Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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I felt Troy Hayden's indignation. He did redeem himself in my eyes by taking charge of the interview and leaving no doubt that her "word" was no big deal. Ten minutes and he was done. Jodi was really surprised and I think embarrased/enraged. Good. I hope she thinks about it all night long.

I agree with you totally. I think ol Troy did a good job this time around. And after he interviewed her, he basically went out and bashed the hell outta her, saying that her infatuation with the media had done her absolutely no good. I didn't like how he soft balled his 1st interview with her, but he made up for it this time. She's still repulsive though, no matter who interviews her. What a waste of oxygen.
after watching her interview with Troy, she got snippy and had some anger moments. When he asked "why are you talking to the media?"

her answer "Why are you talking to me?"

lord, he better get someone to walk him to his car...

I really wanna hear Janine Driver do a post mortem on this interview.
My only disappointment... Troy had better interview BUT better lighting... Mikes made her more haggish. I don't want to likes mikes but I kinda do...only for that reason!
Scott Peterson got DP and he was convicted with only circumstantial evidence. He had a very smart educated jury. Jodi has practically an all male jury and I think males are more forgiving towards her.
As a male I almost feel insulted by this. The sex and looks of a perp makes not one iota of difference to me, the act she committed was brutal and inhumane, and the autopsy photos far outweigh any sex appeal you may think she has on the male population. JMHO.
Well, the interviews went downhill , for Jodi, starting with Troy. She was not happy with the questions in the second one, that guy really burned her with the wording of his questions- I LOVED IT!

ETA I liked the first part of the interview with Mark- he made her sound like a crazed lunatic. :)

I didn't like the questions from Keifer. If that guy put his head any farther up J A's you know what, we'd have to report him as missing.
BBM1~ Oh yes, she knows she will get the DP tomorrow. Live with that Jodi!

BBM2~ Mom.

I'm so glad I watched these even though she irritates me to no end!

IMO she was scared to death today... She is cool as a cucumber on camera, but was shaking and stammering in front of the jury and the Alexander's. not one sentence was said from memory let alone a true sentiment. Who wrote that for her?

What are your thoughts on Jodi's seductive, prowler moves on Troy?


..that pretty much sums up my sentiments on her seductive, slutty, perverted nature!! I've been sick to my stomach all day!

This morning I thought she looked like she thought she was in the "Miss Construe Pageant"!!! She is so clueless to reality and the way we perceive her...

I think we should make shirts that say "SureLiar" and sell them to make money for the Alexander's ... I about fell off my chair when she whipped out that t-shirt!

She has no class.. And I stand by my first impression of her... She looks like a cheap call girl from the red light district!!
During these "interviews," I want ONE REPORTER to call her out on her lies. It's soooo obvious to me whenever she starts lying. Why don't they say, "Jodi I can tell you're lying to me now" and see what she says. Stop her mid-sentense with "jodi, jodi, jodi, you're lying right now. Be straight with me. I can tell you're lying." AGGHHHHH!!!!!!! Jurors please please pleae know the jury are the ONLY ONES who can stand up her. No one else except Juan was trying to make her accountable for her lies.

Sickening and disgusting.
I really wanna hear Janine Driver do a post mortem on this interview.

Me too!
KCL, how are you? The Alexanders?
It made me sick listening to JA's drivel on the tv. I can't imagine having to sit through it in person.
Thankfully, this will be over very soon.
Wishing Travis' family and friends (and all who have been there through this endless trial) some time to exhale, catch their breath and put this lying murderess behind them.
Is it just me or does Jodi have a mustache?
Scott Peterson got DP and he was convicted with only circumstantial evidence. He had a very smart educated jury. Jodi has practically an all male jury and I think males are more forgiving towards her.

Yes, but people also said that about the penalty phase- that men would have a harder time convicting her of 1st degree murder, but they didn't. And why wouldn't men be even more critical of her considering that she drug a man's reputation through the mud on nothing more than her own word, which they all know is as good as what we wipe our butts on? Scott Peterson was different. There was a pregnant woman involved, and like Jodi, he did himself no favors by his media appearances and actions. This crime deserves the DP and it would take Christ himself to tell me different.
Scott Peterson got DP and he was convicted with only circumstantial evidence. He had a very smart educated jury. Jodi has practically an all male jury and I think males are more forgiving towards her.

I don't I think they see her as their worst nightmare come to life!
I'm just curious what, if anything, would happen if after this trial is over one of the jurors confessed to watching these interviews on tv when they weren't suppose to?
I have not seen a single juror in person in this trial... but their voices when declaring the veracity of their verdicts ring loud and resolute... not in the least forgiving.

Scott Peterson got DP and he was convicted with only circumstantial evidence. He had a very smart educated jury. Jodi has practically an all male jury and I think males are more forgiving towards her.
BBM~ That was way overboard imo. She says in one of her last ever interviews for DV's to document all the abuse? What abuse Jodi? The abuse you created in your own little magical fairytale head?


..that pretty much sums up my sentiments on her seductive, slutty, perverted nature!! I've been sick to my stomach all day!

This morning I thought she looked like she thought she was in the "Miss Construe Pageant"!!! She is so clueless to reality and the way we perceive her...

I think we should make shirts that say "SureLiar" and sell them to make money for the Alexander's ... I about fell off my chair when she whipped out that t-shirt!

She has no class.. And I stand by my first impression of her... She looks like a cheap call girl from the red light district!!
I'm just curious what, if anything, would happen if after this trial is over one of the jurors confessed to watching these interviews on tv when they weren't suppose to?

If it was before the verdict it could be a new trial, since it's after they could redo the penalty phase with a new jury (correct me if I'm wrong).
That...and, she would NEVER share the spotlight with ANYONE!!

Also, she would never let her lawyers tell her what to do-I'm convinced of that.

Ugh!!! watching troy haden interview....why does she get to wear lip gloss...she makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and surprise surprise she took her glasses off....and to think even people on here gave me a hard time for saying her GLASSES ARE FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you guys believe me now??

She is lying thru her teeth. Re: my mom didn't testify b/c Nurmi didn't think it was beneficial...she is blaming Nurmi for HER OWN DECISION!!!!!!!!!!!

This interview shows the real Jodi is out there still, the one in the 48 hrs interview, and Inside Edition.....NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The last 5 years she HAS LEARNED NOTHING...

AGHDHGOSDJGODKGJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanna scream!!!!!!!!!!1

I thought her glasses were fake too. Just the fact that she had so many pairs (which she could only afford if they were from the $ store or Claire's).

bbm ITA, and I hope some of the jury thought of this after what they saw and heard of her in court. She has not learned, evolved, grown or improved in any way in these 5 years. She is not sorry, she takes no responsibility. Any real tears she may have shed are for herself. IMO, that is the reason to find zero mitigation and send her off to death row. She will never, ever change.

I do not think Jodi arias understands the magnitude of what she has done.
She seems quite kookoo to me!
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