Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

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Technical difficulties of defense:

Judge and prosecutor: Where the heck are your witnesses that can testify about the charges your client is charged with?? All you have so far are character witnesses. This is not a popularity contest!!!
We're splitting hairs, but I basically agree with you and little kids tear their clothes off all the time till they learn not to. I just don't understand why the grandfather would have any reason whatsoever to take his granddaughter in the men's locker/shower room. There is just nothing that's going to convince me that this particular scenario is ok, and it sure doesn't help Sandusky's credibility.

Well, I think is the key; where is the tipping point? It is obviously okay for coach grandpa to change her diapers. It's obviously not okay for him to shower and dress her and send him off to the senior prom.

If he's dressing his 4-6 year old granddaughter, it is probably okay.

As to helping, Anderson was Amendola's worst move since the Costas interview.
Peeps, we will absolutely NOT allow this thread to turn into a series of personal attacks between posters.

Overall, you have been admirably respectful of one another, and generally agreed to disagree on the points that you, well, disagree on.

I am pretty sure every poster here has different views on any number of topics related to child-rearing--including what is age-appropriate and safe behavior around bathing, sleepovers, etc.... and we could argue them all day. Which is not what WS or this thread exist for.

I am also pretty sure every poster here agrees that what JS is alleged to have done to these children crosses every boundary any of us might have as regards these items.

Please stay focused on the trial, not one another.

(For example--I am curious that they recessed early today, and that the defense is now expected to finish up by Wednesday??? :waitasec: Did a whole bunch of defense witnesses just get bounced, or their testimony severely limited?)
I wonder if several defense witnesses backed out to save their own reputations and ways of life.
I thought they were going to have witnesses stepping forward to try and disprove key dates of the alleged crimes. Like people saying witness 2 is wrong because there was no game on that date, or JS was in another state at that time. But what they offered was pretty weak, imo.
Peeps, we will absolutely NOT allow this thread to turn into a series of personal attacks between posters.

Overall, you have been admirably respectful of one another, and generally agreed to disagree on the points that you, well, disagree on.

I am pretty sure every poster here has different views on any number of topics related to child-rearing--including what is age-appropriate and safe behavior around bathing, sleepovers, etc.... and we could argue them all day. Which is not what WS or this thread exist for.

I am also pretty sure every poster here agrees that what JS is alleged to have done to these children crosses every boundary any of us might have as regards these items.

Please stay focused on the trial, not one another.

(For example--I am curious that they recessed early today, and that the defense is now expected to finish up by Wednesday??? :waitasec: Did a whole bunch of defense witnesses just get bounced, or their testimony severely limited?)

Maybe after the first coach testified the other witnesses saw the public's reaction and are now declining to testify. I am finding this trial unbelievable and hard to watch. jmo
They are saying "technical difficulties" led to the early dismissal, but that could mean a lot of things.
I thought they were going to have witnesses stepping forward to try and disprove key dates of the alleged crimes. Like people saying witness 2 is wrong because there was no game on that date, or JS was in another state at that time. But what they offered was pretty weak, imo.

Maybe that will happen tomorrow.

On the other hand, the Prosecution probably has tons of evidence proving some of the dates, such as phone calls, game tickets, hotel reservations, etc.

ETA: Jerry also kept lists and calendars. So they probably can't dispute some of this stuff.
I wonder if several defense witnesses backed out to save their own reputations and ways of life.

That would not surprise me, actually. Or, all of the sudden Amendola realized that he might have done more harm than good - it's pretty amazing to me that he let Brooks get up there and say he took his granddaughter into the men's locker room at the Y. I suppose, in fairness, there is a very slim possibility that Brooks may have had a reason to do that although I don't know what it would be - but the point is; if that's what they're going to offer up as 'defense' they've got a heck of a weak case.
I thought they were going to have witnesses stepping forward to try and disprove key dates of the alleged crimes. Like people saying witness 2 is wrong because there was no game on that date, or JS was in another state at that time. But what they offered was pretty weak, imo.

I hear you. None of their testimony goes to prove this defendant's innocence. Not that it surprises me. What surprises me is that the defendant would hire such an incompetent attorney.
I wonder if several defense witnesses backed out to save their own reputations and ways of life.

Or even their dignity? I can't imagine many adults willing to get on the stand and say "Yeah sure we all showered with little boys, so what?" reminds me of Michael Jackson talking how "beautiful" it was to share his bed with little boys. Maddening!!
Interesting . . .

Megan Healey ‏@MeganHealey

Victim 5 attorney just told me he was subpoenaed after court by the defense re: his fee agreement w/ his client, contact w/ media. #sandusky


Andrew Stockey ‏@astockey

#Sandusky atty for victim 5 tells me he was subpoenaed in the case regarding agreement with client. Doubts he'll take the stand.


Michael Sisak ‏@cvmikesisak

BREAKING: Victim #5 attorney just subpoenaed outside courthouse by representative of #Sandusky attys for fee agreement, media communication


Steve Esack ‏@sesack

Dick Anderson, a former Penn State, Rutgers and Lafayette coach, testifies for Sandusky? Does he want to work again?,0,1825808.story

I hear you. None of their testimony goes to prove this defendant's innocence. Not that it surprises me. What surprises me is that the defendant would hire such an incompetent attorney.

