PI's following out of state lead on Picture of Caylee.

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My response to this picture......is.......


WWWWHHHHAAATTTTT????? Pure spin, pure bunk, pure bull sh#t! And the dead body juice and hair came from...........(yeah Casey fill in that blank)
I would think that for an out of state sighting that the FBI would be all over this, not the local LE. And the FBI always says nada. If there is something to this this FBI has been there already or they are so close to the PI's that the PI's can feel their breath IMHO.
Well, I certainly hope that if this picture is "legitimate" that they will release it so that everyone in the world can see who we are looking for! Interesting that they would be so secretive about a picture that could give a clear indication of who we should all be searching for.

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Caylee Marie Anthony has been missing for 12 weeks now. On Tuesday her mother's legal teams says they could be one step closer to find the missing 3-year-old.

Private investigators working for her attorney Jose Baez are out of state following up on something they say is significant.

Jose Baez’s spokesperson Todd B tells fox 35 their investigators are out of state talking to a man and getting pictures of the ZG Casey says took caylee.

Black says the picture was taken at a park and has all involved parties in it: the woman they say is the ZFG, Casey and caylee. No information at this point when this picture was taken.
And Todd B says they have been trying to find the man who has the picture for weeks and they just located him and got in touch with him.

Any thoughts on this fellow sleuthers?

thanks for the heads up and this thread
SO now we have a picture of the person who gave her the script. Can't wait to see both of them! I bet that Caylee and Casey will have their backs to the camera so the only folks we will recognize are ZG.... oh wait, we don't know what any of the rest of the players look like. That is pretty darn clever, NOT.
Ok after reading the article again this sentence stuck out to me.On Tuesday, her mother's legal teams said they COULD BE one step closer to find the missing 3-year-old. If they were so darn sure it wouldn't been COULD BE one step closer. Im calling it now that this defense is doing exactly what they say LE and the press do. I think CA said it best fabricate. So JB what other innocent person are you gonna drag in this case to save your clients arse. If this were true we wouldn't be reading about it in the paper right JB. Because you and defense team would of done it in private and produced Caylee at the hearing.Nope sorry the judge just isnt gonna buy it.Shame on you :snooty:
Well a pretty lady can party for free, and even an unattractive lady who is free with herself can party for free, but not too many nanny's will nannysit for free, so with no income, and no job, and stealing from folks left and right, if she needed a nanny to party, and her name was Zani the Nanny, then I conclude once again that she was giving the baby Xanex the Nanny which she is said to have texted that she could obtain from one of her gal pals...so, I don't think to party is going to fly...unless her boyfriends were paying the imaginary or prescriptionary hehe...nanny...:banghead:

Several years ago, I was a young, single mother. Sometimes I worked, and sometimes I didn't. It depended totally on my personal circumstances at the time. I had very loving grandparents, who raised me (bless them forever!) that loved me and my children as much as life itself. Whether I was working or not, as long as I didn't lay in bed all day and be lazy (which of all the things that I have seen about Casey, this wasn't one of them), they were very understanding of my situation and never expected more of me than I was capable of in my unfortunate situation. They kept my kids for me...cost free...almost anytime that I asked, they even called and asked me to bring them over even if all I was doing was sitting at home. They said that they knew I was young and needed to be able to do some things that my friends my age were doing and to let them help while they could. My grandfather would follow me to the car sometimes, and even pass me a couple bucks with pride, knowing I didn't have much. My grandmother always made it clear that if I got in a bind, to let them know and to not let the kids go without the necessities...food, meds, going to the doctor, etc. They did all of this and much more without asking me where I was going, only telling me to be careful and to have fun.
Looking back, they weren't spoiling me, they were being very supportive of me and helping me. I have continued this tradition with my children and grandchildren.

During this time, there was an older friend of mine who had 3 children of her own but plenty of love in her heart for my 3. She insisted that they call her "nanna" because of the mutual love between my kids and her. She kept my kids for me for $20 a week for 9 years when I was working, back when it should have cost me $50. She would keep them on a weekend night if I asked if I had something "special" going on. She kept them 100% of a straight 3 weeks that I was in the hospital and wouldn't take a dime. (bless her forever, too)

I have also had gentlemen offer to pay my sitter to got out with them. Sometimes for selfish reasons...because they really wanted me to go, and sometimes because they knew I was a single mother and didn't always have the extra cash to pay for one. This is quite common and almost a given where I come from.

