Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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I know-That is why I wanted to ask a mod first

and not post until I knew for sure

Well, what about a hint. I can't read lips for the life of me. I have viewed it a couple times. i don't have a clue.
I know - it's horrible to hear.
My English Setter was diagnosed with cancer. They said he had 6- 9 months left.
He lived almost 10 more years to age 14.
Miracles do happen.

sorry o/t but please tell me you named that cat "Charlie"

perfect chaplin 'stach :floorlaugh:

Before I post what they are talking about in the video

I need to ask a mod if I can post first

cause I know what they are discussing


:please: let us know ... the suspense is killing me ...

Oh, they both KNOW that that camera is ON THEM !

I am going to err on the side of caution here

and not post what they are talking about

I centerainly don't want to get anyone in trouble

I love WS to much
Good thinking!! I alerted a mod for you!!:seeya:
thanks SyraKelly!

I know-That is why I wanted to ask a mod first

and not post until I knew for sure
I am going to err on the side of caution here

and not post what they are talking about

I centainly don't want to get anyone in trouble

I love WS to much
If this is re: lip reading JA talking to attorney, IMO (not a mod or lawyer, just lay person who doesn't want to jeopardize a trial or WS forum) I would not speculate. Attorney-client privilege is sacred and WS's could get in some sort of trouble? MOO

Do this S_e i_ G_i_y a_ Hel_
Well, what about a hint. I can't read lips for the life of me. I have viewed it a couple times. i don't have a clue.

I can't read lips either but after watching I was left with the impression that JW is explaining WHY they might have asked the question that they did. She seemed to be explaining something procedural about how they are to come to a verdict. My two cents.

2 points:

1. to claim that nobody would have believed her had she actually apologized, something the killer and several talking heads have claimed, is pathetic. it irks me to hear that. if you're sorry, you apologize because apologizing is the right thing to do. period. she has no remorse.

2. i hope the hold outs on that jury who are worried about ''killing'' someone will realize, before it's too late, that if they fail to return a death sentence for the cretin, they very well may be issuing a death sentence to the younger brother of travis alexander. because it was glaringly apparent that this man is broken, and personally, i believe it quite possible that his welfare and maybe even survival depend on the proper end.

perhaps i'm less patient than the rest. but i'm getting ticked. when you take the AZ formula of aggravating vs mitigating factors for determining life or death, they should have come back within 60 minutes with a death verdict. (and this is from someone who doesn't even like the dp.)

Before I post what they are talking about in the video

I need to ask a mod if I can post first

cause I know what they are discussing


Yes - best to ask. As much as we want to know, we don't want you to get a TO.
Maybe you can Private Message a Mod. I don't see one on the thread right now.
I doubt they will let you post anything if it has been sealed by the court.
Thank you, anyway :seeya:
If this is re: lip reading JA talking to attorney, IMO (not a mod or lawyer, just lay person who doesn't want to jeopardize a trial or WS forum) I would not speculate. Attorney-client privilege is sacred and WS's could get in some sort of trouble? MOO

As much as I would like to know, I have to agree. Perhaps you could just tell us if they were happy with what was going on, but not give away anymore than that. :dunno:
Crap. Just boarded our next flight to DC!!

Well fellow WS'ers if the verdict comes in while I'm inflight have faith that no matter what sentence Jodi gets she won't be able to talk herself out of the one she will get in the next life. Saint Peter will have none of it.

Hugs and I will check in when we touch down a little before 7 DC time.
You know, this trial is teaching me some things about myself. I would say I oppose the death penalty but I find myself kind of rooting for it here. Maybe it's because there is absolutely no doubt that she alone committed this horrible act and feels no remorse whatsoever. I don 't feel that I hate her or that I want revenge. And I will feel justice has been done if she gets LWOP.

It's sort of unnerving to find my views so fluid. Hell, I even felt kind of sad the day they nuked Ted Bundy and I had been a Seattle resident, in his target demographic, during his crime wave and had long been terrified of "Ted". So what is it about Jodi that makes me so ambivalent?

It was jaw-dropping to hear her flip response about whether she'd be a threat to society if released. If anyone ever thought MAYBE she had killed in self defense, that showed how cold and uncaring she is. Yeah, just don't abuse me and you will be fine. This fits with her story about why she had the 9mm fun; hey, I figured out how easy it is to kill someone! So don't cross me. Any normal human who had been forced to harm another would surely be saying, it was horrible, I wish I had never left California, society is safe from me because I would be so careful never to be in a situation like that again - SOMETHING that illustrated an understanding of the horror of the situation. She feels NOTHING. It's like Travis was a gnat.

We keep saying we wish the jury could see these interviews but IMO they don't need to. They have her number; they had 18 days of her BS, and I am sure they didn't buy her audition the other day. If they are hesitating over anything, it may be over hurting her family more. But since they are DP-qualified, I suspect they are taking pains to do this RIGHT.
Great post and boy to I relate to the sentiments you expressed. I'm opposed to the death penalty as a general rule, however I must admit that I find myself willing the jury to agree to it here if only to see the expression on her face when the verdict is read, then put into cuffs and immediately hauled off to Perryville Prison. Of course I also believe that the State effectively dismantled the mitigation factors put forth by Willmott and Jodi's allocution, so if the jury sentences her to death, I completely get it and hope that it provides the Alexander family the peace of mind they seek and deserve. I admit to feeling somewhat hypocritical that I'm hoping for a death verdict in this case given my general position on capital punishment. Then I remind myself that JA effectively "murdered" Travis all over again with her lies during the trial and the continued attempts to assassinate his character in her post-conviction interviews. What bothers me the most is that she has neither shown nor does she feel any genuine remorse for killing him, and worse, she takes pleasure in tormenting his family.

That said, I would also respect a jury verdict of life. As I have said in previous posts, I believe Judge Stephens will give her LWOP if it comes down to it.
I just watched the video and I feel devastated. I believe they are hung, and this will go on and on.

Please, someone talk me down.
I am going to err on the side of caution here

and not post what they are talking about

I centainly don't want to get anyone in trouble

I love WS to much

I think that is a good decision.. Thanks SyraKelly :seeya:
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