This jury is made up of people who are older than Jodi. I know I look back on my childhood and think Jodi had it pretty good. All those photos of the family. We were so poor we didn't take pictures, so I have no baby pictures or pictures of growing up. My dad drank, and the fights were epic. Jodi didn't have that. And yet, I've never killed a boyfriend. I think the worse I did was toilet paper a car or two in my teenage years. She can't blame her life on her family. I think her troubles started when her sister was born, and maybe that's why they don't appear close. To not graduate from high school is very telling to me. When you can't make yourself conform to even this basic requirement in life shows me she's wanted and gotten her own way for most of her life. I did see she cut the photo of her boyfriend and her down so it didn't include the white lines of what looks like cocaine on the side of the picture. Now she's trying to photoshop her won't work. What she faces now is real and photoshop won't help her. She actually thinks she'll get out some day. I pray this jury takes that hope away from her so she's left with the same future she gave Travis...death.