I say ALL of this, and believe me there is much more...to address all of the posts on this whole board that have to do with > free nanny's > dates paying for sitters > family and friends helping young mothers to care for their children, free or cheap > young mothers not ALWAYS having a good paying job or even a job at all > that just because you get pregnant and have a baby before you really planned to you that you are to be doomed and
not be able to have fun or explore what you might want to do for a career (not everyone has this figured out immediately on exit of high school, I didn't).

I personally believe that about 90% of what was going on in the whole family in this case is blown so out of proportion because it is in the spotlight and is being taken apart bit by bit. I think that it is what goes on in alot of families these days than we want to admit, and alot worse in alot of cases, as I watch the news daily. So much we never even hear about... Times have changed. It is sad, but unfortunately out of control. There is a saying..."victims of circumstance"...for a reason.

PS...I was known back then to party some, drink and take a xanax myself now and then, also. Just because I did that myself was certainly no indicator that I would have EVER given anything to my child. I don't believe that KC did, either.

Thanks for being patient with my post. Things aren't ALWAYS what they seem.
I would think that for an out of state sighting that the FBI would be all over this, not the local LE. And the FBI always says nada. If there is something to this this FBI has been there already or they are so close to the PI's that the PI's can feel their breath IMHO.

I always come back to that. If this was a "kidnapping" case the FBI would be all over. Apparently even the FBI believe that it remains under the OC jurisdiction since there is no evidence (not pictures found of some other people 4 months later) that Caylee is alive
the Judge will LAUGH in the faces of the defense team and the MAIN SUSPECT

Several years ago, I was a young, single mother. Sometimes I worked, and sometimes I didn't. It depended totally on my personal circumstances at the time. I had very loving grandparents, who raised me (bless them forever!) that loved me and my children as much as life itself. Whether I was working or not, as long as I didn't lay in bed all day and be lazy (which of all the things that I have seen about Casey, this wasn't one of them), they were very understanding of my situation and never expected more of me than I was capable of in my unfortunate situation. They kept my kids for me...cost free...almost anytime that I asked, they even called and asked me to bring them over even if all I was doing was sitting at home. They said that they knew I was young and needed to be able to do some things that my friends my age were doing and to let them help while they could. My grandfather would follow me to the car sometimes, and even pass me a couple bucks with pride, knowing I didn't have much. My grandmother always made it clear that if I got in a bind, to let them know and to not let the kids go without the necessities...food, meds, going to the doctor, etc. They did all of this and much more without asking me where I was going, only telling me to be careful and to have fun.
Looking back, they weren't spoiling me, they were being very supportive of me and helping me. I have continued this tradition with my children and grandchildren.

During this time, there was an older friend of mine who had 3 children of her own but plenty of love in her heart for my 3. She insisted that they call her "nanna" because of the mutual love between my kids and her. She kept my kids for me for $20 a week for 9 years when I was working, back when it should have cost me $50. She would keep them on a weekend night if I asked if I had something "special" going on. She kept them 100% of a straight 3 weeks that I was in the hospital and wouldn't take a dime. (bless her forever, too)

I have also had gentlemen offer to pay my sitter to got out with them. Sometimes for selfish reasons...because they really wanted me to go, and sometimes because they knew I was a single mother and didn't always have the extra cash to pay for one. This is quite common and almost a given where I come from.

I say ALL of this, and believe me there is much more...to address all of the posts on this whole board that have to do with > free nanny's > dates paying for sitters > family and friends helping young mothers to care for their children, free or cheap > young mothers not ALWAYS having a good paying job or even a job at all > that just because you get pregnant and have a baby before you really planned to you that you are to be doomed and
not be able to have fun or explore what you might want to do for a career (not everyone has this figured out immediately on exit of high school, I didn't).

I personally believe that about 90% of what was going on in the whole family in this case is blown so out of proportion because it is in the spotlight and is being taken apart bit by bit. I think that it is what goes on in alot of families these days than we want to admit, and alot worse in alot of cases, as I watch the news daily. So much we never even hear about... Times have changed. It is sad, but unfortunately out of control. There is a saying..."victims of circumstance"...for a reason.

