Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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what's with all the jc bashing in here? she's an expert, a former attorney, and more often than not, her observations prove to be true. oh.....and another thing, i'd bet money beth k would agree with my assessment.

I find that JC is almost always wrong. I don't care what her qualifications are but she's like the person that says '2+2=3' or 'the sky is never blue.' She wants to go against the grain just because...
I respectfully disagree. More often than not JC's observations mean nothing.

And I would swear I've seen Beth Karas dead-panning the monitor when one of her colleagues goes off the deep end with their speculation. Beth reports the facts and doesn't dramatize. She's trustworthy. There have been times I just know she wanted to roll her eyes, but she's professional.

Just MHOO.

perhaps they mean nothing to you, but that is not the same as her observations being inaccurate. in fact, BIG, HUGE difference.
99 bottles of beer on the wall...
99 bottles of beer!
Take one down...
Pass it around...
Watching Amy Murphy interview the convicted murderer last night, it was once again so obvious that when Arias delivers a whopper, not an equivocation but a thumping huge lie, she gulps. This has been true throughout her newscasts as well as on the stand. Like, wow! that was hard to swallow.
Yes, it's creepy. I'll be SO happy when I never hear her say "welllll" or "aaand" again. Ugh.
Yeah, he (Keifer) tweeted that he knew "what the note said".

He put it in print - I was curious so I asked about this in our Legal Questions Thread - Read all of Page 82 - Here is what he put in article:

"The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18. "

Just so happens, the quoted part above has now gone mysteriously missing from the article - It appears someone edited his article at 12:55 a.m.

Very interesting, indeed.....
I couldn't do it, I just know I couldn't.

My DD asked me once if I would feel differently about the DP if someone killed her. I had to answer honestly; "I just don't know. Maybe".

But while I do agree it OUGHT to be objective, I also agree with your point that as human beings, we can't ever be truly objective. Our life experiences color and shape the way we see the world. A juror who lost a loved one to a stalker or drunk driver might have very little conflict over voting Death. A person like me, who has only lost loved ones to accidents or disease or age, can't fathom voting to end another person's life no matter how awful the murder.

I guess it is just that while I can feel empathy for the victim's family, I can't EVER know their pain in a real way and I hope I never do. Again, it is an example of how our experiences form our views. And I do try to "never say never".

But my heart goes out to these jurors for having to make this choice. I doubt I'd sleep a wink. :(

The court's public information office tweeted an update that matched up with the Juror question that Kiefer reported (the "IF" we can't reach a unanimous verdict) not what we saw the Judge say before she gave the jury the Allen charge.

Makes sense that the question was made public because it was a procedural question, not specific to the case. Today's question may have related to the trial, specifically, and that would be why it is sealed. Dunno for sure, but makes sense to me.
Will they be deliberating tomorrow or Monday (Memorial Day)? Also, is there somewhere I can sign up for text alerts?
Yeah...and....we've never seen Beth chasing anyone through the parking lot either.

do you honestly believe that's because she would not do it if her job demanded it? and do you honestly believe that because you've never seen it, it's never happened?

wow, people.
How in the world, did a case that seemed so cut and dry with hard cold facts and evidence turn into this media circus and has lasted 5 months?? I don't get it.
I broke my finger when I tripped this morning - what a way to go into a holiday weekend!!! Never have had a broken bone.
Ha.. There's a picture on The Support Travis' Family FB page of WAT

'tis funny :crazy:
It was with a female interviewer--maybe the first interview? I didn't see the entire interview (no way am I going to watch any of them in their entirety), just a clip from it on HLN.

BTW: It's funny that we all hate HLN (except for Mark Eiglarsh), yet we watch it!

Um. . .I don't watch it! I can't stand the sensationalism and the advertising. I have a friend who watches it though.

...and I laughed so hard when WSers were making jokes about the pocket hose, because my friend recently mentioned the pocket hose to me--what it was, how she wanted one, etc.. !!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
:banghead: I am STUCK in the house, got wind gusts up to 45 mph, dust blowing everywhere outside, BF has HLN on in the living room, area has been "red flagged" for extreme fire danger, (not the living room, the County! LOL) and I'm going stir crazy!!!! Guess Wild feels the same......
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
hWild is feeling like he is in an insane asylum. #goingCrazy

It's about 2:30 Arizona time, hmm, wondering if the jurors think that if they come back today, they will be criticized for getting it done because of the holiday weekend? Like those people in Florida a few years back?
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
Breaking news: Just instructed that there are vending machines on floor 2 and 3 and we should not use the jury vending machines. #JodiArias

Maybe someone should apply Jodi-logic to JA: "Just because you paint doesn't mean you're a painter."

Or just because you get a hair cut does not mean you donate to locks of love.
He put it in print - I was curious so I asked about this in our Legal Questions Thread - Read all of Page 82 - Here is what he put in article:

"The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18. "

Just so happens, the quoted part above has now gone mysteriously missing from the article - It appears someone edited his article at 12:55 a.m.

Very interesting, indeed.....

In twitter, he said he actually saw the juror's note.

Things that make you go hmmmm.....
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