Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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I know that people have been wondering why JSS would lift the ban on interviews for CMJA at this point. Well, let me throw this out there. What if JSS and JM had previously agreed to let Jodi give all the interviews that she wanted to, in the hopes that she would say something that might later affect her appeals case... Perhaps there is truly a method to the madness, and the powers that be are a step ahead of both us, and Jodi's supreme (not) intellect? Anyone have any opinions?

Totally!! ...that, and for the entertainment! JSS probably thought, "have at it beeotch..knock yourself out"...
Loved that on Troy's interview they exposed her striped pants and shot from the least flattering side of her face - lighting didn't do her justice (awww, pity!) and Troy seemed to not be too close to her so it seemed very impersonal. :) She was quite snippy, wasn't she?

On the interview with Mark Curtis on azcentral, when he asked her if she had been overly possessive with Travis she said no she had been overly permissive - GMAB! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Those were my thoughts too :floorlaugh:

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The evil one states she feels betrayed by the jury :facepalm:
She actually views going to prison as a charitable mission with her recycling literacy program lmao, until her rose colored glasses get recycled into reality by big bertha :fence:

I would pay money to watch her wash somebody's drawers in the toliet whilst in the big house.
I have not seen a single juror in person in this trial... but their voices when declaring the veracity of their verdicts ring loud and resolute... not in the least forgiving.

But I'm talking about sentencing to death part not convicting of murder one. Easier for some to give LWOP than the DP. I hope she gets the DP. This is one of the worst murders I have seen.

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AhA! Yes, but here's the thing! Once Troy had interview control over her, she started to lick her lips, eyed him up and down.

WOW....been having trouble getting the Troy interview to work, but got some of it to play.

Here is my observations so far....

When Jodi talks about the suicide threat and relative....she says....."She was afraid that I was going to do something"
She kind of laughed and proved she never had any intention of harming herself. She laughs here because she fooled people into believing her.

You can see her staring up at ceiling and floor as she begins to make up stuff.

She changes and goes off on a tangent midstream and Troy brought her right
back with the "so your family changed your mind". He figured her out and knows her games this time around.

Troy did great and was taking none of her BS this time around. I think he must have re-watched his past interview over and over and saw all his mistakes and took the constructive critisism to heart.
Wow. Just watched the Keifer/moustachioed-blitzerlike-guy interview and the Troy Hayden. Troy had asked for questions on his twitter and I think I'm not the only one who pounded him with suggestions of calling Stabby out on her s#%t...he KINDA did.

She's just NOT going to backtrack, people. She's not going to admit any guilt. She's sticking to her guns. Wasn't there (false), didn't do it (false), and you can't prove nuthin' (false).

WHEN is someone going to say: No, Jodi, you weren't abused; you planned and carried out a murder. NOW what do you have to say for yourself?

I don't even believe in the DP and I'm thinking, Holy Cow, will THAT shut her up?

Once she gets Death, she's whisked off within 2 hours; if she gets LIFE, what happens? Anyone heard?

Troy Hayden tweeted he has a Juan Martinez interview 90 minutes post verdict.

And I learned a lot about prison today. It's no book club/recycling/'s cubicle sweet cubicle.

It ain't no Sheriff Joe either. Stabby's thinking it's like on TV with all the cons sitting around the law library putting together their appeals, working in the laundry. That's not the picture I just heard painted by one of the pundits.

Ok, I'm exhausted and babbling. See you all tomorrow!
My only disappointment... Troy had better interview BUT better lighting... Mikes made her more haggish. I don't want to likes mikes but I kinda do...only for that reason!

isn't that funny, I didn't care for the lighting or angle on Troy's interview - not that she looked good on any of them - she looked pretty awful on all of them even though the makeup was an improvement over what we see in court
Sex kitten my behind! She is the devil ! She still thinks she is hot .....News flash Travis was not that experienced and he never had a woman as low down and nasty as her or he would have seen her coming from a mile away! Even with make up on she is a has been ! She says people like to see others fall down but she was never up in the first place! She makes me sick! I hope I sleep late and wake up to Death penalty verdict 12 yes s. RIP Travis.
Yes! Her rage was simmering right below the surface. Troy tapped into it with his aggressive tone and by the way he fired question after question at her; and then by and cutting off her bullchit answers. Her rage was palpable. She's scary.

Exactly. Troy did wonderful this time. I love how she tried to get out of apologizing to the family again, but Troy asked her again if she would say she was sorry.....and it was like pulling teeth for Jodi, but she somehow painfully pried out the words she was sorry, but she did not mean it inside.


