Penn State athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case #2

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Interesting article from January 13, 2001. Sandusky really wanted the Virginia head coach job and was already choosing his assistants but apparently those doing the hiring had second thoughts. Maybe I'm reading too much between the lines but this article also mentions a falling out of sorts with Paterno.

This article is very telling in many ways. It has become very clear, at least to me, that Sandusky's behavior may have been unknown to the general public 10 years ago, but it was relatively well known in PSU athletic circles and it was most likely known among all college football coaching circles that something was "off" with Jerry at the very least. If not, he would still be coaching to this day.
I had no idea that the GJ's findings were supposed to be sealed. How did I miss that?
All these folks seemed to be intertwined in some way. The Governor, former Atty Gen is on the BOT? I couldn't make this stuff up!

BTW, IMO, Paterno and Spanier should have been fired. Sounds like they need a good housecleaning. I just wonder how far in the PSU community will the tentacles reach.

Interesting comments on this link.......
I hope not to make any leaps of judgment here, but does anyone know if they're looking into any missing children in connection to his charity or to the campus in general? I mean, we could be talking about missing kids from a number of states where the charity was operating. There's a missing DA. Am I saying it's in relation to these charges, I don't know, but it could be. If DAs going missing, do children go missing too?
The last media I read indicated another 10 complainants have come forward. I also, imo, found Sandusky's Atty's statements regarding the attempt to locate the victims to be very very chilling. As it is intended to be.

We usually dont allow shout outs here at WS-but may I just say that I am humbled by the courage of the victims who testified before the grand jury. I expect to read in the coming days and months that money has been offered and that stories may change. Be proud of yourselves for surviving and take some power back by participating in the punishment of the man who hurt you. Allegedly.

If you have information for the investigation, or you are a possible victim, please contact one of the following resources:

Office of the Attorney General: 814-863-1053

Pennsylvania State Police: 814-470-2238

You can remain anonymous.

This is a resource for those who have suffered from sexual abuse. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

This is merely one of your possible resources.

I want to add one for SNAP-they are featuring Sandusky's case on their front page. They are experts regarding institutionalized sexual abuse of children.
As for Sandusky's interview and the characterization of him as a "big kid."-

I have seen that description time and time again with offenders. These children, ages 8-13, were supposed to see Sandusky as a peer...that is what this statement implies. Not as a more than middle aged adult-just as a peer who would soap himself and children up in the showers...just like other boys. Right?

Anyone buying this? Of course not-crickets are going to chirp because JS's atty just had him cop to the only activity he actually confessed to in the hearing of sworn officers of the law. But what a telling statement it is.

Sandusky is behaving like a jilted lover with these kids. IMO, he is absolutely sexually attracted to children and children who are near him are not safe at all and never will be.

From the SNAP link posted above by believe09:

The best piece about Darío Castrillón Hoyos was written by the Catholic essayist John Zmirak, and his words apply to Joe Paterno as well. Sins committed in the name of a higher good, Zmirak wrote, can “smell and look like lilies. But they flank a coffin. Lying dead and stiff inside that box is natural Justice ... what each of us owes the other in an unconditional debt.”

No higher cause can trump that obligation — not a church, and certainly not a football program. And not even a lifetime of heroism can make up for leaving a single child alone, abandoned to evil, weeping in the dark.


Perhaps Mr. Paterno could think of this the next time he looks at his statue.

Sandusky is behaving like a jilted lover with these kids.

Your comment brought to mind an archived article I read the other day. It was a 1999 article from the Reading (PA) Eagle (newspaper).

Here's the section that caught my eye:

On the third bus of the caravan, Jerry Sandusky sat among the third-team players and near the Rev. John Schaeffer, a close friend and the former minister of St. Paul's United Methodist Church in State College who served as the team chaplain at the 1995 Rose Bowl.

Sandusky, the longtime Penn State defensive coordinator, was worried and wanted to talk, hoping that Schaeffer might help ease his mind. It wasn't the offense of Oregon, the Nittany Lions' opponent that made Sandusky feel uneasy; it was the plight of a boy in The Second Mile program back home in State College.

At first, Schaeffer didn't understand why his friend was ignoring the game, even momentarily.

"Then it hit me," he said. "Football is certainly Jerry's livelihood. He has tremendous pride in Penn State Football. But he his also a humanitarian. He cared about the welfare of that kid. It exemplified in his character."

