Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #7

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WOW! Just waking up here to the news. And if this is true, then Dave H (Natalee's Dad) was correct in what he said on that radio show on Saturday night. He stated that he thought she might have discovered who he was while in the room with him and questioned him on it which set him off in a rage. He thought she might have seen it on tv though, since news stations were covering the 5th anniversary.

I posted that here Saturday night. Let me see if I can find that post.

I'm stunned that he confessed. That is, if he is indeed telling the truth this time. So sad.
I'm thinking that he may have not been able to GHB her in the casino and did so when they came back to the room. She started feeling woozy and told him she was going. He probably tried to stop her and she probably became insistent on leaving and he just lost it. Just a thought.
Wow. I went to bed early for the first time in ages and woke to the news.

I dunno... it just doesn't make sense to me. I can't see him being too concerned over her finding out who he was. Everyone in the world knew of him and his background and it never seemed bothered him. He'd just shrug it off or explain it away. You know... victim of circumstance and all.

Then again... nothing regarding him makes much sense. The coming days will be most interesting.

One thing's for sure... he's toast. He's less than toast - he's a crouton. He'll never walk free again - one way or the other.
Joran is a liar and I'm sure he lies without conscious thought. But I would suspect that lying to police in Aruba and lying to the police in Peru are two different things. I'm thinking he is smart enough to know that. Now I have no doubt that he will try to spin things his way. But I'm thinking the police in Peru will get more truth out of him than the Arubians did. (I don't think they even tried to find the truth).
Wow. I went to bed early for the first time in ages and woke to the news.

I dunno... it just doesn't make sense to me. I can't see him being too concerned over her finding out who he was. Everyone in the world knew of him and his background and it never seemed bothered him. He'd just shrug it off or explain it away. You know... victim of circumstance and all.

Then again... nothing regarding him makes much sense. The coming days will be most interesting.

One thing's for sure... he's toast. He's less than toast - he's a crouton. He'll never walk free again - one way or the other.

Your right, I think he was proud of his reputation.
Here's Peter R. de Vries his reaction to this case. I'll later post a translation of his reaction to Jorans confession.

Hoewel Peter vorige week voor vakantie in het buitenland zat, heeft hij de ontwikkelingen rond de arrestatie van Joran van der Sloot uiteraard op de voet gevolgd. “Ik kreeg opeens allerlei sms’jes”, vertelt hij over het moment dat het nieuws hem bereikte. “In begin dacht ik nog even aan een grap. Weet je dat Joran verdacht wordt van moord op een meisje in Peru?, schreef iemand dan, waarop ik een volgend berichtje met iets van een clou verwachtte. Maar toen ik eenmaal op internet zat werd me al snel duidelijk dat het bittere ernst was. Ik kon mijn ogen en oren nauwelijks geloven.”

Peter followed the recent developments closely although he was on holiday last week. "I suddenly received multiple text messages" he says about the moment he heard the news. "First I thought it was a joke. They asked do you know that Joran is suspected of killing a girl in Peru? I was waiting for them to tell it was a joke but when I went on the internet, I immediately saw it was real. I couldn't believe what I was reading."

Toch was Peter niet alleen maar verbaasd. “Eigenlijk heb ik altijd voorspeld dat er zoiets zou gebeuren. En dat heeft alles te maken met de persoonlijkheid van Joran, die er al vaak blijk van heeft gegeven zijn agressie niet te kunnen reguleren. Zo had hij als kind al losse handjes naar zijn broers en heeft hij eens zonder aanleiding een zwerver van een brug gegooid. En het wijnincident bij Pauw & Witteman was natuurlijk ook veelzeggend. Het toonde aan hoe Joran plotseling driftig kan worden en dan vanuit een impuls agressief uit de hoek komt. Het is dat er nu een glas wijn op tafel stond, maar ik vraag me wel eens af wat er was gebeurd als hij iets anders onder handbereik had gehad.”

But Peter was not that surprised. "I always thought he would do something like this. It's because of Jorans personality. He can't control his anger. As a child he was violent towards his brothers and he also threw a tramp (choller?) from a bridge for no apparent reason. And ofcourse there was the 'wine incident' at Paul & Witteman. That incident showed that Joran can suddenly become very angry and violent. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if he had something else within his reach."

Afgaande op de gegevens zoals die tot nu toe bekend zijn, vermoedt Peter dat Joran uit geldnood heeft gehandeld. “Wij weten uit eigen onderzoek dat Van der Sloot er de laatste twee jaar financieel beroerd voor stond. Hij was een echte klaploper geworden die overal geld probeerde af te troggelen, leningen afsloot, beloftes tot terugbetalen niet nakwam, zielige verhalen ophing over verloren portefeuilles en de spaarrekeningen van zijn broers probeerde te plunderen. We hebben daar talloze mails over ontvangen, maar ook een veelzeggende MSN-conversatie. Zijn poging om Beth Holloway af te persen – die 15.000 dollar is overigens betaald om de afpersing juridisch te vervolmaken, niet omdat men werkelijk iets van hem verwachtte – heeft daar ook alles mee te maken. Ik sluit dan ook niet uit dat hij Stephany Flores tijdens het pokeren geld heeft zien winnen en toen heeft besloten haar dat geld afhandig te maken.”

