Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #4

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I hope the former FBI director hired by Penn State to investigate brings in a large team just to investigate Dr. Raykovitz, the practicing child psychologist and CEO of Second Mile for 28 years. What made this practicing child psychologist not suspect his friend Sandusky of being a pedophile?

"Dr. Raykovitz is a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist. He received his Ph.D. in school psychology from the Pennsylvania State University in 1985. As President and CEO of The Second Mile, Dr. Raykovitz oversees the operations of a state-wide non-profit community organization devoted to serving at-risk children and youth. Dr. Raykovitz maintained a part-time private practice at XXXXXX, providing individual and family therapy to children, adolescents, and parents. His specialties included adolescent development and school adjustment issues."

And Spainer's background was in Human Development and Family Studies...with research on the subject of "swinging" a la...70's car key parties?? That's where tax dollars go, to tenure professors who live in their academia ivory towers and conduct 'research' instead of implementing concrete actionable programs to protect children. What a disservice to people who truly are altruistic and care for others in their professions!

And then this someone posted earlier: "In other developments, the Patriot-News of Harrisburg reports that the first alleged abuse victim of Sandusky has withdrawn from his Clinton County, Pa. high school because of bullying.

The victim's psychologist, Mike Gillum, told the paper that Central Mountain High School students were misplacing their anger at Joe Paterno's firing and blaming the 17-year-old, who left the school in the middle of his senior year after experiencing a rash of verbal taunting and name-calling.

Gillum also noted that school officials neglected to offer guidance and counseling for fellow students.

The officials were unavailable for comment Sunday, the paper reported."

I feel that CMHighSchool admin contributed and enabled sandusky, and in the aftermath did nothing to protect the boy. *School should've provided private tutor, or got student settled in a different school back in 2009, or worked with counselors for kid to have what ever accommodations he needed to feel as safe and secure as he could. ACCOMMODATIONS are made for medical, peanut allergies, behavioral, inclusion, all kinds of needs, some disruptive, of all kinds of students...but admin/guidence counselors couldn't think of how to help this kid??? I wonder if his Due Process was violated?
Say what? Where are you reading he has had BOTOX injections? JMHO
When I saw the photo of the sixty-year-old Raykovitz without horizontal forehead wrinkles, I wondered if he utilized neurotoxin injections for his appearance.
And Spainer's background was in Human Development and Family Studies...with research on the subject of "swinging" a la...70's car key parties?? That's where tax dollars go, to tenure professors who live in their academia ivory towers and conduct 'research' instead of implementing concrete actionable programs to protect children. What a disservice to people who truly are altruistic and care for others in their professions!

And then this someone had posted earlier: "In other developments, the Patriot-News of Harrisburg reports that the first alleged abuse victim of Sandusky has withdrawn from his Clinton County, Pa. high school because of bullying.

The victim's psychologist, Mike Gillum, told the paper that Central Mountain High School students were misplacing their anger at Joe Paterno's firing and blaming the 17-year-old, who left the school in the middle of his senior year after experiencing a rash of verbal taunting and name-calling.

Gillum also noted that school officials neglected to offer guidance and counseling for fellow students.

The officials were unavailable for comment Sunday, the paper reported."

CMHighSchool admin contributed and enabled sandusky, and in the aftermath did nothing to protect the boy. *School should've provided private tutor, or got student settled in a different school back in 2009, or worked with counselors for kid to have what ever accommodations he needed to feel as safe and secure as he could. *All kinds of accommodations are made for medical, peanut allergies, behavioral, all knids of disruptive needs of all kinds of students...but admin/guidence counselors couldn't think of how to help this kid???
The School that let the Pedophile come in and take the child out of class constantly with out the parents permission. Just how does that work?

The victim's psychologist, Mike Gillum, told the paper that Central Mountain High School students were misplacing their anger at Joe Paterno's firing and blaming the 17-year-old, who left the school in the middle of his senior year after experiencing a rash of verbal taunting and name-calling.
Like this child hasn't been through enough.
The School that let the Pedophile come in and take the child out of class constantly with out the parents permission. Just how does that work?