PS...I was known back then to party some, drink and take a xanax myself now and then, also. Just because I did that myself was certainly no indicator that I would have EVER given anything to my child. I don't believe that KC did, either.

Thanks for being patient with my post. Things aren't ALWAYS what they seem.

I understand your frustration and I do agree that things are under the microscope. However this strays from normality in the fact I am sure your kids were accounted for.

This girl partied, lied:liar:, stole, and tried to drum up business for her favorite nightclub all while her daughter is MISSING. Never told anyone, never searched anywhere as far as we know. I don't know you but I bet that you would have never done this.

All young mothers are not KC. But tied to the fact that she seems to care less that her daughter is missing these behaviors become significant.

God bless you!
What poor soul will they drag into this mess next???
I would think that for an out of state sighting that the FBI would be all over this, not the local LE. And the FBI always says nada. If there is something to this this FBI has been there already or they are so close to the PI's that the PI's can feel their breath IMHO.

Exactly, ITA. It is so obvious the defense is smokescreening. Why would they hire PI's when they have the FBI? Because the whole thing is bogus, that's why. This is beyond ludicrous. :banghead:
Secreteye, that was such a beautiful post! I'm so glad your grandparents were there for you the way they were. I do agree that in any case we follow, things that might not ordinarily seem so sinister or suspect take on new meaning. However, I would also wager that you didn't lie to your grandparents, steal from them to the tune of thousands while you didn't work at all, nor lie and steal from your other friends and family.

Most importantly, the love in your post comes through...I can't imagine you would ever be the type of person to not report your child missing for over a month and then lie and refuse to help locate him/her. That's the difference. Those particular things have not been blown out of proportion -- they are what they are, and they are not within the realm of "normal" family situations these days, at least in my experience.

And while I don't think xanax was involved, I honestly would not be shocked to hear that it was simply because of the total disregard for Caylee her mother has shown in other ways. I sure hope to goodness not, but something horrible happened to her either by Casey's hand or by Casey's neglect, IMO.

I don't think anyone has any problem with grandparents or parents being supportive of children and grandchildren...that's really wonderful, especially if it's true that Cindy sort of forced Casey to keep her baby rather than give it up for adoption. It's that they obviously knew Casey was stealing and lying and such and didn't apparently do much of anything about it -- even when she stole from her poor old grandpop's nursing home account -- and they actually started telling lies themselves to cover for her having possibly caused the death of their grandbaby. That's where I think this veers off from the norm in today's multi-generational families.

I am so thankful you had the love and support you needed and deserved to get through the tough times. God bless your grandparents and your older friend who helped you so much...can't say enough good about them. We all need a helping hand at one time or another. I feel badly for those who have no one to turn to when that happens. Casey has no idea how damned lucky she was to have the kind of support she had (and apparently still does).

So many young single moms are left to weather it all on their own, and it's not easy. But what more could she have asked for...she wasn't denied the ability to do things with friends, obviously. She resented that she couldn't do everything she wanted exactly when she wanted, that she had any obligations at all, IMO. And poor little Caylee bore the brunt of that resentment, just by virtue of existing and putting a damper on Casey's social life.

I know where you're coming from, but other than both being young single mothers with family and friends who were willing to help you out, please don't put yourself in the same category with Casey or her family. It's obvious Casey wasn't even trying to work and even lied about that to her family. There was no nanny. She lied, cheated and stole from nearly everyone close to her at some point. Not to mention the worst that she's done ::shudder:: That is what everyone takes issue with, not that she needed a helping hand or that it was given to her.

