Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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How long did it take to gather everyone in the courtroom for reading of the verdict?

iirc it was 1.5-2 hours (but I was living vicariously thru text alerts because I was dealing with a flooded house :facepalm: )
She's not psychotic, she's a psychopath. Similar words; very different meaning. Her kind of crazy cannot be helped with therapy or medication. She is dangerous. The jury can't sentence her to life in a rubber room.

Precisely. There is no helping her. There is no rehabilitation. She is soulless. A shell. Like one of those weird pod people in the movie that I can't remember the name of.

She is the classic type of person who needs to be locked up and the key thrown away, but first burned and melted and broken. And whatnot.
I'm normally against the dp but I'm praying for it this time. She shows no remorse. She will try to be some superstar behind bars. It's just not right.

OT: I know this is selfish but... I think I'm slipping back into my severe depression. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. :o

:) Don't forget how many of us look forward to seeing you every day. That's worth smiling about.
there are a couple of recurring themes that she carried on in to her plea yesterday that really BUG me.

(A) That whole attempt to feign ignorance as the reason for her actions
  1. "I never knew how good glasses could work until that fateful day I put on someone else's glasses who miraculously use the same prescription I needed. Otherwise, I was too ignorant to know what glasses are."
  2. "I claim to be able to read and quote the mormon bible, but when it came to the chastity part, I needed Travis to explain the loopholes because I just couldn't grasp the concepts."
  3. "I had 5 years to think about whether I would want the DP or LWOP, even claiming I wanted the DP 10 days ago, but after 5 years, it was hearing TA's family that i took the last 72 hours to FINALLY FIGURE OUT all the charity I could work on in one place for the rest of my life."

(B) When the jury came back with the verdict of Guilty, 1st degree premeditated murder, they sent the message, "We do not believe you are a victim of domestic violence and therefore your claim of fear for your life due to domestic violence is not plausible." When she said, "Some people may not believe I am a victim of domestic violence. They're entitled to their opinion." She was basically telling the jury, "You guys are entitled to your opinion, but you are wrong."

In my opinion, yesterday she continued insulting the jury's ability to synthesize evidence, testimony and to deliberate. That's not a great way to treat the jury with your life in their hands.
How long did it take to gather everyone in the courtroom for reading of the verdict?

IIRC, the jurors announced they had a verdict right before lunchtime, so the judge said the verdict would be given in two hours. Otherwise, I think they predict 45 minutes to an hour to get everyone into the courtroom.
I'm normally against the dp but I'm praying for it this time. She shows no remorse. She will try to be some superstar behind bars. It's just not right.

OT: I know this is selfish but... I think I'm slipping back into my severe depression. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. :o

{{{{{{{Hopeful One}}}}}
Praying for strength for you....hold onto your are precious and dear...sending healing prayers across the miles...try to take good care of yourself...:grouphug::grouphug: and know that you have a supportive network here at WS who cherish you.....
Precisely. There is no helping her. There is no rehabilitation. She is soulless. A shell. Like one of those weird pod people in the movie that I can't remember the name of.

She is the classic type of person who needs to be locked up and the key thrown away, but first burned and melted and broken. And whatnot.

Yep....maybe she will meet the same fate as Jeffrey Dahmer.
We do not know what happened in the 8 hour period she was there. Did she come prepared yes. What took it to the level it got to, no one knows.

Actually, we and the jury do know the most material aspects of what happened.

Jodi Ann Arias intentionally inflicted more than two dozen stabbings, a throat slashing, a gunshot wound through the brain on a helpless, unarmed victim.

Of course no one, including the convicted torture-murderess, can prove that she was there for 8 hours or more.

However, regardless of how long she was there on June 4, 2008, she was convicted primarily for the unconscionable, brutal, and heinous actions she undertook after 17:00.

"Come prepared"?

All the way from Yreka, California she came. And she had been preparing since she hatched her plan weeks prior.

Was she so sick she is fooling these docs? In a heart beat. This is one smart fox and I would say could easily fool the best of doctors.


Evil, lying, torture-murderers aren't "sick" in the sense that they are hapless victims whom, if forced to ingest the right 'medicines' will magically be cured.

Like Jodi Ann Arias, they are simply wicked predators who will continue to prey on society until the end of their lives.

The problem is JA is not your typical person. So nobody knows what to do with her. Do we stick her in a cell or do we end her life?

"Typical person"?

There's nothing special about this lying, torture-murderess. She's your run-of-the-mill lying, torture-murderess.

"Nobody knows"?

Define "nobody".

Society has a collective morality codified in law. Society knows exactly what to do with her. That's why there is a penalty phase in this trial. The death penalty is precisely for cases such as this one.

Is she another Ted Bundy? No way close to this magnitude so the question is are we going to take the pay back easy way out?


If a torture murder utilizing two-and-a-half dozen stab wounds, a slit throat and a bullet through the brain is not of sufficient "magnitude", what is? Should she have shoved a still-breathing Travis Alexander through a wood chipper?

Besides, give her a chance and she'll gladly repeat the performance.

