillip Garrido would invite someone to his home unless he could trust them (Note: obviously, being an invite is far different than a captive). He trusted his mother.

Bada Bang:

In a very recent interview Patricia said: "I don't want to talk about what Phillip did wrong. It upsets me." So it seems she has a long history of shutting her mind and looking the other way and not talking about unpleasant things.

Denial, the root of most evil!!!!
That article was in a british tabloid. But, the language used in the quote made by the "pal" was something a british person would say, not an american, so its quite possible they just made that up.

The bits in question:

From here:

I question it too, firstly because I know nothing about the brit papers and secondly, because I never read anything like that anywhere else. . That's why when I posted it, I asked if anyone knew if their reporting was credible?
Nonetheless, it's in print and I wonder why none of our papers tried to find out who this anonymous "pal" was, or discredit the paper one way or the other???
I hope they've evaluated Pg's mother, because if she knew about the kidap, rapes, pregnancies, etc. then she could be a danger to other nursing home residents. If she knew, she should be in the prison nursing home with the other criminals.

i dont doubt her guilt.
i doubt le's ability to either go after her or get a convictin once she pulls the 'demented victim" routine in court
I wonder if Patricia Garrido honestly did not hear about the Dugard kidnapping case? Did she not see the images of Jaycee Dugard all over the TV screens in California at that time? I'm guessing Dugard looked quite similar to her photograph at 11 as she did when she was about 14 or 15, whenever she was let out of her cage. But one could say that even if she did see reports on the Dugard kidnapping she forgot about it by the time "Alissa" appeared. Fine. But did she not see the sketch of the woman suspect in that crime and the car? This detail is but a minor one to me, considering the rest of the story, but it's something.

At this point, if someone told me that Phillip and Nancy Garrido dragged Dugard from the car in front of Patricia and she didn't flinch, I wouldn't be surprised. It's like Garrido could kill a child right in front of his mother and as long as he said, "Mom, it's OK" she'd be, like, "Alright then." The most sadistic killers justify their behavior through endless lies and distortions. I don't think Patricia was blind to her son's actions. I think she just rationalized them. And I don't believe she's now "upset" about his behavior considering she never gave a damn about it before. She's probably just bothered that people know about it.

@my2sisters: Good catch on that.

@Billylee: You're right! I forgot that this was Patricia Garrido's home. So she invited him into it, providing him cover for whatever the hell he wanted to do. So mother trusted son and vice versa. This is probably the most disturbing relationship of this whole mess.

@Songline: I can only reason that the reason why Patricia invited Phillip into her home is because she was accepting of his behavior. I can't stress this enough: she was fine with him being a child rapist (He casually admitted his desires, him exposing himself to young girls, and even had an arrest for raping a 14 year-old). SunnieRN was spot on in suggesting that the reason why Garrido probably thought his behavior with the Dugard girls was normal (e.g., sleeping with them every night) was because he probably grew up with it. Phillip, Patricia, and Nancy Garrido all thought this was acceptable for a "family." All of them have expressed some sort of "love" for their "family." Even if you didn't take into account the (child) rapes and captivity, Dugard and her girls were forced to live in squalor in the backyard like junkyard dogs and still the Garridos all thought this cruelty was loving, if not, "heartwarming." That's how warped they are.
Just one other thing I wanted to say before I leave the Patricia Garrido thread and say buenas noches. The Hayward PD has said they have not ruled out Garrido as Michaela Garecht's abducter. That ws in 1988, PG & NG had just moved in with "Mom". I don't know about the Dublin PD and Ilene's case yet, haven't heard. But I know, personally, that the HPD is looking not only into Michela's disapperance, but others before that, far back as Christine Eastin 1971. And so, looking into Phillip's, Patricia's and Nancy's past, before the Jaycee abduction is important. Phillip's admitted self-exposure and lewd conduct in the early 70's, his alleged rape in 72, his wife's claims of abuse and his convicted rape in 76 all lead to Jaycee's abduction. There could definitely have been more. If the PD's are still looking at him, then so should we all. Buenas noches!
Just one other thing I wanted to say before I leave the Patricia Garrido thread and say buenas noches. The Hayward PD has said they have not ruled out Garrido as Michaela Garecht's abducter. That ws in 1988, PG & NG had just moved in with "Mom". I don't know about the Dublin PD and Ilene's case yet, haven't heard. But I know, personally, that the HPD is looking not only into Michela's disapperance, but others before that, far back as Christine Eastin 1971. And so, looking into Phillip's, Patricia's and Nancy's past, before the Jaycee abduction is important. Phillip's admitted self-exposure and lewd conduct in the early 70's, his alleged rape in 72, his wife's claims of abuse and his convicted rape in 76 all lead to Jaycee's abduction. There could definitely have been more. If the PD's are still looking at him, then so should we all. Buenas noches!

well in the original jaycee thread, that was started nearly 4 years ago, there was talk about michaud and devaggio taking jaycee and taking micheala too. seriously, all we have is rumors.
It is irrelevant if she was held against her will or pressured in some way. She is an adult and is responsible for her personal actions (or lack of them in this case - she could have done something but did not). The analogy would be Patty Hearst. Acting out as a result of Stockholm syndrome or something similar might generate some leniency and/or sympathy but it doesn't excuse you from liability.

The situation Jaycee was in was completely different since she (as far as we know) didn't do anything that would be chargeable.

IMO Patricia should be facing charges, at the very least aiding and abetting and/or accomplice after the fact. I think the only reason they are leaving her alone for now is her age and physical/mental state.

