People Magazine

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The darkening of her hair doesn't surprise me. Very light hair usually darkens with age, so I was sort of expecting her to be a brunette.
What does surprise me are her teeth, excellent condition...I wish mine would have handled 18 years of no dental care that well. ( I genuinely mean that. I was worried about her teeth, since I know how badly bad teeth can affect your self esteem.)
Her hair is still trained in the same way as when she disappeared, this surprises me, it means her overall physical care was probably a little better than we imagined.
Her face seems filled out, which is good. But, I don't know if that's because of care she has received since she got home. Regardless, she looks great.

You can still see in her eyes, there is still some hurt, as can be expected, but the smile is genuine. It reaches her eyes. It will take some time, a lot of it. But she is in much better shape than I expected her to be in, at least physically.

She is absolutely breathtaking. And better, she is peaceful. That peace means everything to me.
Eat your heart out, everyone that said that she had aged badly.
The darkening of her hair doesn't surprise me. Very light hair usually darkens with age, so I was sort of expecting her to be a brunette.
What does surprise me are her teeth, excellent condition...I wish mine would have handled 18 years of no dental care that well. ( I genuinely mean that. I was worried about her teeth, since I know how badly bad teeth can affect your self esteem.)
Her hair is still trained in the same way as when she disappeared, this surprises me, it means her overall physical care was probably a little better than we imagined.
Her face seems filled out, which is good. But, I don't know if that's because of care she has received since she got home. Regardless, she looks great.

You can still see in her eyes, there is still some hurt, as can be expected, but the smile is genuine. It reaches her eyes. It will take some time, a lot of it. But she is in much better shape than I expected her to be in, at least physically.

She is absolutely breathtaking. And better, she is peaceful. That peace means everything to me.
Eat your heart out, everyone that said that she had aged badly.

cant speak for her teeth, but i remember reading that one of the first things terry did after they were reunited was do jaycee's hair.
i saw this on the news last night and they were saying how it was a very controversial decision for the magazine, so i was under the impression that the paparazzi had gotten to her and i was so pissed off all night about it! i came here this morning (because there is no way i was going to People and was so surprised to find that she authorized this and gave a statement....

and her picture!! she is so amazingly beautiful and her smile seems so genuine... nothing but massive, massive pure love to her and her family! we are all rooting for you Jaycee!! i am so proud of her for keeping her daughters educated too!
i saw this on the news last night and they were saying how it was a very controversial decision for the magazine, so i was under the impression that the paparazzi had gotten to her and i was so pissed off all night about it! i came here this morning (because there is no way i was going to People and was so surprised to find that she authorized this and gave a statement....

and her picture!! she is so amazingly beautiful and her smile seems so genuine... nothing but massive, massive pure love to her and her family! we are all rooting for you Jaycee!! i am so proud of her for keeping her daughters educated too!

im really lost as to what the "contreversey' is. was she supposed to hide for the rest of her life? if she wanted to do this that is her right.
Some of the age progression was off. But there was some that was okay.
Her lipline didn't change and the progression captured it perfectly.
Her chin is different, actually, to me it seems the whole shape of her face is off.
Her eyebrows are different, but not by much.
They had the right idea with darkening her hair, they could have gone a few more shades.
It's not a perfect likeness, it's not even a stunning similarity. But it is close enough that if I saw the progression and then saw Jaycee herself within a few hours, I would do a double take. I think the NCMEC did a good job with it, the field of age progression is still growing and I think there will be some good progress made, thanks to Jaycee.
i saw this on the news last night and they were saying how it was a very controversial decision for the magazine, so i was under the impression that the paparazzi had gotten to her and i was so pissed off all night about it! i came here this morning (because there is no way i was going to People and was so surprised to find that she authorized this and gave a statement....

and her picture!! she is so amazingly beautiful and her smile seems so genuine... nothing but massive, massive pure love to her and her family! we are all rooting for you Jaycee!! i am so proud of her for keeping her daughters educated too!

