Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #13

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Was the property in Aruba owned by the Van der Sloots ever searched? As in digging, etc., thoroughly searched? I seem to recall that LE was not given access to the property around the house. If it was searched, I sure don't remember it, but that would be nothing new.

Don't know, but IIRC at 1 time didn't they try to search a septic???
I know its difficult not to feel empathy for other human beings , but I ask you to remember the horror and fear that both Natalie and Stephanie felt. Now, their earthly time has ended and Joren must be punished for those crimes. Also I find it hard to believe there are not more crimes and evil, treachery, etc. I am sorry Joren was raised in such a manner he could not seek good things. Very sad.

Great post. I have no sympathy that he's in castro castro. He confessed to killing Stephany, and that's where he should be. Can you imagine if we had justice like that here in the US? What - no commissary? no proper plumbing? no 3 squares of edible food you don't have to slop out of a bucket? no clean clothes? Bed bugs, lice, aids, and hepatitis? I could go on and on. I bet our society would be a bit more tame if we ran such a system.

My opinion only.

Injuries to SFlores' Eye

Make no mistake, this was an incredibly violent blow or blows to the head and/face, that caused this.
It was Brutal. Absolutely brutal.

Respectfully snipped for space :) IMHO, when JVS said he elbowed her in the nose, he could have easily fractured the eye socket. Add to the the suffocation, that adds more pressure. I agree, it was an incredible violent blow to cause such trauma.


I feel bad for the people who were born in that country, commit minor non violent crimes, and have to be jailed in bad conditions. I don't feel bad for Joran or other visitors who go there and commit violent crimes and end up in jail. They had the opportunity to choose whether or not to visit that place and whether or not to commit a crime. Joran likes to gamble, so it was a crap shoot and he lost. He's already done much better in jail and lasted many more days than his victims lasted in his presence. Natalee and Stephany didn't even live several hours after being with Joran alone.
Who's here to translate the translation? LOL

No really thanks for this but now I'm even more confused. What is the meaning of "the dick"?

I'm confused about this part (F-bomb edited)
Now you can have a f*cking couple deliberately leave unnoticed, but in a panic trying Joran Natalee conscious not to bring
On Geraldo: Geraldo's talking with his panel about the video evidence. The defense attorney on the panel is talking about let's not have any doubts about the evidence and not create evidence.

Now on to another story.

Even in US, "let's have no doubt" is not a standard under the law. It's beyond a "reasonable doubt." And if you ask me, just the video alone would be the kind of evidence most prosecutors can only dream about.
I bet our society would be a bit more tame if we ran such a system.

My opinion only.


It's no picnic being in prison in the U.S. either -- although it seems to be a pretty luxurious situation compared to that in Peru.

The trouble is that many, or even most, criminals do not think they will be caught. For that bunch, horrible prisons are not a deterrent. IMO.
Who's flickr is this? There's a crapload of JVS pics on here.. most of which are him with different girls.

That has pictures of Natalee Holloway I have not seen yet.

Anyone saving these to disc in case it gets slams shut? I would if I could.

Our member Amanda who uploads pics to photobucket under the name crankyperson (something like that) would love to see these I'm sure.

Someone shoot him a link via his page? (open page vs. pm) please? TIA
Wow - someone tried to get to him already? Do these cells not have locks on them? If this is the case, I don't think JVS will be around long.



In one image, we see that the Colombian hit man Trujillo Alejandro Ospina, Alleged murderer of Jewish businesswoman Myriam Fefer, Enters the cell of Joran van der Sloot. Immediately, Trujillo Ospina was whisked away.
It's interesting that people are feeling empathy for Joran but mostly everyone wanted to crucify Casey. Why is our society so harsh on women especially those who commit crimes against their children but men are felt empathy for when they commit heinous crimes? I 'm just as guilty. I felt sick to watch Joran bought to his cell but reveled in seeing CA arrested and charged with first degree murder.

