Patrick McKenna (Famous PI) On Defense Team

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LOL Giltod.

Glad to hear that emails are flying and leaving peels of laughter in their wake. Usually that means people are anxious and playing the old game of baffle 'em with BS before they can figure out what you are saying first. :)
i have to wonder why an expert in cremated remains is on the defense team. :confused: poor caylee wasn't cremated, just dumped on the side of the road. :furious:

I have heard rumors that she was burned.
LOL Giltod.

Glad to hear that emails are flying and leaving peels of laughter in their wake. Usually that means people are anxious and playing the old game of baffle 'em with BS before they can figure out what you are saying first. :)

Giltod credit goes to
are you even serious?

yes I'm serious! Until the trial begins and people are sworn to tell the truth or suffer the consequences of not doing so they ALL can say whatever they want to say.

What's with the attitude? You could have just asked me why I said what I said!!
yes I'm serious! Until the trial begins and people are sworn to tell the truth or suffer the consequences of not doing so they ALL can say whatever they want to say.

What's with the attitude? You could have just asked me why I said what I said!!

1- Step off (said in my 6 y/o son's voice with 2 front missing teeth:)). 2- I don't have an attitude. 3- I merely asked if you were serious b/c I cannot fathom how anyone could question this. The defense (without showing proof) is all over LE leaking this & leaking that & not producing docs, etc. They need to slap their own hands for throwing out theories & suggestions then seeing how it'll play in the media. It's a ruse used by both sides. Having said that, and with regard to what you stated in your above quote, if you use that as an example - then why are you asking me why I questioned it if we can all say whatever we want? I wasn't getting smart with you...merely asking forthright. I have no desire to argue, we are all one in the same. Now please, take a deep breath and laugh. Sendin' ya some luv - :blowkiss:
1- Step off (said in my 6 y/o son's voice with 2 front missing teeth:)). 2- I don't have an attitude. 3- I merely asked if you were serious b/c I cannot fathom how anyone could question this. The defense (without showing proof) is all over LE leaking this & leaking that & not producing docs, etc. They need to slap their own hands for throwing out theories & suggestions then seeing how it'll play in the media. It's a ruse used by both sides. Having said that, and with regard to what you stated in your above quote, if you use that as an example - then why are you asking me why I questioned it if we can all say whatever we want? I wasn't getting smart with you...merely asking forthright. I have no desire to argue, we are all one in the same. Now please, take a deep breath and laugh. Sendin' ya some luv - :blowkiss:

:blowkiss:[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Right back atcha
JB can bring in all the famous high profile experts.
JB thinks the general public is stupid.
The jury will see through this.
It happened one time before and it was a mistake.
Remember OJ.
Bumped. Now that us Floridians are paying for the defense I thought I would bring up all these wonderful posts. What do you think? Will this be her PI in addition to AL's PI.
the "killer" never reported her daughter missing....

that is a big one for the prosecution

she is going to prison for her whole life or the death penalty will get her

no worries over here.... from me
Bumped. Now that us Floridians are paying for the defense I thought I would bring up all these wonderful posts. What do you think? Will this be her PI in addition to AL's PI.

I could be wrong but I don't remember his name coming up in the hearing last week. If it wasn't cleared, he won't be paid for with taxpayer money I don't think. Anyone remember this PI specifically coming up in last week's hearing?
Isn't there one expert that was to be decided upon in camera? Could this be the one?
re: link lauriej posted in 2011.08.15-21 This Week's Current News - Pat McKenna
"The room was a shrine of pictures to Caylee, hundreds of loving photographs. I was stunned by the neatness and organization of the room and all the photos. It was this lovely room, like a young kid that has a baby she loves. It was the opposite of what was being portrayed in the media," he said.
He came to this case the day Caylee's remains were found-
After CA had dressed up the room.
He is taking the credit/blame/fall for the DT OS
He says FCA is spending her time reading(very serene visual if I didn't know who he was talking about)
I'm tired of all these sick people
(I never really realized liars ran in packs like mad dogs)
re: link lauriej posted in 2011.08.15-21 This Week's Current News - Pat McKenna

