Patricia Garrido

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This may or may not be of significance but I remember that brother Ron was quoted in some article as saying he had last seen his brother (PG) at a family funeral a few months prior to his arrest and that he was acting weirdly, pacing by the car or something to that affect. I recall looking around the bay area obits and never did come up with whose funeral they were attending. But then, I think when I was looking, I was looking for "Garrido", not Franzen.
Herschel Franzen married Ethel Howard at the end of WWII. He was 31 and she was 52. Because of her advanced age, it seems extremely likely that they had no offspring together. She may have had children from a previous marriage, but I have found no children or previous marriages for her.

Here is why I have been examining this angle: There is an investigator working for El Dorado District Attorney's Office with the last name of Franzen. And, it appears that prior to working there, he was a detective in Antioch, CA.

My concern was that he may be a cousin of Phillip and that may be a monkey wrench that would be a basis of an appeal. If I could find this info, so could the defense team.

I contacted someone in the media who I trusted to investigate this before running with it. He contacted the DA's Office and they were aware of the name match. They had investigated it themselves and found no relationship between Garrido and this investigator. I am grateful for the integrity of the media contact and for the thoroughness of a prosecution team who are making sure that they have done their homework. And I will sleep better tonight knowing that this issue is settled.
personally id be more worried he was leaking info to the defense rather then the other way around.
the name thing doesnt bother me nearly as much until you put the connection to anitoch and s lake tahoe, would seem like too much of a coincidence
This may or may not be of significance but I remember that brother Ron was quoted in some article as saying he had last seen his brother (PG) at a family funeral a few months prior to his arrest and that he was acting weirdly, pacing by the car or something to that affect. I recall looking around the bay area obits and never did come up with whose funeral they were attending. But then, I think when I was looking, I was looking for "Garrido", not Franzen.

IIRC early on there was a report about comments from an aunt of PG who had seen the two girls (he had taken them with her on a visit, claiming they were children of neighbors) and had commented to Ron(?) that she could have sworn that one of the girls was his daughter because she "had his eyes". So, there are other family members outside of the direct blood line, such as aunts, uncles and cousins. The funeral would likely have been for one of them.
Herschel Franzen married Ethel Howard at the end of WWII. He was 31 and she was 52. Because of her advanced age, it seems extremely likely that they had no offspring together. She may have had children from a previous marriage, but I have found no children or previous marriages for her.

Here is why I have been examining this angle: There is an investigator working for El Dorado District Attorney's Office with the last name of Franzen. And, it appears that prior to working there, he was a detective in Antioch, CA.

My concern was that he may be a cousin of Phillip and that may be a monkey wrench that would be a basis of an appeal. If I could find this info, so could the defense team.

I contacted someone in the media who I trusted to investigate this before running with it. He contacted the DA's Office and they were aware of the name match. They had investigated it themselves and found no relationship between Garrido and this investigator. I am grateful for the integrity of the media contact and for the thoroughness of a prosecution team who are making sure that they have done their homework. And I will sleep better tonight knowing that this issue is settled.

Quite interesting! Good sleuthing Dr. Doog! I came up with an Ethel Franzen, but she was born in 1893 and died in 1977, in Pittsburg, CA . I thought it was perhaps his mother, was that his wife????
Quite interesting! Good sleuthing Dr. Doog! I came up with an Ethel Franzen, but she was born in 1893 and died in 1977, in Pittsburg, CA . I thought it was perhaps his mother, was that his wife????

Seems so. I found a database of marriages in Contra Costa County and it listed Ethel Howard and Herschel Franzen as being married in June 1945. I also found a news article in Montana saying that they had married at an Army base in Pittsburg. I think that June 1945 was around VE (Victory in Europe) Day, so he was probably returning from the European theater and got hitched right away.
personally id be more worried he was leaking info to the defense rather then the other way around.
the name thing doesnt bother me nearly as much until you put the connection to anitoch and s lake tahoe, would seem like too much of a coincidence

The Antioch connection is what cinched it for me. There are only about six men with the same name in California and for one to be an investigator in El Dorado County and for a different one to be a detective in Antioch seemed like too much of a coincidence. I also found that "Antioch Franzen" was no longer there and the last reference to him was 2006, then "El Dorado Franzen" showed up there in 2009.