Peter suspects, with the details currently known, that Joran acted out of money problems. "We know from our own investigation that he had money problems for over the last 2 years. He always tried to get money from someone. He took out loans, promised to pay you back but then didn't, told stories about how he lost his wallet and even tried to steal from his brothers savingsaccounts.We received many emails about it but also a very telling MSN conversation. His attempt to extort money from Beth Holloway has everything to do with it. Maybe he saw Stephany Flores win some money and then decided to take it from her."

Geen voorbedachten rade dus, vermoedt Peter, maar eerder een situatie waarbij één en ander volledig uit de hand is gelopen. “Stephany kan Joran hebben betrapt, of zich hebben verzet toen hij het geld af wilde pakken. Het verhaal dat hij bij de doodslag een tennisracket zou hebben gebruikt verbaast me dan ook niet. Want zoals ik al eerder zei; Joran is een jongen die in zijn drift grijpt wat hij onder handbereik heeft. Daar komt nog eens bij dat hij groot is en waarschijnlijk zijn eigen krachten niet kent.”

Not a premeditated murder but a situation that spun out of control suspects Peter. "Maybe Stephany caught Joran while he was stealing her money or she resisted. The story that he used a tennis racket doesn't surprise me. Like I said, Joran grabs whatever is in his reach. He's a tall guy and probably doesn't know his own strength."

Hoewel de rechter zich natuurlijk nog over de zaak moet uitspreken, denkt Peter dat de zaken er beroerd voorstaan voor Joran. “Neem alleen al de videobeelden waarop je hem met Stephany naar de kamer ziet gaan en even later alleen ziet vertrekken. Voor zover ik weet zijn er geen opnamen waarop een ander persoon te zien is. Op grond daarvan heeft Joran natuurlijk al heel wat uit te leggen. Maar naar ik begrijp stapelen ook de andere bewijzen zich snel op, waarbij ik me trouwens afvraag of het zo verstandig is van justitie in Peru om dat allemaal zo snel naar buiten te brengen. In Nederland gaan we voorzichtig om met zulke daderwetenschap, omdat je aan de hand daarvan kunt bepalen of je met de werkelijke dader te maken hebt. Ik sluit niet uit dat er een zeker showelement achter zit. De Peruanen zijn natuurlijk maar wat trots dat het onderzoek zo voortvarend loopt. Die trots vind je natuurlijk ook terug in de persconferentie, waarin Joran open en bloot aan de media wordt getoond. Maar dat zie je in meer landen hoor, ’s lands wijs, ’s lands eer. In Nederland zitten we dat betreft weer tegen het puriteinse aan.”

Although the judge has yet to decide, Peter thinks that things are looking bad for Joran. "Just look at the video tapes where you can see him entering his room with Stephany. As far as I know there was no other person on that video. Joran has a lot to explain. But I understand that there is more evidence. I wonder if it's a good thing to release everything to the public so fast. In Holland we are very careful about that. The Peruvian are ofcourse very proud that the investigation is going so well. You could see that at the pressconference where they showed Joran to the media. You see that in more countries."

Bij het zien van de beelden viel het Peter meteen op dat er nog maar weinig over was van Jorans bravoure. “Dat superieure lachje dat we van hem kennen was er nu duidelijk niet. Je kon zien dat hij geen thuiswedstrijd speelde, zoals tijdens de Holloway-zaak op Aruba. Je kon toen aan alles zien dat Joran zich op zijn gemak voelde. Hij was bekend met de locatie, wist zich gesteund door zijn vader die om de hoek woonde en had een hautaine houding naar de verhorende rechercheurs, met wie hij een spelletje speelde door lang te zwijgen en zijn verklaringen steeds weer bij te stellen. Die wie-maakt-me-wat-instelling zal hij in Peru wel uit zijn hoofd laten.”

Peter immediately noticed while watching the videos that there was not much left of Jorans attitude. The smirk that we always saw was not there. You could clearly see that he's not at home like he was with the Holloway case on Aruba. He was very comfortable back then. He knew the island, was supported by his dad who lived right around the corner, and had an arrogant attitude towards investigators. He played games with them by remaining silent and continuously changing his statements. He wouldn't dare to do that in Peru."

Of Joran “een hel” te wachten staat in de Peruaanse gevangenis valt volgens Peter nog maar te bezien. “Dat wordt soms zwaar overdreven in de media. In de praktijk blijkt het vaak nogal mee te vallen. We hebben dat kunnen zien met de zaak Machiel Kuijt, die wegens een drugszaak in een Thaise gevangenis zat. Dat zou ook zo’n mensonterende toestand zijn geweest, maar later bleek dat het allemaal wel meeviel en sommige in Nederland gedetineerde criminelen graag van plekje hadden geruild.”

