Peterson's Ex-Mistress Frey to Wed

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nanandjim said:
I also think Amber should have done better planned parenting; but, then again, I've made a slew of my own mistakes in life. :blushing:

Oh, I agree. I've done some things that I wished I never had (actually, many things-lol)...but it didn't involve my children. I do know that even if you do take precautions, pregnancies still do occur.

I just think she's taking a terrible risk with her children. Too many men around and different dads...well, it's just a lot for a kid. Date them, sleep with them, whatever...but don't have them in the lives of her children, until she's sure they're going to be around for a bit...otherwise, it's like a revolving door of men. Kids need stability.

But I do hope this is the right guy and I do wish her happiness. I also think she's a hero in this case. I think her testimony pretty much put the nail in Scooter's coffin. The fact that she put herself out on the line like this, shows she's a good least IMO.
nanandjim said:
I think her taped conversations with Scott were very important. It really gave the jury an idea of what type of person Scott was.

I mean, Scott was at his wife's vigil, talking on the phone to Amber and telling her he was in Paris. He even asked if she could hear the crowd at the Eiffel Tower. To me, this showed that he didn't care one iota about his then missing wife. He didn't even pretend to care.

Without the tapes, it would have been a "he said/she said" sort of thing. The jury would have never known for certain.

I don't disagree at all with that, those tapes provided invaluable insight into what kind of a person Scott really was/is. I just happen to believe that her actions have been exaggerated. She did all of that taping in the safety of her own home, her life wasn't in danger over the phone, as Scott had no knowledge of being recorded. So it's not like it was anything to be considered "brave" for IMO . Brave would be if she met him in person with a hidden mic.

And again, I don't like the word "victim" being applied to her. She and her child are still alive and if she'd not rushed into a relationship with Scott, she would not have had her life turned upside down.
Marthatex said:
Well actually I don't consider her his mistress as it was such a short affair and she didn't know he was married.

She was his indirect victim; Laci was the direct victim.

I hope she has found the right one; and that her children will have stability.
I agree wholly..she wasnt a mistress..thats a press term for the circumstances. She was his mistress because he knew-but she didnt so she was his girlfriend. He made her believe they had a future and that he was a single guy..a widower no less.
Amber is a product of her generation and though many do not indulge in sex with most of the people they date..the same number do.
It would be scandalous in a different generation.
For this generation its not that atypical. To marry and have a 3rd child with a different man is getting close to atypical..but its none of our business.
I hope for the sake of her children that she sorts out the paternity stuff-and that her daughter knows her real father.
She rebounded into a safety net with the doctor and thats typical when we are under immense stress..a stress most of us here cant even imagine.
She obviously likes to have a man in her life-most women do.
She is a good person and a young person.
If she had it to do over she would likely change things but not the children. Most women are grateful for the children from their relationships..maybe not before but certainly after they are born.
If she adopted 2 children they would be from differnt fathers..its a matter of how one wants to look at it..I dont look at it as a negative about her..she has a sound level of integrity and she may have truly believed the hairdresser was the dad. Its tragic for them all but its not evil..its the stuff of being human and needing someone to love.

I hunch that there are many of us who have slept with 2 different had any of us become pregnant both times we would be an AMBER type. She will likely have a child with her husband and thats something we all would do too. I also suspect there are many of us who slept with 2 men at the same time or in close succession..this could be any of us is my point.
If we got pregnant with each man we slept with..or every other man..we would all have many children from different fathers..
She didnt abort her children or adopt them out-she is raising them..end of story- its her business who she chooses as fathers..and what about jody foster..her children are from sperm donors..anyone using sperm donors may have children from more than one father..its just not an issue in this modern world. (Unless u want it to be).

Had scott ended up with amber he would have been marrying UP imo. His mother wrecklessly gave her children away and never even told her own husband..thats more dispicable to me.

Laci lived with 2 guys before marriage and could have gotten pregnant even if using birth control..She could have had 2 children from different fathers. She would not have considered herself morally corrupt..nor would sharon.
Dennis has children with 2 different Mothers..he isnt a *advertiser censored*.
Anyhow-its as narrow an issue as u want it to be - or conversely as open and human as you want it to be.
Many would be surprised at how many children are from multiple fathers-and the fathers dont even know. It happens and it happened to amber-its all her business.

