Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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I imagine Jerry has a pretty good idea of how many might come forward if he's not imprisoned, and immediately...

My heart sank when I read that MS had attempted suicide-- that's been in the back of my head regarding the two children that were never identified (the one the janitor witness, and the boy McQueary saw-- both in the showers at PSU).
Children who have endured that level of inhuman betrayal often never regain their self worth. I've been so tempted to research teen suicides in that region. :mad:


(I added DS's clinker icon too... I'm not ready to rest, nope, not at all.)

The thought occurred to me today that if - God forbid - jury comes back hung or with an acquittal, what it will do psychologically to some of these young men. I would NOT be surprised if one or more would attempt suicide. After the horror of what they've endured, not being believed when they reported it, people looking the other way, finally having to tell such horrific intimate details of their lives, being physically and emotionally scrutinized and talked about on national t.v.....being called greedy or even a liar by defense...having to sit in the same court room with that scum bag....the stomach churning anguish of waiting....then to hear NOT GUILTY. A healthy person might cave at that. And as their lives have demonstrated and commentators have described, they are frail-looking...not healthy. Blood be on his hands! And on the hands of our court system. There MUST be a guilty verdict, this must end!!!
I'm not a football fan, but nobody wants to cheer, "We are...the place that protect pedophiles."

My husband is a member of a video game/off topic forum, and there are some Penn State students and alumni there. At first they were absolutely not willing to accept these charges against JS. Once those young men began testifying, they changed their minds in a big way. It's no longer "rah rah" with them, it's "how the h*ll could this have gone on for so long." They are calling, not only for a guilty verdict, but for sanctions against the football program. I don't know what they can do as far as football goes, but to bring charges against those who helped cover this up? Got my vote.
Vinnie Politan‏@VinniePolitan

#Sandusky jury: We'd like to review the testimony for Mike McQueary and Dr. Drainov... Court resumes 9am FRIDAY... Goodnight Bellefonte
Vinnie Politan reports that the jury "We'd like to review the testimony for Mic McQueary and Dr. Drainov...Court resumes 9am Friday"
There are 5 boys, wouldnt be surprised if a couple more come through. Sometimes one person has to break the ice..I knew this would come out at one point or another. Why so many boys adopted and only one girl? I also think it will help Matt to get this off his chest.:seeya:

PS. Hope he doesnt think this isnt incest, I believe it is..Trying to remember Woody A..

Of course it's incest (sorry, just sort of bouncing off this post). As someone who was adopted, once adopted, you are the legal child of your parents in every respect. I don't see my family as anything other than my family. Yes, incest, abuse, and horrific. I hope that coming out with this will help heal him. Seems like he's had some troubled times.
Hi, I'm a new member, but have a question for the better informed.
Why couldn't Matt Sandusky's testimony have been used to rebutt Dottie's testimony. Matt would have been around victim 4 at least and possibly more victims. She made several declarative statements such as kids only staying once or twice a month, she did go down into the basement with Sandusky was there with kids, no one ate in the basement, etc... If he could have refuted these or anything else it would have discredited her as a witness. As a juror I would have found the Sandusky's son testimony very powerful even if he couldn't have addressed his own abuse.

GREAT QUESTION! My feeling is that they kept Matt aside in check, just in case this jury came back with an the S.O.B. and see how Dottie gets around "not knowing" then!
The thought occurred to me today that if - God forbid - jury comes back hung or with an acquittal, what it will do psychologically to some of these young men. I would NOT be surprised if one or more would attempt suicide. After the horror of what they've endured, not being believed when they reported it, people looking the other way, finally having to tell such horrific intimate details of their lives, being physically and emotionally scrutinized and talked about on national t.v.....being called greedy or even a liar by defense...having to sit in the same court room with that scum bag....the stomach churning anguish of waiting....then to hear NOT GUILTY. A healthy person might cave at that. And as their lives have demonstrated and commentators have described, they are frail-looking...not healthy. Blood be on his hands! And on the hands of our court system. There MUST be a guilty verdict, this must end!!!

