Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

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I do think the the area needs cleansing, it was a very good suggestion, but I would consider trying to get the Native American Indians of the tribe in that area to consider if they would do it, being her body was returned to the earth and now part of their native land.
I would do it if I were there.

I would trust God and wear HIGH boots. Trust me, there are lots of snakes.
I have the boots (J Crew Wellies) high ones !

Will send to anyone who is a taker....

Whatever we ask in HIS name, and Christ loves little children !
I am a snowbird down from Canada for a few months. After driving our daughter to the airport on Sat we took a drive over to Suburban and Hopespring Drive. It was very somber and sad.. The stuffed animals and flowers and letters are getting a little tired looking. There is a huge board where people can sign their names and leave a message.. there is a pen on the board for people to use. The actual site is so very close to the road I dont think she would have any trouble pulling up and taking the baby into the first part of the woods. I dont think anyone would have seen anything. I took pictures but dont know about posting them or if I am allowed. I drove past the A house and there was a black mustang parked on the grassy part between the road and the sidewalk in front of the house.. The street was very quiet. At the memorial there were maybe four or five others that stopped while we were there. I am sure the A's would never leave their granddaughter there is they had known.. I felt half sick just staring into that spot where she was left.
this may be a dumb question but
isn't there summer school at Hidden
Oaks Eleementary School in the summer
months? Someone mentioned that after
May the gates to the school were locked,
therefore the road wouldnt have been used
much. I know my grandson is in Elementary
school and had to go to summer school because
he was left back as he missed alot of school
due to epilespsy. I was just wondering this.
It would lead me to believe if there
was summer school there, she would not have
taken the chance in dumping her when school
was in session for fear a bus would
pass by, so thought something
on this line may have with a timeline of her
dumping her- would even lead me to believe she
dumped on her a weekend and not during the week
or during the week but in the evening.

I don't think that is a dumb question. I think it's a good one. I live in TX and my High School (in his 11th grade) had to ride a bus to summer school.
I would be curious to know if that elementary school held summer classes, when they started and when they finished and also what times of the day the classes were held.
Now as far as the buses passing past, well it would be interesting to know if this school district used buses to transport children to and from summer school.
This information may or may not be of use in figuring out when KC would have dumped Caylee's body but it might give us a better idea of this area and the traffic on that road in particular.

ETA: If there was summer school held at this school, and there were no buses, wouldn't the parents access this road as well to drop children off and to pick up?
No offense, but what makes you want to live there???:eek::eek::eek::waitasec:

Well there are some positives about being here. Constant sunshine for the most part, cheap cruises, the Keys are 3 hrs. away for good snorkeling/diving, I can watch a space shuttle launch from my front yard and then watch it come in for a landing over my house, government jobs pay fairly well here, did I mention cheap cruises? Miami and Miami Beach are beautiful places to visit, did I mention cheap cruises ? :):):)

Oh, and Orlando can be fun too if you live in state, as the theme parks don't charge as much as they do for non-residents.
I am a snowbird down from Canada for a few months. After driving our daughter to the airport on Sat we took a drive over to Suburban and Hopespring Drive. It was very somber and sad.. The stuffed animals and flowers and letters are getting a little tired looking. There is a huge board where people can sign their names and leave a message.. there is a pen on the board for people to use. The actual site is so very close to the road I dont think she would have any trouble pulling up and taking the baby into the first part of the woods. I dont think anyone would have seen anything. I took pictures but dont know about posting them or if I am allowed. I drove past the A house and there was a black mustang parked on the grassy part between the road and the sidewalk in front of the house.. The street was very quiet. At the memorial there were maybe four or five others that stopped while we were there. I am sure the A's would never leave their granddaughter there is they had known.. I felt half sick just staring into that spot where she was left.

That black mustang belongs to LA. From what the local media is telling, he has moved back home to be closer to his parents. Wonder what room he moved into....
Well there are some positives about being here. Constant sunshine for the most part, cheap cruises, the Keys are 3 hrs. away for good snorkeling/diving, I can watch a space shuttle launch from my front yard and then watch it come in for a landing over my house, government jobs pay fairly well here, did I mention cheap cruises? Miami and Miami Beach are beautiful places to visit, did I mention cheap cruises ? :):):)

Oh, and Orlando can be fun too if you live in state, as the theme parks don't charge as much as they do for non-residents.

Those parts sound good, but I think the Hurricanes, gators, and snakes are enough to keep me away. I'll stick to what I know: Earthquakes.:blowkiss:
I don't know much about this sort of stuff, but isn't something like sage supposed to cleanse an area of evil? Maybe someone here knows a lot about what can be done to bring more positive energy there & let little Caylee know she can be at peace.
Yes someone anyone can go to the area with a sage smudge stick and just ask that peace come to the area and that the negative go to where it needs to be nicely of course. I am a true believer in the peace sage can bring.
white sage ritual


One of the nicest things you can do for yourself is crinkle up an entire wand or one ounce of dried leaves, into your bathtub. Fill it with warm to moderately hot water (don't burn yourself). Then, settle down into this big cup of tea for about 10-15 minutes. The sage is a natural cleanser and your physical body and aura both get cleaned up this way. It is particularly wonderful after a highly stressful time.[/LEFT]


~Respectfully Snipped~

I think that by the time this case goes to trial, we will probably all want to have a Sage Bath !!! I know that my Aura will probably need it !
Humor me, I'm not from the area... So, are these areas never developed because there isn't anyone brave enough or willing enough to deal with the creatures??? I've seen developers use bulldozers before.

In my neighborhood, it is not required for lots to be built on in any amount of time. There are dozens of lots like this where I live and throughout Central Florida.