I should mention that none of my research turned up anything about this man that would make me suspect him in sabatoging the prosecution of the Garridos. He seems to be well respected wherever he goes. My concern was the "appearance of impropriety", not any actual interference.
*Looks at active viewer and see she is alone* Does that mean I am currently talking to myself. Ok self, after reading the parole papers I figured out the typed documents on the first batch are backwards. So re-reading in the correct order I had a couple of thoughts.
1. NG states that she was there at the kidnapping. This is her own confession that she was there at the kidnapping so a previous comment on this forum about if they G's in fact kidnapped JD is now answered.
2. JD says that she stayed 18 years in Antioch with the G's and other families. I wonder who those other families were and maybe this thought belongs under the other thread about other victims. Or if these "Other Families" may also be guilty in some way for the imprisonment of JD and a good reason for JD's current location to be kept secret.

And as far as the G's attorneys needing that address, if they need to speak to JD then then can arrange a meeting at the DA's office. There is no need for them to ever know her address.

Ok out of here to get something done. :( Why is housecleaning a constant job?
other families indicates the garridos have accomplices.
Originally Posted by jazerelle

And as far as the G's attorneys needing that address, if they need to speak to JD then then can arrange a meeting at the DA's office. There is no need for them to ever know her address.

The defense attorneys may feel the "need" to speak to JD but according to California if the victim does not want to talk to the defense attorneys then no meetings take place anywhere. Victims Rights. Way to go California! I like that law.

:( Why is housecleaning a constant job?[/quote]
To me it's a mystery.
2. JD says that she stayed 18 years in Antioch with the G's and other families. I wonder who those other families were and maybe this thought belongs under the other thread about other victims. Or if these "Other Families" may also be guilty in some way for the imprisonment of JD and a good reason for JD's current location to be kept secret.

I've thought about this, too, and I think it's possible that Santos got one of the fake stories and the true story jumbled. One of the stories they told was that JC was an abused housewife, hiding from her husband and staying between the G's and "other families". It's possible that during all of the excitement of all that had just happened, while writing his report, Santos unwittingly added that portion of the made up story to the actual story, the "other families". Does the way I put it make sense?
That would make sense to me. Memory can be very tricky and fickle. He may have heard the comment and put it out of context.

Oh I am responding to Tizzle's comment which should be just prior to this one.
Just a thought to that person who was contacting Jaycee's halfsister. I think Jaycee's mom should file a personal injury suit against the G's and Patricia and it should be filed prior to August of this year. It may come to nothing but it may get them needed funds. However, if I am not mistaken personal injuries suits need to be file within a year. I would guess this year would be the date that Jaycee's mom found her stolen daughter. Until then she was in mental anguish, aka personal injury. Again this is just a thought.
I've thought about this, too, and I think it's possible that Santos got one of the fake stories and the true story jumbled. One of the stories they told was that JC was an abused housewife, hiding from her husband and staying between the G's and "other families". It's possible that during all of the excitement of all that had just happened, while writing his report, Santos unwittingly added that portion of the made up story to the actual story, the "other families". Does the way I put it make sense?

I think he probably meant the Garridos and other family, which would mean Patricia. Or that is what she said and he misunderstood it.
I think he probably meant the Garridos and other family, which would mean Patricia. Or that is what she said and he misunderstood it.

i seriously doubt one person could be construed as 'other famlies'.
I wonder if JC had been discovered 10 years sooner, how successful PF would have been at not catching some charges of her own? She's lucky now, I think, because of her age and alleged dementia and can get away with saying "she didn't know":rolleyes:, but where would she be if this were 10 years ago? My guess...rotting in a cell next to Nancy. Just a guess.
I wonder if JC had been discovered 10 years sooner, how successful PF would have been at not catching some charges of her own? She's lucky now, I think, because of her age and alleged dementia and can get away with saying "she didn't know":rolleyes:, but where would she be if this were 10 years ago? My guess...rotting in a cell next to Nancy. Just a guess.

well on the bright side, her not being charged means we have less lawyers filing idiotic motions.........
believe me tizz i think she knew and knew all along.

she is pulling the same thing elizabeth fritzl's mom in austria did.....innocence by stupidty/ignorance.

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