penalty phase #10

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I hate HLN. "I was watching the jury and I didn't see a single tear." They just live to stir up drama. Completely insensitive
How old was Daryl when he got together with Jodi? She was 27 when she killed Travis, and so around 25 when she met him, she went out with Daryl for 4 years, so I've got her down to 21 .. that's pretty young ..
I can't believe she did that, although I'm not doubting what people are saying.
she didn't do that...she was wiping tears away, I seen the tears on her chin and saw as she wiped them. (For the record, I do think she's evil and I do NOT like her but she was not doing what some seem to think :)
Originally Posted by MsFacetious
Jodi cried when Steven talked about his baby girl...
because Jodi will never have one now.

And THANK GOD for that....

She does not deserve to experience that kind of love...

She does not have the personality type required for maternal instinct, love or empathy. It appears she's devoid. It is contra-indicated for narcissistic, sociopathic women to raise children.
Jean c said Samantha. Looked daggers at Jodie eye contact and than daggers to her mom.
Actually I saw one tear fall on her shirt right before she wipes her chin at the end. One. She must be proud.
On HLN Jean C said she did not see one tear from the jury during VIS.
I believe I speak for all of America watching her on TV, and friend, I concur! There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING she could do at this point.

I agree. I had to avert my eyes from her everytime the camera focused on her, my heart was breaking for all of the Alexanders and especially for Travis who thought 2008 was going to be the best year of his life, it seemed like a perversion to see her face at that time. She caused all of this sadness, I don't care about her tears or lack of them today.
At one point when Samantha was speaking I thought her knees were going to buckle and she might collapse.

I am repeatedly amazed by the different kinds of strength this family shows. I don't know how they don't crumble. Or--if they do, the fact that they are able to get back up EVERY DAY and do it all again -- is such a testament to their characters as individuals and as a family.
JA tries to cry harder when Samantha cries harder, then Samanatha gets it back together so does JA. Go Figure. .. Just sick....
Thank you...looks like we are in the minority that those may have been real tears coming from the murderess.

Curious to hear what Janine D will say...sure looked like the forehead and mouth matched real tears for once.

JA may have been reacting to the jurors' tears, realizing what that portends. Also, feeling sorry for herself that she was never loved by anyone ever like Travis was.
I was surprised as well. I expected to hear them say that JA has deepened the pain by the wild accusations she has made against his character.

They did what they thought was best though, and they were wonderfully sincere. I can't believe this jury was not touched to their very hearts.
God bless them all.

I think they did what is usually best when dealing with bull carp: Step right on over it and keep going. To wallow in it just makes it stink all the more.
I think Victim Impact Statements are different than Jodi's Mitigation witnesses--I think they actually take the stand & answer questions from Nurmi/Willmott & Juan gets a shot. The Prosecutor doesn't have to question them, but might ask something like "When you shared these good times with Jodi, did you ever think she'd be capable of such a heinous murder?" It tends to mitigate the mitigation!

I'm not for sure about AZ, though. Lawyers??

Thank you....I wasn`t sure how it worked.
JA isn't worried about the family. Her only concern seems to be what Nancy Grace (a victim's advocate) is saying about her.
Jean C says no juror crying or wiped eyes yet EVERY OTHER reporter said they were.

I hate HLN. "I was watching the jury and I didn't see a single tear." They just live to stir up drama. Completely insensitive

Jean C and her jury watch drives me nuts .. she cranes her neck in the courtroom, then talks about them afterwards and does impersonations .. well all her predictions have been wrong so far .. I'm going with the other reporter.
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