I don't think Jerry had many options as far as attorneys go! Sometimes I wonder though if Joe is throwing the case or if he is that incompetent. The Costas interview he allowed made me seriously question, as have some of his tactics thus far.
Well, I think is the key; where is the tipping point? It is obviously okay for coach grandpa to change her diapers. It's obviously not okay for him to shower and dress her and send him off to the senior prom.

If he's dressing his 4-6 year old granddaughter, it is probably okay.

As to helping, Anderson was Amendola's worst move since the Costas interview.

Agreed with all of this, and I think it's probably ok for Coach Grampa to give the kid a bath up until she's....what, 6 or so (I honestly don't know, because I'm not a mom so I'll let the parents out there decide the appropriate age) in the privacy of her or his home. My problem is that at the Y they are around a bunch of naked men, and unless she's a little babe in arms having a naked little girl in a room around a bunch of unrelated naked men is just not ok. I am in no way saying the Grandpa or any of the men in the room is a pedophile or that he/they committed a crime, it's just not appropriate.
Looks like I'm in the minority but it really bothers me when women bring their male children into the ladies bathroom or dressing room. I can't count the times I've been half undressed only to find a boy peeping through or sneaking under the stall or fitting room doors to watch me using the facilities. Really, people, IMO it is not only inappropriate, it is rude. And don't blame me if I ever lose my cool and smack the little peeping tom when it happens again. Because it will happen again. If you are one of these parents, take your child into the stall or dressing room with you and do not let him or her run around the joint and harass the other patrons.

Teach them appropriate boundaries, please. It is not appropriate for children of the opposite gender to be in a facility where the adults are using the shower. Never. Period. Good grief, I can't believe this is even being discussed as acceptable.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
They say the jury will be sequestered for deliberations. How long do you guys think they'll deliberate? Think it's a slam dunk or will there be holdouts?

My mother is very worried that there will be enough 'good ol boy' Penn State power on the jury for at least one hold out for not guilty. I'm hoping she's wrong, but I was 100% sure that Casey Anthony was going away for a very long time too and see how that turned out. Lol.

I've considered the possibility that protecting Penn State might be foremost for some jurors, but I hope that reasonable minds will do the right thing and put JS behind bars for a very long time. I also hope that the jury has a serious dialogue about the testimony and that they don't rush a verdict. Penn State's reputation has already been tarnished, and a "not guilty" verdict will not make this travesty go away. :moo:
I don't think Jerry had many options as far as attorneys go! Sometimes I wonder though if Joe is throwing the case or if he is that incompetent. The Costas interview he allowed made me seriously question, as have some of his tactics thus far.

I wonder about that too, a lot. Joe is either crazy, or crazy like a fox.
WSCR AM ‏@670TheScore

#Sandusky Defense: Not Uncommon For Coaches To Shower With Boys


Dan Wetzel ‏@DanWetzel

Judge says defense may rest by noon Wed. That suggests no #Sandusky on stand, since testimony and cross would be lengthy


Devon Edwards ‏@Devon2012

What we saw from Sandusky team today was borderline embarrassing. It's almost like Amendola is playing for a mistrial.



The former Second Mile employee, David Pasquinelli was the character witness to attest to Sandusky's character and his interaction with children.

"I saw a lot of goofing around... Jerry had a unique way," Pasquinelli said. "He inspired a lot of us how to get on their level and communicate."


Prosecutor Joseph McGettigan, speaking much more brusquely during cross-examination than previously, asked Anderson if he ever brought boys into the shower, to a hotel room or to any bowl games.

Anderson said it was “common” for Sandusky to bring boys involved with his charity, The Second Mile, to various events. Many alleged victims have testified Sandusky brought them to the hotel at Toftrees where the football team would stay the night before a Saturday home football game. Anderson never brought a young boy to the hotel but said he would have if he knew he needed emotional support in some way.

But would he sleep in the same bed?

“If necessary, I would do that,” Anderson said.

McGettigan was stopped by Judge John Cleland before he could ask if Anderson told police years ago he “had heard rumors” about Sandusky’s contact with minors.


The mother of Victim 9, who was working two jobs during her son’s youth, said Sandusky had little contact with her and would contact her son directly. As he started spending more time with Sandusky, his behavior took a turn for the worse.

“He had a lot of stomach problems. He was sick a lot. He had behavior issues and his sleep patterns were very different. His school work was very difficult,” she said.

“He was isolating himself,” she said during cross-examination. “He wasn’t bad in school, he just didn’t care.”

Sandusky’s lawyer, Amendola, spent only a few minutes cross-examining the mother of Victim 9 and did not ask much about the boy’s missing underwear.

Victim 9 said on Thursday he bled, but “had his own way of dealing with things.”
Kevin Cirilli ‏@kevcirilli

#Sandusky lead prosecutor Joe McGettigan all smiles after court today. Defense could finish Wednesday.


Megan Healey ‏@MeganHealey

Prosecutors in #Sandusky case head out for the day.


Scott MacFarlane ‏@MacFarlaneNews

Why are multiple Penn St coaches showering at same time boys are present? Just me or was that an outrageous development at Sandusky trial?


HLN News and Views ‏@HLNTV

RT @insession: The judge said the defense will rest their case on Wednesday afternoon in #Sandusky, & jury will get the case on Thursday.

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