Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #18

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I was wondering if Anita's recent desire to have Joran committed was due to the following?

With Paulus recently deceased, and Joran unable to make a go of college or work, and thus being back home indefinitely without Paulus around--was she fearful for her own safety, as such people usually continue to degenerate?
I was wondering if Anita's recent desire to have Joran committed was due to the following?

With Paulus recently deceased, and Joran unable to make a go of college or work, and thus being back home indefinitely without Paulus around--was she fearful for her own safety, as such people usually continue to degenerate?

After learning about his psychological evaluation and this latest crime (with its brutality), I believe Anita should consider herself lucky to be alive.
After learning about his psychological evaluation and this latest crime (with its brutality), I believe Anita should consider herself lucky to be alive.

Yes, but can you see the great conflict?

At the same time, she has to be very sad about the end result for her first born son. Yet she must feel some relief about the survival, of her youngest children, and herself--and maybe the rest of society?
Thread #11, Post #340

re the killing of the dog:

"five years ago I belonged to a NH forum where many arubans posted and one in particular had a post count in the 1000s. her location was verified by the forum admin and, in addition, the link to her aruban blog was included in her sig line so her R/L identity was well known. let's call this poster "A"

A's mother has a cousin who was a former gov't official and a peripheral part of the investigation. let's call the cousin "B"

B has a grandson who was a classmate of JvdS. JvdS killed his dog and put the blame on B's grandson. B's extended family was livid and threatened to go to the Polis and file a complaint, which caused JvdS to admit that he had killed his dog and thrown the remains into the Moko pond (near the VdS home)

this dog-killing situation was commented on by other aruban posters at that forum as well, because it was common knowledge in their circle

the quote "killing animals is the least of his problems" came from another aruban at that forum, who was making small talk w/ a staff member at the mental health clinic where JvdS was undergoing anger management counseling (and this second poster's daughter was also receiving counseling, hence the chit chat w/ the staff)" no media links and perhaps not helpful in terms of validity, but FWIW that's how it went down" GramCracker:

"Thank you for verifying this event as true. What was never clear is HOW he killed the dog. Still, can you imagine killing the family dog!!?? After being found out, Joran bragged about this on the school bus. Just like he bragged about being with Natalee on the bus."

The beating of the youngest brother was discussed on BlogTalkRadio...Steph Watts perhaps, I am still looking for the source, will post when have it.

This is the second time I've seen my words about the dog killing misquoted. Just for the record: My post is bolded.

And, yes...The dog killing is true along with the psych counselling.
Sorry, I copy/pasted from the post there so apologise if I left something off. And I added the last sentence about Steph Watts to finish answering the question.
Moderators posted this statement in Post #1 of this thread.

The information regarding JVDS's dog and the homeless man MUST either be substantiated or dropped. At this point it appears this info is based on rumor/speculation. Show where the info comes from or drop it.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Joran Van der Sloot Confesses to Murdering Stephany Flores Ramirez #12[/ame]
Yes, but can you see the great conflict?

At the same time, she has to be very sad about the end result for her first born son. Yet she must feel some relief about the survival, of her youngest children, and herself--and maybe the rest of society?

Yes I can and I would not want to be in her shoes. Raising kids is a "carp shoot". Some with the worst of parents wind up with adult children who are successful, contributing members of society. I can't imagine realizing that the child I brought into this world is a brutal, cold-blooded killer. I would, therefore probably stay out of the limelight as much as possible and get me some needed counseling so I could be the best parent I could to the remaining children.

I recall my own teen-age daughter scaring me with her "normal adolescent rebelliousness". Of course, in my case, it was a phase (thank God), but Anita's situation is unbelievably terrifying. IMO
Again, this is only my speculation, and I certainly can't find concrete evidence for it, but....I suspect that the reason for this long delay is because there actually wasn't such a delay. In other words, Stephany died long after Joran left the hotel, which left those responsible scrambling to find a reason for why so much time elapsed before the room was checked.

The most logical guess I can make is that Stephany was supposed to be involved in the "sting" or trap, or whatever it was that had been planned for Joran. She felt remorse, gave him a head's up, after which he left and it took a few days until her betrayal was discovered. That's why the uncut video from that security camera would be crucial evidence, to determine exactly what activity, if any, occurred in Joran's room after he left. Of course, any entrance or exit from his room necessarily proves him innocent.
Btw, there is a better translation out there (sorry, no link- it's from a site WS doesn't want linked to) of the Dutch article from yesterday, regarding the security camera. It is now clear that these reporters claim to have actually visited the hotel, and maintain that there was no camera outside room 309 prior to Joran being there, and it has been removed since the murder. Now, it may be that the authorities confiscated the camera for their investigation. However, if these reporters have some kind of evidence (testimony of long time hotel staff, perhaps?) that a camera was only installed at this spot after Joran rented that room, then I think it's pretty clear evidence that he was being monitored by somebody, for some purpose.

My boldings

If you are dismissing the facts and say you don't have facts but believe it is this or that scenario is pointless. In the second paragraph, I don't see the logic in that at all and there is no evidence to even suggest such a thing.

It is clear that the reporter said he visited the hotel the rest is not as clear. The reporter said there was a gag order and couldn't speak to the hotel staff. It was reported on the hotel website that they have 24 hour security so I don't believe the reporter's claims. And if the camera was taken down it would most likely be for evidence. They have been very thorough in documenting evidence so oit would stand to reason that would be the case with the camera.

They didn't release the uncut video to the media but that does not mean that they don't have the uncut video in the evidence files. I can't imagine them releasing that many hours worth of video to the public.
Again, the question regarding this retraction of Joran's "confession" is- what if the Peruvian authorities did type up a "confession" that Joran didn't understand at all, and signed because they lied about what it said? Do all of you really support any country permitting something like that?

I understand that most of you think this is just another of Joran's lies. Fine. My hypothethical question was if you'd think it was wrong if the authorities did trick him into signing a "confession."

No person interested in justice should support that, imho.

His confession was videotaped, he had a Dutch translator there with him so IMO it is a moot point.

And the evidence will convict him no matter how many lies he tells. Telling lies and taking it back to tell more lies only worked for him in Aruba and as a way to make money off of Natalee, it will not work this time.
Originally Posted by suzihawk
Just listened to the Steph Watts blog radio program from yesterday. He just got back from Aruba and spent some time talking to locals and friends of JVS, amongst other things. They had some interesting stories to tell re: his childhood escapades. One involving his younger brother, Sebastian, that is distressing.

Since I guess this may be considered rumormongering, you can listen for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

I listened to Steph's show and wondered where those people have been for the past five years and why are they speaking up now. I also wonder if maybe now even more people will start to speak up.
Can we please get a seperate forum for JVS? I was looking for some references and having to go through 100's of seperate pages is mind boggling. As this case appears it will go on for a very long time, going to a seperate forum with categories would be soooo helpful. Please?
Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have a separate forum just for JVS? Preferably one with a dedicated thread just for conspiracy theories, so if people wanted to read about that they could. And, if they wanted to read other threads that only allowed facts, they could.
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I was semi-joking about reading the conspiracy stuff, but would you tell us again why there isn't a JVS forum? Not meaning to be argumentative...just curious. Thanks
I was semi-joking about reading the conspiracy stuff, but would you tell us again why there isn't a JVW forum? Not meaning to be argumentative...just curious. Thanks

You have to ask a moderator that question, however putting in my :twocents: there doesn't seem to be very many members interested in the case. Again my :twocents:
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