Last night as i was falling asleep I was thinking about Dylan after seeing Schmae's post. I got to thinking about the search's been so long and I'm not sure if and where this has been discussed, but assuming MR killed Dylan that night, he likely disposed of him that next day, which would mean he may have wrapped Dylan in a blanket, or tarp as early as that night, if not the neXT day...I know there have been searches out there for undisclosed items...I've noticed that when I'm in the woods there are sometimes pieces of fabric stuck to the branches from people who camp up there, etc. I think there's a good chance that fabric pieces, the blanket, clothing, would remain up there, because they get stuck to the branches, etc. And I don't think that scavengers would totally consume this material? I think fabric could be valuable evidence. I'm sure they looked for this and maybe even collected some samples...I'd like to go up there and look myself actually but I'm scared of bears and mountain lions :scared:....
Eta: 4 years ago as a new member, it wasn't as easy to swallow the theory that a parent could kill their own child. Four years later after being a member here, it's not so implausible...