Peterson's Ex-Mistress Frey to Wed

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BeeBee said:
My husband and I went together for 3 months then moved in together. A year later we got married and have been married 28 years.

Sometimes relationships work, sometimes they don't. I hope this one works for her. After everything she's been through, she deserves it.
Amen! My current boyfriend moved in with me after a month and we've been together over a year. Like you said, sometimes relationships work, sometimes they don't.

Amber deserves to be happy.
PrayersForMaura said:
I have been engaged twice ... one after knowing the guy two months and once after knowing the guy four months. I broke off both relationships.

I've also slept with many guys on my first date or within a month of knowing them.
I have no kids and am currently in a long term relationship, but my point is...
I am not a bad person because of the choices I've made with men.
Call me a *advertiser censored* too... I can take it. A *advertiser censored*. A worthless person.
I know I am better than that and quite successful.
Amber is, too.
I am sure Amber doesn't give a hoot what people think about her, and I don't either.

Good for you Amber. You go, girl.
The rest of the world should mind their own business because they don't walk a mile in her shoes.
The difference between you is that Amber left her child with a babysitter overnight just so that she could sleep with a guy on the first date (Scott), she let a total stranger (Scott) pick up her child from daycare, and I think she got pregnant with the other guy's children to get them to marry her, then tries to extort money from the wrong guy for child support!:doh: This is the behavior I find despicable. Amber has made her personal life the world's business by not shutting up after her 15 min. of fame were over. I'd personally rather she faded into oblivion, she's no role model for women!
While I don't begrudge Amber happiness, I also think she got waaayyy more credit for her role in this case than she deserved. To hear some people tell it, Amber is the SOLE reason Scott was convicted. All of the detectives hard work, Scott's own behavior/words, evidence...none of that gets the same recognition as Amber's "brave" (please) act of recording all those phone conversations. It was her d@mn duty and obligation IMO.

Oh, and the way she just painted herself a tragic victim just infuriates me. As if what she went through is even in the same stratosphere as what Laci (and her family) have endured. Yeah, I'm sure it sucked to have her life turned upside down and the media hounding her with their presence, but if she'd used better judgment to begin with, she might have avoided that.

I was not critical of Amber at all during the investigation and trial, even after when she was promoting her book. But looking back, I just don't appreciate the fact that she was treated more of a hero than all of the hard-working LE. Or as much of a victim as Laci and Conner.
LinasK said:
The difference between you is that Amber left her child with a babysitter overnight just so that she could sleep with a guy on the first date (Scott), she let a total stranger (Scott) pick up her child from daycare, and I think she got pregnant with the other guy's children to get them to marry her, then tries to extort money from the wrong guy for child support!:doh: This is the behavior I find despicable. Amber has made her personal life the world's business by not shutting up after her 15 min. of fame were over. I'd personally rather she faded into oblivion, she's no role model for women!
Good points...:clap:
PrayersForMaura said:
I have been engaged twice ... one after knowing the guy two months and once after knowing the guy four months. I broke off both relationships.

I've also slept with many guys on my first date or within a month of knowing them.
I have no kids and am currently in a long term relationship, but my point is...
I am not a bad person because of the choices I've made with men.
Call me a *advertiser censored* too... I can take it. A *advertiser censored*. A worthless person.
I know I am better than that and quite successful.
Amber is, too.
I am sure Amber doesn't give a hoot what people think about her, and I don't either.

Good for you Amber. You go, girl.
The rest of the world should mind their own business because they don't walk a mile in her shoes.
I dont think that anyone thinks because you sleep with a guy on the first date that you are "worthless, or a *advertiser censored*". But Amber is in the public eye now and she is going to be a target because of her behavior. She is basically "known" for being the "other woman". Its not her fault, she didnt know scott was married. In my opinion she has done some things that are not very good. But hey, thats on her. She can do what she wants and we can all come here and talk about it. Thats the great thing about Forums...:D
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: ;) :woohoo: :woohoo:
Good for her - hope she's finally gotten better at picking guys, and has found a good one.

