Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #4

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If that link was correct the mother said she did not know he (accused pedophile) had access to her son's school. The way I heard it and am reading it the lady had zero knowledge about that. Maybe I am wrong?

However we do know that the mom allowed the boy to stay overnight at the home of those people. She wouldn't have to sign a permission slip for that.

What I am getting at is are we to blame the poor kid's mother? I ask this because that issue has come up in conversations I've had. In fact one in which my own mother wondered allowed why in heck the kid was allowed to stay overnight.

I say no way is this woman to blame. I feel sorry for her. The kid was an "at risk" youth. What's that encompass I am not sure, but pedophiles they smell this a mile away. They look for it. Obviously he had a handle on the poor child figuring he wouldn't tell. He got a surpise when the mom called him on it.

As he even admitted to the woman when the cops eavesdropped he did shower with her son and he wishes he was dead he still felt in control of the situation. This woman was up against allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll these wealthy whatevers and dealing with this hero of a man and still freaked.

My heart breaks for this poor young man. I have no doubt this mom is beside herself.

I am not blaming her. Not at all. I am just saying that legally, a school cannot sign a student out without the person being on a small list of authorized people. And the only way to get on the list is to have the parents sign off on it.

But that would not mean that she knew that the sick perv was actually sneaking off to the school to sign her son out of class whenever he felt like it.

I am just saying that when they took football trips they probably left early on Fridays from school---and for Sandusky to be able to pick the boy up he would have to have a signed authorization form on file with the office.
With respect for your opinions on this case generally, and though it seems clear that several of Penn State's higher admin have behaved abominably to Sandusky's victims (and their students, athletes, stakeholders, and so forth), all kinds of research professors are deeply and durably committed to understanding and addressing the exploitation of children as well as the various other social problems that have come up in this thread.

I am by training a social psychologist and a prof at a large research university. There is no ivory tower here -- we average a 70 hour week and take home less than a London tube driver. On top of that, many of us consult pro bono and volunteer to boot. Any football assistant coach at a decent program will make a multiple of most of the (non-professional school) professors/faculty at that school -- including those who design and implement social policy, school curricula, etc.

I actually think of the notable factors in this case is that the oversight one might expect of, say, a faculty department in a large public university seems to have been totally absent here. Riches, fame, recruits, scholarship funds in a world increasingly hostile to the idea of the university -- all this helped to blind an administration seemingly bent on the most repugnant cost-benefit analysis. Spanier may, in his role as a sociologist, have conducted research you find trivial, but had been thinking as a sociologist and not a swaggering, fundraising, legacy-seeking Uni President, he might have stepped in a long time ago and made a profound difference to the lives of who knows how many young men.

/end of rant

When I said "What a disservice to people who truly are altruistic and care for others in their professions!" that would be you then, sorry for my insensitive remarks about ivory tower. They were directed at Spainer and his HDFS background considering his role in all this. I should not have generalized. My degree is in Human Development and Family Studies from PSU..that and my Masters in Education have me semi-unschooling my kids. Design and implementation of social policy and curricula is a topic for another board. Namaste.
Paterno's life grade

Mike Rosen is clearly clueless and naive. It is horribly written.

Oh FHS! Is this what the PR firm is doing? It was bad, but not as bad as him (that guy) and CERTAINLY NOT as bad as Sandusky. Paterno needs to sit down and hush! Calling attention to his bellyaching about the loss of his hero status for the moment makes him appear small, selfish, and insolent. Let the children be recognized as the victims here, Finally, will you please?


I am not blaming her. Not at all. I am just saying that legally, a school cannot sign a student out without the person being on a small list of authorized people. And the only way to get on the list is to have the parents sign off on it.

But that would not mean that she knew that the sick perv was actually sneaking off to the school to sign her son out of class whenever he felt like it.

I am just saying that when they took football trips they probably left early on Fridays from school---and for Sandusky to be able to pick the boy up he would have to have a signed authorization form on file with the office.

Katy, I'm sorry. I know you weren't blaming her. I was just putting it out there as it had been coming up in conversation for me here.

