Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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The different angles I'm referring to is from the same instance of her crossing the street.. same black T-shirt, same awkward walk; just a completely different angle for it.

These are at different times of that day, I believe. Why do I say two different times crossing? Because in the TMZ still shot pic # 11 found at
she is clearly holding a cell phone.
I'll post a copy here.

In the Huff video, she is not holding a cell phone when crossing this side of the street.
I have provided a screen capture of that part of the video so we can see her empty hands. We don't have video from TMZ on KC in a black shirt at all.


IMO this is not evidence of two photographers or staging.
[Phew...all this screen capture/pic uploading is timeconsuming. Hopefully I am done lol]
I can't see the DT continuing to argue that she is not safe. The fact that someone was able to find her (if they were not told about her location by the her camp and this was a setup) would indicate she can never get away from the media. That being said, if she were to serve her probation in Orlando for a year everyone would be so over her because we'd know where she was and what she was doing, leading a productive life by actually working for a living instead of expecting John Q. Public to pay her way. If for no other reasons these pictures prove that. jmo
I am sorry but there is no way she will ever be able to hide with that walk. It just cracks me up. If they teach her to walk like a lady, she might be able to hide better but that's just a dead giveaway.
If you watch from about 1:26 of Huff's video though, it looks like she approaches the sidewalk and turns the other way, heading south on Glenmawr. So.... she walks north on one side of the street, crosses the street at Cliffside, walks south and crosses the street a couple houses down, then continues to walk south? What is she doing?

LOL... I feel obsessive now!

Reminds me of something my younger sister would have done in her teens being "bored".

Ever watched a caged animal pace or spin in circles? We're not in Orlando anymore. It is evident in the footage she is paranoid at Old Navy but this is Casey and she doesn't want to sit inside either. I would also be willing to bet her fancy new phone hasn't been ringing off the hook. :loser:

Great work by the way becca.
What I don't understand is why the Casey going shopping looks so much bigger than the Casey walking down the street? The street pictures of her do look like her, but the ones where she is shopping and wearing gray, she is much larger in those pics - not just the stomach but the butt and thighs, too. Any thoughts on this?
These are at different times of that day, I believe. Why do I say two different times crossing? Because in the TMZ still shot pic # 11 found at
she is clearly holding a cell phone.
I'll post a copy here.

In the Huff video, she is not holding a cell phone when crossing this side of the street.
I have provided a screen capture of that part of the video so we can see her empty hands. We don't have video from TMZ on KC in a black shirt at all.


IMO this is not evidence of two photographers or staging.
[Phew...all this screen capture/pic uploading is timeconsuming. Hopefully I am done lol]

I missed that! Thanks! Definitely different times of the day. I'm guessing she has to be living in that area then. Why would you circle the block that many times, without having the neighbors wonder what is going on.
Cream with dark brown trim.


Was this home recently sold, transferred or foreclosed?

This sure doesn't look like a neighborhood of rentals!

So glad I must do other things today, or I would be looking up tax records and transfers in the area all day! Just because I am nosey! I just hate a mystery and I am gonna be content with having found those locations due to Becca and our little team here in this thread!

For me, it was more about the puzzle than the felon!
Reminds me of something my younger sister would have done in her teens being "bored".

Ever watched a caged animal pace or spin in circles? We're not in Orlando anymore. It is evident in the footage she is paranoid at Old Navy but this is Casey and she doesn't want to sit inside either. I would also be willing to bet her fancy new phone hasn't been ringing off the hook. :loser:

Great work by the way becca.

You know what, you're right. They say people who have done time do pace around aimlessly in circles. This is probably her routine out of boredom/anxiety/etc.
I missed that! Thanks! Definitely different times of the day. I'm guessing she has to be living in that area then. Why would you circle the block that many times, without having the neighbors wonder what is going on.

Well, I don't see any evidence of her circling the block that many times. I see three different days, and maybe two comings and goings on the black tee shirt days.

Maybe she was told if she was going to go walking about, she should go around the block to see if anyone was following her before she went to her house. There are any number of possibilities.
What I don't understand is why the Casey going shopping looks so much bigger than the Casey walking down the street? The street pictures of her do look like her, but the ones where she is shopping and wearing gray, she is much larger in those pics - not just the stomach but the butt and thighs, too. Any thoughts on this?

well I've always noticed she has some butt.

Other than that..maybe bulletproof gear?

but IMO she doesn't really look that much bigger
If you watch from about 1:26 of Huff's video though, it looks like she approaches the sidewalk and turns the other way, heading south on Glenmawr. So.... she walks north on one side of the street, crosses the street at Cliffside, walks south and crosses the street a couple houses down, then continues to walk south? What is she doing?

LOL... I feel obsessive now!

That is why I am convinced it is staged... otherwise why is she doing that?
well I've always noticed she has some butt.

Other than that..maybe bulletproof gear?

but IMO she doesn't really look that much bigger

Black is slimming.. Grey, not so much, in fact quite the opposite.
Was this home recently sold, transferred or foreclosed?

This sure doesn't look like a neighborhood of rentals!

So glad I must do other things today, or I would be looking up tax records and transfers in the area all day! Just because I am nosey! I just hate a mystery and I am gonna be content with having found those locations due to Becca and our little team here in this thread!

For me, it was more about the puzzle than the felon!

This is what is was for me these last few days of scrutinizing two videos and 27 stills released, capturing screen shots, rearranging, drawing maps, ...all because it was a mystery, not because I wanted to know her exact location. I wanted to know if this was real, staged, memorex, etc. And yes, there are a good number on this team that worked tirelessly last few days to eek out the mystery IMO. One clue leading to another...
Why that one? She was on Summit Ave too... maybe she's staying in between on Cliffside?

Edit: I will get back to you on this. I still haven't established that was Summit.

Ok, done. Are you sure that was Summit? I see a fire hydrant and a telephone pole on Google that I don't see in the video. In the video I also see a tree to the right, next to the street, close to the camera. Don't see a tree there on google. ?
Black is slimming.. Grey, not so much, in fact quite the opposite.

True, but she looks her smallest in the photos where she is wearing the white shirt - and white is definitely not slimming.

Actually, I have completely changed my thoughts on this. I do think these are her now. I'm still not sure about the closeup face shot, though - something about the eyes does not ring true for me.
Thanks to the www the world is a small place now Casey- nowhere to hide for very long....:loser:

Especially with this top group of "web"sleuthers here at WS!! You all amaze me! Even though IMO FCA is well on her way to some other location by now, her and the DT will have to realize she will be found no matter where she tries to hide, unless she is locked-up in a psych facility. Great job to everyone here, I am truly amazed! Since you are all simply a bunch of low-life bloggers, anyway, :great:

also, re: Geragos on Dr. Drew, I think that show is taped much earlier in the day, and I don't think the video was out at that time. In any event, I don't put much credence into what Geragos says...but if he does have "info" from the DT, this may put some more credence into the fact that FCA did this on her own, cutting JB out of the $$. IMO, MOO, etc.
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