Congrats to Amber-I hunch that Laci likes her very much and knows that Amber saved her bacon when she couldnt. Without amber and those tapes there would not be a conviction. IMO
Details said:
That isn't actuallly true - LE thought there might have been, went back, checked, and found out that Amber did indeed record and turn in all conversations. It was a misunderstanding, a rumor, that was disproved.

LE did plenty, lots of people did plenty - doesn't take anything away from what Amber did, and plenty of people wouldn't have done as much as she did to help, whether out of fear of being killed when trying to help trap a murderer, or reluctance to have all of your dirty laundry aired and judged by the whole country. She had death threats from nutjobs - I'd say she deserves some respect for what she did.
Yes, it is true. You may want to do a little research on that subject. In fact, are you saying that Catherine Crier's book is lying? Plus, there are other independent sources that have said there were some calls that weren't recorded and these calls she never told LE about.

Amber didn't do anything less than I would expect anyone to do when there is someone missing. I'm sorry, I just don't give her hero status.
the original tez said:
Yes, it is true. You may want to do a little research on that subject. In fact, are you saying that Catherine Crier's book is lying? Plus, there are other independent sources that have said there were some calls that weren't recorded and these calls she never told LE about.

Amber didn't do anything less than I would expect anyone to do when there is someone missing. I'm sorry, I just don't give her hero status.

luvbeaches said:
Oh, I agree. I've done some things that I wished I never had (actually, many things-lol)...but it didn't involve my children. I do know that even if you do take precautions, pregnancies still do occur.

I just think she's taking a terrible risk with her children. Too many men around and different dads...well, it's just a lot for a kid. Date them, sleep with them, whatever...but don't have them in the lives of her children, until she's sure they're going to be around for a bit...otherwise, it's like a revolving door of men. Kids need stability.

But I do hope this is the right guy and I do wish her happiness. I also think she's a hero in this case. I think her testimony pretty much put the nail in Scooter's coffin. The fact that she put herself out on the line like this, shows she's a good least IMO.
I disagree- the constant for the children is their mother..they will each have relationships with their respective fathers - not all that unusual with divorce as high as it is.
She didnt let her daughter see the hairdresser and he wasnt in her life. The doctor was and he will likely still enjoy her as well.
Now they have a dad who may even adopt the little girl as his own. So its not hard on the kids t have their own dad and the same mother..many dads who have all the chidren as their own are not great dads..thats what matters? How are these kids treated.? I have no doubt they are very loved.
Her son has a dad who doesnt live with them..her daughter has a dad that may not even know her dad will be the one amber marries to the greater extent. Biology does not a father make..nor a lack of biology does not doom a kid to a harsh life of moral corruption.
Laci and Amy would have to tell people - we have the same father and differnt mothers..not a bigee..its narrow minded to view it as tragic for her children.
the original tez said:
I'm going to duck after I make this post, but, why should they have left the truth out of the article? I mean, she did lie for years about who the father of her daughter was, and I fault both of them for not getting the DNA done sooner. She knew though she had been with someone else, and she didn't come clean.

I know that Amber did a respectable job of taping Snott's calls, but I wouldn't expect anything less of anyone else involved with him.

She's only known this guy since October. She just broke up with Justin's dad last year about this time. Is this really great for her kids????

I hope she finds some happiness, but she should understand that her children's needs should come first. Not saying that she's not putting them first, but she's just been in three major relationships in the last four years.

I agree. I also hear from 2 independent sources that she is pregnant again, and the baby is due this fall.

It's too bad that she doesn't secure the guy and the ring before the crib.
I wouldn't be suprised if she is pregnant. But I guess some people do things different. I just want to know who finds the time???????????????????????
shopper said:
Respect yes, adulation no. She's still alive, and so is her child so IMO, she had NO business trying to put herself in the victim category. Laci and Conner and their family are the victims.

I'm not trying to be argumentative or even bash Amber. What she did was important, and she did a great job. But she was not the hero in this case IMO.

quote from Shopper ...

"she had NO business trying to put herself in the victim category. Laci and Conner and their family are the victims."

Shopper - On one point, I have to respectfully disagree with you.