I hear ya. Again, sorry.
:furious: The kids also knew it was him because the gnarly media had to go and announce that the victim attended Central Mountain High School.

Way to protect his anonymity. Snark.

Well, the presentment named the coach, and the other kids saw Victim 1 with Sandusky, so I don't think they got it from the media.
It seems strange that the person in the below article has the same last name (Probst) as the principal of Central Mountain High School (Karen Probst); the same school that let Sandusky take one of his victims from the school without the parental knowledge or consent. There are also a couple of other Probst that work at the school.
Sandusky charity faced contempt motion over missing records
By Michael Isikoff
NBC News National Investigative Correspondent

Pennsylvania state prosecutors filed a secret motion to hold The Second Mile children’s charity in contempt in July after the organization failed to turn over expense records of founder Jerry Sandusky in response to a grand jury subpoena, according to a source familiar with the investigation.

The contempt motion, filed under court seal, was withdrawn in October after some of the missing Sandusky records were found and produced, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. But the charity’s new lawyers are still looking for the rest of the subpoenaed material and seeking to determine whether the missing records were destroyed or removed in an effort to impede the investigation into Sandusky’s relationships with The Second Mile children, said the source, who has been briefed on some of the details of the investigation.

The move to hold The Second Mile in contempt, which has previously not been reported, is the latest indication that the investigation into the Penn State sex abuse scandal may have widened to include obstruction of justice. Asked Monday if obstruction was a focus of Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly’s investigation, her spokesman, Nils Frederickson, declined comment, citing rules covering the secrecy of matters before the grand jury. “This is a comprehensive, active and ongoing investigation,” he said.
I am not blaming her. Not at all. I am just saying that legally, a school cannot sign a student out without the person being on a small list of authorized people. And the only way to get on the list is to have the parents sign off on it.

But that would not mean that she knew that the sick perv was actually sneaking off to the school to sign her son out of class whenever he felt like it.

I am just saying that when they took football trips they probably left early on Fridays from school---and for Sandusky to be able to pick the boy up he would have to have a signed authorization form on file with the office.

Also, as the student was a client of the agency, the school may have allowed Sandusky to meet with him on site, the way other students do with Therapeutic Support Staff or Mobile Therapists from outside agencies. The mother may have signed a standard release form, and Sandusky presented himself as the boy's "mentor". The fact that he was already "inside" the school as a volunteer coach probably helped smooth his path.

In hindsight, poor judgment on the district's part, and I would hope they have since revisited those policies.
“Sandusky began to demand more and more of his time.* Sandusky was also volunteering as a football coach at Probst’s high school, so Probst was seeing Sandusky nearly every day.
“I wasn’t seeing my friends as much, wasn’t doing as teenagers do,” Probst said.
When Probst began to distance himself, Sandusky would pull him out of class to chat with him. The chats eventually turned into arguments, Probst said.
At one point, Probst confronted Sandusky about feeling uncomfortable with the way he touched his leg.
“He got a little mad,” Probst said of Sandusky’s reaction.
He (Probst) said that he considers Sandusky a positive influence in his life.

Ugh. This young man hasn't realized that Sandusky was grooming him, tried to desensitize him to groping, and tried to isolate him from his friends who would tell him that Sandusky was a weirdo in more colorful words.
“Sandusky began to demand more and more of his time.* Sandusky was also volunteering as a football coach at Probst’s high school, so Probst was seeing Sandusky nearly every day.
“I wasn’t seeing my friends as much, wasn’t doing as teenagers do,” Probst said.
When Probst began to distance himself, Sandusky would pull him out of class to chat with him. The chats eventually turned into arguments, Probst said.
At one point, Probst confronted Sandusky about feeling uncomfortable with the way he touched his leg.
“He got a little mad,” Probst said of Sandusky’s reaction.
He (Probst) said that he considers Sandusky a positive influence in his life.

Ugh. This young man hasn't realized that Sandusky was grooming him, tried to desensitize him to groping, and tried to isolate him from his friends who would tell him that Sandusky was a weirdo in more colorful words.

