GUILTY Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #23

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I've got to tell you, that Dateline show was hard to watch.

The irony of him talking about people paying him to tell stories wasn't lost on me that's for sure. That whole interview was just another bunch of stories and lies that he is being paid for in a "backdoor" kind of way IMO. There is no way that he is not going to ultimately profit in some way from those "licensing fees".

Did you notice how angry he seemed to get regarding the question of whether he met and took other women to his room for sex during his stay in Peru? And how quickly Vanden Heuvel dropped that line of questioning when he saw that reaction?

If people in Peru were outraged by the photo from the prison, why aren't they just as outraged that prison guards who are being paid to guard the prison, are not doing their jobs but rather bringing in their study books on their shift and learning English from one of their most high profile prisoners. Is there nothing else they are supposed to be doing during their shift? :waitasec:

I do not believe one word of the Enquirer story about any punishment or restrictions being put on Joran after that photo was released. It was obvious from that interview that nothing has changed for him other than the fact that he misses his good buddy Trujillo and wants to join him in the general population of the foreign section. I find the Enquirer's attempts to exploit and make money off this story with completely fabricated lies to be disgusting.


My immediate take on his defensive reaction to the question on bringing women to his room for sex....was because HE HADN'T !!!! The 'great womanizer' was getting shut out by the women in Peru...something his ego couldn't bear.

In fact, that could have been the cause of his murderous actions with Stephany....he finally got a woman to his room only to discover she was a lesbian and rejected his advances. That may have been the final blow to his ego!!

In fact, the more I think about it...that might even be the more likely reason for his reaction to the brought back memories of Stephany's rejection and his 'impulsive' reaction!!

I watched his interview last night.

I was suprised how disarming he can be. Seriously.

I know his history. I know that he is a murderer and worse.

But I can honestly say that if someone didn't know his history he could be extraordinarily charming. His eye contact, how warm his eyes can be at times. His smile.

He is the single most scary man I have ever seen in my life. I used to say that I knew what evil looked like because of what happened to me as a child...This man, trumps that.


He is S-C-A-R-Y. Because as a middle aged woman, if I had no clue whatsoever about this man I would meet him on the street and think he was a charming, harmless young man. I would not be reluctant to have him in my home for a visit.

God help the world if he ever gets out. Aye! JMHO.

I agree with you whole-heartedly. He is a very scary person. As I watched this interview, it was very alarming to see how relaxed and personable he was with the guards and the interviewer.

I've always felt I was a good judge of character after meeting and talking with someone. But, now I wonder how I would react to someone like Joran. I'd like to believe that some red flags would come up with someone who seemed too charming, but, you never know and that's the really scary part!!

My immediate take on his defensive reaction to the question on bringing women to his room for sex....was because HE HADN'T !!!! The 'great womanizer' was getting shut out by the women in Peru...something his ego couldn't bear.

In fact, that could have been the cause of his murderous actions with Stephany....he finally got a woman to his room only to discover she was a lesbian and rejected his advances. That may have been the final blow to his ego!!

In fact, the more I think about it...that might even be the more likely reason for his reaction to the brought back memories of Stephany's rejection and his 'impulsive' reaction!!

I totally agree and believe Stephany was the only young woman he could talk into going back to the hotel with him. I also believe you've perfectly defined what sent him into a rage, killing her. Yet he was so calm when he left the hotel and even asked not to have "his girl" (who lay blugeoned and dead in the room) disturbed. "His girl" = his conquest = his victim?? :waitasec: MOO
I watched his interview last night.

I was suprised how disarming he can be. Seriously.

I know his history. I know that he is a murderer and worse.

But I can honestly say that if someone didn't know his history he could be extraordinarily charming. His eye contact, how warm his eyes can be at times. His smile.

He is the single most scary man I have ever seen in my life. I used to say that I knew what evil looked like because of what happened to me as a child...This man, trumps that.


He is S-C-A-R-Y. Because as a middle aged woman, if I had no clue whatsoever about this man I would meet him on the street and think he was a charming, harmless young man. I would not be reluctant to have him in my home for a visit.

God help the world if he ever gets out. Aye! JMHO.

Yes! I so agree with you, Kat - as well as others that have wighed in. This is what makes him and his kind so terribly scary. They can be exceptionally engaging and charming. Look at Scott Peterson.

He knows just when to act all repentant and sincere and milks it for maximum effect. When I was watching him during this interview, I could just see him using this same (learned?) technique from childhood and being rewarded for it.