BBM. The same thought occurred to me. I agree, for the love of God, this must be a guilty verdict.:please:
Interesting...#sandusky jury wants to review mike mqueary and dranov testimony
by 8CumbCoReport via twitter 8:47 PM


The judge said reviewing all the testimony would make for a long night.

The jury discusses whether they'll stay later or break for the night.

Read more:


There's another news source providing tweets; back with that in a sec.

Reminder to all that we are only allowed to post tweets from MSM (mainstream media) sources here at WS.
I don't know about you, but it seems RIDICULOUS to me that they want to go over the McQueary testimony. Whether it's unclear what he "saw", there are still all of those victims who were able to testify IN GREAT DETAIL about what he "didn't see"....the amount of specific, detailed evidence seems insurmountable. I was thinking perhaps they are discussing the merits of testimony about one victim or incident, but then no, because that victim has not been located. So who cares HOW it was reported or WHO told or didn't tell...the fact is...IT more than one victim and in numerous places, times and types of inappropriate encounters and sexual acts. !!!!!!!!!
@JJ in Philly

Do you think Gricar's disappearance could be related to the Sandusky case?

(I've only been reading online stuff)

I did see some speculation...

Your thoughts since you're so well versed in the Gricar case
I just read those "love letters" post by Reader. Almost lost my lunch. The sick mind-games this creep played on those boys! Anyone with training in mental heath or child abuse, I'd love your take on them.
Huh. I wonder what they're wanting to hear with McQueary and Dranov testimonies?
Right, but Jerry just spoke at her graduation ceremony.

However, though I was at first concerned about the ties so many jurors had with Penn State, I now believe that fact works against Jerry: he harmed the reputation of the school, of JoePa, was responsible for massive upheaval in the alumni community and threatened the good standing of the university for future enrollments/recruitment. Ultimately, the best thing for the town, the college, the football seasons of the future, is for Jerry Sandusky to be removed from the public memory as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Yeah, I think it really works against him to have Penn State lovers on the panel. mo

Absolutely and positively - no doubt in my mind whatsoever......
Jerry Sandusky's 'make-believe world'

Some things caught my attention.

His book -- so much in demand that its price soared over $100 on eBay last week -- provides a glimpse of a man who is not very introspective and admits to his own immaturity.

In his book, Sandusky describes an exchange with a defiant boy in a psychiatric facility -- a child who initially welcomed his visits but grew cold toward him.

"You know, it's not right to treat people like this," Sandusky says he told the boy. "You should talk to me." He adds that the boy "laid into me, screaming from the top of his lungs, 'Get out of here! Get out of here!'"

He was an only child, but at the Bug House he never lacked for company. One of his constant companions was a mentally challenged boy everyone called Big Ern. "I used to take Ernie to the movies or we'd go swimming together, and I taught him how to play basketball," he recalls in the book.

But while Art Sandusky was seen as a pillar of the town, his son, by his own admission, was a bit of a scamp. He hated schoolwork and reveled in practical jokes, water balloon fights and wrestling matches.

His pranks once landed him in the local jail; it was meant more as a lesson than as a punishment. "My stomach churned at the sight in front of us," he writes. "The heavy steel bars; the singular exposed light. I vowed to remember my words of despair in that dank and lonely jail cell. The ones to the effect of growing up and cutting out the nonsense. I think Art's boy has grown up quite a bit since then, but the nonsense? Well, I think there's still a lot of that left to spread around."

He is clearly immature no matter when he was a teenager or adult. :crazy:

Maybe his words of despair in a dank and lonely jail cell will be: I give up. I did it. And I lied.
@JJ in Philly

Do you think Gricar's disappearance could be related to the Sandusky case?

(I've only been reading online stuff)

I did see some speculation...

Your thoughts since you're so well versed in the Gricar case

It could. I wish I had an answer.
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