Where was she going in the rental car with the knives and 9mm handgun she'd recently purchased?

"Easy way out"?

Ask the 12 Maricopa County jurors how easy this way is.

<snipped>This is one smart fox and I would say could easily fool the best of doctors...<snipped> If she is so smart what happened at the crime scene?


I believe TA was to die with one shot to the head area. Story over.

The evidence indicates precisely the opposite.

Why did she have a knife?

Why did she use it 29 times and attempt to saw off her victim's head?

Now can there be a crime of passion planned?

No more than there can be a pickle which is actually a Toblerone.

I have a friend who bought a gun, shot and killed his wife for cheating on him. He was out of jail in 5 years.

If your friend who shot and killed his wife planned the killing, then it wasn't heat of passion.

Are you saying that he actually premeditated murder? I'd like to see the facts of the case.
It's only 0930 here. How bad will it look to go to the store to pick up some vino right now? I promise I won't open it til later, just wanna be prepared!


They opened a new liquor store in my hometown that was dry for yrs and yrs, I drove by one day to go visit my family and saw the new liquor store, it was 9 am and I the parking lot was full.
Sorry? Nope, "I probably didn't use those "quote unquote two words, but I really can't see the point. I mean, those words are so inadequate. Oh, why are you talking to me again? Oh, yeah -- I need to get the word out about domestic violence. Hey, thanks for asking me that question! I would have completely forgotten to throw that in there! Yeah, that's why I'm talking to you guys! Listen, don't forget to stop by the front desk and pick up a shirt on your way out. I'll be here 'til midnight for autographs!"

It's utterly disgusting how she didn't even have the guts to get on her DV stand in court, but give her some lip gloss and camera and she is the poster child. It's amazing but she wasn't able to embellish that lie in the face of her ultimate tribunal.
Seems like Jodi couldn't keep her story straight in one of her interviews yesterday. In the ABC 15 video--2nd video 4:40 minutes in--she claims Travis' anger over the dropped camera was not instantaneous but built over a matter of minutes. Umm hello he was on the floor covered in blood 62 seconds after the supposed dropped camera photo.

That was so awesome, and excellent for any appeal/retrial should it ever come to that. Love it that she screwed up, and the interviewer paused, and they both knew the significance of that comment, but ignored it and moved forward. Loved it!
It was 1 hour 33 minutes on Aggravation phase.

I now am afraid of wigs if I ever need one, no matter where it came from. The thought of who, what, how, when, and where is greatly disturbing now.

I wish I could go buy a big box of wine, but I am stuck at work for many hours.
Fight it! You can do so much to stave off the downward spiral. My doctor gave me that advice & it works! Force yourself to exercise--get outside & take a walk. That gives you natural endorphins. Get outside and get some sun.

I know it's hard--I've been there many times. It also probably has something to do with this Jodi Arias trial winding down. Here we are aching for the family, and JA is still gloating, lying and preening before the media. I feel helpless and angry, and all I can do is wait for the jury to sentence this monster.

Hang in there! I'm sending prayers your way!! :loveyou:

:) Don't forget how many of us look forward to seeing you every day. That's worth smiling about.

{{{{{{{Hopeful One}}}}}
Praying for strength for you....hold onto your are precious and dear...sending healing prayers across the miles...try to take good care of yourself...:grouphug::grouphug: and know that you have a supportive network here at WS who cherish you.....

Thanks isn't enough. You all have no idea how much that means to me.
No No,,,Don't want that now do we?

Can I come over for chicken & dumplings please? And that banana thingie?
And whatever else you might have available?

:floorlaugh: Farm..I was totally intrigued by that banana thingie too....
Those asking if she is sporting a mustache,after hearing ad nauseum about her sexual proclivities i venture to say yes and it's call a dirty Sanchez.....

After I hear the verdict and I must say the jurors have my admiration. The time they've taken from their lives and families. I've decided not to watch any inmate-ja interviews or nor will I in the future. Raising my arms and breathing in the good air, exhaling and getting rid of the bad. She's not worth it.

That goes for any future books, movies, pictures, t-shirts or re-trials.

Be gone inmate-ja
I keep feeling incredulous that Wilma stated, "this is the only thing she's ever done. The first time she acted this way"

I'm paraphrasing bc I don't know the exact quote, but it leaves me speechless. The day she was arrested she was more than one way, and even if you believe she didn't have a pre-planned hit list, her actions clearly indicate she was prepared to kill again if necessary.

Also, in watching her interview antics and her allocution I can't help but believe had she not been caught, she would eventually killed again. And I firmly believe JA would have kept killing until caught and stopped. Her demeanor reminds me of a serial killer TBH.

JM would have us believe this was an anomaly for JA, and to me her behavior shows otherwise.
Thanks isn't enough. You all have no idea how much that means to me.

Liebchenmutti is right -- exercise does help. I find that doing something practical is also helpful, kind of killing two birds. Today I'm going to clean out the refrigerator. Then I get to feel better and feel virtuous at the same time.
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