Patsy's Rings

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Aug 15, 2003
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At yonder forum, the poster Margoo has held up a post by Wolfmarsgirl for ridicule on a thread entitled "Theories that don't work".

Wolfmarsgirl had made a post some time ago regarding a PDI theory which involved Patsy causing the abrasions on JonBenet with her rings. Wolfmarsgirl conceded that for her theory to work, Patsy's rings needed to have been in reverse (i.e. stones pointing inwards) but that since her own rings sometimes slipped, maybe Patsy's did too.

Well, some time back, there was an image of Patsy which showed her wearing her rings with large stones pointing inwards. There was some discussion about it on the forums. A few days ago, I came acorss another, better image which clearly shows that Patsy had two very large stoned rings facing the palms of her hands. The two images were not taken on the same day.

Margoo dismissed the ring theory as one might dismiss a little green man theory, but is it really so far fetched to suppose that two hard ringstones might caused a pair of abrasions?

I shall send the image to Maxi and ask her to post it here.
I have sent the image to your Hotmail account. Could you possibly post it for me?
Unless one's rings are extremely tight, ALL rings will turn around all the time. Even bands will turn. Sometimes we are unaware that they turn. We tend to right them without even thinking as if second nature.

Try it you'll see. See if you can make a mental note that you are righting your ring and you'll realize how often you do it without even realizing it.

That is one reason I always preferred a band ring, but even they turn around.

Not such a far fetched theory at all
I'll try. Tex is our master image poster, but I haven't seen her today.

I've wondered if a ring might have caused the large triangular abrason. Perhaps in the process of someone trying to remove the cord?
Essential to the 'ring theory' is that at the time of this supposed bedwetting incident Patsy would have had to have been wearing her rings in the middle of the night.

Not totally impossible, though highly unlikely.
It's an interesting theory but one flaw I can see is IF those marks were caused by ring stones, PR would have had to handle the crime scene bare-handed. If she had gloves on, even with the rings, there would have been sufficient padding over the stones to prevent leaving skin impressions. To the best of our collective knowledge, no fingerprints or palm prints were found on the body, which leads me to believe gloves were worn.

Toth, I always wear my rings to bed every night, especially wedding rings. Women don't usually take them off. I would think it would be highly likely PR keeps hers on too, not the other way round.
Could be a possibility, but I don't think with those particular rings she is wearing in the photo.
Maxi and Jayelles - great photo. Thanks for posting that.

DejaNu - good point, but the rings could have made the abrasions just after the incident and before clean-up, staging, possible washing, possible shirt-changing (and possible glove use) began.

Maxi - IMO the big mark on the front of the neck could have been from a hand/fingers gripping JB while they pulled the cord to strangle her.
I don't take my wedding and eternity rings off.

You can see from this photo that Patsy did wear large stoned rings and that she did wear them facing in. This is one of two photos I've seen of Patsy's inturned rings and she was wearing a light coloured outfit in the other photo.

I have in front of me, a life sized image of the marks on JonBenet and if I slightly play my fingers, the distance between the marks matches up.

The point I am making is that Wolfmarsgirls theory is not in the least far-fetched.
Britt: "DejaNu - good point, but the rings could have made the abrasions just after the incident and before clean-up, staging, possible washing, possible shirt-changing (and possible glove use) began."

I guess that would depend on what theory we're employing in association with ring stone wounds, Britt. I believe the head wound occurred first with an almost immediate effort to cover it up, i.e., ligature strangulation. Then I believe the body washing, shirt-changing, etc. commenced. The absence of fingerprints on the ligature and body suggest to me that gloves were used when the ligature was applied and the subsequent clean-up/obstruction efforts occurred. Whomever the perp, he/she was very careful not to leave those telltale prints anywhere (but the pineapple bowl of course)....and this would IMO prevent ring imprints. I do not believe the head wound was intentional, and the subsequent efforts to misdirect was a profound and continuing panic reaction, including the RN. But then, I could be totally off base too.....
Toth said:
Essential to the 'ring theory' is that at the time of this supposed bedwetting incident Patsy would have had to have been wearing her rings in the middle of the night.