(The link for this can be found by Googling "second mile program" in Google news archives. I just typed the above directly from the screenshot I took of the article, which couldn't be copied/pasted)
I respectfully wrote an email to my local TV station asking them to stop giving this Sicko air time. he doesn't deserve it.
The underlined part is the loophole that Paterno used to pass the buck to his higher ups. Then he could say he followed the rule to the letter, but the problem is the others never called the police.

I'm absolutely sure that PA is going to tighten up this law as soon as possible. No question that McQueary should have called the cops without delay, but that's not how they did things at Penn State. :furious: Everything had to go through JoePa.

If an Incident Report, regarding the child abuse observed by McQ (and others),
was not filled out & submitted to all superiors & to the Dept of Public Welfare within 48 hours...
as the law states... there are NO loopholes.
Thanks for the link LRin CA. I wonder if Paterno was contacted for a reference. I believe there was a falling out between those two. I was watching the talking heads on HLN yesterday and a guest mentioned that Paterno didn't even attend Sandusky's going away party when he retired. I cannot recall if it was JVM, Vinnie, or Mike G's show.

IMO, it was most likely due to the 1998 investigation but I don't think either one will ever admit it publically.

Just Moo


WM, regarding your mention of a reference - I just found this in the news archives:

Brief excerpt:
January 7, 2001

Jerry Sandusky badly wanted to become Virginia's head football coach and, it says here, would have made an excellent choice. But after a first interview that charmed Virginia's brass, the school's interest cooled during a second and third interview because they feared Sandusky wouldn't be fully committed to football, that The Second Mile, an all-encompassing program he founded for underprivileged youth, would take up too much of his time.

The link for this can be found by searching the Google news archives for these key words:

head coach

(I would copy/paste the link but, if I'm not mistaken, if I'm signed in at Google a link I give won't work for those who aren't signed in with Google (?))
My question .... Why would Penn State be firing the school President and JoePa if they didn't have some evidence that the allegations are true?

I would think because the suspected incident of child abuse wasn't reported,
by a written report and by phone, to Childline & to DPW... as mandated by law.
Now that is a cop out if I have ever read one-I would think the rumor mill was working which is what cost Sandusky the job. BUT-why turn the other way regarding his locker room activities? HMMM. This will take some figuring out.
Hi, Isabelle... :seeya:
When I first heard the story over a week ago, I didn't fully understand why Paterno should resign. But after reading
the entire Grand Jury Report, last Monday morning, I discovered that Paterno did play a very large part in the child
abuse scandal at Penn State.... as did so many others, all the way to the top.

As McC's immediate supervisor, Paterno did not report the incident to the necessary people,
he did not even report the incident as it was told to him by McC. Paterno knew what was
required of him to do, and he told McC he didn't want to know all the details. So, since there
was not a written report or statement by McC, Paterno told his supervisor the way he wanted to.

A criminal act was committed by Sandusky. Paterno knew about the crime, but he minimized it.
He then covered up for Sandusky, thus enabling Sandusky to continue sexually abusing young boys.

As a nurse, I am mandated to report all suspected cases of domestic violence and child abuse. There is a form
that must be filled out and on the back is a list of all people who are mandated by law to report such an incident.

Of course, teachers, coaches, counselors, principals, nurses, doctors... all school & medical personnel ....
are included in the list of persons that are required by law... mandated by law!... to report child abuse.

At the time McC saw Sandusky with a young boy in the shower, he should have immediately stopped it and helped the young victim.

Immediately after that, McC should have filled out the form within 48 hours, kept a copy for himself, and then given
a copy to his immediate supervisor, Joe Paterno, and his immediate supervisor and on up the chain of command.

A phone call should have been made to the 800 number for Childline. A copy of the written report goes to Dept of Public Welfare.... also within 48 hours.

IOW: It is against the law if a written report to DPW and a phone call to Childline is not submitted or if nothing is done or is minimized.
It is not up to anyone to determine whether it is serious enough to give a written report or to make the phone call! It must be done!!!

From § 42.42. PA Code for Suspected Child Abuse—Mandated Reporting Requirements.

".... staff members of a medical or other public or private institution, school, facility or agency, and who,
in the course of their employment, occupation or practice of their profession, come into contact with children
shall immediately notify the person in charge of the institution, school facility or agency or the designated agent
of the person in charge when they have reasonable cause to suspect on the basis of their professional or other
training or experience, that a child coming before them in their professional or official capacity is a victim of child abuse.... "

It then goes on to instruct how and to whom written reports and phone calls are made.
And gives all the information that must be included in the written report.