The victim's psychologist, Mike Gillum, told the paper that Central Mountain High School students were misplacing their anger at Joe Paterno's firing and blaming the 17-year-old, who left the school in the middle of his senior year after experiencing a rash of verbal taunting and name-calling.

That's so sad! :(
And Spainer's background was in Human Development and Family Studies...with research on the subject of "swinging" a la...70's car key parties?? That's where tax dollars go, to tenure professors who live in their academia ivory towers and conduct 'research' instead of implementing concrete actionable programs to protect children. What a disservice to people who truly are altruistic and care for others in their professions!

With respect for your opinions on this case generally, and though it seems clear that several of Penn State's higher admin have behaved abominably to Sandusky's victims (and their students, athletes, stakeholders, and so forth), all kinds of research professors are deeply and durably committed to understanding and addressing the exploitation of children as well as the various other social problems that have come up in this thread.

I am by training a social psychologist and a prof at a large research university. There is no ivory tower here -- we average a 70 hour week and take home less than a London tube driver. On top of that, many of us consult pro bono and volunteer to boot. Any football assistant coach at a decent program will make a multiple of most of the (non-professional school) professors/faculty at that school -- including those who design and implement social policy, school curricula, etc.

I actually think of the notable factors in this case is that the oversight one might expect of, say, a faculty department in a large public university seems to have been totally absent here. Riches, fame, recruits, scholarship funds in a world increasingly hostile to the idea of the university -- all this helped to blind an administration seemingly bent on the most repugnant cost-benefit analysis. Spanier may, in his role as a sociologist, have conducted research you find trivial, but had been thinking as a sociologist and not a swaggering, fundraising, legacy-seeking Uni President, he might have stepped in a long time ago and made a profound difference to the lives of who knows how many young men.

/end of rant

I was wondering how the kids knew it was him and it just dawned on me. They knew it was him because the head of Central Mountain High School allowed Jerry Sandusky to come in and take the kid out of class in front of the other students and without the parents permission. What is wrong with that place?
How many other High Schools and Grade Schools did Jerry just go into and take kids out of class with out their parents knowing?
I have no idea how many of The Second Mile’s officials and board members knew about this animal, but I can see no way that there wasn’t wide spread awareness of his actions within that organization.

I can see no way that anyone would have STAYED on the board if they knew they were enabling a pedo. No one wants to be associated with a pedophile or have their business associated with a pedophile. This would destroy their reputation. As you can see from this article, board members are fleeing in anger and with feelings of betrayal from Second Mile. It appears that they were not told the truth by key officials of Second Mile.
The interim chief executive of TSM, David Woodle, certainly wasn’t a fountain of information, recently, when asked about TSM’s knowledge and response regarding Sandusky’s acts:
Why all the shuck and jive? Why not simply answer the questions?

It’s a damn shame that GREED seems to be a determining factor of why these children’s horror was allowed to continue.
These people were not motivated by greed. What is being revealed is the same situation that happened in the Boy Scout's and Catholic Church's pedophile scandal. For too long, only the key officials in the administration knew the truth. :(
I was wondering how the kids knew it was him and it just dawned on me. They knew it was him because the head of Central Mountain High School allowed Jerry Sandusky to come in and take the kid out of class in front of the other students and without the parents permission. What is wrong with that place?

This is one of the under reported parts of this scandal. What was the principal thinking? I would be furious if I was that boy's parent, even if no molestation had occurred - removing a minor from class without parental permission is already bad on its own.
I can see no way that anyone would have STAYED on the board if they knew they were enabling a pedo. No one wants to be associated with a pedophile or have their business associated with a pedophile. This would destroy their reputation. As you can see from this article, board members are fleeing in anger and with feelings of betrayal from Second Mile. It appears that they were not told the truth by key officials of Second Mile.