BTW: My single mom didn't follow the 1 year rule - not even close to it. Didn't do any of us any harm, and she was dating for pretty much our entire lives. We wouldn't meet them much or spend much time with any guy until they'd had a fair number of dates, she was fairly serious about them. I think the scrutiny given to single moms is too strict.
LinasK said:
The difference between you is that Amber left her child with a babysitter overnight just so that she could sleep with a guy on the first date (Scott), she let a total stranger (Scott) pick up her child from daycare, and I think she got pregnant with the other guy's children to get them to marry her, then tries to extort money from the wrong guy for child support!:doh: This is the behavior I find despicable. Amber has made her personal life the world's business by not shutting up after her 15 min. of fame were over. I'd personally rather she faded into oblivion, she's no role model for women!
It's ok to leave children with baby sitters. People do it all the time.
When they work, go out, etc. Overnight. Sometimes for days. Parents are allowed to have fun, too :D
PrayersForMaura said:
I have been engaged twice ... one after knowing the guy two months and once after knowing the guy four months. I broke off both relationships.

I've also slept with many guys on my first date or within a month of knowing them.
I have no kids and am currently in a long term relationship, but my point is...
I am not a bad person because of the choices I've made with men.
Call me a *advertiser censored* too... I can take it. A *advertiser censored*. A worthless person.
I know I am better than that and quite successful.
Amber is, too.
I am sure Amber doesn't give a hoot what people think about her, and I don't either.

Good for you Amber. You go, girl.
The rest of the world should mind their own business because they don't walk a mile in her shoes.

If a woman (or man) is single with no kids, I say sleep with everyone on the planet if that's your need. Doesn't really matter to me. However, when you become a parent, the rules change and THEIR needs come before the your needs. To needlessly put a child in danger because mommy can't be alone is not really fair to the kids. Thank GOD that Scott didn't turn out to be a child molester because she gave him the keys to her life and put her daughter's life in his hands before she knew him.
Bobbisangel said:
The article says that they were neighbors. Probably met while they were working in their yards. I'm impressed that this man took Amber AND her children to Disneyland or world. I like it when a woman has children and the children are involved in the couples outings.[QUOTE]

Uh huh. Like picnics?
Jeana (DP) said:
If a woman (or man) is single with no kids, I say sleep with everyone on the planet if that's your need. Doesn't really matter to me. However, when you become a parent, the rules change and THEIR needs come before the your needs. To needlessly put a child in danger because mommy can't be alone is not really fair to the kids. Thank GOD that Scott didn't turn out to be a child molester because she gave him the keys to her life and put her daughter's life in his hands before she knew him.

So true Jeana. Chilling to think that even though he wasn't a child molester, he was a child killer - killed his OWN child. Amber did the right thing and I applaud her for that, but her judgment with men seems to lead to instability for her kids. Hope this one works for her kids' sake.

LinasK said:
The difference between you is that Amber left her child with a babysitter overnight just so that she could sleep with a guy on the first date (Scott), she let a total stranger (Scott) pick up her child from daycare, and I think she got pregnant with the other guy's children to get them to marry her, then tries to extort money from the wrong guy for child support!:doh: This is the behavior I find despicable. Amber has made her personal life the world's business by not shutting up after her 15 min. of fame were over. I'd personally rather she faded into oblivion, she's no role model for women!
Linask, we have no idea whether she got pregnant on purpose or not. I was taking birth control both times I got pregnant. I was married of course, but it still happened twice...13 months apart. So, I don't believe you can accuse her of that.
PrayersForMaura said:
I've also slept with many guys on my first date or within a month of knowing them.
I have no kids and am currently in a long term relationship, but my point is...
I am not a bad person because of the choices I've made with men.
Call me a *advertiser censored* too... I can take it. A *advertiser censored*. A worthless person.
I know I am better than that and quite successful.
Amber is, too.
I am sure Amber doesn't give a hoot what people think about her, and I don't either.

Good for you Amber. You go, girl.
The rest of the world should mind their own business because they don't walk a mile in her shoes.

It's not what she does, but the fact that she has two kids from different relationships. It's about the kids to me. I don't care if she sleeps with everyone in California, whatever, that's her own business. I certainly don't think she's a *advertiser censored* or anything like that.

I haven't walked in her shoes because I made sure that I didn't. I had no intention of having children by a slew of different men. I think these kids deserve more.

And to think she allowed Scott to be alone with her child. That's what I have a problem with.
luvbeaches said:
It's not what she does, but the fact that she has two kids from different relationships. It's about the kids to me. I don't care if she sleeps with everyone in California, whatever, that's her own business. I certainly don't think she's a *advertiser censored* or anything like that.