It really warmed my heart to hear you story, though! It's a beautiful, precious, almost sacred thing to be surrounded by people who love you so much and who want to help. I think that says as much for the person you were and are as it does about their big hearts, too! :blowkiss:
Several years ago, I was a young, single mother. Sometimes I worked, and sometimes I didn't. It depended totally on my personal circumstances at the time. I had very loving grandparents, who raised me (bless them forever!) that loved me and my children as much as life itself. Whether I was working or not, as long as I didn't lay in bed all day and be lazy (which of all the things that I have seen about Casey, this wasn't one of them), they were very understanding of my situation and never expected more of me than I was capable of in my unfortunate situation. They kept my kids for me...cost free...almost anytime that I asked, they even called and asked me to bring them over even if all I was doing was sitting at home. They said that they knew I was young and needed to be able to do some things that my friends my age were doing and to let them help while they could. My grandfather would follow me to the car sometimes, and even pass me a couple bucks with pride, knowing I didn't have much. My grandmother always made it clear that if I got in a bind, to let them know and to not let the kids go without the necessities...food, meds, going to the doctor, etc. They did all of this and much more without asking me where I was going, only telling me to be careful and to have fun.
Looking back, they weren't spoiling me, they were being very supportive of me and helping me. I have continued this tradition with my children and grandchildren.

During this time, there was an older friend of mine who had 3 children of her own but plenty of love in her heart for my 3. She insisted that they call her "nanna" because of the mutual love between my kids and her. She kept my kids for me for $20 a week for 9 years when I was working, back when it should have cost me $50. She would keep them on a weekend night if I asked if I had something "special" going on. She kept them 100% of a straight 3 weeks that I was in the hospital and wouldn't take a dime. (bless her forever, too)

I have also had gentlemen offer to pay my sitter to got out with them. Sometimes for selfish reasons...because they really wanted me to go, and sometimes because they knew I was a single mother and didn't always have the extra cash to pay for one. This is quite common and almost a given where I come from.

I say ALL of this, and believe me there is much more...to address all of the posts on this whole board that have to do with > free nanny's > dates paying for sitters > family and friends helping young mothers to care for their children, free or cheap > young mothers not ALWAYS having a good paying job or even a job at all > that just because you get pregnant and have a baby before you really planned to you that you are to be doomed and
not be able to have fun or explore what you might want to do for a career (not everyone has this figured out immediately on exit of high school, I didn't).

I personally believe that about 90% of what was going on in the whole family in this case is blown so out of proportion because it is in the spotlight and is being taken apart bit by bit. I think that it is what goes on in alot of families these days than we want to admit, and alot worse in alot of cases, as I watch the news daily. So much we never even hear about... Times have changed. It is sad, but unfortunately out of control. There is a saying..."victims of circumstance"...for a reason.

PS...I was known back then to party some, drink and take a xanax myself now and then, also. Just because I did that myself was certainly no indicator that I would have EVER given anything to my child. I don't believe that KC did, either.

Thanks for being patient with my post. Things aren't ALWAYS what they seem.

It seems that the only thing you and Casey have in common is that you were both single parents. With all due respect I must have missed the point. What exactly do you think is being blown out of proportion in this case? In regard to the people who help you care for your children- could you have shown they existed if asked to do so by LE? Did you have a valid phone number and address? Maybe even a photo? Did other family members know how to get in touch with them in case of an emergency?

You admit to having used Xanax and the fact you never gave it to your children. So are you saying that no parent has ever done so based on your own experience?

I just don't see how your experience is relevant to Casey's life. However, I'm glad you had loving, supportive people in your life. How wonderful it would have been if Caylee had been blessed with the same.
Private Investigators - Casey Dominic & Edward Phlegar, They have been in several stories, just not headliners so people didn’t pay that much attention to it.

Casey Dominic is actually Dominic Casey, with D&A Investigations, Inc.

Edward Phlegar is a paralegal with The Baez Law Firm.
The hinky meter has exploded. :burn:

oh fersure.........and this random person with the random photo hasn't come forward earlier even though this picture could lead to a $225k REWARD

I'm not sure what you're wanting to know? If there is no root on the hair, it can only provide Mitochondrial DNA. This DNA is passed down from the mother (thus the reason it could belong to Caylee or Casey). The odds on this type of DNA are much lower than if there was a root (which would yield Nuclear DNA and almost pinpoint the person to an exact science - with the exception of identical twins).

Doesn't the band form at the root area?

I see what you are saying. If the lab had to test for mtDNA and not for nuclear DNA, then the hair had no root. If the hair had no root how could there have been a root band?

Sherbie, my answers are in red:

(1) Regardless what that woman's middle initial is, Casey certainly did implicate her. If it really is C., then Casey just didn't get the middle or hyphenated part of the name right. As is common with liars (and as we've seen over and over with Casey and her grand lies), she tried to add too much detail to make her story seem more believable and got it wrong, IMO. Casey said from the beginning that ZFG was 26 and childless. This did not match the ZG who visited Sawgrass.