If someone wanted to build there it would be cleared with a bobcat, the pine trees would be taken down and fill dirt would be brought in.
Whenever anyone questions why the Meter Reader and Law Enforcement hesitated to step into the woods in August, refer them to my pictures. I have been tempted to post this for a couple of weeks now so people would understand the difference.

It was evident that the area where Caylee was found has not been cleared of scrub and groundcovering in several years, if ever.

WS poster Friday also wrote a great post on her forage into Florida foliage.

Say that fast 10 times!

Those pics were great.

No offense, but what makes you want to live there???:eek::eek::eek::waitasec:

I was born and raised here and wouldn't live anywhere else. It may not be perfect, but we do have at least 3 days to prepare for hurricanes. You just prepare a week before hurricane season starts and you're good to go!
Would the land be suitable to build on if the foliage was all razed? Was the whole neighborhood a swamp before it was turned into a housing development? I'm just wondering if the difficulty in making the land suitable, not just snakes and removing foliage but also the land itself as far as drainage, could be why the owner has never done anything with it.

I mean, it's one thing for it to be covered in thick foliage, but it's entirely another if the land is too low-lying and prone to flooding.

For areas like these, there are several ways to determine if it's buildable.

If you find a lot with lots of cypress trees, that means it's low lying because they like to grow in swamps and dampness.

Sometimes the land can be built up with fill dirt and then built upon- that happens all the time here.

And bore tests are recommended to check deep soil content below where you will build. These tests go certain depths into the soil and it is chemically analyzed to see if the ground is stable enough to support a structure.
ok I'm shocked. It says that it's owned by a guy who lives in Winter Park, so why are they calling it a conservation area. conservation areas are owned either by the Homeowner Association, or by the city. And if it's only worth $100, then maybe I should make an offer on it, so we can then turn it into a memorial park or something...

Just catching up so this may have already been posted. The code for this property is 0019

Land Information

Item Land Use Code Zoning* Frontage Depth Land Units Unit Price Land Value
1 0019 R-1A 1 UNIT(S) $100.00 $100


Which I think means it belongs to the Home Owners Association!!!

I'll help buy this property!!:)
this may be a dumb question but
isn't there summer school at Hidden
Oaks Eleementary School in the summer
months? Someone mentioned that after
May the gates to the school were locked,
therefore the road wouldnt have been used
much. I know my grandson is in Elementary
school and had to go to summer school because
he was left back as he missed alot of school
due to epilespsy. I was just wondering this.
It would lead me to believe if there
was summer school there, she would not have
taken the chance in dumping her when school
was in session for fear a bus would
pass by, so thought something
on this line may have with a timeline of her
dumping her- would even lead me to believe she
dumped on her a weekend and not during the week
or during the week but in the evening.

Not all schools have it- they may group all the kids who need to go from 10 or so schools into one school. And buses do not run.
Just catching up so this may have already been posted. The code for this property is 0019

Land Information

Item Land Use Code Zoning* Frontage Depth Land Units Unit Price Land Value
1 0019 R-1A 1 UNIT(S) $100.00 $100


Which I think means it belongs to the Home Owners Association!!!

I'll help buy this property!!:)

Ironically, wasn't this the vacant lot the HOA wanted the protesters to move their vigil to? Please do buy up the property and turn it into a memorial site for Caylee.:clap::clap::clap:
Re the school entrance on Suburban- the main entrance is not near where Caylee was found. It is around the corner. It looks like this is where the buses pull in so parents dropping their kids off would enter at the front, rather than at this side entrance.
Thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to go by and check the area and give a report back!!
:blowkiss:Thank you, Thank you:blowkiss:
The only thing I can find is that CA washed clothes of Caylee's and that search dogs had false positive leads concerning Caylee. Nothing about CA refusing search dogs scent clothing. Could you point me to a link since I'm having a difficult time finding that information?

FWIW, I do not believe these grandparents had a clue to where Caylee's remains were.

I do not remember the link but I do know this was during Tim's first search. It was reported by major news, local news both tv & print & on NG that Tim had asked for an article of something of Caylee's for the scent & Cindy refused to give it to him. I heard Tim say this as well during interviews. I have never read where CA washed Caylee's clothes, only that she changed her bedding weekly. It was KC's clothes in the car she said she washed. I dont think she had a need to wash Caylee's clothes b/c she said nothing of Caylee's was missing & when she asked KC ( on tape ) about it, KC said the Nanny had clothes & toys at her house for Caylee.

I wasnt really asking about Tim searching. I was wondering why, on either the nite she was reported missing or the day they got the hits in the yard, they did not take either kind of dog out to try and get the scent. I know you can pick it up for awhile but I didnt know for how long. I recall many of us asking on WS why LE didnt just take an item of Caylee's they already had in evidence.
Ironically, wasn't this the vacant lot the HOA wanted the protesters to move their vigil to? Please do buy up the property and turn it into a memorial site for Caylee.:clap::clap::clap:

oh my.....I cant even think what would have happend if they would have been moved there....with all the kids that came with their dreadful that would have been to have found Caylee ......not that I didnt want her found then....but you know what I mean.....yikes...those people were mad enough....I could see them pick the bag up and bring it straight to the A's....:eek: and beat the crap out of KC.....:eek:
Yeah, I thought that I had heard someone say that on NG too, that is why I asked my sister about it. Her words were," the place where Caylee was found, was "near" the airport." I don't know how far away "near" is to her, though. I don't know if she meant two miles away or ten miles away. I will have to ask her about that. I didn't know that there was a grocery store on that road either, until she told me.

I think it was maybe LP that answered the question but I could be wrong. I just remember it being asked. Some else said with in 5 miles by road & I personally consider that pretty close as far as a search area.

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