Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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Morning all... still not over yesterday, and hoping Websleuths won't crash today..I don't think I could maintain for long.

I'm still ticked about her redeeming quality's. Didn't Jodi remember the jury question of outside some pushing and shoving wouldn't you say that Travis was the victim?

I'll redeem myself if you let me by picking through garbage, reading books to others, growing my hair out, and making t shirts a five year old could do a better, and for wilmont to ask if the jury could kill her.....just creamed my corn. I hope her "guilting" the jury backfires. They had no problem in finding her guilty and I want a firm yes when the jury is polled.

And Jodi's sister was sitting with her abusers wearing the survivor t shirt.

Travis will never see Steven's little girl grow up.
Travis will never be able to be that better person that he was aiming for.
Travis will never be married or have children.
Travis never see 1000 place before he died.

There is so much more but Jodi made sure of that and doesn't give a damn. It's all about a sick twisted Jodi. I hope Juan gets his victory prize and sees her dead.
I went into a fancy mansion once that actually had carpet made out of braided horse hair. That's where JA's hair needs to be...somewhere where people can step on it, not on cancer victim's heads.
I have to say that after I picked my jaw up off the floor after witnessing how great Jody is yesterday I am 100% sure she will get the DP.
She slammed Sam calling her a liar twice in one sentence.
Sam lied about Travis being the glue & she lied about momom being so heart broken it killed her.
According to Jody momom was frail, sick & on her death bed in 2007 FPS.
I have total faith in this jury! I know they see & hear what we all do.
Jody got up there & blamed everyone but herself.
Unfortunately Steven will see this CM forever cause her mug will be all over the tv for years to come. She will never ever stop slaughtering Travis or his family.
I wasn't 100% sure I could agree to the DP until yesterday.
No one will ever have any peace until she is gone.
Hopeful One: I also enjoy your posts and seeing you everyday. You are a light to me and many others. Please know you are in my thoughts and I am sending good ones your way. We are all family here even if its internet family. Hugs to you!
As horrible as this crime is I know I personally could not vote for the death penalty. I believe she is extremely mentally ill. With all the crazy people behind bars for life why should it be any different for her. If you believe in killing mentally ill people who commit violent crimes then kill them all not just a few. IMO

I believe the death penalty should be reserved for the worst of the worst. And I believe Jodi fits the bill. There are crazy people who are truly out to lunch-truly not responsible because they are profoundly sick. Jodi is not out to lunch. Her moves are contrived, calculated and yes, I would agree she is mentally ill, but not so profoundly sick that she had no grasp at the evil she did and how wrong it was. She knew yet still carried out her plan and then covered it up/lied for years until she finally came up with the self defense story.

If Travis were your brother, son, friend would you still feel the same way? knowing that the murderer had travelled 1000 miles and had plenty of time to change her mind. She didn't. She killed him horrendously and to this day shows no real remorse. If she gets life she will continue to haunt the family doing press and peddling her DV story to whoever will listen. She will re-victimize the Alexander's over and over. She wants the Alexander's to have "peace" yet she continues to drag Travis through the mud. Killing Jodi would not only be justice,it would stop her from continuing to hurt the victims. Unless she gets the DP where she will be locked up 23 hrs a day and the cameras go away for good, she will continue her attack on the victims as long as she lives. They will never hear the end of her. She will do interviews all the livelong day. And life in prison just isnt punishment for what she has done.

If she gets just life in prison she will have freedoms afforded to her. The ability to socialize, to take classes, to do so many things that Travis will never be able to do. No, giving her the DP is the only way she will be prevented from tormenting her victims. The only way she will be truly punished. Jodi thrives on the attention from the media and drama. If she's given DP, all that goes away. If its life then she gets to continue being the star in her sick show. She loves it and why should she be given opportunities for a life and freedom. Travis sure was denied life and freedom. No, Jodi will only be truly punished with a death sentence. It's not about killing her - we all know it will be YEARS before she's executed - it's about shutting her down so she cannot hurt the family and drag her victims name through the mud anymore. It's about giving her a punishment that fits her horrible, premeditated crime. Jmo..
Good Morning!

What time does the jury start deliberating?
And Jodi's tweeting:

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 3m
"Never trust a reporter who has a nice smile." - William Rauch

How nice of Jodi to confirm for us that she has her panties in a wad. :floorlaugh:

Bet she didn't sleep well at all last night. She's all pizzed off and can't go slaughter the reporter who dissed her. The only weapon she has is a twitter account. :floorlaugh:
After I hear the verdict and I must say the jurors have my admiration. The time they've taken from their lives and families. I've decided not to watch any inmate-ja interviews or nor will I in the future. Raising my arms and breathing in the good air, exhaling and getting rid of the bad. She's not worth it.