OMG. What a creeper. This perv was stalking him at school. How sick to take him from class to argue over the poor kid trying to break away from the abuse. This kid is going to need a lot of counseling and support. :rose:
Also, how the HE!! could Sandusky get any kind of a volunteer job working with kids after being under recent investigations concerning sexual abuse?
This article in the New York Times is one of the more informative that I've read.

In his 16 years as president, Spanier and his administration had a history of circling the wagons in the face of criticism or scrutiny, fitting into what many say was an insular Penn State culture that preceded his tenure. It occurred when high-profile Penn State employees came under fire, when student actions threatened to embarrass the university, and when people sought to obtain information that almost any other public institution would be required to release.
So much for the polite fiction that his program was special.

A Discipline Problem: Paterno Fought Penn State Official Over Punishment of Players (Wall Street Journal)

STATE COLLEGE, Pa.—Legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno clashed repeatedly with the university's former chief disciplinarian over how harshly to punish players who got into trouble, internal emails suggest, shedding new light on the school's effort to balance its reputation as a magnet for scholar-athletes with the demands of running a nationally dominant football program.

In an Aug. 12, 2005, email to Pennsylvania State University President Graham Spanier and others, Vicky Triponey, the university's standards and conduct officer, complained that Mr. Paterno believed she should have "no interest, (or business) holding our football players accountable to our community standards. The Coach is insistent he knows best how to discipline his players…and their status as a student when they commit violations of our standards should NOT be our concern…and I think he was saying we should treat football players different from other students in this regard."
The end result, she said, was that football players were treated "more favorably than other students accused of violating the community standards as defined by the student code of conduct."
the rest at WSJ link above
It seems strange that the person in the below article has the same last name (Probst) as the principal of Central Mountain High School (Karen Probst); the same school that let Sandusky take one of his victims from the school without the parental knowledge or consent. There are also a couple of other Probst that work at the school.

From your link:

In one of their last conversations a few years ago, Probst said that Sandusky asked him if if he’d be willing to testify in his defense. Investigators had already reached out to Probst for questioning. :banghead:

Think of all the time there was to remove/destroy records, cameras, etc.
"The Coach is insistent he knows best how to discipline his players…"

And apparently he thought he knew best when it came to handling situations involving young children. :furious:
“Sandusky began to demand more and more of his time.* Sandusky was also volunteering as a football coach at Probst’s high school, so Probst was seeing Sandusky nearly every day.
“I wasn’t seeing my friends as much, wasn’t doing as teenagers do,” Probst said.
When Probst began to distance himself, Sandusky would pull him out of class to chat with him. The chats eventually turned into arguments, Probst said.
At one point, Probst confronted Sandusky about feeling uncomfortable with the way he touched his leg.
“He got a little mad,” Probst said of Sandusky’s reaction.
He (Probst) said that he considers Sandusky a positive influence in his life.

Ugh. This young man hasn't realized that Sandusky was grooming him, tried to desensitize him to groping, and tried to isolate him from his friends who would tell him that Sandusky was a weirdo in more colorful words.

Also from the link.

Frankie Probst, a young man mentored by former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, says Sandusky was like a father figure to him but grew increasingly clingy over a period of 8 years.

“We kind of grew apart because he was getting clingy, wanting me to come over and stuff," Probst told NBC's Natalie Morales in an exclusive interview broadcast Monday night on Rock Center.

That raises the red flag. Why would someone not affiliated with the child be even allowed to be at the high school. Clingy people are seen as annoying.
HOLY CRAP! Louis Freeh was the “take NO prisoners" FBI Director when the FBI "forced" the firebombing of the Branch Davidians and also when the FBI sniper shot that unarmed woman holding a baby at Ruby Ridge.

(Dayum, I’m glad son #2 is graduating next year. I’m sending him back after Thanksgiving break waving a large white flag and with instructions to “hit the ground” if a red dot suddenly appears on his chest or head. ;) )
[ame=""]Louis Freeh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
They are both from Lockhaven, Pa. Hmmmm. Strange.

You know for a fact the principal is also from Lock Haven? I have no idea but I will most certainly defer to you. :)


At the 2000 census, Lock Haven's population was 9,149.
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