I'm sorry, I should have put McQ... not McC.
Scapegoat: a person or group made to bear the blame for others.

Board act's, you're satisfied they're taking a position of acknowledgement while covering their own involvement in a pedofile ring.

Go higher, dig deeper.

There has been one article that makes me step back towards the fence about Paterno. One in the last week that focused on anothers portrayal of Paterno and gave me pause.

Children, about 20 now and many more to come, deserve the engery and outcry being put into this. A pervert and a front for a pedo-ring need the anger, the resentment, the pure disgust put into this. An AG that didn't act because election was more important, now governor and on BOT deserves more scrutiny, as does every high-power exec, elected official, gov't agency and the PSP.

I think I previously shared my view on Paterno knew. He did what he was required to do, by law. He went further in 98, why wouldn't he in 02? <modsnip> don't know where the cover-up started and <modsnip>. Until we know how far, wide, etc the 02 incident was reported and where it was quashed, the perceived moral reponsibility can not be assessed to anyone.
From the December 20, 1999 issue of Sports Illustrated magazine.

Working under Paterno takes something out of a man, too. Sandusky was asked last week if he'll miss Joe Pa. "Well, not exactly," he said. "You have to understand that so much of our time was spent under stress, figuring out how to win. That takes a toll. We've had our battles. I've quit. I've been fired. I've walked around the building to cool off."

I think Sandusky hated Paterno. I think it was no accident that the rape witnessed by McQ took place right under the nose, as it were, of Paterno and his staff. I think that if the "big kid" Sandusky wanted to ingratiate himself and become one with some of the kids unfortunately in his care then there were others, and I bet they were as a rule far less compliant, that he wanted to exert power over, dominate. By doing so on PSU's campus, he was extending that domination to Paterno, to whom he was subordinate, especially by the end when he had been ruled out of the succession.

University campuses are thick with good and smart people who make great and often unheralded contributions to our worlds. They are also dense with power networks, egos and arrested development. I think the same is doubly true of departments like athletics that have the added complication of big money and therefore greater latitude. All kinds of commentators have noted the effects of these crimes on PSU. But they were in my view ALWAYS about PSU, an organization that systematically (in his view) undervalued Sandusky. Well, he showed them.

I think this may partly explain why so little attention was paid then (and now) to the victims, the boys subjected to terrible and forceful rape and molestation. They, appallingly, were not Penn State.

The latest sickening thought brought to me by too much time on the road, thinking...

'"We were showering and horsing around and he [the boy] actually turned all the showers on and was actually sliding across the floor and we were, as I recall, possibly like snapping a towel," Sandusky said. McQueary's allegations were never reported to the police.'

Is the towel-snapping this sick narcissist's attempt to explain away what McQueary reported to the grand jury as "a rhythmic slapping sound"?

Your comment brought to mind an archived article I read the other day. It was a 1999 article from the Reading (PA) Eagle (newspaper).

Here's the section that caught my eye:

On the third bus of the caravan, Jerry Sandusky sat among the third-team players and near the Rev. John Schaeffer, a close friend and the former minister of St. Paul's United Methodist Church in State College who served as the team chaplain at the 1995 Rose Bowl.

Sandusky, the longtime Penn State defensive coordinator, was worried and wanted to talk, hoping that Schaeffer might help ease his mind. It wasn't the offense of Oregon, the Nittany Lions' opponent that made Sandusky feel uneasy; it was the plight of a boy in The Second Mile program back home in State College.

At first, Schaeffer didn't understand why his friend was ignoring the game, even momentarily.

"Then it hit me," he said. "Football is certainly Jerry's livelihood. He has tremendous pride in Penn State Football. But he his also a humanitarian. He cared about the welfare of that kid. It exemplified in his character."

(The link for this can be found by Googling "second mile program" in Google news archives. I just typed the above directly from the screenshot I took of the article, which couldn't be copied/pasted)

Does this link work? mile program&pg=2827,5684559
One thing (of many) that I find curious:

Brief excerpt:
Former Penn State President Graham Spanier remains a tenured faculty member at the university, interim President Rodney Erickson confirmed Friday afternoon.

Spanier remains a professor in the College of Health and Human Development and the College of the Liberal Arts, Erickson said. He said he does not know if Spanier will stay at Penn State to teach and conduct research.

More at:

I also find it interesting that Spanier did not participate in the PSU pension plan (nor did Gary Schulz).
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