I will be honest I don't think I feel empathy for Joran himself, It's more like I feel empathy for anyone and everyone that has to live in conditions like his.
Sorry if this has already been discussed. But I can't believe he explained away the 25K in this manner:

41. Where did that $ 25,000 come from and why has this not shown?

- I made a TV show about Internet fraud, and for that information I received $ 25,000 from Uri Geller from the Netherlands. First $ 10,000 in cash and then $ 15,000 in my bank account of SNS Bank in the Netherlands. I also have an ABN account. Furthermore I had received $ 9,000 for providing information about the Holloway case one Quinsy John Kelly. A week before I arrived in Peru I had won $ 6,000 in casinos in Aruba. Moreover, I have some poker accounts. I travel around the world with a lot of money playing poker and I am never on. I do not see why I should be doing. It takes only time that questions about the origin of the money.

Wow - must have been quite a show. Anyone see it?


I just finished reading that. Isn't Uri Geller that guy that did a dog and pony show about bending spoons with his mind back @ 100 years ago? Yeah, anyway... funny how not only was it the same exact amount of money as the extortion money from BH, but paid in the same manner with 10k down and 15k wired to his account. What a coincidence! Then he goes on to attribute 9k to JQK. Maybe he got all his extortion gigs mixed up or something?

And doesn't it sound like he's getting a just a wee bit defensive that they seem to be wasting his time asking him these questions about this money. Don't they get it that he's some big time, important high roller that always travels with wads of dough?! GAH... this guy just beats all!

So now I hear he's fired his latest attorney? Is F. Lee Bailey still alive? Maybe they can sober him up and get him on the case.

Wow - someone tried to get to him already? Do these cells not have locks on them? If this is the case, I don't think JVS will be around long.



In one image, we see that the Colombian hit man Trujillo Alejandro Ospina, Alleged murderer of Jewish businesswoman Myriam Fefer, Enters the cell of Joran van der Sloot. Immediately, Trujillo Ospina was whisked away.

They might have to post a guard in front of his cell at all times. Now, remember, even in US prisons high profile prisoners are sometimes killed ( Jeffrey Dahmer is one example), so who are we to judge?

What I find to be the most disturbing is that after ALL he has done that he has the audacity to ask to eat what the guards are eating..........Does he think he is at freakin Club Castro? AFTER he accused the Peruvian police of being corrupt and has how many now 5 different stories re what happened?

His sense of entitlement is beyond my comprehension!

Never in all my years of reading up on people have I ever come across what appears to be such a manipulative, lying, cold self-centered individual. His attempt to try to manipulate the legal system by saying he will disclose where Natalie is IF they transfer him to Aruba? Who in the "H" does this guy think he is?

I mean talk about a set of brass you know what! He truely takes the cake. casey anthony has MORE than met her match!

I know right?!?
I'm not 100% sure that's how it went.. but I've re-read like, 5 different articles that all said something to the effect of "he wanted what the guards were eating, so he was given chicken and rice" and that came out the same day that it was stated that the prisoners were fed that chicken & vegetable dish.
So... I took it as he didn't want the... whatever... con pollo meal.. so he asked for what they had. I can't believe they actually gave it to him! But, I guess they figured that they had better give him something that he'd at least nibble at... that way he isn't getting sick while he was there. He can't claim starvation.
I have a button on my google toolbar for translate. In fact google has hundreds of different translaters you can add. Sometimes one makes more sense than another. To add just right click on you tool bar and click on "get more buttons". Then type "translate" in the search for more buttons field, should bring up a list of them to choose from.

How do you get the translated version without the Google Bell undt Vistle or can you even ?
how do you get the English version? where? The pdf (Jorans bekentenis.pdf ) is in Spanish ?

I hope this is what you are looking for:
1. Open up a second browser window.
2. In that second browser window, click on Google
3. In the upper left-ish of Google search page, click on the little blue arrow, to the right of "more" . Third one down is "translate".
4. Click on "translate".
5. Go to that "BinnenLand" newspaper site, and cut/paste the website address, into the search window, on the Google Translation page. click.

6. Wait for it....Google will translate the entire page, and it will pop up, within that "Google translate" site.
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