Penn State Sandusky-Report of the Special Investigative Counsel

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"denial of conubial benefits"...................................that phrase in relationship to Dottie Sandusky and Jerry Sandusky is going to give me tonight's nightmare..........thanks....thanks at lot Stellars!
That woman should thank her lucky stars that her behind isn't in the pokey with her pederast rapist husband.

But she isn't grateful at all. WTF? Charge the woman as an accessory! Dottie wants to mess with the bull, by God, give her the horns!

ETA: oops. Did NOT see the "prognostication" part of the post about a litigious Dottie S.! Boy is my face red!
Joe Paterno’s shame

Outside the Penn State football stadium stands a statue of legendary coach Joe Paterno, his arm raised in victory. Right next to it, university officials should erect another figure in bronze: a young boy crying out in anguish and being coldly ignored.

Penn State’s Board of Trustees commissioned former FBI director Louis Freeh to investigate how child molester Jerry Sandusky — for years one of Paterno’s most trusted and loyal assistants — could have committed his awful crimes under the noses of university officials. The answer is simple and shocking: Those officials simply looked the other way.

More at link.....
Presumably the family totally agrees with joes reasoning that he shouldnt "interfere' with anyones ""weekend" whe n\he heard about sandusky raping a child in the penn state showers..oh, sorry, myabe not raping..maybe just abusing...maybe just inappopriate touching...maybe just showing the boy how to soap up his back...who knows, we werent there.

the paternos are in the process of destroying whatever is left of joes name as they continue to defend the indefensible. they do not see this.

interesting. they are deluded.

LOL I wrote nearly the exact same thing on the other thread. :rocker:
13th of the litigants now suing Penn State is Dorothy Sandusky, represented by Karl Rominger. She is claiming $3MM in specific damages and $20 MM in punitive damages. Sandusky states that by malfiesance, incompetence and criminal indifference the Penn State institution, its administration, and its janitors conspired to deny her husband medical and psychological therapy which would have cured his treatable personality disorder and saved his reputation and their marriage.
She is further suing for her own pain and suffering during many years of anxiety, denial of conubial benefits and having to wear ear plugs to sleep .

Is this real??? holy...
Why did she have to wear ear-plugs for?
She must have known something. This cover-up goes deep.
Penn State should get death penalty
Jen Floyd Engel, FOX Sports
2 hours ago

Let former FBI director Louis Freeh tell you a story, one he detailed in his Penn State University-Jerry Sandusky report released Thursday.

There was this big, respected university with an iconic legend as its football coach.

It also had a pedophile operating in its program.

School officials knew this back in 1998 and covered it up.

They chose this “humane” route of covering up, turning their backs and protecting themselves rather than kids for more than a decade as boys went on being raped in the campus showers and on football trips. They did this because it benefited them, was easier for them and protected what they valued most — the football program...
But she isn't grateful at all. WTF? Charge the woman as an accessory! Dottie wants to mess with the bull, by God, give her the horns!
Sorry people, that report about Dorothy suing is my joke, I didn't mean to fray anyone's knots-- the real thing already does that enough.. But I can easily imagine it happening.
Sorry people, that report about Dorothy suing is my joke, I didn't mean to fray anyone's knots-- the real thing already does that enough.. But I can easily imagine it happening.

;) You called your post a "prognostication", so I didn't take it seriously and :lol:
Sorry people, that report about Dorothy suing is my joke, I didn't mean to fray anyone's knots-- the real thing already does that enough.. But I can easily imagine it happening.

Man oh man, I did realize that, post-post and went back to edit. Perhaps I should read more carefully before getting my knickers in a twist over something!

13th of the litigants now suing Penn State is Dorothy Sandusky, represented by Karl Rominger. She is claiming $3MM in specific damages and $20 MM in punitive damages. Sandusky states that by malfiesance, incompetence and criminal indifference the Penn State institution, its administration, and its janitors conspired to deny her husband medical and psychological therapy which would have cured his treatable personality disorder and saved his reputation and their marriage.
She is further suing for her own pain and suffering during many years of anxiety, denial of conubial benefits and having to wear ear plugs to sleep .

Haha stop it! I had to look up prognistication. Hahaha. It took me a few minutes of saying to myself. "No way. No she is not"
now i totally understand the aggressive responses from the Paterno family as regards the report. espn has had his son, Jay paterno, on all afternoon arguing the finer, legally weak points involved in the report, and basically jay paterno is making the argument that many of the conclusions in the report were made based on evidence that would not be admitted into a court of law, and that, therefore, the conclusions in the report should be disregarded.

jay paterno is not a lawyer. but he looks like a lawyer, and now that i think about it, I believe his arguments were probably formulated by the family's lawyers and he was sent out to make their case.

as i watched him it occurred to me that the family needed a media consultant to advise them instead of a lawyer.

they have done nothing to help their dead patriarch's legacy. in fact, he is made to look even sleazier by these legalistic arguments. don't they realize that children were raped and terrorized as a result of their fathers action (and the actions of the puppets he installed to support him and the football program)? don't they realize that a former dirtector of the FBI has plainly told the nation all this, and that the nation believes it?

in response, they make legal arguments.

in earnest.

hubris run amuck. its very telling, imo.
Penn State leaders disregarded victims, 'empowered' Sandusky, review finds

...........Even before the 1998 investigation, "Several staff members and football coaches regularly observed Sandusky showering with young boys," and none of those interviewed ever notified their superiors, the report found.

A year later, in 1999, Paterno, Spanier, Schultz and Curley decided to allow Sandusky to retire, "not as a suspected child predator, but as a valued member of the Penn State football legacy," the report says. That allowed him to continue to work with children at the university, "essentially granting him license to bring boys to campus facilities for 'grooming' as targets for his assaults."

He retained unlimited access to university facilities until November 2011, the report says. The school also approved a one-time lump sum payment of $168,000 to Sandusky in 1999. Top university officials said they had never known Penn State "to provide this type of payment to a retiring employee."

What was that payment for?
This quote says it all!!!!

"At the very least, Mr Paterno could have alerted the entire football staff, in order to prevent Sandusky from bringing another child into the Lasch Building."
its very telling, imo.

Exactly what I was thinking. The right thing to do is so obvious to everyone except those involved in trying to continue this cover-up. And that's exactly how I see the family reaction....the same old cover-up by another generation.

Just say horrible mistakes were made and apologize. Offer some financial compensation and support for the victims. Anything. Do the right thing, people. Yeesh. I don't think these people are like the rest of us normal human beings.
I have one question. What ever became of the 2001 victim ? Is he overseas in Military? Or never identified at all. Not identified publicly - due to when LE made positive ID - the 2001 victim was no longer physically available?
Or just never identified ?
This is a good article by Dan Wetzel for Yahoo! Sports

Joe Paterno's new legacy: Coach turned his back on helpless boys to protect himself and Sandusky

Page after page, damning detail after damning detail, direct document after direct document, it all comes crashing down in a confirmation of the worst assumptions once imaginable about Joe Paterno's role in the Jerry Sandusky sexual molestation scandal.
Exactly what I was thinking. The right thing to do is so obvious to everyone except those involved in trying to continue this cover-up. And that's exactly how I see the family reaction....the same old cover-up by another generation.

Just say horrible mistakes were made and apologize. Offer some financial compensation and support for the victims. Anything. Do the right thing, people. Yeesh. I don't think these people are like the rest of us normal human beings.

And most of all, shut the [self-bleep] up. :maddening:

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