Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #14

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Anyone see this?
Anita van der Sloot, Joran's mother, is expected to arrive in Peru this week accompanied by a Dutch television crew.

Thanks for the heads up.
So that's how Anita VDS is getting the money to fly to Aruba. Perhaps she made a "deal" with this tv crew. They get an exclusive deal to film her, and potential interviews, and in return, they pay for her flight and hotel ++.

I am guessing that this woman will spend her last Florin'$, on JVDS. Even to the extent that it adversely impacts her other two sons. I get the sense that the VDS family, revolves around JVDS.
If the hotel worker had gone in and seen the body would he have killed her!?
Would he have stopped her going in?
Just speculation -

There was speculation that JVDS was trying to get caught. He seems to be in a "daze" in the coffee video. I just found out today that he turned himself in, while in Chile.
The biggest problem traveling abroad is the water, not the food. The different bacteria in the water is what makes you ill. Your intestines are already used to and have friendly bacteria from the water from where you live. Food in itself if cooked is safe, not so salads, raw vegetables or anything that is washed and served without boiling. Coffee and tea are safe because the water is boiled.
Actually at this point, isn't Aruba better off with Joran in Peru? It would seem to me that the only danger for Aruba is if Joran knows the names of the people involved in the cover up in Aruba, the extent of the cover-up for Natalie's death, and starts talking. I would think Aruban officials are keeping their fingers crossed that someone knocks JVDS off, thereby eliminating their problems. End of JVDS, end of Aruban problems. It seems to me Aruba gains nothing by getting Joran to Aruban soil unless they plan to knock him off to shut him up.

Mr. Joran does not tell the truth through words but through his
actions. I think he values 'freedom', 'priveleges', and 'a feeling of superiority-importance' above everything else. Money is integral in
all of this for him in the world.

What was Steph's religon? Catholic? Will she be declared a Peruvian
hero or martyr to be celebrated?
Thanks for the heads up.
So that's how Anita VDS is getting the money to fly to Aruba. Perhaps she made a "deal" with this tv crew. They get an exclusive deal to film her, and potential interviews, and in return, they pay for her flight and hotel ++.

I am guessing that this woman will spend her last Florin'$, on JVDS. Even to the extent that it adversely impacts her other two sons. I get the sense that the VDS family, revolves around JVDS.

True, but there will be so much media about her arrival and stay in Peru. I don't see any harm in her bringing one along. At least she has control as what she wants aired.
Thanks for the heads up.
So that's how Anita VDS is getting the money to fly to Aruba. Perhaps she made a "deal" with this tv crew. They get an exclusive deal to film her, and potential interviews, and in return, they pay for her flight and hotel ++.

I am guessing that this woman will spend her last Florin'$, on JVDS. Even to the extent that it adversely impacts her other two sons. I get the sense that the VDS family, revolves around JVDS.

In another article today, it mentioned that she may have to take a loan for Joran's defense. But someone on here speculated earlier that maybe the TV station is going to pay for the lawyer.
The biggest problem traveling abroad is the water, not the food. The different bacteria in the water is what makes you ill. Your intestines are already used to and have friendly bacteria from the water from where you live. Food in itself if cooked is safe, not so salads, raw vegetables or anything that is washed and served without boiling. Coffee and tea are safe because the water is boiled.

When I went to Mexico we were really good about it .. nothing but bottled water even to brush teeth with ...but I"ll be Damned if I forgot all about the ICE .. stupid is... is stupid does !!! The Revenge got me.!!

Those cocktails will get you every time... I just thought the booze would kill the germs ...
There was speculation that JVDS was trying to get caught. He seems to be in a "daze" in the coffee video. I just found out today that he turned himself in, while in Chile.

I can't speak to whether he was trying to get caught or not, but I don't give much credence to his claim that he either turned himself in or attempted to turn himself in. There was a well publicized international man hunt in full force and they turned him away?? Nah!
I can't speak to whether he was trying to get caught or not, but I don't give much credence to his claim that he either turned himself in or attempted to turn himself in. There was a well publicized international man hunt in full force and they turned him away?? Nah!

Right, well all of his testimony will indeed be brought up court. But good point!
I think Joran thinks on his feet. Maybe he just wanted to establish that he was away from the room for a short time and not have the hotel employee see the body. Maybe he was hoping that the camera did not work or was just a fake. It was after all a rinky dink hotel and who would suspect fairly sophisticated working equipment in that place and that they even kept recordings for multiple days.
He could claim later that he was afraid of being accused of the murder and therefor fled. Reason, he was previously suspected erroneously(yeah,right) in the Natalee disappearance. Just remember , he was the son of an attorney with an interest in criminology. He had to remove himself from the crime scene for a short time in order to put the blame on somebody else. Those pesky cameras blew that out of the water.
He murdered Stephany for money IMO because she would not give it to him willingly or give him a loan. He also previously determined that she was good for a loan based on the money she spent in the casino.
Plain and simple premeditated resulting in murder for financial gain.