This last part is a bit difficult for me to translate but it's about the circumstances in Peruvian prisons. Peter thinks that it's been exaggerated by the media. He talks about another case in Thailand. The prisons over there are reported to be very bad. But he says that some prisoners in Holland would love to trade places. (I personally doubt that but that's JMOO)
Maybe I'm just nitpicking, but it really bothers me that the term used is "the girl" like Stephany wasn't actually a person to him. Whether that is what he said or whether that's just how it was reported, I don't know. It just disturbed me.
I keep going back to the surveillance video of him getting the key from the front desk. Video Player

Clearly, from his demeanor he intended to victimize SF at that point, as I'm sure he has countless others. I still think his story is one big fat lie!!
Did she have an iPhone or a smartphone? If she did, there's no way she would have used someone else's laptop (like you said, practically a stranger's...I don't even use my BF's without telling him....pretty personal but definitely not a reason for anything other than "please ask my permission". She would have used her own device if she had one, I think)

Also, the person who told the head of the poker room that JVS was a murderer....I can't believe that person (head of room) didn't do something when the guy told him about JVS. He is a (seemingly) well-connected musician who had probably had much more exposure to NHs case than the average Peruvian...he recognized JVS immediately. I

The Peruvian friend of spoke of earlier, the first time she ever visited my home, she opened my fridge and helped herself! At first I thought she was just incredible forward and rude....until I's simply part of their culture. If they consider you a friend, you're like family....and family doesn't ask, they just help themselves.

With that said, I don't believe that's what set him off. It was his way of blaming her and making it her own fault.
Well, let's see....he was caught on video with her entering his room and she never left. He told the staff not to disturb her, there were bloody clothes in his bags when he was found....

Please tell me there is no chance he gets sent back to Aruba for his sentence?

I guess I am glad he did the right thing now, if not at the moment. I hope that since he likes to talk so much he is inspired to tell someone where he left Natalie. I sort of suspect that he told something close to the truth to the undercover cop in 2008-he dumped her in the ocean. :(

At least Stephany will get a some semblance of justice.
I don't think the Peruvians will cowtow to this spoiled little rich boy since he killed one of their own. I think someday we will hear that Cell Buddys Bubbas got a hold of little Joran and sent him on his way to Hell to meet up with his father, though not before they torture him worse than he tortured those beautiful young women. Think about this! Joran and Daddy Van der Sloot thought they got rid of Natalee Holloway since Joran was never charged with her death in Aruba but ( NATALEEs Spirit has been haunting Van Der Sloot everywhere Joran goes.) Joran just can't seem to shake off Natalee and the more he tried to exploit her memory, even in death ,Natalee is making sure Joran never forgets. Just look at Jorans track record since Natalee went missing. Payback is a ***** and Justice from the Grave is the final demise of Joran Van der Sloot. Prostitution and drug proof of murder. Oh yea! Natalee is making life hell for Joran.
If it's true that VDS kept checking his laptop on the way to the border, maybe he was checking news sites to see if LE was on to him yet.

I hope this info is correct, that he confessed. Also hoping they can get some info about NH out of him, so her parents can get some answers.
I just keep thinking that if he dumped Natalee in the ocean, some part of her would have washed up somewhere, at some point (sorry). Since it didn't, I really wonder if maybe she is buried somewhere and there is some hope that he will tell them where.
I would like to know if they showed him David H's speculation, fwiw. It would be like him to adopt the story...
If it's true that VDS kept checking his laptop on the way to the border, maybe he was checking news sites to see if LE was on to him yet.

I hope this info is correct, that he confessed. Also hoping they can get some info about NH out of him, so her parents can get some answers.

As for checking his laptop, I posted the link in my other post... My bad, but the actual words are "handling". Not sure if he opened/closed it, but it stood out to me as soon as I read it - that there was a reason for it. Now I wonder if it was her prints...
Paybacks are a beach...........and Joran is getting his now........KARMA!
Natalee, Stephany and maybe other girls will see justice.
IMO, life in Peru jail, prison would be hello on earth and he deserves every day he lives in there.........IMO
May this be an example to other monsters.....we should send them all to PERU!!!
Send Misty, RC and TomC there and find Haleigh today!
USA gives to many rights to our prisoners and not the victims..........IMO
If it's true that VDS kept checking his laptop on the way to the border, maybe he was checking news sites to see if LE was on to him yet.

I hope this info is correct, that he confessed. Also hoping they can get some info about NH out of him, so her parents can get some answers.

And clearing a LARGE amount of history on that laptop, I would imagine, as well as checking to see if LE was on to him yet!
I keep going back to the surveillance video of him getting the key from the front desk. Video Player

Clearly, from his demeanor he intended to victimize SF at that point, as I'm sure he has countless others. I still think his story is one big fat lie!!

I'm not blaming the victim but what an absolutely stupid thing to do. Why would she go at 5am to the hotel room of a guy she met a few hours before? I hope a lot of young women are learning from this.

Also, is just me or does JVDS look like someone to avoid even if you don't know his story.?
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