He came to this case the day Caylee's remains were found-
After CA had dressed up the room.
He is taking the credit/blame/fall for the DT OS
He says FCA is spending her time reading(very serene visual if I didn't know he was talking about)
I'm tired of all these sick people

That article is infuriating! And to think GA let him into their home and he threw them under the bus. If this felon had not been so high profile, she would not have had any of these "team players". As one of the comments said, how does this guy sleep at night? Disgusting.
Before I read any comments I just want to give my first impression of this "Interview."

ABC News got this "exclusive."
It is fluff.
It is yet another person speaking the story that The Felon wants heard. She doesn't have the guts to do it herself so she gets it out there via all these middle-aged men. (JB, CM and now this guy.)
This story is straight up propaganda.
It is meant to soften the blow before ABC puts The Felon behind the microphone.
Before I read any comments I just want to give my first impression of this "Interview."

ABC News got this "exclusive."
It is fluff.
It is yet another person speaking the story that The Felon wants heard. She doesn't have the guts to do it herself so she gets it out there via all these middle-aged men. (JB, CM and now this guy.)
This story is straight up propaganda.
It is meant to soften the blow before ABC puts The Felon behind the microphone.

That's possible but, what surprises me is the arrogance of this guy. He knows people are already inflamed about this verdict, yet, he seems to enjoy rubbing in his "victory". I wish there were a way he could tell Caylee that to her face!
What do you want to bet that another Network will try to score before the Dr Phil show airs? Get this thing's "Story" out before the A's have a chance to taint or devalue it even more.
I read the article and am amazed that anyone related to the defense team is continuing to slander George and/or Cindy. They had immunity in the courtroom while calling George a child molester without a single piece of evidence, but it seems like they are playing with fire now! I remember feeling sick to my stomach when I heard Baez' opening statement. I would love to see a lawsuit or two filed by George against anyone who continues with this kind of defamation.
Before I read any comments I just want to give my first impression of this "Interview."

ABC News got this "exclusive."
It is fluff.
It is yet another person speaking the story that The Felon wants heard. She doesn't have the guts to do it herself so she gets it out there via all these middle-aged men. (JB, CM and now this guy.)
This story is straight up propaganda.
It is meant to soften the blow before ABC puts The Felon behind the microphone.

I think you made a good point. I read the article twice and kept wondering why, after 6 or so weeks after the acquittal, this is coming out now. Why not immediately after the acquittal?

Everything about this case has been so infuriating, beginning with FCA, then the A's and the DT. Dear Caylee got lost in the swamp and it seems they are keeping her there. I don't mean "lost in the swamp" literally, just a figure of speech to indicate that precious Caylee has not been the focus unless it is to use her name in terms of blood money for foundations.
What do you want to bet that another Network will try to score before the Dr Phil show airs? Get this thing's "Story" out before the A's have a chance to taint or devalue it even more.

You make a good point.Now that they know a "donation" will get an interview,their probably chomping at the bit to score the Anthonys.
Well the DT has their own list, the list of people that they think hates FCA for no reason at all other than being jealous of her because she is young, pretty and innocent......(dt is suffering from "mini-mass delusional hysterics")
I just added PM, Mr. Famous PI to my own list
"the list of unconscionable unethical people":
FCA, JB, Anthony's, LKB, AL, TM, CM, PM & DCS

So they can keep throwing out comments here and there to keep fanning the flames for whatever illogical reasons but even if the DT never says anything about FCA in the news again, the people on another list will never forget Caylee. The Justice for Caylee List. I will never forget that FCA got away with murder, I will never forget that the DT's tactics of slandering innocent people to get FCA off was so dirty and unethical that I have no doubt that they crawled out of a dark gutter every day before trial.

(Jury is still out on NBC, ABC & yet to be named book publisher)
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