Agreed. However it played out, the bottom line SF was not going to get out of that room without giving up his I sadly think she was on to him and tried to get away during the argument.
(respectfully snipped some)

I cannot believe the audacity of this guy...but in watching him for these past 5 years, I shouldn't be surprised.

I'm guessing that he really thinks he will get this deal and be able to serve out time in Aruba first and then the US before he even has to think about Peru. Or perhaps he thinks he will never have to go back to Peru at all.

I don't think he will leave Peru in the near future at all.

Has anyone tried to talk to the Kalpoes during this?
Just be patient and remember the videotape evidence, Stephany's body being found in his hotel room, and the three judges (who I'm sure aren't secret Joran groupies) deciding his fate. Then it will be on to general population. :behindbar MOO

I think it was his plan for the hotel worker to find Stephany and somehow Joran would try to make it seem the murder had happened while he was out getting coffee. Due to the layout of the room, though, her body couldn't be seen by simply opening the door that far. IMO, Joran knew he was stuck this time because he couldn't get her body out of there so plan "B" was to have the hotel staff find her. MOO

That seems plausable except he still winds up in the hands of the police.
I think he knew the camera was there and was simpyl trying to make a
record .. so when he escaped and if apprehended in another country
there would be a video casting doubt and 'they might let him go'?
Something like that. He's not thinking straight of course ... we all know
It appears that Anita has been struggling to raise enough money to fly to Peru. This would indicate that the late, "influential" Paulus Van der Sloot somehow ran through what should have been a substantial fortune, and evidently left his family unable to even afford the cost of a plane ticket.

Anita is an art teacher, so she obviously doesn't make a large salary. Just wanted to point all this out, to counter the constant mantra in the media about how "Daddy" pulled strings for Joran in Aruba, somehow getting the top officials to "cover up" his son's guilt, because the family was so "influential," rich and powerful.
Just found another lie from Joran. I don't know if anyone shared this. This is from his 10 page confession. He says he only got $9,000 from John Kelly. And the $25,000 came from another source.

41. Where did that $ 25,000 come from and why has this not shown?

- I made a TV show about Inter net fraud, and for that information I received $25,000 from Uri Geller from the Netherlands . First $ 10,000 in cash and then $ 15,000 in my bank account of SNS Bank in the Netherlands . I also have an ABN account. Furthermore I had received $ 9,000 for providing information about the Holloway case one Quinsy John Kelly. A week before I arrived in Peru I had won $ 6,000 in casinos in Aruba . Moreover, I have some poker accounts. I travel around the world with a lot of money playing poker and I am never on. I do not see why I should be doing. It takes only time that questions about the origin of the money.
Expert: US Could Charge van der Sloot With Holloway's Murder
Van der Sloot faces 15 to 35 years in prison if he is convicted of the murder charge in Peru. He would be required to serve only a third of that time. After that, he would face a possible five- to 10-year sentence on the extortion charges. All totaled, he could conceivably serve less than 20 years in jail.

However, if convicted in the U.S. for Holloway's murder, he could face life in prison -- something that Griffith said gives U.S. officials the edge right now.

lots more at link...
If the hotel worker had gone in and seen the body would he have killed her!?
Would he have stopped her going in?
Just speculation -

I have already lost my key or had trouble with those magnetic thingies and had to get somebody to open the door. Never did anyone attempted to go in, just simply opened the door. They normally do not go in unless you asked them. Besides, if he really wanted the employee to see a body, he could have staged her right in front of the door.
He probably even checked if the body was not visible from the door opening. Joran is a seasoned traveler. No sirree, he needed the additional time to flee, no body discovery yet in his plan.
Only wanted to establish that he left the room for a while in order to blame the crime on somebody else or at least to create some reasonable doubt. That was his initial plan IMO after he committed the murder. Even made sure, she was dead. Instead of no body, no crime, it was no living victim, dead people can not testify.(Forensics can tell the story loud and clear though, Joran)
Stupid story he told Chilean LE later on, does not even match up to this plan.
I also fully expect to hear about other confession versions. He left the door open by faking amnesia on some items in the current version.
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