(2) Please consider that Casey couldn't identify her in the line-up because her story was a LIE and she knew it would fall to pieces completely (more than it already had) if she were to pick out an innocent person who likely could provide proof to refute her claims. Or it could mean that ZFG does exist, since she has mentioned her since 2006, and this was the wrong one.

(3) How in the world would Cindy know whether any ZG is the "correct person" (other than the fact that she knew the whole thing was a lie)? According to Cindy, she'd never laid eyes on the woman. So all she has to go on is Casey's word, which isn't worth diddly squat. Once the police actually located the woman and it was obvious she hadn't kidnapped Caylee, of course the family would say she wasn't the right one. To insist that she was, knowing it could be disproven, would be futile. If Cindy and Casey refused to implicate an innocent person, then why is ZG suing?

I'd like to ask you something, please. Do you really believe it's even remotely possible that there were two ZG's associated with that apartment complex; that both drive a silver car; that despite all the lies about the nanny (wreck, hospital, no phone calls to her, etc.) and despite all the other lies Casey told to and about her own family/friends, there is a possibility that this one claim of Casey's might be true -- that there really is or even could be a second ZG connected to Sawgrass to whom Casey regularly dropped her daughter for babysitting? I think Casey said ZFG LIVED at Sawgrass, not visited there. What if ZFG lived there with someone else and her name wasn't on the lease?

Honestly, I'm trying to understand, not to pick on you. I'm wondering, is it because you want so badly for little Caylee to be alive that you're willing to accept (in the realm of "all in the universe is possible") that the concept of a second ZG at Sawgrass could be true, or do you really believe it's a possibility? Even if we set aside the decomp evidence completely, it would certainly be the mother of all coincidences that there were two ZG's associated with Sawgrass, neither having ever actually lived there, both driving a silver car, and one turning out to have really kidnapped Caylee, wouldn't it? Since we're not allowed to question anything on the Alive thread, I'd love if you could comment on this here. I believe it is a possibility because Casey mentioned ZFG to RG, JG, and TR at least, all before Caylee went missing. As I said, she could have LIVED there at one time, as opposed to just paying a visit.
Thank you for your time! :blowkiss: No problem! :blowkiss:
Baez’s spokesperson Todd Black says their investigators are out of state talking to a man and getting pictures of Zanaida Gonzalez, the woman Casey says took Caylee. Black says there is a picture that was taken at a park which has Gonzalez, Casey and Caylee all in it. There is no information at this point as to when the picture was taken. Investigators have been trying to find the man who has the picture for weeks and they just located him, according to Black. (MyFoxOrlando)

KC and the truth are strangers. Evidently though her atty JB is still figuring that her words, now coming instead from his mouth, will be believed. THEY ARE STILL HER WORDS. Consider the source (like the ZG she shared w/ JH, like all the other trails to nowhere remember?) It is absurd to suggest there is anything to this but a defense ploy. [There IS no ZG who watched Caylee-and if you still believe otherwise, that LE just hasn't found the "right" ZG, don't forget when shown a photo (of Sawgrass ZG whose data and info all matched the one accused), she subsequently denied this was THE "ZG." This is clearly because if KC had given them an actual person or any actual trail to follow this TOO would have quickly led NOWHERE.] Please remember the strategy of the game is to confuse, confuse, CONFUSE...
I don't understand why some people get so side tracked by the imperfections in KC's stories ... these stories are flawed by design ...

LE: "Well, Ms. Anthony we spoke with ZG and she claims never to have met you or Caylee"
KC: "That wasn't the right Zenaida ... I SAID Zenaida Fenandez-G"
LE: "Ms. Anthony we spoke with Jeffrey H. and he has never heard of ZFG nor does he have a son named Zachary ... furthermore, he claims to have only a very limited knowledge of you or your daughter."
KC: "Oh, that was a different JH ... the one that I am talking about is J. Michael H.

KC is arrogant and naive enough to think if she can leave herself a little wiggle room in each lie that she can use that to cast doubt over the thoroughness and adeptness of the investigators!
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