It's bonechilling.
Kamille, thank you so much for that! Not only was his response to the question about taking girls to his room extremely defensive, but he also answers the questions in my very first posts here. "Did Stephany smoke?", "Did they go somewhere to smoke together?"

He answers all of that in one sentence. "We went out and smoked together"

OK, and I'll bet they did it more than once, yet never a mention of anyone seeing them together except at the table, and no video (that I've seen) of wherever they went to smoke.

It's too late now, but I will watch more on utube tomorrow.

I caught that too asiabrasil. Are the casinos there non smoking?
My immediate take on his defensive reaction to the question on bringing women to his room for sex....was because HE HADN'T !!!! The 'great womanizer' was getting shut out by the women in Peru...something his ego couldn't bear.

In fact, that could have been the cause of his murderous actions with Stephany....he finally got a woman to his room only to discover she was a lesbian and rejected his advances. That may have been the final blow to his ego!!

In fact, the more I think about it...that might even be the more likely reason for his reaction to the brought back memories of Stephany's rejection and his 'impulsive' reaction!!


That's just the way I took it too FLNY. He didn't want to discuss his "conquests" in Peru because he didn't have any. You can be sure if he did we'd have heard from one of them by now. They'd have been paid big time for a media interview.

And that, combined with his dwindling finances, must have had him in a pretty good rage when Stephany tried to "get away".
I caught that too asiabrasil. Are the casinos there non smoking?

I have not been able to find that out. It definitely appears that the poker tables are non-smoking. There are no ashtrays visible on any of them. I would think that there is at least some area inside the casino to smoke. Maybe even the whole place except the poker tables. I have been curious where Joran and Stephany went to smoke ever since I saw that she carried two lighters. There must have been casino video of it.
My immediate take on his defensive reaction to the question on bringing women to his room for sex....was because HE HADN'T !!!! The 'great womanizer' was getting shut out by the women in Peru...something his ego couldn't bear.

In fact, that could have been the cause of his murderous actions with Stephany....he finally got a woman to his room only to discover she was a lesbian and rejected his advances. That may have been the final blow to his ego!!

In fact, the more I think about it...that might even be the more likely reason for his reaction to the brought back memories of Stephany's rejection and his 'impulsive' reaction!!


You may have something here. Good thinking on your part.
Joran's Bad Day in Peru. The whole thing a debacle ... on the run
nothing went right. A sexual crime, no email, all just a continuation of
a bad experience Joran was having ... on the run with the Holloways
and FBI waiting. Only Joran would know. Stephany may not have known
anything but just fell victim to a secretive psychopath for whom nothing
was going right ... but there is also her money?
FWIW, google found me this:

"As I mention on my casino description page Atlantic City has by far the best poker room in Lima. The tables are spacious, smoking is only permitted near the exit and the dealers are far better than other Lima rooms."

Sounds like he means the exit from the poker room, so it's probable that smoking is permitted in other areas of the casino as well.
Kamille, thank you so much for that! Not only was his response to the question about taking girls to his room extremely defensive, but he also answers the questions in my very first posts here. "Did Stephany smoke?", "Did they go somewhere to smoke together?"

He answers all of that in one sentence. "We went out and smoked together"

OK, and I'll bet they did it more than once, yet never a mention of anyone seeing them together except at the table, and no video (that I've seen) of wherever they went to smoke.

It's too late now, but I will watch more on utube tomorrow.

I also noted that he confirmed that he and Stephany had exchanged phone numbers. I'm surprised the interviewer didn't ask if he'd called her!

I recall her father mentioning a call or calls on her phone from any unknown cell phone, but don't remember ever seeing anything about it being confirmed as from Joran. I'll bet it was....possibly arranging to meet at the casino on that last fateful night!
I also noted that he confirmed that he and Stephany had exchanged phone numbers. I'm surprised the interviewer didn't ask if he'd called her!

I recall her father mentioning a call or calls on her phone from any unknown cell phone, but don't remember ever seeing anything about it being confirmed as from Joran. I'll bet it was....possibly arranging to meet at the casino on that last fateful night!

That's a good point FLNY.

Accused killer and Natalee Holloway prime suspect JORAN van der SLOOT has been thrown into hellish solitary confinement after posing with vicious killers for a sickening photo smuggled out of his Peruvian prison.

His life is now in danger after losing the protection of his murderous pals, who were saving him from other inmates intent on hacking him to bits.

Embarrassed authorities are making Joran’s life miserable – and have even banned visits from a girlfriend, his lifeline to the outside world, The ENQUIRER has learned. “That’s enough to wipe that silly smirk off his face,” declared an insider.

