Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #21

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He more likely could have contacted HIV virus infection with unprotected sex. The HIV virus is detected by special blood tests. Yes, the AIDS virus is HIV, but HIV patients can avoid AIDS by taking the HIV medications, or by not developing any illness (AIDS) for a long time.

Again AIDS is diagnosed as illness (caused by HIV virus) only if patient shows at least 2 opportunistic disease entities. After patient gets sick with these certain disease, then if needed AIDS would be confirmed by positive HIV test.

The HIV virus destroys immunity cells; thus opportunistic disease occurs at some point. This is AIDS, diagnosed not by blood tests but by the presence of certain diseases we would not get if immunity system is functioning.

My bolding

Anita did say that even though they had problems with Joran pre Natalee, Paulus didn't want Joran to get help after Natalee disappeared because it might make him look guilty.

Yes, and it also might have made Paulus look like a bad parent, and that's the true bottom line of why it wasn't acceptable. Not knowing his son was a psychopath or in denial, it was more important for Paulus and Anita to be seen as good parents than it was to seek help for their son.
Yes, and it also might have made Paulus look like a bad parent, and that's the true bottom line of why it wasn't acceptable. Not knowing his son was a psychopath or in denial, it was more important for Paulus and Anita to be seen as good parents than it was to seek help for their son.

could it have been that pvds & avds may have thought that all jvds's problems really were a result of them being "bad" parents? and didnt get him help because this help would have proven that they were bad parents? or this was their fear... when in reality them getting him help would likely have revealed that he has psychological problems separate and independent from either of them .... oops - just answered my own question, lol, if one or most likely both of them have/had narcissistic tendencies... i dont think they knowingly failed to get him help because they thought that any of this would happen... not that that makes it ok ... but they in reality may have been just as pathological as jvds....

"As to the attorney who reportedly appeared with Joran when he confessed, CNN confirms with the public defender appointed for him that it wasn't her, and that Joran refused to make a statement while she was with him.

[Carla]Odria said that she spoke to Joran and advised him of his rights including his right to remain silent. She says Joran did not wish to give a statement at that time saying he was too tired after his trip from the border. Since Joran wouldn’t speak Odria suspended the proceeding and left.

We have been able to confirm that the attorney listed in the confession document named Dr. Luz Marina Romero Chinchay is not a court appointed defense attorney with the Attorney General’s office, but a private attorney. We do not know if Joran consented to this attorney.

If the court finds that the confession was botched it will be annulled and a new interrogation will have to take place....So the question remains, who hired attorney Chinchay?"

Howwwevvvver....the first question in his confession would make it seem that he agreed to the use of the attorney who was present, so has no grounds for a lawsuit:

"1.Via translator : Do you have advice from a lawyer for that statement ?

- My lawyer is present."

Guess they'll file suit against the translator and the embassy next!!! JMHO
It puts a price on his testimony: Van der Sloot requested $ 1 million to give an interview

It appears that Joran van der Sloot is not worried about the charges against him in the murder of Stephany Flores and the disappearance of American Natalee Holloway, and seeks to profit from prison.

Site reported , the Dutchman is willing to disclose details of the circumstances under which Flores was killed and the case of Holloway , who disappeared five years ago in Aruba.

"I could exercise the power of money to buy things, the willingness of other prisoners and even some officials within the detention center," he said.

From the site:

Sloot contacted the media from jail in the Castro Castro prison in Peru and asked for the amount to tell on-camera whether he had murdered the two girls Natalee Holloway and Stephany Flores.

This is getting so beyond absurd that it's *almost* laughable. But I do enjoy them referring to JVS as "it".
Wow. There truly are no depths JVDS will not sink to. I hope that Peruvian officials are going to put a stop to this nonsense and disallow him any interviews.
Wow. There truly are no depths JVDS will not sink to. I hope that Peruvian officials are going to put a stop to this nonsense and disallow him any interviews.

It's truly unbelievable, isn't it?

Ya know... while I really don't believe in using violence against suspects or prisoners, I'm beginning to believe JVS might be the exception. Maybe they should beat about a million dollars worth of truth out of him.
This makes no sense to me at all. I'm calling BS, paid attorney vs public defender, and he's suing. ?????
He really really wants to get on the wrong side of everybody.


Actually, Joran reminds me of a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. When he's frustrated he just lashes out.
Yes, and it also might have made Paulus look like a bad parent, and that's the true bottom line of why it wasn't acceptable. Not knowing his son was a psychopath or in denial, it was more important for Paulus and Anita to be seen as good parents than it was to seek help for their son.

