GUILTY Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #23

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As far as the Dateline tonight, if that's the interview with van den Heuval it will be long b/c he first asks the questions in Dutch then in English. I'll go straight up the wall if I listen to that dull droning monotone of JVDS giving the same crap that he recently did. Yep, it was geared for the "nasty" American market (the ones Anita didn't want to talk to) and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for Joran and momma. Making money of Joran's victims.
I don't think I can follow this case anymore; it seems everyone is playing right into his hands, and he's laughing.
ugh- i haven't read on here in months because i can't stand to think about his smug face or hear the crap that keeps coming up with now just reading the last posts, i see he has a "slim blonde girlfriend" and is doing an interview for money (again?)...back to my self-imposed break from this case...i just really want to come back when he gets his azz sentenced to life imprisonment without chance of parole- i.e. without chance of brutally killing any more innocent women (and i even include the slim, blonde loser girlfriend in this although she deserves some kind of negative consequences for going near this creep and bringing him more publicity with his food)...
Did you all notice in the interview, Chris Hansen specifically asked the reporter if he paid joran OR Anita? The reporter said no! ??

So if he's telling the truth, that leaves the lawyer? Come to think of it, somebody had to arrange this interview with Castro Castro and I don't think Anita has the clout. Do you think the reporter could have arranged this on his own?

What do you guys think?
Seems to me that arrangements were already done some time ago, and van den Heuval did not have the kind of money to pay, however that is why it was done in English, for the American media and they must have paid through their nose to get a piece of this self-glorified poor excuse for a human b/c he's a high profile celebrity now. Joran wouldn't do it for nothing, and Anita surely expected dollars as well for giving Heuval the go ahead.

The money may go to the lawyer since he's trying so hard to free Joran. I really hope the Peruvian population speaks out (hopefully more than that) for the lies he's telling and the "I'm the victim" card he's playing. He thanked Refugees posters, so they (the small handful left supporting him) probably sent him money as well.
Seems to me that arrangements were already done some time ago, and van den Heuval did not have the kind of money to pay, however that is why it was done in English, for the American media and they must have paid through their nose to get a piece of this self-glorified poor excuse for a human b/c he's a high profile celebrity now. Joran wouldn't do it for nothing, and Anita surely expected dollars as well for giving Heuval the go ahead.

The money may go to the lawyer since he's trying so hard to free Joran. I really hope the Peruvian population speaks out (hopefully more than that) for the lies he's telling and the "I'm the victim" card he's playing. He thanked Refugees posters, so they (the small handful left supporting him) probably sent him money as well.

Who did? joran?
Did you all notice in the interview, Chris Hansen specifically asked the reporter if he paid joran OR Anita? The reporter said no! ??

So if he's telling the truth, that leaves the lawyer? Come to think of it, somebody had to arrange this interview with Castro Castro and I don't think Anita has the clout. Do you think the reporter could have arranged this on his own?

What do you guys think?

I think it was all semantics. When asked if HE paid Joran or Anita for the interview, he could honestly say 'no'....because neither he or his newspaper paid them directly. But, I bet the terms of the NBC 'licensing' agreement contained a stipulation that a portion of their payment would be made directly to Anita.

There is NO WAY that Joran or his family would have allowed this interview with no promise of's just not in their DNA!!!

Who did? joran?

I didn't watch further than the one video of the interview and it wasn't in that one, however the person who said that could have been joking. I took it earnestly. Joran was said to have thanked.
I simply have no interest in watching any more lies out of that mug; he's so infuriating.:banghead:
van der Sloot appeal drags on


So what's at stake with his appeal in Peru? Authorities there would still have a substantial amount of evidence in their murder case, including security camera video of van der Sloot and Flores entering his hotel room but only him coming out. Current Peruvian law would have a maximum sentence of 35 years if van der Sloot is convicted of killing Flores.
I think it was all semantics. When asked if HE paid Joran or Anita for the interview, he could honestly say 'no'....because neither he or his newspaper paid them directly. But, I bet the terms of the NBC 'licensing' agreement contained a stipulation that a portion of their payment would be made directly to Anita.

There is NO WAY that Joran or his family would have allowed this interview with no promise of's just not in their DNA!!!


