Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

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I was on a home visit with a client that I have had for almost a year. I see her several times a week. Today, she made a funny comment..."My goodness, you're popular!" and she laughed. My cell had been beeping almost continuously since I had arrived. I explained that I am getting tweets from Vinnie Politan and other friends about this trial I have been following and that we are in verdict watch for the death penalty....
The look on her face was priceless....She said, "Oh you mean Jodi Arias? That women needs to die and fast!" OMG. Neither of us had a clue that we were both following the trial so closely LOL
Needless to say, for the next hour our mouths were going like a duck's behind in pokeberry season! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
There are so many rumors going around right now. I think we should be careful what we post as fact.
It seems she is really clueless as to how she is perceived by 99% of the population. Has everyone somehow kept that from her?

She's more than fully aware. That's just her saying up yours. It's gamesmanship.

I don't know, she looked genuinely confused when he asked if bringing the T-shirts was such a good idea. :waitasec: He was great!
Oh Lord.

Got home from work, went on Facebook and heard.

Great. if they cannot come to a unanimous decision...another jury...and if they can't decide...then the judge does.

This is the never ending trial.

Wonder how many for and how many against.

The judge does not sentence her to death.

She is limited to LWOP.
I've thought JA's tried to portray her prison self as Karla Faye Tucker who WAS executed even though she had reformed herself.
I just got an email notice that my county is under a severe thunder storm warning, so I am signing off for a while. If there is a verdict, I will be back, but I don't hold out much hope for that happening today.
Well, we just hit the time I was predicting they would come back with a verdict.

However, the longer they are out now, I think the better the chances are they will reach a verdict.

i think they very much want to reach a verdict. and hey, they haven't given up!!! it's been hours since she sent them back out and they're still working.
I guess we shouldn't read too much into facial expressions. I thought JA looked very nervous and scared when talking to Willmott today. She must be delighted.
Gross. Just saw a preview for Jodi's interview tonight on lifetime. I though she said the Alexander family would not have to see her ever again? So much for that...

When her lips are moving, lies are proceeding.
Guys, seriously don't you think this was a clarification question rather than saying they were actually hung. THINK about it, this jury has asked 100's of questions throughout this trial, why would they just throw in the towel so easily??? It really doesn't make sense...

From the footage, the judge's own words:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have received your note stating that you are unable to come to a unanimous decision."

AZ Central has been replaying it:

She then went on to give them suggestions and sent them back to deliberate some more.
Just got email from katiecoolady she's outside with the family. She knows our prayers are coming to them.
anyone remember how long it took for ol' scooter peterson's jury to give him the DP?
OMG I love this! Ryan Owens is my hero! I wish all the interviews could go like this and maybe she would shut her gross diseased trap!

Oh that is exactly what I said about Ryan while watching this bullhonkey from JA. She is a diva that's for sure. So glad he asked the tough questions. I wish the jury could see this while deliberating!
Reporters are getting bored:


I take that back it's Mario the security guy. Thanks for the clarification! I'm bad with names but very good with salmon and food #JodiArias

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Mike the security guy just told everyone to keep it down out here. Thank you Mike, I need some shut eye! #JodiArias

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Still in hallway up on the 5th floor. It's so loud in here you couldn't hear 50 salmon drop. #JodiArias

Jodi will soon learn that life in County Jail is a Country Club compared to life in Maximum Security PRISON.

I just don't believe that. She has already gotten in jailhouse fight(s)....she already slaughtered an innocent man....she is psychopath and certainly no little fragile mouse. I believe she will be a danger to other inmates. I don't believe for one minute that she would not hesitate to shank someone who pisses her off. she also is a master manipulator and will have other inmates wrapped around her finger. i totally believe she will be queen bee. ive seen her manipulation work here, with talking heads and probably the jury right now. she is good. reeeeally good at her craft.

she will do just fine in prison. those around her, probably not so much.

again, I sound like a broken record, but she will have many privileges that will allow her to adapt to prison life. SHE is the threat. not others. in fact, we have already seen her jail cell. i guarantee her prison cell will be MUCH better. she will have her own TV with cable, storage cabinets for all her "stuff", a window (she doesn't have that now) according to a recent news report, and so on......the local news station showed a picture of what her future cell will look like. it looked like a college dorm room. her current jail cell right now does not.

and that is why she needs to D I E.

.....IMO of course.
how Jodi threatened to drag Travis's name through the mud unless she got a deal with a light sentence. I think that pretty much illustrates what this "person" is. I just feel beyond sad for that poor family. I feel bad for the jury too. But if they thought they couldn't do the job there were ways out. We can't have them slacking off now.

So true gauntlet.
I know it's not right ... I wish the jury had a clue of the round of interviews and make-up demands, etc by JA.
She playing this jury ... Same 'ol JA ... Always playing the system & people, always manipulating and scheming.
JA is poison ... Evil to the core and without a human soul.
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