PI Raw Video Tape (Nov. 15-16th) Discussion

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I have been reading through posts on this thread after watching the the PI video. I noticed people were mentioning that DC knew where to look because 1. he seemed to be follwoing directions on the phone, and I agree. 2. that he knew Caylee would be in a garbage bag , because of the bags he was searching through. One thing I would like to mention as 3. the metal rod he was probing the area with- is also an indication that he was searching for a body inside a garbage bag. As we all saw, the probe slid easily into the soft soil...BUT if he had probed a garbage bag, he would have felt resistance...which then would have given way to pressure, unlike hitting a bone, stick or rock.

This is a method that rock collectors use. I actually have a metal probe like this that we use when searching for petrified forests that are buried. Hitting rock makes a "clink" sound, bone or roots sounds "dull thud" and finding a plastic bag does exactly what I described above. I think this is another important factor in what DC was doing.
Paver-like things near the canopy...


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This woman has so clearly shown herself to be stupid that I have come to the conclusion that the pavers most probably mean nothing. She may well have put one in the bag because it was stained but the white ones that we see in the pic, they were most likely just there at the site.


Well I'm glad I'm not the only one here who thinks she has a stupid side. Over and over I keep reading how smart people think she is, and I really beg to differ. Anyway, regarding the pavers...maybe the were just dumped there with all the other trash in the area. BC said on GR tonight that the area was littered with trash bag after trash bag, toilets, and what not. That's not all BC said on GR tonight, and don't get me started. That's for another thread I guess!
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one here who thinks she has a stupid side. Over and over I keep reading how smart people think she is, and I really beg to differ. Anyway, regarding the pavers...maybe the were just dumped there with all the other trash in the area. BC said on GR tonight that the area was littered with trash bag after trash bag, toilets, and what not. That's not all BC said on GR tonight, and don't get me started. That's for another thread I guess!

Throw it out there and if it needs it's own thread the mods will inform us.
I had mentioned a while back after doing some searching about Mike16acre. He use to have house parties there and there are acre's and acres of land...I had sent this tip in back in July, another one I never heard talked about. He has a my space and was friends with Casey.


for those of you who are still questioning what 16 acres is (watch the f;sdfj video). If you still dont quite know then it was a concert venue that I ran out of my house for about 6 months. 2-3 hundred people there every Friday and Saturday (sometimes Sundays) for 25 weeks. I had some pretty bad *advertiser censored* bands play there, Whole Wheat Bread (Who will be on Lil Johns next CD Crunk Rock) Indorphin eand One Drop started it off back in February and I ended it in July with IRA, a punk rock band from Columbia that has been in the punk scene for over 25 years. They actually played with the Ramones and the Sex Pistols way back in the day. My favorite show by far though was Far less from Tooth and Nail Records (Underoath, Dead Poetic, Emery, Anberlin) and House of Fools from Drive thru records. After the city got fed up with me and my parties they took my meter so I didnt have any electricity and told me to leave, much better then having the ATF raid me and slam me with selling alcohol to minors

Do you believe that is the same place? Off Suburban Dr.?
Paver-like things near the canopy...

Many thanks. Wish I could see the attachment, but apparently I'm not allowed yet. Still just a tenderfoot.:)

If I ever can stop reading threads I'll go look at the source stuff harder myself.

On a semi-related topic; Several people mention the low quality of the WFTV vids as opposed to the GR creature's, and then I noticed in someone's post here what appeared to be part of the menu bar of a camcorder at the bottom of one of the pics. Could WFTV have filmed a replay from a camcorder's display screen for their piece?

How Da**ing it would be!
Wonder how many cell phones
JB carries around? I'm sure if
this were the case, his was a throw-away, too.

I searched for about an hour earlier today, found nothing. How ironic it would be if JB was visiting her at the same time these searches were conducted.
So we have seen the PI video (or at least some of them) and it contains an oddity of sorts. Many are assuming that DC was searching using the hottest possible lead... a lead that came from KC herself. But we see DC digging with a trowel and slicing bags directly up against some abandoned building. We can't even locate this building in the vicinity of the crime scene.

Now, if the lead was highly accurate, then why the hell is he looking up against some building? Who sent him there? Caylee was found in a place that is nowheres near an abandoned building let alone right up against it. We do see that he does seem to later end up close to the actual location. But why was he ever at a building in the first place?

If DC really did get the best kind of tip possible - then is it also a possibility that the body WAS once located alongside that building?
Here are several aerial photo's showing buildings against or near the wooded area. One is on the opposite side of the road from where Caylee's remains were found. Now wouldn't that be something if he was on the wrong side of the road!


If DC was sent there to look, there is only one place the info could
have came from...the person who put her there...either directly
or through another person she/he told.
Unless more than one person was involved in the crime, it all comes
down to the killer tipping him off.
We also have to remember that not only was he obviously (to me)
looking for a body, he had someone film him.
Why would someone just following up a lead (one of hundreds, probably) and
find it necessary to film it...unless he brought someone along to film
all of his PI work..and if this is the only lead he had taped..there is no
reasonable explanation that I can think of other than he was sent there.