IMO - Amber wasn't trying to put herself into 'the victim category' - she didn't have to. Scott Peterson put her there by his hideous lies & deceit. Amber was clearly an innocent & unwitting victim of his treachery along with Sharon, Ron, Brent, Amy, Dennis and a whole host of others (to a lesser degree) too numerous to name.

Yes, of course, Laci & Conner were Scott's primary victims that paid the ultimate price for his selfish narcissistic behavior. However, there were many victims of his murderous actions - and that ripple effect surely included Amber Frey .. probably to a greater degree than anyone else outside of Sharon & her immediate family.

Sharon suffered (is still suffering) but, with the world's support, empathy, understanding and prayers.

Amber suffered her victimization in the press - with much wrath from an unforgiving public that opened up her entire private life to microscopic scrutiny. Still - she did "the right thing" knowing her poor choices of the past would be exposed to the world. (Who, among us - would welcome or tolerate that kind of invasive public scrutiny?!)

Amber did not seek public attention or ask for adulation - but, only to assist LE & the Rocha family to seek the appropriate justice for the cunning sociopathic murderer of their beloved Laci & Conner.

Without Amber's willing help in working with LE - I do not believe there would have been a 1st degree conviction and death penalty sentence for Scott Peterson. Quite possibly, not a conviction of any kind. Remember the O.J. trial & subsequent verdict? Who would ever have expected that verdict??

Whatever you may think of Amber's (sometimes foolish!) life choices - Amber did not have to put herself in jeopardy and work with LE as she willingly did. She had a choice. With a sense of integrity, she chose the path that would eventually trap & bring a selfish cocky killer to justice. I believe she did so chiefly for Laci & Laci's family - guided by her own deep sense of spirituality.

I do believe there was some admirable and yes - even heroic behavior exhibited in this case - by individuals from very different venues. In addition to Amber - I feel Sharon exhibited that same extrordinary & exemplary attitude & heroic behavior throughout this entire ordeal. Thinking back - Brent and Ron did, as well.

To me - heroism comes in many forms and need not be compared, one to another, to make each one valid and special in it's own right.

I wish Amber & her children all of life's blessings in this new life that she has chosen. Hopefully, her most difficult & stressful times are behind her now. I have all good thoughts for her marriage & newly blended family.

For what it's worth - JMHO ...

13th Juror
newtv said:
I disagree- the constant for the children is their mother..they will each have relationships with their respective fathers - not all that unusual with divorce as high as it is.
She didnt let her daughter see the hairdresser and he wasnt in her life. The doctor was and he will likely still enjoy her as well.
Now they have a dad who may even adopt the little girl as his own. So its not hard on the kids t have their own dad and the same mother..many dads who have all the chidren as their own are not great dads..thats what matters? How are these kids treated.? I have no doubt they are very loved.
Her son has a dad who doesnt live with them..her daughter has a dad that may not even know her dad will be the one amber marries to the greater extent. Biology does not a father make..nor a lack of biology does not doom a kid to a harsh life of moral corruption.
Laci and Amy would have to tell people - we have the same father and differnt mothers..not a bigee..its narrow minded to view it as tragic for her children.

I just don't think a revolving-door of men is a good thing for children to be around. I REALLY don't believe a man should spend the night in the home, when there are children there, but that's just me.

I don't have a narrow fact, it's quite the opposite. I don't care if she sleeps with the entire state of California...male and female. My issues lie with the fact that she so easily handed her young daughter over to Scott...and look what he turned out to be. And then on the heels of that, or before Scott was behind bars, there was another, and then another. It makes sense that she'd date...she's young and cute and why not. But to keep having babies. She should count her lucky stars that she didn't get pregnant with Scott's baby. She would have met the same fate Laci had...IMO. And I suspect, that had their relationship lasted more than a month or so, she would have been pregnant.

Lots of people have sibblings with different fathers...I realize that, and do not think of if as being tragic for the kids. What's tragic, is when the mother hops from boyfriend-to-boyfriend, and then brings another child into the world and she continues on this path. Kind of like the "Uncle Daddy" routine.

I believe that no matter how many children you have, and even if they have different dads, you owe it to them to make them your priority...and not expose them to the "Daddy of Week" club.

It's all about the kids...and nothing more to me. Man or woman, they can do what they want...sleep around, I don't care, it doesn't matter to me.