These people were not motivated by greed. What is being revealed is the same situation that happened in the Boy Scout's and Catholic Church's pedophile scandal. For too long, only the key officials in the administration knew the truth. :(

And it was these key officials that had the most incentive for greed to be their motivator, particularly the chairman of the board of trustees, Bob Poole, with his tens of millions of dollars in construction contracts. As a TSM official as well as a state vendor he was deeply vested in the commingled inner circles of PSU and TSM. For me, there's no way it's even remotely logical that Sandusky's reprehensible acts escaped his awareness.

For him to have "done the right thing" regarding this monster would place his benefit of association in the same jeopardy that I see happening in the future now that the secrets are being exposed. The architects that you correctly pointed out who make the recommendations to award construction contracts are, like the university, likely to distance themselves completely from this tainted association.

That is a huge incentive, in excess of $50,000,000.00 in the past two years alone, fueled by greed, to say or do NOTHING thereby enabling the horror of these children.
In the interview, she said that she was unaware that Sandusky had access to her son’s high school, where he would take him out of classes.

That is unreal. :mad: I would go through the roof if I found out some adult was going to school and taking one of my kids out without prior permission from me. [ which they probably would not get anyway.]

How the heck did he get that much power. Why would the high school allow this? Don't they worry about liability issues. I have never known a school to EVER allow a student to be dismissed off campus to anyone other than parent/guardian or someone the parent has signed off on.

I worked for the public school system for 12 years and many hours of that was as a classified employee in the attendance office.

So I am wondering if the mother might have signed the paper that allowed Sandusky to be one of the people legally authorized to sign out her son.

That would not mean she knew when and how often he was taking him out, it only gave her permission for Sandusky to be one of the adults able legally to sign him out.
I doubt it. It doesn't sound like he was ever taken off campus, just out of class and into a conference room inside the school. Its still unbelievable that he was allowed to do that, IMO.
Subterfuge allowing the colleagues to have their way , becomes more important than the parent who should be the most responsible adult. This is just WRONG!:banghead:
That is unreal. :mad: I would go through the roof if I found out some adult was going to school and taking one of my kids out without prior permission from me. [ which they probably would not get anyway.]

How the heck did he get that much power. Why would the high school allow this? Don't they worry about liability issues. I have never known a school to EVER allow a student to be dismissed off campus to anyone other than parent/guardian or someone the parent has signed off on.

I worked for the public school system for 12 years and many hours of that was as a classified employee in the attendance office.

So I am wondering if the mother might have signed the paper that allowed Sandusky to be one of the people legally authorized to sign out her son.

That would not mean she knew when and how often he was taking him out, it only gave her permission for Sandusky to be one of the adults able legally to sign him out.

If that link was correct the mother said she did not know he (accused pedophile) had access to her son's school. The way I heard it and am reading it the lady had zero knowledge about that. Maybe I am wrong?

However we do know that the mom allowed the boy to stay overnight at the home of those people. She wouldn't have to sign a permission slip for that.

What I am getting at is are we to blame the poor kid's mother? I ask this because that issue has come up in conversations I've had. In fact one in which my own mother wondered allowed why in heck the kid was allowed to stay overnight.

I say no way is this woman to blame. I feel sorry for her. The kid was an "at risk" youth. What's that encompass I am not sure, but pedophiles they smell this a mile away. They look for it. Obviously he had a handle on the poor child figuring he wouldn't tell. He got a surpise when the mom called him on it.

As he even admitted to the woman when the cops eavesdropped he did shower with her son and he wishes he was dead he still felt in control of the situation. This woman was up against allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll these wealthy whatevers and dealing with this hero of a man and still freaked.

My heart breaks for this poor young man. I have no doubt this mom is beside herself.
Oh yeah and the wrestling coach finds the creep on top of this kid. Then what?

Were they wrestling?

Man, I just don't know. This poor kid.
I was wondering how the kids knew it was him and it just dawned on me. They knew it was him because the head of Central Mountain High School allowed Jerry Sandusky to come in and take the kid out of class in front of the other students and without the parents permission. What is wrong with that place?

:furious: The kids also knew it was him because the gnarly media had to go and announce that the victim attended Central Mountain High School.

Way to protect his anonymity. Snark.
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