I have no doubt either, and if you remember he already kind of admitted it why he was out there when he made reference to Kio's interview. He was looking for CAYLEE. The problem is, he's not telling the truth about his reasons for searching. He wasn't searching or checking out the place because of Kio's interview with LE 4 months prior, he was out there because someone gave him specific information about where to look. I hope to goodness Le can find out exactly who fed him that information.
Throw it out there and if it needs it's own thread the mods will inform us.
Just all the ludacris stmts he made like...which may not seem like a big deal to some, but here are a few. He said that the Ant's already know who DC was talking to while he being videoed. Um, and how do they know this? He says they haven't seen the tape. Well if they haven't seen the tape or the time stamp, how in the heck can they pinpoint exactly who DC was talking to at that given time? This raised a red flag for me. Kinda of like when GA was able to pinpoint a date and an exact time he last saw KC and Caylee and what they were wearing down to a capital T, yet neither GA or CA could remember that Caylee went to see Pawpaw with Cindy in Mt. Dora.They had the dates wrong. BC also threw it out there that if THIS was the exact location where Caylee's remains were found by the MR, then there's no way the body was there when PI's went looking. Sorry! He can't make a blanket stmt like that. How does he know that the PI's covered EVERY single inch of that area or slashed or prodded every single trash bag in the area? He doesn't. Those woods appear to be very dense. They could have been just 2 or 3 feet away from the bag and totally missed it. Things like this do happen n real life {{sarcasim}}. You did hear him say how much trash was out there. Did you catch that? Well if there were so much trash and many, many trash bags, was DC able to get to all those bags and slash them open? He's jumping on JB's defense wagon and working the angle that the body couldn't have possibly been there. Why? Any reasonable person can see that it's not that black and white. He's the Ant's attorney, and he should stick to defending them. I better hush up now because this is turning into a rant. I'm new here, and I really don't want a vacation this early in the game!:behindbar
So we have seen the PI video (or at least some of them) and it contains an oddity of sorts. Many are assuming that DC was searching using the hottest possible lead... a lead that came from KC herself. But we see DC digging with a trowel and slicing bags directly up against some abandoned building. We can't even locate this building in the vicinity of the crime scene.

Now, if the lead was highly accurate, then why the hell is he looking up against some building? Who sent him there? Caylee was found in a place that is nowheres near an abandoned building let alone right up against it. We do see that he does seem to later end up close to the actual location. But why was he ever at a building in the first place?

If DC really did get the best kind of tip possible - then is it also a possibility that the body WAS once located alongside that building?

That was my thought exactly. I was curious as to why he was right up on that building. Did she hide something else that we don't know about? Maybe near that building?
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one here who thinks she has a stupid side. Over and over I keep reading how smart people think she is, and I really beg to differ. Anyway, regarding the pavers...maybe the were just dumped there with all the other trash in the area. BC said on GR tonight that the area was littered with trash bag after trash bag, toilets, and what not. That's not all BC said on GR tonight, and don't get me started. That's for another thread I guess!

Re; my earlier comment about debris and landfills.

I'm never surprised anymore by what people will dump and where, in spite of years of construction background. I'm in NC, and years ago a group I belonged to volunteered to clean up the banks of a popular but not very accessible river. Over two days we covered about 1/2 mi. of one bank. We got 8 truckloads.

My personal best was a WWII ammo crate with a German Shepard carcass in it that had been thrown off the bridge.

Once on a downtown jobsite I found a horseshoe at the bottom of a 15 ft. deep hole we had just excavated.
I agree. I do not think that that shed I put the arrow on is correct.

I'm thinking nearby the A's. It has be somewhere KC would know about for them to go there. I guess one could use the google earth and zoom in and move within a complete radious around the A's for about 1-2 away. And keep moving around looking for something that could be abandoned. Check other places KC would know by doing the same thing. I'd help but I'm working on the video I mentioned about pg 7 or 8 in the thread here. It's just a thought that could be a way to find this property.

Who knows the Pepsi Vending machine might even show in the google earth search. The house had of been left that way whenever any of the birds eye view's were taken by big dish in the sky!!

I know when I do my house my car is parked outside & can see what is sitting out in my yard. Glider & lawn chairs I can make out when I check my house out!
So we have seen the PI video (or at least some of them) and it contains an oddity of sorts. Many are assuming that DC was searching using the hottest possible lead... a lead that came from KC herself. But we see DC digging with a trowel and slicing bags directly up against some abandoned building. We can't even locate this building in the vicinity of the crime scene.

Now, if the lead was highly accurate, then why the hell is he looking up against some building? Who sent him there? Caylee was found in a place that is nowheres near an abandoned building let alone right up against it. We do see that he does seem to later end up close to the actual location. But why was he ever at a building in the first place?

If DC really did get the best kind of tip possible - then is it also a possibility that the body WAS once located alongside that building?

With the tape of DC and Hoover being blasted all over the local news and national media, maybe it will jog someone's memory of seeing them in the areas they were searching. Especially that building with the Pepsi machine. Someone HAS to recognize that, no? If DC and Hoover don't reveal the exact location, maybe it will be someone out in the public who will report that they saw them on the property. I'm sure LE already knows the location, but WE all want to know and not soon enough!
Re; my earlier comment about debris and landfills.

I'm never surprised anymore by what people will dump and where, in spite of years of construction background. I'm in NC, and years ago a group I belonged to volunteered to clean up the banks of a popular but not very accessible river. Over two days we covered about 1/2 mi. of one bank. We got 8 truckloads.

My personal best was a WWII ammo crate with a German Shepard carcass in it that had been thrown off the bridge.

Once on a downtown jobsite I found a horseshoe at the bottom of a 15 ft. deep hole we had just excavated.

Yes, thanks so much. I was slow to read, and slow to post! LOL! I saw yours after I posted and went "oh". :blowkiss:
I wonder if the building would be closer to the school?? I haven't really done any searches near there hmmmm...
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