penalty phase #11

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Does the state have to pay for the DT's witness's (Patti Womack and Darryl Brewer) accommodation and travel costs as well or do PW and DB have to pay for their own travel/accommodation in AZ etc?
So guys, really: what do folks gain by going psycho on this Patti person? I'm sorry, I just don't get why she is catching all this flack for doing what she believes to be fair. We don't have to agree, but seriously wth is it with this aim for public lynching anyone and anything remotely connected to the killer? I have shared on other trials with you and I have never, ever seen so much vitriol. Makes me super sad. :(

Seems to me they can't win. Damn if they do, damn if they don't. I am NOT, repeat, NOT trying to start an argument and I am not "posting at someone" so to speak. I love and respect all of you and your opinions. This trial has just really showed me a side to WS I hadn't seen before, and it has me sad and boo :(

Peace and coffee, y'all.

The only thing I can think of is that Nurmi and Wilmott had to have some knowledge of THEIR witnesses. Geez JM was ready with support on the pictures. No way my angst is directed at the witnesses but at the DT.

How out of control are things? In addition all this time with the jurors putting their lives on hold etc is a recipie for disaster. JMO. And not disagreeing with you.

...posting cuz not showing her face now is FUTILE!

well I doubt she would be testifying about what a horrible upbringing Jodi had at the hands of her mother. no way she could do that after sitting next to her having a happy ol' time.....
Was she wearing that jacket earlier? Ummmmmm

no had no jacket on before. A couple of pictures - before jury comes back in after the LONG break. And then #2 Jodi handing a paper to MS


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  • Penalty Jodi hands over paper to MS.jpg
    Penalty Jodi hands over paper to MS.jpg
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Hmph! I wonder how Nurmi felt hearing Travis Alexander's siblings talking HIM and JA dragging thei brother' name through the mud. :stormingmad:
So guys, really: what do folks gain by going psycho on this Patti person? I'm sorry, I just don't get why she is catching all this flack for doing what she believes to be fair. We don't have to agree, but seriously wth is it with this aim for public lynching anyone and anything remotely connected to the killer? I have shared on other trials with you and I have never, ever seen so much vitriol. Makes me super sad. :(

Seems to me they can't win. Damn if they do, damn if they don't. I am NOT, repeat, NOT trying to start an argument and I am not "posting at someone" so to speak. I love and respect all of you and your opinions. This trial has just really showed me a side to WS I hadn't seen before, and it has me sad and boo :(

Peace and coffee, y'all.

I just think we are all frustrated. It has been a long 4 months and so much longer and so much more painful for the Alexanders. IMO we just want it over for them.
I think she is blackmailing him with info she has that could affect his custody battle. Like maybe she warned him that if he did not support her she would tell his ex something that could affect him in court when he tries to keep partial custody. JMO

Welp...I am quite certain that unless she has concrete proof, no one is going to take JA seriously. In or out of the courtroom.


Has anyone kept up with the actual working trial hours vs. sitting around twiddling thumbs hours ratio in this trial?

All I know is that this poor jury has been jerked around and kept in the dark for 5 months now.
They know NOTHING about why all these delays.
They show up every court day ... on time and ready to go.
They return after breaks/lunches at appointed time ... Only to repeatedly get sent back out of the courtroom at sit and wait for HOURS and then called back in and told to report back Monday.

Terrible for the Alexanders too of course, but I think Juan can fill them in a bit about the delays & they are usually called back to judges chambers during these closed door meetings with attorneys & JA and judge.
Not great that they are subject to these delays either.

But the JURY ??
They are getting yanked around like yo-yo's and don't have a clue as to when this might possibly end.
God Bless them.
paper bags??????

is she making masks for her friends to wear when they testify?


the bags are probably filled with all the commissary that "didn't arrive" for the "indigent girls less fortunate" than her.:) moo
Wise move defense. Let the jury sit and think about TA's family impact statements over the weekend.

I think at this point the DT is just as ready to get this over with as everyone else. I suspect the latest delay was beyond their control.
Does the state have to pay for the DT's witness's (Patti Womack and Darryl Brewer) accommodation and travel costs as well or do PW and DB have to pay for their own travel/accommodation in AZ etc?

Anyone there as a direct result of participating in the DT's case has their expenses provided for...I'm sure there is a limit per day for hotel, food, etc. though
So guys, really: what do folks gain by going psycho on this Patti person? I'm sorry, I just don't get why she is catching all this flack for doing what she believes to be fair. We don't have to agree, but seriously wth is it with this aim for public lynching anyone and anything remotely connected to the killer? I have shared on other trials with you and I have never, ever seen so much vitriol. Makes me super sad. :(

Seems to me they can't win. Damn if they do, damn if they don't. I am NOT, repeat, NOT trying to start an argument and I am not "posting at someone" so to speak. I love and respect all of you and your opinions. This trial has just really showed me a side to WS I hadn't seen before, and it has me sad and boo :(

Peace and coffee, y'all.

Yes. It looks like instead of being people seeking justice for Travis, we are seeking vengeance on all those who know or are associated with is killer. This is a great site. But attacking people that are just part of the process or are trying to help her is nothing more than bullying. It looks so bad...

We are better than this!
What's the mother going to do, go to court and be like "well ur honor Jodi Arias told me that one time at band camp Darrel...." :floorlaugh: but I think you are right kinda.. I wonder if he feels responsible for her behavior or something.

I think she might be holding something over his head that she could tell LE. She did go to his house right before her trip and borrowed gas cans. Maybe she got bullets from him or something like that and threatened to disclose it to Flores.
*Samantha and Steven had to have felt totally drained after their statements this morning yet they were forced to sit around for hours.

*All this BS regarding JA's witnesses should have been nailed down before this afternoon.

*For all of you that live in Arizona the cost of this trial is reason enough to scream to high heaven.

And for whoever is going to tell me to calm down, and justice works this way, I say BS! Disgusting, every last wasted minute of it.

Once again... It's a GD circus.

On another note... I'm glad the jurors heard only from Travis' brother and sister today... You know their poignant words will resonate with them all weekend.
I'm really on fire here...I probably need to be saved but here is my thought on not wanting to be shown on camera. Give them a choice

Put a bag on their head while testifying or

don't let them testify...their choice

With little eye holes cut out on them!:floorlaugh: The visual!
Defendant too drugged to assist counsel?

She was trashed! AZLawyer, do bailiffs/attorneys do that with defendants when defendants get out of hand?

Here is a tweet from just after the cameras stopped rolling:

Camille Kimball ‏@CamilleKimball 23m

Now WLMT is kneeling on the floor, talking at eye level to seated #JODIARIAS
Dunno. Maybe friend Patty wafted in smelling of eau de herb? (Listen, I'm an old hippie and know the drill, but there's a time and a place and court aint' it!)

Maybe DB had a "come to Jesus" moment and decided: "Hell NO! This b#itch dumped my azz! What was I thinking?!"?

Or JA had another meltdown and they shot her full of horse tranquilizers?

All of the above?
I'm filling in "D" all of the above on my bubble sheet.
In your frustration, don't miss the absolute beauty of today. Today, Travis spoke and ONLY Travis. For whatever reason, JA knew she could not touch that. It was a reverent thing to watch Travis' siblings stand for his honor, integrity, and character today. To me, today was sacred in so many ways. I am grateful that events ended up to make this day miraculously all about Travis today. No one else got to take that away. The jury will go home thinking about who Travis really was. When they come back Monday, JA's stuff will seem pretty cheap in comparison.

Today, was a day just for Travis. It is a long time coming.

AMEN! I said earlier I felt Travis took over for Steven was awesome
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