Exactly. I've learned to pay particular attention to wording when it comes to these types of things. Money changed hands. I'd stake my life on it. It's vile and revolting beyond words. :furious:
I think it was all semantics. When asked if HE paid Joran or Anita for the interview, he could honestly say 'no'....because neither he or his newspaper paid them directly. But, I bet the terms of the NBC 'licensing' agreement contained a stipulation that a portion of their payment would be made directly to Anita.

There is NO WAY that Joran or his family would have allowed this interview with no promise of's just not in their DNA!!!


I agree. You're probably right about semantics. Either they're getting the money from the Dutch TV station or the lawyer.
van der Sloot appeal drags on


So what's at stake with his appeal in Peru? Authorities there would still have a substantial amount of evidence in their murder case, including security camera video of van der Sloot and Flores entering his hotel room but only him coming out. Current Peruvian law would have a maximum sentence of 35 years if van der Sloot is convicted of killing Flores.

Joran talks "at length" in his interview about how he made wrong decisions,
was "impulsive", and taking personal responsibility for HIS "wrong decisions".

Ah .... but here's the rub.

How will this square with him soon blaming Stephany for "forcing me to kill her" .... in his new defense?

I can see the switch-a-roo coming, as Joran attempts to free himself to ride off into the sunset in another direction (the same old direction!) Joran has always run with his baggage of propaganda in tow.

The only thing that matters to JVS is the opportunity to kill again. Nothing has changed
since, during, or before his socalled interview. He might as well be announcing to the world
"I intend to kill again". Joran is not a learner but a teacher who must have his way!

I think Joran would eliminate half the people on earth and in Holland to get what he wants.

??? :waitasec:
I've got to tell you, that Dateline show was hard to watch.

The irony of him talking about people paying him to tell stories wasn't lost on me that's for sure. That whole interview was just another bunch of stories and lies that he is being paid for in a "backdoor" kind of way IMO. There is no way that he is not going to ultimately profit in some way from those "licensing fees".

Did you notice how angry he seemed to get regarding the question of whether he met and took other women to his room for sex during his stay in Peru? And how quickly Vanden Heuvel dropped that line of questioning when he saw that reaction?

If people in Peru were outraged by the photo from the prison, why aren't they just as outraged that prison guards who are being paid to guard the prison, are not doing their jobs but rather bringing in their study books on their shift and learning English from one of their most high profile prisoners. Is there nothing else they are supposed to be doing during their shift? :waitasec:

I do not believe one word of the Enquirer story about any punishment or restrictions being put on Joran after that photo was released. It was obvious from that interview that nothing has changed for him other than the fact that he misses his good buddy Trujillo and wants to join him in the general population of the foreign section. I find the Enquirer's attempts to exploit and make money off this story with completely fabricated lies to be disgusting.

I've got to tell you, that Dateline show was hard to watch.

The irony of him talking about people paying him to tell stories wasn't lost on me that's for sure. That whole interview was just another bunch of stories and lies that he is being paid for in a "backdoor" kind of way IMO. There is no way that he is not going to ultimately profit in some way from those "licensing fees".

Did you notice how angry he seemed to get regarding the question of whether he met and took other women to his room for sex during his stay in Peru? And how quickly Vanden Heuvel dropped that line of questioning when he saw that reaction?

If people in Peru were outraged by the photo from the prison, why aren't they just as outraged that prison guards who are being paid to guard the prison, are not doing their jobs but rather bringing in their study books on their shift and learning English from one of their most high profile prisoners. Is there nothing else they are supposed to be doing during their shift? :waitasec:

I do not believe one word of the Enquirer story about any punishment or restrictions being put on Joran after that photo was released. It was obvious from that interview that nothing has changed for him other than the fact that he misses his good buddy Trujillo and wants to join him in the general population of the foreign section. I find the Enquirer's attempts to exploit and make money off this story with completely fabricated lies to be disgusting.


I don't have TV (by choice) so did not see the show. Could you please elaborate a bit on this? It is one of my most burning personal questions in this case. I believe Joran is an expert at bringing getting women to his hotel rooms for sex, and that he did it very often. The comments from one of the players at the casino (the guy who recognized him and alerted employees), that pretty much all Joran talked about was wanting to "pick up girls", and that he was not having very good luck in Peru, stick like glue in my mind. Did he answer at all?
I don't have TV (by choice) so did not see the show. Could you please elaborate a bit on this? It is one of my most burning personal questions in this case. I believe Joran is an expert at bringing getting women to his hotel rooms for sex, and that he did it very often. The comments from one of the players at the casino (the guy who recognized him and alerted employees), that pretty much all Joran talked about was wanting to "pick up girls", and that he was not having very good luck in Peru, stick like glue in my mind. Did he answer at all?

