Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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My friend just stated how awful it is that these disadvantaged kids went to second mile so excited and hopeful, "Penn state"! Thinking about pancakes and football and fun and help and then they are utterly destroyed by a baby raper. that's what makes this verdict so important. Poor babies.
My beloved just pointed out that I have gone through almost a pot of coffee in the last couple of hours. :| I'm a jittery mess...
On FOX, the reporter says that Mr. and Mrs. Sandusky were observed chuckling as they waited in the courtroom . Chuckling.

There is no way this woman just now found out what her husband has been doing to those boys all of these years. She is not shocked or surprised at all, she just wants him to get away with it. MOO MOO MOO:maddening:

What? Grrrr.....evil
The jury has reached a verdict in the Jerry Sandusky trial, according to a note just e-mailed from the court.

Jerry Sandusky is now in the courtroom and the jury is about to enter the courthouse and render their verdict on the 48 counts in the child sex abuse case.
by Shaun Ganley/Staff edited by Shaun Ganley/Staff 10:00 PM

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I am not being helpful here am I? And I dont even drink...
Thanks for that, believe!!! I needed that. :floorlaugh:

(I was thinking it might be strait-jackets...)
I just want to make an observation here. It is a pleasure to be on a thread with all you posters that we for the most part AGREE. No arguing and bickering. I think we are a United front. So, now here we go. jmo

I second this whole-heartedly. Thanks for being so welcoming to a newbie as well! You guys a swell bunch o' folks and you have a great community here. It's been a real pleasure. :gthanks:
The WTAE site has a live streaming shot of the podium outside the courthouse. Steps are packed with public.....
Candy necklaces....It's a wonder that I dont have serious issues with sugar, lol.

Now I do remember those. And how our mothers would take them off before we could eat them because they were covered in dirt and sweat. lol
NOTHING can suprise me after the Anthony verdict :(

Is anyone watching it live?

Both of my TV's are unavailable.

ETA: Not live, as in the court room, but is anyone watching CNN or any other news network.

Watching Fox
I don't think he's going to walk. With all those Penn Staters on the jury, I bet he gets convicted on emotion alone. Does anyone here think his bail will be continued pending sentencing?
The jury has such a close tie to Penn State that I wouldn't be surprised to see him walk. JMO

:seeya: Sadly Steely, I agree that this could happen ... I hope NOT !

They need to put JUSTICE for these VICTIMS before sports !

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