im really lost as to what the "contreversey' is. was she supposed to hide for the rest of her life? if she wanted to do this that is her right.
i saw this on the news last night and they were saying how it was a very controversial decision for the magazine, so i was under the impression that the paparazzi had gotten to her and i was so pissed off all night about it! i came here this morning (because there is no way i was going to People and was so surprised to find that she authorized this and gave a statement....

and her picture!! she is so amazingly beautiful and her smile seems so genuine... nothing but massive, massive pure love to her and her family! we are all rooting for you Jaycee!! i am so proud of her for keeping her daughters educated too!

im really lost as to what the "contreversey' is. was she supposed to hide for the rest of her life? if she wanted to do this that is her right.
what is the contreversy?
i agree if some paparrazi had snapped her pic without her permission i would be roaring right now. but this was something jaycee did cause she felt the need for us to know she was ok, and to thank us for our support. nothing contreversial about that
what is the contreversy?
i agree if some paparrazi had snapped her pic without her permission i would be roaring right now. but this was something jaycee did cause she felt the need for us to know she was ok, and to thank us for our support. nothing contreversial about that
Jaycee is indeed a beautiful and courageous young woman! I'm so glad that JC had her pictures come out on her terms and not the paparazzi's. JC is very brave, I'm so happy for her and her family. I pray for nothing but the best for them and the unlimited possibilities that remain in their future. GO JC!
Jaycee is indeed a beautiful and courageous young woman! I'm so glad that JC had her pictures come out on her terms and not the paparazzi's. JC is very brave, I'm so happy for her and her family. I pray for nothing but the best for them and the unlimited possibilities that remain in their future. GO JC!

and sorry about the multiple posts guys.
my computer was saying it wasnt posting
They have switched the ages on the two girls compared to their last article. IIRC we have heard about horses before in this story as well ;)

Do you need to start an argument even on a happy thread? :crazy:
Can you stop the criticism at least on this thread?
According to talk radio, the only controversy is whether Jaycee got more money from People than the Brad/Angelina baby pictures?

Who cares,,, as long as it is in the 7 figure range it is a good thing. :dance: but we wont why debate it. :D
I am happy for her. :)
It's probably like reuniting with a piece of your soul. It makes me cry tears of joy everytime I hear her name...and now seeing her picture, it just makes it more real. She looks just like her mother. She's very beautiful. I am wishing Terry and Jaycee and the girls the very best life has to offer. May your hearts be filled with love and awe...and once again be whole.
It's probably like reuniting with a piece of your soul. It makes me cry tears of joy everytime I hear her name...and now seeing her picture, it just makes it more real. She looks just like her mother. She's very beautiful. I am wishing Terry and Jaycee and the girls the very best life has to offer. May your hearts be filled with love and awe...and once again be whole.

i know reconnecting with your family all those years later can be difficult. i know the 'i know my name is steven' kid never really readjusted to his family (comibination of the sex abuse and his kidnapper engraining in him taht his parents deserted him) i just think here jaycee kept herself sane, especially in the early days, by thihking of her family and the good times. and she held on to that so when they were reunited it was much easier for her then say a few others
what is the contreversy?
i agree if some paparrazi had snapped her pic without her permission i would be roaring right now. but this was something jaycee did cause she felt the need for us to know she was ok, and to thank us for our support. nothing contreversial about that
Not really sure of the controversy, but I am very happy today.
Glad she got the Magazine she wanted to come out with her photo and statement first,
and on her terms, meaning privet photo shot.
IMHO this was a great thing; because she is a hero and is going better then expected.
It is also a strategy for the public to begin going away.
this was kind of like a mini closure for now.
To let them move forward with thier lives.
Elizabet Smart did it this way too....:)
There's a new people on the newstand today, but it has Elizabeth Smart on the cover. (I'm at the grocery store daily.)
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