I think one of the posters hit the nail on the head. Amber seems to be searching for something...somewhat like Jackie. It's like I'll have these kids, then maybe one of these guys will marry me. That's just opinion, and I could be way off. But that's how I feel.

I wish her all the happiness in the world. I do hope for her sake, and the children's sake, that this relationship works.

Biology does not a father make..nor a lack of biology does not doom a kid to a harsh life of moral corruption.
Laci and Amy would have to tell people - we have the same father and differnt mothers..not a bigee..its narrow minded to view it as tragic for her children.

You are SO right. Lack of biology doesn't doom a kid...but what you expose those kids to, might. However, to compare Laci and Amy's upbringing is slap in the face to Sharon. I'm talking about putting the kids first...not biology.
Pepper said:
I agree. I also hear from 2 independent sources that she is pregnant again, and the baby is due this fall.

It's too bad that she doesn't secure the guy and the ring before the crib.

Bingo...and that's the problem I have. It's certainly unfair to the children. It's hard enough raising a kid, without the added issues of who the daddy is, and will he or won't he be in the picture. Yes, it does happen. But come on, three times? It's time Amber review her birth control issues or stop having sex. It's the adult thing to do. Put your children ahead of your it sexual or whatever, just do it.
luvbeaches said:
Bingo...and that's the problem I have. It's certainly unfair to the children. It's hard enough raising a kid, without the added issues of who the daddy is, and will he or won't he be in the picture. Yes, it does happen. But come on, three times? It's time Amber review her birth control issues or stop having sex. It's the adult thing to do. Put your children ahead of your it sexual or whatever, just do it.
Amen, put the children first.

It wouldn't shock me if she is pregnant again. I just hope this relationship works out for her children's sake.
Pepper said:
I agree. I also hear from 2 independent sources that she is pregnant again, and the baby is due this fall.

It's too bad that she doesn't secure the guy and the ring before the crib.

Hi Pepper :)

Well, considering Amber's previous track record, it certainly wouldn't be beyond the realm of comprehension that she just might be pregnant again. Dear God - I hope not!

They say - past behavior is usually a pretty good predictor of future behavior. However, I've got to believe that Amber has learned some important lessons as she's also gained a measure of maturity over the past few years.

You stated that you heard from 2 independent sources that she was indeed pregnant and due in the fall.

As rumors run rampant on the internet - may I ask if these 2 independent sources are people who personally would be in a position to absolutely know this information?

Like Amber herself, her GYN or a close friend of hers?

Or was this information gleaned - perhaps, from an internet forum, a blog, a website, a tabloid ragsheet, friend of a friend, other known or unknown posters, etc?

In short - I guess I'm asking .. what, where or who was the source this pregnancy report?

So many baseless rumors abound that I'm just curious as to where this specific information came from. Amber's only been married a couple of days and already the word is out that she's pregnant. For all concerned .. I truly hope not.

Thanks, Pepper! :D

13th Juror
13th Juror said:

quote from Shopper ...

"she had NO business trying to put herself in the victim category. Laci and Conner and their family are the victims."

Shopper - On one point, I have to respectfully disagree with you.

IMO - Amber wasn't trying to put herself into 'the victim category' - she didn't have to. Scott Peterson put her there by his hideous lies & deceit. Amber was clearly an innocent & unwitting victim of his treachery along with Sharon, Ron, Brent, Amy, Dennis and a whole host of others (to a lesser degree) too numerous to name.

Yes, of course, Laci & Conner were Scott's primary victims that paid the ultimate price for his selfish narcissistic behavior. However, there were many victims of his murderous actions - and that ripple effect surely included Amber Frey .. probably to a greater degree than anyone else outside of Sharon & her immediate family.

Sharon suffered (is still suffering) but, with the world's support, empathy, understanding and prayers.

Amber suffered her victimization in the press - with much wrath from an unforgiving public that opened up her entire private life to microscopic scrutiny. Still - she did "the right thing" knowing her poor choices of the past would be exposed to the world. (Who, among us - would welcome or tolerate that kind of invasive public scrutiny?!)

Amber did not seek public attention or ask for adulation - but, only to assist LE & the Rocha family to seek the appropriate justice for the cunning sociopathic murderer of their beloved Laci & Conner.

