Pictures of the Karr Family Christmas of 1996 Have Been Found

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Beyond Belief said:
Can you see this guy trying to buy a plane ticket during the xmas rush. LOL

No kidding. I don't think they're going to find that he was in Colorado. And it doesn't really matter if the ex can find pictures or not. She says he was there, which establishes his alibi, and the DA has to prove he wasn't and that he was in Colorado. Not to mention that they have to somehow connect him to JonBenet prior to the murder. He didn't just drop in and kill her. Where did they cross paths at before?

If the DNA doesn't match, then it's over. I will say, he's the first guy that seems to have gone willingly under the bus.
MrsMush99 said:
OK, maybe it's just me, BUT if you find pictures from Christmas, or any other time you take pictures, aren't they usually all together in the same batch? In other words, if I were to be looking for pictures of my daughter when she was 2 I would find them all together, not one here one there. So basically what I'm saying is, wouldn't all the 96 pictures be together? Or is it just something I do?
You haven't seen my batch of messy, mixed up photos. I haven't put them in albums since 1993. Abour once per year, I vow to get them in order. I start to pile them up "1994", "1995", etc. I get half way through the job. Kids get into the photos, dig through them, mess them up. Photos are strewn about. Company comes over. I toss all photos into nearest tub, drawer, etc. Voila! 1996 and 2003 are all shuffled together!
Beyond Belief said:
Can you see this guy trying to buy a plane ticket during the xmas rush. LOL

Ahhh...but who says he bought it on impulse? He may have planned his trip in advance.
concernedperson said:
Remember that brother Nate lives in Roswell and so do the Paugh's. Granted it is a large metro area but interconnections aren't established yet. I wil keep an open mind but I would really like a DNA match.

me too CP.. maybe we'll hear something mid-week...ish???..Thursday, Friday
He's not in the pictures they found. They show the three sons at the grandparents' house. No matter how they try to argue, he's not in the pictures.
lighthouselover said:
See, if I was the ex-wife, I would tell Boulder to prove he was there. It's not up to me to prove he wasn't.
I totally agree. And if finding thse photos is enough to jog her recall of 1996, she is giving him an alibi. It's the alibi that counts, in my opinion, not the photos.

Even if photos are found, how do you prove they were taken in 1996? Even if time stamped, how do you know the time stamp is accurate? I have had my camera's time stamp programmed wrong! I have photos from my 3rd child's birth that say 1994, but it was 1996.
sandraladeda said:
You haven't seen my batch of messy, mixed up photos. I haven't put them in albums since 1993. Abour once per year, I vow to get them in order. I start to pile them up "1994", "1995", etc. I get half way through the job. Kids get into the photos, dig through them, mess them up. Photos are strewn about. Company comes over. I toss all photos into nearest tub, drawer, etc. Voila! 1996 and 2003 are all shuffled together!

sounds like mine, lol...
close_enough said:
me too CP.. maybe we'll hear something mid-week...ish???..Thursday, Friday
I always appreciate that we are on the same page. Kinda like having a kindred soul and someone to share things with. We can be wrong but there is always another case and somewhere in the lines these truths start to surface.

I also believe there will be more soon.
sandraladeda said:
I totally agree. And if finding thse photos is enough to jog her recall of 1996, she is giving him an alibi. It's the alibi that counts, in my opinion, not the photos.

Even if photos are found, how do you prove they were taken in 1996? Even if time stamped, how do you know the time stamp is accurate? I have had my camera's time stamp programmed wrong! I have photos from my 3rd child's birth that say 1994, but it was 1996.

good point about an alibi.....he has one..
concernedperson said:
I always appreciate that we are on the same page. Kinda like having a kindred soul and someone to share things with. We can be wrong but there is always another case and somewhere in the lines these truths start to surface.

I also believe there will be more soon.

englishleigh said:
I think it's real interesting that both families have Southern roots, and not just Southern, but in the same general geographical area. It makes it seem more plausible that they have crossed paths before in some way, esp. if a Karr brother did in fact work for John Ramsey at some point.
I haven't posted here (or anywhere else for that matter) in a looong time. This one was enough to bring me out of lurkdom, though. :silenced:

JonBenet did enter pageants in the Atlanta area, if I remember my facts correctly. If JMK has always been obsessed with little girls, he may very well have hung around those venues in the Atlanta area.

Also, on the wife's giving an alibi even though she wants nothing to do with JMK....he is still the father of her kids, and I know if it were me I would do anything in my power to keep my kids from living with the label of "son of the Ramsey killer"

Just playing devil's advocate here. The DA is gonna have to come up with the goods to get me on the bandwagon of this guy being the one who murdered JonBenet.

Waving to all those I haven't talked to in forever:hand:
englishleigh said:
I think it's real interesting that both families have Southern roots, and not just Southern, but in the same general geographical area. It makes it seem more plausible that they have crossed paths before in some way, esp. if a Karr brother did in fact work for John Ramsey at some point.

In the South, '6 degrees of Seperation' takes on new meaning. Believe me I know. I'm 30 minutes from their geographical area. It's not just a sad joke that we are all many, many cases we are............. If not related, our ancestors at least came over on the same ship...
englishleigh said:
Ahhh...but who says he bought it on impulse? He may have planned his trip in advance.
But if he was in Alabama (or Georgia) and the R's were in Co., how did he know of JBR to form any desire to visit Co.? And why on Christmas? Makes no sense to me....

Plus it would be highly noticeable to me if my husband disappeared for 15 or more hours it would take to drive to the airport, fly halfway across the country, land in Co., drive to the R's, gain entry to their home, abuse and kill their daughter, write a 2.5 page ransom note, exit the home, hoof it to the airport, and catch a flight home....especially on Christmas night!

Does anyone think they already know if the DNA is a match from the Thai sample they took (days ago)? If you think they do know can anyone draw a conclusion on whether or not it matches based on the trip to see the ex for pictures? I'm just trying to figure, would a match make them go there to get pictures or would a non match.
lostfaith said:
I would be sooooo screwed! I am the worst for keeping my photo's in order. They are all in a box.....somewhere :p

LOL, yes & she's got the 'weight of the country' on her :eek:

hell, now it makes sense why she got an atty...
I have to say,this is the first case I have ever followed where a perp is admitting he's guilty,and were trying to prove he's not. It's usually the other way around. LOL!
capps said:
I have to say,this is the first case I have ever followed where a perp is admitting he's guilty,and were trying to prove he's not. It's usually the other way around. LOL!

LOL...I thought about that today...what defense attorney would really wanna touch this guy with a 10-foot pole?? They are trying to prove he didn't do it and he's screaming that he did???
the family rep or member, just said that there are no pictures with him in them so far, -but there are pics with the kids in them-and the kids dont recall that christmas but they do recall he was always with them at christmas..he was on nancy grace..
Buzzm1 said:
JDB, myself, and others, will only eat crow if the Ramseys are convicted. Until that time, if JMK is not the perp, we will just wait for the next suspect to raise his hand.
That goes for me.
newtv said:
the family rep or member, just said that there are no pictures with him in them so far, -but there are pics with the kids in them-and the kids dont recall that christmas but they do recall he was always with them at christmas..he was on nancy grace..

I'm sorry but, these kids were YOUNG. Someone posted 5, 4 and 3. No one can make me believe that they remember a Christmas from 10 years ago. I'm sorry I just don't believe it.

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