Penalty Phase #13

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When the people that support JA lie to the jury, or lie in interviews, I think they are fair game to be criticized. If they got up, and in spite of caring for Jodi, told the whole truth, I would not have one problem with them.

Darryl lied about remembering phone calls, gas tanks, and trip to Mesa, and what about the remote?? IMO.
That means their argument about intimidation is bogus. And they know it.

Womack backed out because she could NOT say Jodi had a horrible childhood thus blowing the "family abandonment" claim out the window. They didn't like what was gonna be left standing once she actually withstood cross.

So then I think they just decided to choreograph this strategy- they being Jodi and Nurmi IMO. And they called in their little media friend to make it happen. How many times have we heard Nurmi claim the jury is watching the media in this trial? And so they put Brewer out there, the very night before jury will deliberate, with no cross, with soft ball questions orchestrated by Michael Kiefer. It's so obvious I'm surprised it took me this long to figure it out.

And Nurmi has the nerve to stand up in court and talk the ears off a wooden Indian, whining and moaning about the media, when they are the ones using the media. Effing hypocrites!

Nothing about this trial has been right. This is not justice. This obnoxious slaughterer and her scheme team have turned a court of law into a circus, than had the gall to try and blame it on the state.

They all need to go away forever. I'm so sick of the three of them.

Just MHOO.
What we saw yesterday, frankly, was probably NOTHING compared to what has gone on in chambers, outside the presence of cameras and of the jury. The DT asked to have yesterday's proceedings televised and I don't think it had anything to do with him or Wilmott. It had EVERYTHING to do with Jodi Arias.

The lines that were similar to her TV interview. The quip about "9 days out of 10, I don't like JA" in his closing. The weird, silly questions by JW to some of the witnesses, IMO, were ALL from Jodi. SHE has been running this show from the beginning. She has taken charge of this defense team and said, "This is how it's going to be done. This is what you are going to say. This is what you are going to ask. This is what we are going to do."

I'm sure Nurmi & JW are profoundly embarrassed professionally. I don't believe Nurmi's frustration yesterday was directed at the judge or at Juan. I believe it was directed at his client. He has well-respected attorneys on HLN & other networks questioning his strategy of not putting her mom or grandmother on the stand and not jumping off the borderline personality diagnosis. The truth is: he can't because Jodi will not let him.

I think he DID have a penalty phase strategy. I also think it got shot down by the person it was designed to help. Nurmi's legal expertise is no match for Jodi's narcissism. And that would make anybody pitch a fit after a few years.

All just my opinion, of course.
The emergency petition is the real reason she didn't allocute yesterday apparently. I suspected they'd pull a last hail mary. ;) Looking even more forward to jury deliberations going forward today. :biggrin:
I think it is obvious that DB is still in love with Jodi. Had she stayed with him I do think he would have ended up marrying her.
ShadyLady: When the people that support JA lie to the jury, or lie in interviews, I think they are fair game to be criticized. If they got up, and in spite of caring for Jodi, told the whole truth, I would not have one problem with them.

Darryl lied about remembering phone calls, gas tanks, and trip to Mesa, and what about the remote?? IMO.


Agreed. And when you put yourself out in the public eye, doing interviews, hey, fair game.
Remember back when JA was testilying during her 18 day off Broadway production and she said "we" a couple of times? We were all wondering who "we" was and were hoping Juan would ask.

I still want to know!
Could the DT's performance yesterday be seen as playing the sympathy card for Jodi?
so they did file an emergency petition?
GoAskAllie: Did you watch/listen to his interview? DB explained why he chose to go on camera after requesting that his face not be shown during his testimony. Nothing nefarious about it, IMO.