I think behind the scenes, Joran is a very lonley empty soul, perhaps
full of rage. Women are simply objects for him (trophies). His eyes say it all. His circumstances confirm it. Moreover, he hasnt the faintest idea
how to get out of this situation. Joran is inescapably trapped. Others wind up paying the cost, therefore. It must haunt his mother if she has any sense of real compassion for anything ...
I don't have TV (by choice) so did not see the show. Could you please elaborate a bit on this? It is one of my most burning personal questions in this case. I believe Joran is an expert at bringing getting women to his hotel rooms for sex, and that he did it very often. The comments from one of the players at the casino (the guy who recognized him and alerted employees), that pretty much all Joran talked about was wanting to "pick up girls", and that he was not having very good luck in Peru, stick like glue in my mind. Did he answer at all?

Here's the youtube upload of that part of the interview. It's not so much what he says but more the look in his eyes when he declines to answer the question. He has that smile/smirk thing going on for most of the rest of the interview but not for that question IMO.


The rest of the show is there on youtube at the moment if you want to watch all 12 parts.
Kamille, thank you so much for that! Not only was his response to the question about taking girls to his room extremely defensive, but he also answers the questions in my very first posts here. "Did Stephany smoke?", "Did they go somewhere to smoke together?"

He answers all of that in one sentence. "We went out and smoked together"

OK, and I'll bet they did it more than once, yet never a mention of anyone seeing them together except at the table, and no video (that I've seen) of wherever they went to smoke.

It's too late now, but I will watch more on utube tomorrow.
Here's the youtube upload of that part of the interview. It's not so much what he says but more the look in his eyes when he declines to answer the question. He has that smile/smirk thing going on for most of the rest of the interview but not for that question IMO.

The rest of the show is there on youtube at the moment if you want to watch all 12 parts.

This vid is a feast for body language experts. Joran does not look confident or happy, but desparate. He cant even keep his eye movements, head motions, mouth, and his arms together. He looks
like a person who knows he is screwed just waiting for the axe to fall.
He runs his mouth like a water faucet.

Its very obvious Joran has a wealth of hard facts he hasn't shared,
all probably to his detriment. Does Castro Castro have a psych ward?
Dateline - Joran Behind Bars:

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I watched his interview last night.

I was suprised how disarming he can be. Seriously.

I know his history. I know that he is a murderer and worse.

But I can honestly say that if someone didn't know his history he could be extraordinarily charming. His eye contact, how warm his eyes can be at times. His smile.

He is the single most scary man I have ever seen in my life. I used to say that I knew what evil looked like because of what happened to me as a child...This man, trumps that.


He is S-C-A-R-Y. Because as a middle aged woman, if I had no clue whatsoever about this man I would meet him on the street and think he was a charming, harmless young man. I would not be reluctant to have him in my home for a visit.

God help the world if he ever gets out. Aye! JMHO.
I watched his interview last night.

I was suprised how disarming he can be. Seriously.

I know his history. I know that he is a murderer and worse.

But I can honestly say that if someone didn't know his history he could be extraordinarily charming. His eye contact, how warm his eyes can be at times. His smile.

He is the single most scary man I have ever seen in my life. I used to say that I knew what evil looked like because of what happened to me as a child...This man, trumps that.


He is S-C-A-R-Y. Because as a middle aged woman, if I had no clue whatsoever about this man I would meet him on the street and think he was a charming, harmless young man. I would not be reluctant to have him in my home for a visit.

God help the world if he ever gets out. Aye! JMHO.

Exactly- which is how psychopaths continue to do what they do and even develop followings of people who know what they've done but don't believe it...(like moms)...and even when they finally must believe it the sons of a gun convince them it wasn't their fault! So, now you see why he gets privileges in prison and will probably continue to do so...Even guards who should see these types all the time (which they don't necessarily because most of them are so good at getting out of what they did) are fairly easily manipulated by them...
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