That goes for any future books, movies, pictures, t-shirts or re-trials.

Be gone inmate-ja

I really feel sorry for the jurors, their families, their employers. I don't know when non-famous murder trials started taking so long. I wish them a very long and much needed, normal and happy holiday weekend. Along with the Alexander family. This is hoping the jurors are done today or tomorrow, and I think they will be. They seemed so strong on conviction and aggravation.

As far as following JA afterward. Nope. I don't hold on. Once a trial is done, it is done. Unless the convicted get into more big trouble (ie. another murder), I don't even pay attention.
I think they should donate her body and brain to a university med or nursing school. That way all the students can have fun and de-edify her by dissecting her body while learning anatomy contemporaneously. :seeya:

She performed vivisection on Travis. :(
You know I feel your pain, Hopeful. I nearly chewed my arm off last night watching the interviews. But she really is not capable of emotion of the sort that you and I experience regularly. We just can't expect that from her. It's hard, but we have to remember we are looking at a bug. A new and unusual bug, with lots of legs. And spots. A really, really, unusual, truly astonishingly impossible to classify kind of bug. Think about how that would annoy her to know that we are not watching her out of fascination for Jod the person, but because we are fascinated by what an aberrant form of life she seems to be. That makes me feel a little better, anyway. :seeya:

That makes so much sense, my friend.

It just hurts to think that Travis was brutally murdered by a beast who will never be sorry, you know? If my heart can't take that, I can't image how is friends and family feel.
Jodi feels "betrayed" by anyone that doesn't fall for her manipulations or lies. People are "haters" if they don't go along with her agenda and agree to be her narcissistic "supply source". You (Jodi) only cry for yourself...Travis Alexander. That's her problem.

ITA.. this is why nothing bothers her; she is able to project blame onto others. She takes no responsibility, and that is what upsets all of us so much is that she just refuses to. She will never believe this was her fault; she may 'concede' that she was the one to kill him but she will always feel 'he made her'. She takes advantage of the court, of the media, of her family, she uses people, and for us to expect that to change, only make us the ones who are 'insane'. :)
:scared::scared: thanks button isn't working and I am experiencing panic attacks thinking back to yesterday's Pink Panther said...that was kind of a lonely experience.....:scared: dh just called - I told him I was busy editing some death penalty poetry and dancing.... :floorlaugh:
Ok, I decided lunch before court and a margarita. Which would be 1130 here. Then to the liquor store to grab a bottle and home by 12, which would be 10 AZ time.

I don't think we will be here past 12 AZ time today. Unless they take lunch to gather the courtroom.
That reporter did "have a nice smile" didn't he?
mmmmm hmmmmm (said in best nell carter voice)

Arias had a shoot and a miss with that HORRID tshirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:twocents:

making tshirts again much? Remember when the jury questioned her earlier about it: they know she made the other one.

Showing her latest tshirt is like a slap in the face to this jury and to all of mankind imhoo.

her tshirt would better have read: "survivor's"

(ala her last creation: "Travis Alexander's")

As for her locks of love bull pucky I am a cancer survivor and I would go bald rather than wear any wig knowing it came from the hair off of that head. How nasty!!!!!!!!!!


You've got to wonder how many women are holding their wigs at arms' length today, asking, "Is any of this Jodi hair???!!!"
Do you believe some people snap when it comes to heart brakes?
The guy was using his credit card buying his wife stuff at the store.
Shot her once...dead.I would trust this man with my life.

I will first say I don't know the situation so am basing it on partial info BUT:
wow, trust him with your life?
I find it hard to see it as a "snap" if he went and bought a gun, sought them out and then killed them (or just her).
I helped a very dear friend go through the most horrific divorce I could imagine with the coldest, vilest, most despicable ex I have ever heard of. While there was certainly the momentary thoughts of getting the rotten witch out of his life, he knew he had to do the right thing and not become what she was.
Wow, just wow.
:scared::scared: thanks button isn't working and I am experiencing panic attacks thinking back to yesterday's Pink Panther said...that was kind of a lonely experience.....:scared: dh just called - I told him I was busy editing some death penalty poetry and dancing.... :floorlaugh:

My thanks button keeps appearing and disappearing.
Good Morning Fellow WS:seeya:

Couldn't log in yesterday, I called everyone to check websleuths website, lol:floorlaugh:, I thought it was my mac doing me in, lol.

I got a glimpse of the disgusting labial herpes JA post allocution BS interviews, doesn't she ever stop, at any rate, hoping that it will be this psychopaths last hurrah.

My money is on this Jury, "Lady Jodi Ann Arias, your chariot awaits, ahem, I mean your gurney".

I don't ever want to see/hear of this monster ever again, unless she is scheduled for execution! Good Riddance!! . . . ok, ok/end rant, hehe.
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