Keep her off the streets Jury and Judge. She is a danger to everyone.
It really does look like she has one in the MBK interview (the only one I've watched).
And it's not even MOvember!

that's funny because ever since I've been following this case I was expecting a newbreak stating CMja was born male. Don't ask me why, I just can't see her as female. :floorlaugh:
Yes! Her rage was simmering right below the surface. Troy tapped into it with his aggressive tone and by the way he fired question after question at her; and then by and cutting off her bullchit answers. Her rage was palpable. She's scary.

It's a lot of fun to watch because he's such a spunk, so the perfect person to do it to her .. also they had a little bit of a friendship going on (in her mind), I can imagine her swanning around the jail going 'Troy this, and Troy that' over the last couple of weeks, then BAM he comes in treating her like the animal she is .. it was great. I'm going to watch it again ..
yeah, but how about those male (and female) morons who sat in judgement of anthony, they seemed to have no problem sympathizing with ca even tho there was zero corroborating evidence of ga's deviancy, other than what came from ca. alas, thankfully this jury seems to be a heckuva lot sharper than that jury. btw1, was that an allocution or a press conference ja presented to the jury? btw2, what's up with that maricopa jail honcho, apparently the az police department has some sort of tenure program in place.

As for CA, the Pinellas 12 wanted to be off for the summer. They didn't want to have to sit through the phases that would follow if they convicted that filthy *advertiser censored* CA of murder 1. Plus, I have heard, and I tend to agree that the prosecution didn't include enough lesser charges for them to find just incase. While I will always believe that 1st degree murder was proven to anyone to who had at least 1 active brain cell, maybe if lesser charges had been included, the outcome would have been different. Aside from that, this jury doesn't strike me as dense or in a hurry whatsoever. I have no idea what verdict they will render, but I DO know that they are absolutely nothing like the infamous Pinellas 12. LOL and I have no idea about ol Joe... He's in a league of his own apparently.
As a male I almost feel insulted by this. The sex and looks of a perp makes not one iota of difference to me, the act she committed was brutal and inhumane, and the autopsy photos far outweigh any sex appeal you may think she has on the male population. JMHO.

That's what I would think, that males would be more likely to identify with Travis, be able to put themselves in his shoes.
Jodi's words and mind don't match her body language.. which is constantly shifting.

I hope she is not sleeping at all tonight and is awaiting her death sentence.
Scott Peterson got DP and he was convicted with only circumstantial evidence. He had a very smart educated jury. Jodi has practically an all male jury and I think males are more forgiving towards her.

Juror 8 doesn't feel that way, and the jury's rulings so far have said otherwise. Let's not generalize. It's possible they will give her LWOP (which would be fine as long as she just goes away forever) but for me personally, her mitigating speech was disgusting. Tons of prisoners can cut their hair and recycle, JA hasn't made a 'noteworthy' contribution to this planet, unless you count sawing a man's throat, lying, and creating a monumental circus and general mockery out of the court system. With all do respect, your post kind of makes me want to vomit. Along with the thought that there are conscious beings wi a brain and a heartbeat who can possess sympathy for a vulture like JA.

Also, how does a "smart educated jury" compare to this jury? Are you saying they're not smart? If the males on this jury were forgiving, they wouldn't have convicted her of Murder 1.
Here's the really funny part.

Jodi wants victims of DV to document the abuse. She doesn't offer them advice about seeking help, counseling, reporting or how to leave. She doesn't address them directly and seek to join the sisterhood and offer support. She doesn't tell them how she has been in their shoes and how hard it was for her to break the cycle and take her life back...

No. None of that. Jodi just wants them to work on their journaling :floorlaugh:

TRANSLATION: It's Travis' fault not mine. If I had "documented" the "abuse" I wouldn't be here right now...I would have gotten away with murder.
You know what? I am totally avoiding this. I was so thrown through the ringer and then I had work to distract me. So, why...why do I want to YouTube the murderers allocution? I'm trying to be an influential Grandma...but, seriusly, wtf? I thinki need to procrastinate on this...yes?
In case anyone missed the sentencing verdict article.
The article that wasn't supposed to be published until after the jury actually comes back with a sentencing verdict. :floorlaugh:

DO NOT USE: Jodi Arias verdict

By Michael Kiefer
The Republic |
Tue May 21, 2013 12:58 PM



More in link, that will probably disappear soon:

From the link,
Not content to just follow the trial, they forced their way into it, threatening the lives of at least two witnesses and defense co-counsel Jennifer Willmott.

There has never been any evidence produced to support those allegations, yet Kiefer keeps repeating it as gospel fact.
I do not think Jodi arias understands the magnitude of what she has done.
She seems quite kookoo to me!

I agree. She talks about the one bad things she has done like it was taking a candy bar from the store. And when she said the murder would define her even though it shouldn't. What should? Her art? :puke: She has no value on life, except her own.
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