I agree, but can not condone LE leaving her alone. Kind of sums up a large part of what needs to be amended in LE.
It is irrelevant if she was held against her will or pressured in some way. She is an adult and is responsible for her personal actions (or lack of them in this case - she could have done something but did not). The analogy would be Patty Hearst. Acting out as a result of Stockholm syndrome or something similar might generate some leniency and/or sympathy but it doesn't excuse you from liability.

The situation Jaycee was in was completely different since she (as far as we know) didn't do anything that would be chargeable.

IMO Patricia should be facing charges, at the very least aiding and abetting and/or accomplice after the fact. I think the only reason they are leaving her alone for now is her age and physical/mental state.
Not irrelevant to me. I am trying to get a grasp on the whole dynamic so I can understand to some degree what went on. I am not interested in charges as much as I am interested in the goings on of this group.
IMO Patricia should be facing charges, at the very least aiding and abetting and/or accomplice after the fact. I think the only reason they are leaving her alone for now is her age and physical/mental state.

I hope no one will take offense at what I am going to say because I do not mean to offend an entire religious group, but I thought it was very odd that Nancy was a Jehovah's Witness before Garrido met her and that Patricia was also a Jehovah's Witness. I have had some direct experience, or close, and know that Jehovah's Witnesses have a pretty patriarchal system set-up. I am not criticizing that or saying it is wrong, that is their choice.

Never mind Nancy, but I wonder how long Patricia had been a Jehovah's Witness. I ask this because there are some female members of these very hirerarchical patriarchal churches/organizations/societies who really over promote and almost groom men to be in a high position within them (I am not saying that is how most of the females are and this undoubtedly happens in any very patriarchal system/religion/etc and it is not just the men promoting this).

A very good friend of mine was groomed for years by his wife this way to try to get him to join the Jehovah's Witnesses and be a leader or whatever they might call it. I suppose by virtue of status he would have had, she would have that status also. His wife (ex now) had joined the JW's early in their marriage and kept at him like this for almost 20 years although he never joined. I had an effect on him though. I don't think the church is bad, that's not what I am saying.

Maybe Patricia always had a similar idea for Philip, that he would be a religious leader - perhaps why religion was always on his mind even from way back, perhaps why he eventually formed his own church that he could lead - even better than just being high up in the church. Patricia maybe could care less what church or religion it was because that is not the point. It makes me wonder if Patricia did some sick grooming of Philip from early on giving him reason to think his actions were ok, sanctioned. That this is what he could be or that men could be? I don't know, I just think it could have some explanatory power as here is a man living with 3 women for 18 years (once Jaycee had the babies I guess we can say 3 adult women) - with Jaycee's girls getting older, it was soon to be 4 adult women and then 5.

I'm not sure Garrido wanted to get caught - I just think he was prepared if he did or else got wacky enough to convince himself that if he got caught people would 'see the light'. Maybe he wacked out enough he was just going to make sure everyone had to look at him with awe, frustrated because he couldn't get the millions to come to his rally. I'll bet he thought Jaycee would stand up for him and that might mean they couldn't or wouldn't charge him with the crimes? Maybe he wanted his mom to see all this while she was still of this world?

I may be full of baloney given she wasn't who I am surmising, but....
Let's not forget that Herschel Franzen was also in that house - although I am not sure when he died, my best guess is about 1993. Anyone ever find out for sure? Since, ti probably doesn't make sense to make a new thread to discuss him, I wonder what was up with him? How long were they married. Surely he knew about Philip's horrible history when he let them move in there.
I know this article has been posted and discussed, but here is some of it again that could be pertinent. I think someone said they thought Philip brother might have problems - I'm not so sure I would think that. Different kids in the same family can perceive things a lot differently and when you are younger, you may not put two and two together. It's quite possible more went on between Patricia and Philip than he knows or it started later in Philip teenage years, early adulthood. You have to remember, Ron is 7 years older than Philip. I had read it before but found it good to revisit - much more in the article but I can only quote so much of it.

Kidnap suspect had criminal past, brother says

After his release in the late 1980s, Phillip Garrido moved in with his mother, who lived just outside Antioch in a modest home with a large backyard. His parents had divorced in 1971, and his mother had later married Herschel Franzen, who left the home to his wife when he died in the early 1990s.

Their mother still lives at the home but has suffered major dementia for about eight years, according to her son. On Thursday, she was at the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in Martinez.

Ron Garrido said his brother, over the subsequent years, spoke of plans to get rich and start a church. But he never spoke of Dugard.

There was one suspicious incident. In 2007, Ron Garrido said, an aunt told him that Phillip Garrido had visited her in Brentwood and brought along two young girls. He said they were neighbors' children and that he was babysitting.

"My aunt told me, 'I swear that oldest girl is his daughter. She's got his eyes,' " Ron Garrido remembered.

Ron Garrido said he never went into the home's backyard, where police say Phillip Garrido had set up a crude compound for his captives.

"My brother could do no wrong in my mother's eyes. I'm sure he told her some story and she bought the whole thing," the older brother said.
Let's not forget that Herschel Franzen was also in that house - although I am not sure when he died, my best guess is about 1993. Anyone ever find out for sure? Since, ti probably doesn't make sense to make a new thread to discuss him, I wonder what was up with him? How long were they married. Surely he knew about Philip's horrible history when he let them move in there.

After his release in the late 1980s, Phillip Garrido moved in with his mother, who lived just outside Antioch in a modest home with a large backyard. His parents had divorced in 1971, and his mother had later married Herschel Franzen, who left the home to his wife when he died in the early 1990s.

or, in my honest opinion a more reputable source:

Found it...

Herschel Franzen, Born 24 Jan 1914, Died Jan 1986- Last residence Antioch, CA.

Down aboutt 1/2 way down the page, found by a blogger who looked up the information on the SS death index.

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