Penalty Phase #12

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Lots of outfits and lots of makeup and don't forget about the jewelry.

But seriously, IIRC HLN reported on CMJA's jail visitor list several weeks back and the mit. spec had visited with JA quite often. Like you said, it's not just JW and KN, MdLR played an important part throughout the case and if there was a strategic failure, she is to blame as well. She and JA have been buddy-buddy, cuddly-cuddly, kissy-kissy all along so I would imagine she has a delusionally spun perspective of her client and I can't figure out why or how she hasn't been able to get family and friends to testify. Or how she's been unable to put together a case at this point. That's her entire job.

Sadly, the mitigation specialist reminds of the meme "You had one job". She has had over 100 hours @ $100 an hour and I don't see where she has done much. But then again, she really doesn't have much to work with, now does she?
Why is nancy grace acting confused about who the pics sold to wasnt it her and Hln? I'm confused?
Not that it matters but I wonder how many shirts they will be left with. Oops

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And on another note...
Let's say you DO support JA and bought a shirt. I don't care how much conviction you have, how brave you are, how much belief you have in her innocence....would you dare wear that shirt in public?

I would estimate about 99% of people who are aware of this trial at all would be like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat you are pro JA?!?! :notgood:
Daryl Brewer says that he doesn't think that Jodi's defense even made an effort to find mitigation witnesses.
The wake of devastation that this thing(JA) has left is incomprehensible. I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime of 48 years.

Well in your 48 years on this earth we've had so many devastating murders...believe it or not some even more encompassing than the Arias case -- murders where multiple people were slaughtered, small children, pregnant women and murders that took longer than 1 or 2 minutes. To name a few: Manson Family, Jeffrey MacDonald, Diane Downs, various serial killers like BTK, Hillside Stranglers, Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, the Petit family murders...gosh the list could go on and on and on. All murders are horrible and all families are devastated. When children are involved or babies or pregnant just doubles and triples the grief and devastation.

Arias' crime, while horrible, is kind of somewhere in the middle of the spectrum if one looks across a continuum of murders and murderers. That's not to make light of what Travis went through, not at all.
So Patti needs to take the 5th, and Nurmi spins that to say her life has been threatened? Okay...
JVM just said that DB was at the hotel she and crew were at, and he was ready and willing to to take the stand for Jodi but the defense did not call him.

Interesting word he used about this in the interview. He said he was "stalled"...which makes me wonder if his testimony was undecided until Nurmi's little fit. They didn't tell DB it was off, but didn't want him in the courthouse where he could be called either.
Jodi would absolutely want her family to testify on her behalf simply because it looks terrible to the jury that they're all in court yet notwilling to testify for her and because she has not one single other soul who will testify for her. Jodi's problem is that during the trial she threw every one of her family members under the bus with ugly aligations against them that each of them would be cross examined about and would either have to tell the truth that jodi lied and made up ugly things about her family members that she testified to (which hardly shows her in a good light and actually shows her in such a bad light that it would be more of a reason to give her the death penalty), or they would have to purger themselves in court.

The simple fact is that because Jodi chose to lie about her family members in court by making up terrible accusations against them that not a one of them CAN testify on her behalf whether they or Jodi would want to. The only people the defense was able to scrape up to testify for her were two people that bailed out when they found out they would be cross examined and anything unsavory about them would be brought out. I think the fact that they actually went to court ready to testify and suddenly bailed out shows that the defense didn't warn them about cross examination or they would have refused to testify when asked, and the defense would be stuck with no one to testify for Jodi that they could claim had ever existed.

I also find it surprising that not a word was said by the defense as to why DB wasn't testifying either since in Nurmi's closing he said there would be two people testifying on her behalf. He made up an excuse for PW but said nothing about DB, and the jury has to be wondering why he isn't testifying either.

At THIS point Jodi would give her eye teeth for ANYONE to testify on her behalf, and both her and the defense team should have thought about that before they allowed her to throw every person in her family under the bus during trial particularly since it wasn't necessary.

Isn't part of the mitigation specialist's job to vet out and work with possible defense mitigation witnesses and prepare them for what they will be testifying to and facing in cross examination? IMO if the mitigation specialist was doing her job thoroughly all of this backing out could have been avoided; either the defense would have known well before their opening statement in the penalty phase that the witness was going to back out OR they would have worked with the witness adequately to make her/him feel able to testify and prepared to handle cross such that she/he wouldn't panic at the last minute and back out.
So DB was there today as per HLN producer and wasn't called at the last, that just proves the temper tantrum Nurmi pulled.

I think the DT couldn't care less about DB. He was just collateral damage from what they pulled today.
The word he used was that he was "stalled". WTH does that mean?

I think he was impatiently waiting for the defense to tell him if he was testifying or not--he said he wasted the day last Thursday due to their "antics" & he spent a lot of money flying to court twice.

So the defense threw that fit just because Patty W didn't bother to even show up? How is that Juan's fault?
Angela arias wearing Survivor tshirt was a statement of the familys defiance
The court is bound to demand of a convicted felon such as Arias, what she has to say as to why the court should not proceed to to judgment against her. That demand is the allocution (also known as the allocutus) & is entered on the record.

The Moon will be 13°16' Libra when Arias is scheduled for this allocution, and that is a degree of crisis, matters coming to a fraught culmination. The Moon will be moving in the House of her statement, H. 3 and it will be peregrine, i.e., in a Sign where she has no standing. The content of her response to the challenge of allocution will be irrelevant, aimless, pointless & off base because peregrine. None the less, what she has to say will cohere with her self-appreciation because the Moon will trine dispositor Venus in perfect harmony. Deep in her interior, she will be sounding an ode to self, a Jodi Ann love song. Goddess of the bubble bath, the same. A font of talent, a bruised beauty, martyred by a life of abuse. Are you buying? Is anyone?

Not sure what you just said...but it sounds good. I am serious, I do not follow all the astrology talk. But I get that Jodi will be all narcissistic and I believe that.

You know what I took away from this interview. Suggestions that inmate Arias was influenced by religion and industry in a negative way. Somehow, this strong, loving and responsible "girl" had been "cult-ified" or brain washed in some way by PPL and Mormonism. Not so strong or normal if she could do a excorcist style, 360 in less than a year.

I can extraoplate just a little further here and imagine that it is likely that DB would have gotten up there on that stand and insinuated and implied that Travis was the reason for inmate Arias' fall from "normal" :banghead::banghead::banghead:. As he was the person she converted to Mormonism for. These people are sickening, just sickening IMO

Jeez, does the blame and lack of accountability never end--I seriously fear the future of our country if we don't bring back the importance of personal accountability and responsiblity to the community (each other).
I think he was impatiently waiting for the defense to tell him if he was testifying or not--he said he wasted the day last Thursday due to their "antics" & he spent a lot of money flying to court twice.

So the defense threw that fit just because Patty W didn't bother to even show up? How is that Juan's fault?

Did you notice how he said he wouldn't want to be on that jury? I am thinking he is thankful Jodi will be locked away but is also saying she changed from the girl he thought he knew.
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