Not totally impossible, though highly unlikely.

Toth - rage scenarios don't have to be about bedwetting. I don't think the bedwetting scenario has much basis.

Remember that if JonBenet ate the pineapple BEFORE she went to the Whites, then her TOD would be close to the time the Ramseys returned home from the Whites - i.e. when Patsy would still have been wearing her rings.
Jayelles said:
Toth - rage scenarios don't have to be about bedwetting. I don't think the bedwetting scenario has much basis.
Ofcourse the bedwetting scenario is absurd, so is Patsy killing JonBenet due to a sudden realization that she was going to be too short to win the Miss America pageant. So too is this, they came home from the Whites party and the gift delivery around town and Patsy suddenly flew into a rage and killed JonBenet with her rings.
I have posted this before - you are the only person whom I have ever seen posting the 'too short to be Miss America' theory. Did you make it up?

Are you saying that all rage is predictable? No it's not outwith the realms of impossibility. People can and do snap - all the time.
I saw it too. It was here, either in 2000 or 2001. Can't remember the poster, Nandee? maybe. I believe it was in the same thread that talked about JonBenet wearing "dentures." Sorry I can't be more specific. As I recall the thread was about the depth of Patsy's disappointment if JonBenet didn't end up as Miss America. I don't know how totally serious the poster was but they did say it.

But my reason for posting now is to say I think the ring theory would only work if she was wearing two large solitaires. Anything else would not leave such clean margins.
Jayelles said:
I have posted this before - you are the only person whom I have ever seen posting the 'too short to be Miss America' theory. Did you make it up?
No, I actually read it, I believe it was on this forum. I know I thought it was hilarious and when I realized the poster was serious about it, I couldn't believe how stupid people can be.
Toth said:
No, I actually read it, I believe it was on this forum. I know I thought it was hilarious and when I realized the poster was serious about it, I couldn't believe how stupid people can be.

You also claim to have actually heard of the story of a crime committed on videotape in Florida, a crime where no forensic evidence was found, yet that turned out quite the failure for you when you had it proved to you that a great deal of forensic evidence was found. I see you no longer cite that anecdote. You would do well to follow your own example, and give up offering anecdotes you cannot prove are true. Goodness knows, there are ample examples of other ridiculous theories you can draw upon. I offer the theory advanced by a very stupid person of your acquaintance, who wants to believe JonBenet was killed as part of a Celtic sacrifice and in accordance with her fate as determined by her astrological chart. Try that one on for size. "A poster believes that JonBenet was killed by intruder Druids, and is serious about it."
tipper said:
I saw it too. It was here, either in 2000 or 2001. Can't remember the poster, Nandee? maybe. I believe it was in the same thread that talked about JonBenet wearing "dentures." Sorry I can't be more specific. As I recall the thread was about the depth of Patsy's disappointment if JonBenet didn't end up as Miss America. I don't know how totally serious the poster was but they did say it.

But my reason for posting now is to say I think the ring theory would only work if she was wearing two large solitaires. Anything else would not leave such clean margins.

Please don't nail Nandee for things without asking Nandee first. Thanks.
I do remember the Wolfmargirls theory. Infact the last time she told it here --was as a reply to a thread Was it a stun gun?

It hope Pats didn't kill Jon Benet--but its a good theory.

Socks :twocents:
SisterSocks said:
I do remember the Wolfmargirls theory. Infact the last time she told it here --was as a reply to a thread Was it a stun gun?

It hope Pats didn't kill Jon Benet--but its a good theory.

Socks :twocents:

I also find the ring theory very possible. It doesn't need to have been Patsy as the killer though. If an accident occured like in a BDI theory, Patsy may have held her daughter after finding the body thus leaving marks from her rings on the body.

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