Without Amber's willing help in working with LE - I do not believe there would have been a 1st degree conviction and death penalty sentence for Scott Peterson. Quite possibly, not a conviction of any kind. Remember the O.J. trial & subsequent verdict? Who would ever have expected that verdict??

Whatever you may think of Amber's (sometimes foolish!) life choices - Amber did not have to put herself in jeopardy and work with LE as she willingly did. She had a choice. With a sense of integrity, she chose the path that would eventually trap & bring a selfish cocky killer to justice. I believe she did so chiefly for Laci & Laci's family - guided by her own deep sense of spirituality.

I do believe there was some admirable and yes - even heroic behavior exhibited in this case - by individuals from very different venues. In addition to Amber - I feel Sharon exhibited that same extrordinary & exemplary attitude & heroic behavior throughout this entire ordeal. Thinking back - Brent and Ron did, as well.

To me - heroism comes in many forms and need not be compared, one to another, to make each one valid and special in it's own right.

I wish Amber & her children all of life's blessings in this new life that she has chosen. Hopefully, her most difficult & stressful times are behind her now. I have all good thoughts for her marriage & newly blended family.

For what it's worth - JMHO ...

13th Juror

Then we will just have to respectfully disagree. I've not made an issue of her life choices (poor choice in men, different fathers, etc) other than she rushed into a relationship with a man she barely knew and then paints herself as his victim. I distinctly remember in those conversations she taped, whining about how this has all effected her life...that's when I started to get turned off by her. At least she HAS a freakin life!!! More than Laci and Conner can say.

I think Scott would have been convicted without those tapes. Again, I'm not saying they didn't amount to anything, they just didn't amount to everything. Initially, IMO she could've cooperated with LE to prove she had nothing to do with Laci's disappearance.

She's neither a victim nor a hero IMO. She did what any person with a conscience should've done.
shopper said:
Then we will just have to respectfully disagree. I've not made an issue of her life choices (poor choice in men, different fathers, etc) other than she rushed into a relationship with a man she barely knew and then paints herself as his victim. I distinctly remember in those conversations she taped, whining about how this has all effected her life...that's when I started to get turned off by her. At least she HAS a freakin life!!! More than Laci and Conner can say.

I think Scott would have been convicted without those tapes. Again, I'm not saying they didn't amount to anything, they just didn't amount to everything. Initially, IMO she could've cooperated with LE to prove she had nothing to do with Laci's disappearance.

She's neither a victim nor a hero IMO. She did what any person with a conscience should've done.
Shopper, I really don't believe he would have been convicted without them. I am glad she stepped forward. May Pukerson rot in his smelly cell. :razz:
If she didn't come foward, they would have found her. So which looks better?

She did a good job of taping him. She got her book deal and $. She made the rounds on T.V. She is not an actress. Move on.
deandaniellws said:
Shopper, I really don't believe he would have been convicted without them. I am glad she stepped forward. May Pukerson rot in his smelly cell. :razz:

Well it has been what, 2 years, since the trial and I'm not going to pretend to remember all the evidence presented so I won't get into a debate about that. I'd have to read Catherine Crier's book again, which I just might do since I'm between books at the time.

But I still don't think she deserves all of the credit, especially when she would've been found out anyway. Wasn't the Enquirer about to break with her pictures?
shopper said:
Then we will just have to respectfully disagree. I've not made an issue of her life choices (poor choice in men, different fathers, etc) other than she rushed into a relationship with a man she barely knew and then paints herself as his victim. I distinctly remember in those conversations she taped, whining about how this has all effected her life...that's when I started to get turned off by her. At least she HAS a freakin life!!! More than Laci and Conner can say.

I think Scott would have been convicted without those tapes. Again, I'm not saying they didn't amount to anything, they just didn't amount to everything. Initially, IMO she could've cooperated with LE to prove she had nothing to do with Laci's disappearance.

She's neither a victim nor a hero IMO. She did what any person with a conscience should've done.
:clap: :clap:
You started out saying she is not a hero, then you go as far to say, she wasn't a victim either.
Why does it worry you so much that she got credit :confused:

I think she was a victim, she wasn't to know he was a loony tune, he came on good recommendation didn't he?
She had no idea he wasn't single.
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