Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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A question for any/all of you mental health people -

Does all this "stuff" just roll off JA's toogue naturally -or does she prepare her statements in advance. I cannot believe I am aa old as I am and obviously still quite naive. I have absolutely never met anyone like her in my entire life and all I can say is - thanks heavens. She is absolutely the scariest person I have ever seen; it truly does frighten me that people like her walk amongst us.

I am not a mental health professional, but my guess is she thinks and thinks a lot. She lives in a fantasy world. Literally. She literally builds everything around this illusion in her head of what her world is. She has no ability to pick up on cues about emotion or what other people really see. Its utterly amazing.

She does not live here with the rest of us. She lives in a cloud of illusion and fog in a different reality all together.

I'm as much annoyed with the interviewers, especially Mark Curtis. He thinks he was doing a Barbara Walters interview. I don't give an s whether she's at peace.

They never heard of a followup question. How about, "name these mystery people who saw bruises"? They suck at their jobs.

Here's the Curtis link, but I recommend just sparing your blood pressure and forgetting it.

Oh and Kiefer chiming in telling her she did apologize. :stormingmad:

An apology is where you admit to the truth of what you did wrong and why it was wrong. It's not "I'm sorry I defended myself."

And Kiefer referring to "Jen" like he's besties with her too. :puke:

Seriously, don't watch it.

Same with the Amy Murphy interview. Both of them were feeding her answers when she hesitated or asked leading questions.

Did like a previous poster's comment about calling her out in an interview when she is apparently or obviously lying. The public will latch onto seeing her reaction even more than listening to her diatribes...people want to see how she will react when her buttons are pushed. They will gain viewers, not lose them. Sure, JA might cut the interview short, but that will generate talk. As for her refusing future interviews, doubt long as she can be in the spotlight, she will continue to do so.

Tray Hayden did ask her some tougher questions this time around and his voice clearly let her and viewers know of his disdain and disbelief. He nailed her with his questions about remorse/regret.
One thing I am looking forward to...the day TA's family can speak about everything they've been holding in.
jodi feels "betrayed" by anyone that doesn't fall for her manipulations or lies. People are "haters" if they don't go along with her agenda and agree to be her narcissistic "supply source". you (jodi) only cry for yourself...travis alexander. that's her problem.

I want to know if Juan could have asked Mama Arias about the NE visit and the fraudulent letters she wanted them to publish for Jodi?

Oh you can bet he could and would have. I would say that is the EXACT reason mama didn't get on the stand for her daughter.
I mentioned this before. I have a dear friend who spent allot of time around my family who bought a gun to kill. He knew his wife was cheating on him while he was busting his can to make money. Went home early and caught them. Shot and killed his wife. Crime of Passion...out in 5-6 years.
I spoke to the judge in respect to his character at a hearing.

Wow premeditated murder! He bought the gun to kill. He knew they were screwing around. Walked in on them and killed her. Are you saying you were a character witness FOR him? Is this man still your premeditated killer friend?
I was hoping the reporter was going to call her out on this; she almost paused like she was about to, then moved on. Shame someone doesn't really call her out on all of her ******** lies

I was just coming on here to point that out! I'm glad my fellow Sleuthers caught that, figured you would ;)

I could see it in Jodi's face right after she said it that she knew she'd stuck her foot in her mouth.

I can't believe more media outlets aren't pointing out this VERY big screwup on her part. She basically admits premeditation. It didn't happen instantaneously (like she testified) but built up over minutes...riiiight!! She cannot keep her lies straight.
You understood JM that is what he said. Now what do you get since you are right?

If she gets LWOP she will never get out. If she gets a life sentence she can be paroled after 25 years. I think he was making the point if the jury does not return the DP there is a chance she can get a life sentence and be out in 25 years. JSS decides if she gets life or LWOP. Just a little extra incentive to give her DP.:moo:
It's approaching midnight in Japan. Goodnight all :eek:fftobed: I expect a death penalty verdict for the monster when I wake up in the morning!! Come on jury!!:seeya:
Body language expert on HLN that looks like Marie Osmond has it in a nut shell.
We are getting from JA what she is capable of not what we wish she would do. Two contrasting opinions.
Just because JA said she had 3 witnesses does not mean she did. If she told her DT about them, the DT most certainly talked with the 3 witnesses, and most likely the 3 people named knew nothing of what JA was claiming they did. Not everyone will risk perjury and jail time for a friend. On the other hand, if there really were 3 witnesses to any sort of bruising, JA may have told them that it was from sex play and that does not work well on the stand either. However, I am thinking the 3 people knew nothing of any bruising. It happens all the time, people in jail just assume that friend so and so owes them, but friend so and so is not a willing participant to perjury.

What Jodi did not tell the reporter is that JM (it's reported) had a picture she took of herself that day when she was in the Uhaul truck and there were no bruises. DT said she had put makeup on to cover but I think the jury would have been able to tell by the picture that she had no makeup on. If they called the witnesses (one was MM so you know he would not show up and the others were her brother and sister) you can bet JM would have produced that picture into evidence.
check your inbox :innocent:

i was going to watch those interviews when i was in the shower but i fear i may drown myself :facepalm::floorlaugh:

josie, would you care to share how you have figured out how to watch videos while showering?

That is quite a talent, one I could benefit from. I have at times forgone showering in lieu of court watching. :) It would be super to be able to multitask like this.
I don't want to see Jodi get only 25 yrs..she has already served about 5 or so..and with good behavior I don't think she would be in there long enough. I don't care if the inmates learn spanish (Sorry if that offends anyone), I don't care if they have a book club or even if they recycle. She thinks she can go into prison and start ordering everyone around and have everything her way. Of course she wants to be in the GP because then she can get her attention etc. I prefer she is locked away with no contact with the GP so she cannot be a prison celebrity.
This jury is made up of people who are older than Jodi. I know I look back on my childhood and think Jodi had it pretty good. All those photos of the family. We were so poor we didn't take pictures, so I have no baby pictures or pictures of growing up. My dad drank, and the fights were epic. Jodi didn't have that. And yet, I've never killed a boyfriend. I think the worse I did was toilet paper a car or two in my teenage years. She can't blame her life on her family. I think her troubles started when her sister was born, and maybe that's why they don't appear close. To not graduate from high school is very telling to me. When you can't make yourself conform to even this basic requirement in life shows me she's wanted and gotten her own way for most of her life. I did see she cut the photo of her boyfriend and her down so it didn't include the white lines of what looks like cocaine on the side of the picture. Now she's trying to photoshop her won't work. What she faces now is real and photoshop won't help her. She actually thinks she'll get out some day. I pray this jury takes that hope away from her so she's left with the same future she gave Travis...death.
Wow premeditated murder! He bought the gun to kill. He knew they were screwing around. Walked in on them and killed her. Are you saying you were a character witness FOR him? Is this man still your premeditated killer friend?

Do you believe some people snap when it comes to heart brakes?
The guy was using his credit card buying his wife stuff at the store.
Shot her once...dead.I would trust this man with my life.
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