Sadly, this is true of a lot of parents. I was raised in a home where my father was a prime example.
It's truly unbelievable, isn't it?

Ya know... while I really don't believe in using violence against suspects or prisoners, I'm beginning to believe JVS might be the exception. Maybe they should beat about a million dollars worth of truth out of him.

If it was anyone else, I'd say yes. Either he and someone else is betting their hand with big stakes involved or he has totally overcooked his goose. I hope it's the latter for the victims sake. At this point I truly believe we will never know what really happened in these two cases....especially NH's.

I'd definitely be staying inside my cubby hole if I were him. Not sure how far away those hills/mountain are and all it would take is one really good sharp shooter. Better gets those curtains hung boy.

ETA: I'm really thinking the only way to get the truth from him would be to put a gun to his head. But, he's not the brightest in a way .... it wouldn't surprise me if he hedged his bets in this scenario too.
Wow. There truly are no depths JVDS will not sink to. I hope that Peruvian officials are going to put a stop to this nonsense and disallow him any interviews.

I wonder what's going thru Beth's mind at this point? You know he is playing NH as his trump card. He's thinking nothing will happen to him because "they have to protect me" in order to find out where NH is and is sure SF's family is in agreement with BH to do everything possible to find out the truth.

I hope they wait until he is convicted to grant the interview.
My point in posting simple statements about HIV and AIDS was to discourage questions about Joran and AIDS. We do not know his HIV status, do we? But he does not appears to be sick or infected with any of the opportunistic diseases associated with AIDS. So I believe it would be more germane to discuss his HIV status. It seems much of the media use the word AIDS without knowing there is a difference between HIV and AIDS.

Thanks for your patience as I try to clarify. Many references can get very complex. I tried to make it simple. Below site is more simple
but they in reality may have been just as pathological as jvds....

I agree NN...I have many thoughts on this...the sharing of which will have to wait until after an Aug 1 project deadline I have, but I have NEVER seen someone with JVS's level of pathologies come from a "good home" with mentally healthy parents. It quite literally is NOT possible.

Thanks for your thinking out loud :)
HIV, he's trying to bluff the 50% of General Pop that isn't that he is......Next he will say he also may have TB.
Another attempt at trying to save his own butt.
HIV, he's trying to bluff the 50% of General Pop that isn't that he is......Next he will say he also may have TB.
Another attempt at trying to save his own butt.

i think he is just trying to stay current and in the public eye so news agencies may be willing to pay him for anything that he is will to throw out... i think he should not have access to interviews of any kind to media right now...
Lawyers do well, but it's the last and I do mean very last job I would ever want. One has to be willing to let go of personal principles undertaking the defense of a criminal.

I have some lawyer stories that would change your an attorney here in TX who, along with his wife, adopted 5 (five) girls. In fact, all three families that were in the running to adopt these 5 sisters were ALL attorneys. And the pro bono representation stories of the elderly, immigrants, or children I could tell you would bring tears to your eyes.

Like all of society, the society of attorneys have some bad eggs, but most are decent people (and very hard working, which you must be to survive law school). Even most all of the defense attorneys I know are in the decent people category and do not ever sacrifice their personal principles during representation of their clients (95% plea out, i.e., plead guilty and are punished). A very large number of defense attorneys refuse to take murderers or those charged with sexual offenses (which, of course, are the minority of criminal cases).

And then, yes, there are the other attorneys that are criminals themselves (and LE criminals, and teacher criminals, priests...). JVS's attorney seems like one of the lower forms of attorneys on one hand, but know that at the end of the day, an attorney can only make recommendations to a client. The client has the final word on WHAT to do. The attorney only has the final word on HOW to do it, and if he will take or quit the case because he does not want to do WHAT the client is insisting on. But unless what the client is insisting on is illegal, the client has a RIGHT to pursue whatever idiotic avenue he'd like. In TX, it is *mandatory* that death penalty cases be appealed, so attorneys have to come up with *something* or face fines, suspension, disbarment, i.e. some attorney *has to* do that. Fortunately for the attorney to whom that is repugnant, death penalty cases are rarely overturned. And don't forget, that the people that are not overturning these cases (and other cases) are ALL attorneys...judges at this level (not all JP's), are ALL attorneys turned judges.

Could you imagine having a JVS-type client calling the "what" shots?
i think he is just trying to stay current and in the public eye so news agencies may be willing to pay him for anything that he is will to throw out... i think he should not have access to interviews of any kind to media right now EVER...

Fixed. :D
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