The no-longer-cocky accused killer found out how swiftly and harshly Peruvian justice works when a “celebrity” prisoner flouts prison rules.

Within days, enraged prison administrators locked van der Sloot into a windowless solitary confinement cell – barely large enough to fit a mattress and a hole in the floor for a toilet. They were furious that they’d been embarrassed by van der Sloot over the picture that made its way all over the world via the Internet.

“Now he’s in a cell block the guards jokingly call the ‘meditation area’ – and it makes his former hellhole seem like a four-star hotel,” the source told The ENQUIRER.

“And when van der Sloot is let out of solitary, his life will be in danger. He won’t have the protection he had with his killer cell mates.

“Right now he’s confined 24 hours a day, and there is no electricity, so he’s in cold and darkness from dusk to dawn. He has to listen to rats scampering near him."

**National Enquirer
By no means am I defending JVS but it didn't look to me that he was particularily engaged with those men in that picture. Meaning, he looks like he was asked to pose and he did so.

As far as the Dateline tonight, if that's the interview with van den Heuval it will be long b/c he first asks the questions in Dutch then in English. .

It just struck me to ask: Has anyone ever asked Joran who his 'heros' are,
if he has any. We know he has/had a book on Al Capone? I'm just
wondering... :waitasec: Does he have any heros at all, or anyone he admires or wanted
to model himself after? Has anyone bothered to ask him this basic question?
By no means am I defending JVS but it didn't look to me that he was particularily engaged with those men in that picture. Meaning, he looks like he was asked to pose and he did so.


No, but reports have said that he got/accepted a 'cut' of the money - $70. of the $1000. that the guard(s) received when they sold the photo. I imagine that is why the authorities are upset with him (if this is true).

Accused killer and Natalee Holloway prime suspect JORAN van der SLOOT has been thrown into hellish solitary confinement after posing with vicious killers for a sickening photo smuggled out of his Peruvian prison.

His life is now in danger after losing the protection of his murderous pals, who were saving him from other inmates intent on hacking him to bits.

Embarrassed authorities are making Joran’s life miserable – and have even banned visits from a girlfriend, his lifeline to the outside world, The ENQUIRER has learned. “That’s enough to wipe that silly smirk off his face,” declared an insider.

The no-longer-cocky accused killer found out how swiftly and harshly Peruvian justice works when a “celebrity” prisoner flouts prison rules.

Within days, enraged prison administrators locked van der Sloot into a windowless solitary confinement cell – barely large enough to fit a mattress and a hole in the floor for a toilet. They were furious that they’d been embarrassed by van der Sloot over the picture that made its way all over the world via the Internet.

“Now he’s in a cell block the guards jokingly call the ‘meditation area’ – and it makes his former hellhole seem like a four-star hotel,” the source told The ENQUIRER.

“And when van der Sloot is let out of solitary, his life will be in danger. He won’t have the protection he had with his killer cell mates.

“Right now he’s confined 24 hours a day, and there is no electricity, so he’s in cold and darkness from dusk to dawn. He has to listen to rats scampering near him."

**National Enquirer

I'm still rather skeptical about this report and that Peru would punish its 'prize prisoner' in way.

But if it is true, I'm trying to figure out the timing of this 'solitary confinement' and the date he was interviewed for Dutch TV by John van den Heuvel.

The infamous photo was published on Sun., Aug. 22 and the Peruvian authorities voiced their outrage on Aug. 23. This article says Joran was moved to solidary confinement 'within days'...which would be sometime during that week of Aug. 23 - 28.

John van den Heuvel was interviewed on the Today Show by Meridith Viera on Sept. 7 or 8. I recall him saying that his interview with Joran had occurred two weeks prior, which places it around Aug. 24-25....the same week as the supposed solitary punishment began.

So, I would think the solitary confinement didn't begin until later in the week after van den Heuvel's interview with Joran at Castro Castro. Pretty close timing for both to have occurred.

Perhaps Joran knew this was coming and that's why he spoke about wanting to be placed in the general population for foreigners....rather than be in solitary. Wonder when we'll ever find out more about what's going on with him in Castro Castro!?! :waitasec:

I'm going to start a thread for the discussion relating to Beth and Peter and move the posts over.

Please discuss Beth's visit to Peru here: [ame=""]Beth Twitty visits Joran Van der Sloot in Peru - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Thank you!

Now I wonder.....Beth Twitty's ability to get to Joran in Castro Castro seems to debunk the National Enquirer report that Joran is in solitary confinement??!!?? :waitasec:
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