Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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Personally, I cannot wait for the interview that Troy Hayden will be doing with Juan once the sentence is given. I also am looking forward to hearing from the jurors.
You said he bought the gun to kill. Kill whom? The wife because she cheated o. Him and he spent money on her. He could have left her. Wow

Case was he owned a gun.
Came home early and found wife in the sack with boyfriend.
Shot and killed wife on the spot.
Knew there was funny stuff going on before hand.
I think he spent 5 years behind bars.
I remember the judge ruled it a crime of passion.
I'm normally against the dp but I'm praying for it this time. She shows no remorse. She will try to be some superstar behind bars. It's just not right.

OT: I know this is selfish but... I think I'm slipping back into my severe depression. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. :eek:
Bahahahaha! I was LOL so much on that ABC interview. She is a total spaz. This was not some local reporter, but a National reporter of a MAJOR news network working for BIG programming. He has mad interview skills. This is exactly why I would never say I would not watch! This is what we all want to see. Jodi looking like a bigger moron than she already did.

Ahahahahaha! I believe me, there is more footage, he said a hours worth, so I guarantee it will be in a primetime program.

Good stuff to go with my morning coffee and m&m's.

Yes!!!!! Coffee and m&m's for breakfast!!! I love it!
Hey everyone, Good morning :) So this morning I told my hubby Juan Martinez told the jury if they give CMJA LWOP because of Arizona law she will be out in 25 years. He said he thinks I misunderstood. So of course we have a bet. If I did misunderstand what Juan Martinez told the jury I will make chiles rellenos. So I told him I would come here and ask you guys. So what do you guys say?

LWOP is no parole, ever. Life is parole eligible after 25 years. Looks like you're whipping up some delicioso chiles rellenos!
I'm as much annoyed with the interviewers, especially Mark Curtis. He thinks he was doing a Barbara Walters interview. I don't give an s whether she's at peace.

They never heard of a followup question. How about, "name these mystery people who saw bruises"? They suck at their jobs.

Here's the Curtis link, but I recommend just sparing your blood pressure and forgetting it.

Oh and Kiefer chiming in telling her she did apologize. :stormingmad:

An apology is where you admit to the truth of what you did wrong and why it was wrong. It's not "I'm sorry I defended myself."

And Kiefer referring to "Jen" like he's besties with her too. :puke:

Seriously, don't watch it.

Yep, I agree with the interviewer criticisms. The "Barbara Walters" comment was particularly right on. I was thinking, "At what point are you folks going to stop acting as tough there is anything even remotely sane about the nonsense she has spewed in this trial? Some of them seem to want to keep presenting this thing as though there are "two sides," which is, I suppose, some lame attempt at "objective journalism." The problem is that we do have a legal system, and those of us who have followed this trial for four months or more know very well that her "side" was proven to be nothing more than a massive series of lies that even a five-year-old could have done a better job presenting.

Oh, and there's also that little matter of the jury finding her guilty and also finding that she exercised extreme cruelty in the commission of the offense. That's not exactly a minor detail. So, the days of "two sides," are entirely over, and we ought to be seeing a little less faux journalism and a little more "we're going to reject your stupid story entirely now and ask you where you put the gun and the knife."
Those asking if she is sporting a mustache,after hearing ad nauseum about her sexual proclivities i venture to say yes and it's call a dirty Sanchez.....
It's only 0930 here. How bad will it look to go to the store to pick up some vino right now? I promise I won't open it til later, just wanna be prepared!


It's fine, as long as you pick up enough for the rest of us.
As horrible as this crime is I know I personally could not vote for the death penalty. I believe she is extremely mentally ill. With all the crazy people behind bars for life why should it be any different for her. If you believe in killing mentally ill people who commit violent crimes then kill them all not just a few. IMO

She's not psychotic, she's a psychopath. Similar words; very different meaning. Her kind of crazy cannot be helped with therapy or medication. She is dangerous. The jury can't sentence her to life in a rubber room.
And Jodi's tweeting:

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 3m
"Never trust a reporter who has a nice smile." - William Rauch


and let me add to this....

Never trust a reporter who has a nice smile who I cannot manipulate and will not flirt.......

:scared: :scared:
Those asking if she is sporting a mustache,after hearing ad nauseum about her sexual proclivities i venture to say yes and it's call a dirty Sanchez.....

Bbbwwwwwwwwaaaaahahahahahahahahahaa!!!!! :floorlaugh:
Can I offer something today? Do something to remember Travis.

Today I decided to pick up his habit of writing his day on 3x5 cards.

I made my grocery list on one
On another my banking
On another calks I need to make
On another chores for the day.

Each on has a T in the corner. I am going to tber Travis today. Focus on his life. Learn something from him. Implement his practice so nothing gets forgotten today. Especially him.

Don't focus on her today. Remember Travis. The way he really was.

I have used index cards this way for a long time. I always lose flimsy pieces of paper in my purse. 3x5s fit perfectly in one certain pocket of my purse and are sturdier.
However, I will add a T to the corners now, great idea!
And, yes, as much as I am stunned by JA and her continued sideshow, THANK YOU for the reminder that this truly is ALL ABOUT TRAVIS!
JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS! :please::please:
I have to vent or I am going to explode. I have been enthralled with this trial and I am the only one I know who has been watching this circus. So SLUETHERS I LOVE YOU ALL! The conversations are intelligent and the insights are eye-opening! Thank you for letting me freely display my addiction to wanting to see justice served in so many of these awful cases. My heart aches for so many here who have been personally touched by violence and have had their live's altered.
My heart especially aches for the Alexander Family. They are a class act.I was utterly floored when I heard one of their friends say that they will forgive her. Not now, but they will not let her continue to poison them. I get goosebumps everytime I think of this. What a wonderful example for us all. Honestly, I don't think I am a big enough person to do this. When the verdict was read all I could do was cry with the family. Knowing the worst part of the trial was yet to come. Yet, there they sit with grace and dignity. Truly amazing, loving people. Bless them.
MOO and :rockon:
Do you believe some people snap when it comes to heart brakes?
The guy was using his credit card buying his wife stuff at the store.
Shot her once...dead.I would trust this man with my life.

I'm speechless.

But I won't judge.
She would be for the first few years of LWOP. But as time passes and if she behaves, she earns easier restrictions and could eventually be houses in a nicer cell in a medium security setting.

No No,,,Don't want that now do we?

Can I come over for chicken & dumplings please? And that banana thingie?
And whatever else you might have available?
And Jodi's tweeting:

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 3m
"Never trust a reporter who has a nice smile." - William Rauch

"and never trust a smiling psycho holding a gun and knife" -MidwestMama
I'm normally against the dp but I'm praying for it this time. She shows no remorse. She will try to be some superstar behind bars. It's just not right.

OT: I know this is selfish but... I think I'm slipping back into my severe depression. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. :eek:

Fight it! You can do so much to stave off the downward spiral. My doctor gave me that advice & it works! Force yourself to exercise--get outside & take a walk. That gives you natural endorphins. Get outside and get some sun.

I know it's hard--I've been there many times. It also probably has something to do with this Jodi Arias trial winding down. Here we are aching for the family, and JA is still gloating, lying and preening before the media. I feel helpless and angry, and all I can do is wait for the jury to sentence this monster.

Hang in there! I'm sending prayers your way!! :loveyou:
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