I haven't walked in her shoes because I made sure that I didn't. I had no intention of having children by a slew of different men. I think these kids deserve more.

And to think she allowed Scott to be alone with her child. That's what I have a problem with.
I agree with that.....:clap:
luvbeaches said:
It's not what she does, but the fact that she has two kids from different relationships. It's about the kids to me. I don't care if she sleeps with everyone in California, whatever, that's her own business. I certainly don't think she's a *advertiser censored* or anything like that.

I haven't walked in her shoes because I made sure that I didn't. I had no intention of having children by a slew of different men. I think these kids deserve more.

And to think she allowed Scott to be alone with her child. That's what I have a problem with.
I also think Amber should have done better planned parenting; but, then again, I've made a slew of my own mistakes in life. :blushing:
shopper said:
While I don't begrudge Amber happiness, I also think she got waaayyy more credit for her role in this case than she deserved. To hear some people tell it, Amber is the SOLE reason Scott was convicted. All of the detectives hard work, Scott's own behavior/words, evidence...none of that gets the same recognition as Amber's "brave" (please) act of recording all those phone conversations. It was her d@mn duty and obligation IMO.

Oh, and the way she just painted herself a tragic victim just infuriates me. As if what she went through is even in the same stratosphere as what Laci (and her family) have endured. Yeah, I'm sure it sucked to have her life turned upside down and the media hounding her with their presence, but if she'd used better judgment to begin with, she might have avoided that.

I was not critical of Amber at all during the investigation and trial, even after when she was promoting her book. But looking back, I just don't appreciate the fact that she was treated more of a hero than all of the hard-working LE. Or as much of a victim as Laci and Conner.
Hey Shopper, I agree with your whole post. And don't forget there were a few conversations that she didn't record that the MPD knew about. I want to know what those were about......
the original tez said:
Hey Shopper, I agree with your whole post. And don't forget there were a few conversations that she didn't record that the MPD knew about. I want to know what those were about......
That isn't actuallly true - LE thought there might have been, went back, checked, and found out that Amber did indeed record and turn in all conversations. It was a misunderstanding, a rumor, that was disproved.

LE did plenty, lots of people did plenty - doesn't take anything away from what Amber did, and plenty of people wouldn't have done as much as she did to help, whether out of fear of being killed when trying to help trap a murderer, or reluctance to have all of your dirty laundry aired and judged by the whole country. She had death threats from nutjobs - I'd say she deserves some respect for what she did.
What really put me over the edge with the taped conversations was Scott's detailed lies about Paris, Belgium and while out running, slipping on the cobblestones. I was absolutely stunned that someone would tell lies with so much detail.

When I first heard the tapes, I thought that the guy was an everloving nutcase. I was very amused how CTV (I think) had a map of the world on the screen. While they were playing the tapes, they drew lines from one end of the world to the other, showing where Scott said he was at any given point in time. It was really funny to see how much "jetsetting" he supposedly was doing in such a short period of time. :)
Details said:
That isn't actuallly true - LE thought there might have been, went back, checked, and found out that Amber did indeed record and turn in all conversations. It was a misunderstanding, a rumor, that was disproved.

LE did plenty, lots of people did plenty - doesn't take anything away from what Amber did, and plenty of people wouldn't have done as much as she did to help, whether out of fear of being killed when trying to help trap a murderer, or reluctance to have all of your dirty laundry aired and judged by the whole country. She had death threats from nutjobs - I'd say she deserves some respect for what she did.

Respect yes, adulation no. She's still alive, and so is her child so IMO, she had NO business trying to put herself in the victim category. Laci and Conner and their family are the victims.

I'm not trying to be argumentative or even bash Amber. What she did was important, and she did a great job. But she was not the hero in this case IMO.
shopper said:
...What she did was important, and she did a great job. But she was not the hero in this case IMO.
I think her taped conversations with Scott were very important. It really gave the jury an idea of what type of person Scott was.

I mean, Scott was at his wife's vigil, talking on the phone to Amber and telling her he was in Paris. He even asked if she could hear the crowd at the Eiffel Tower. To me, this showed that he didn't care one iota about his then missing wife. He didn't even pretend to care.

Without the tapes, it would have been a "he said/she said" sort of thing. The jury would have never known for certain.
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