I've seen two of his interviews but didn't hear that. Is there yet another one floating around? Or is there a full-length one with all of this stuff in it? TIA.
I followed the original link that someone had posted here, and then each interview segment played consecutively without me having to do anything. Every interview is broken down into a series of minis--frustrating! I believe this is the link that I listened to (six segments).
TxProfessional: So what does everyone think, will she...

not give a statement today
ask for the death penalty
make a ver long statement
say I'm sorry

I think she'll give a short statement asking for life, but her apology will be another passive agressive dig at Travis: I am SO sorry I was put in the position to have to take Travis's life!

Not a real apology ever, til she dies she won't say she's sorry.
I don't really care about the age-difference between JA and DB. I've known wonderful couples with age differences of 30 years and more. I don't even care if DB still loves JA. If he feels affection towards a savage murderer then I pity him but it doesn't concern me.

My only concern regarding DB is that he was not an honest witness and is still trying to stand in the way of Truth. This wasn't a fair trial? He got that right. A fair trial would mean not bashing the poor, murdered victim without any proof whatsoever. The Judge has gone above and beyond the call of duty (with no gratitude from the Defense) for JA. If this had been a fair trial then JA would have been convicted of first-degree murder years ago and would already be rotting away on death row.
I think when DB testified off camera, he was trying to protect his son. That son is now 14 years old. I think he thought he could remain anonymous, but in fact, everyone knew he was "the DB", including his son and his sons' friends and school. There was no chance of anonymity. I would like to think that DB discussed his 'face time' interview in advance with both is son and his son's mother. Everything I have read or heard of DB shows he was/is a good conscientious father. I think after discussions with his family and their approval he went ahead of this interview. Do I think the DT used him and he may regret this decision, absolutely, but he has perhaps taught his son a good life lesson in the meantime, stand up for what 'you' believe and stay true to your friends. Who am I to judge. Surely tho he is just a pawn in the DT antics and doesn't realize it yet, imo.
Defense teams everywhere who have the ability to have wide media attention do use the media. This is not the first time by far, it won't be the last time. Yes, attorneys will stand up in court and wax poetically and dramatically about how their client can't get a fair trial! They'll stomp their feet for emphasis. They'll give media interviews if they can get away with it, saying the same thing! Anyone watch the OJ Simpson trial (1995)? How about the Drew Peterson trial? It happened ad nauseum during the Brad Cooper murder trial (2011). Why the shock like this is the first.time.this.has.ever.happened? It's been going on as long as there's been a media.

People claim to abhor shows like HLN yet their numbers and ratings couldn't be higher. Trash sells. Conspiracy sells. Sex sells. Trashy sex sells. Even little old ladies will cover their eyes (peeking through their fingers just like JA did), claim they've never been so disgusted, and then continue to watch and describe every little thing they saw that was just so disgusting. Bottomline: Many people love it. They just do. They want more! More drama! More reasons to be disgusted! MORE!
My dh thinks JA will get the DP, I think she will get LWOP and if I'm right, she will have to pay for any appeals with her own money, is that correct? TIA
When a witness lies on the stand, should we dismiss this because they are not the defendant, they are just testifying for her?

If family members sit in the courtroom and laugh and smile and smirk while the victim's family are admonished to make no expressions, should they be off limits for comments, since they are not the perp, they are just related?

I didn't understand this forum to be limited to discussing only the defendant. It seems to me anything that goes on the courtroom is fair game for discussion, so why are we not allowed to have opinions about these other components of this case?

Yes. We should be able to follow the trial and comment without attacking people. Belittling them and making rude comments about them. We have no idea what CMJA's family was talking about, laughing about, smirking about.. We don't. You can make up something in your mind but for all we know, someone next to them farted and they laughed. Who knows... But we don't know facts. That is what we should limit ourselves to.

ALV, Samuels, were less than credible, for sure but that is all that should be discussed, Not anything else. We don't have to stoop to their level. We don't have to make fun of them, or destroy them. Just discuss the aspects that are legal.

It takes away from the validity of the cause. Justice.

It is a tough case, And emotional case. But we need to stand strong and be solid. Not skirt in the mire.
Good morn all!

I woke up with a gut feeling that there would be more drama today.
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