Police at anthony home again 9-10-08

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The protestors have a line they are not allowed to cross (public/private).

I have not seen any of them put hands on any of the Anthonys. Push them, shove them, snatch things from them. Or threaten them.

The Anothonys believe that the public shouldnot be allowed on the public property. That it is theirs and they have the right to attack people on that public property. This has been pointed out to them to be a false idea. But they are ignoring what they are being told. IT is not what they wish to hear, what they wish to be lieve. So they ignore it and do their own thing.

Seems to be a pattern with this family, doesn't it??

I do not believe that bullys should be allowed to harrass folks verbally and get away with it. But that is the way it goes. The rule is no touching. School bullys learn at an early age to harrass that way, until their victum looses it. Then the victum is punished even more for 'loosing it.' the bully stands back and laughs.

So this is not new. The rule is... no matter what is said to you.. no touch.
The truth is that Lee had to redeem himself for the last incident… When he tried to snatch the poster from the other lady and he failed…

So now he can go to bed tonight in peace knowing he succeeded this tim around…

I was so on Lee's side st the beginning for calling her out but that high-five made me want to throw up…

Seriously maybe those cameras font work maybe there are just up for display to fool everyone.

Someone should tell the A's that a hurricane is coming so they can put their shutters up and than they can stop complaining…

Casey wants her celebrity status…
WELL here ya go! Paris deals with people out of her house constantly… what's the difference?
I agree Amethyst...these people could just ignore these folks and they would go away.
They don't have self-control. Drama is their addiction.
I guess Lee doesn't have to work anymore either?

OTOH where are all these weirdos' coming from. Is some sick way they all have good points..like this one who said that since Caylee is out in the rain she doesn't mind it either.

Oy Vey!!

CC, just noticed your pitcher and had a very good laugh. :)
I heard Casey Anthoy just sold movie and book rights for 1 Million...I wonder who posted her bond.??
if i had someone swearing at me and calling me a baby killer everytime i walked out on MY lawn . id probably have done alot worse than shove them .. it doesnt matter if these people "arnt on their property" they are still harrassing them . swearing obcene language . that is supposed to be ok though ? it works both ways no one is doing the right thing in this situation except the people that are searching for the baby and imho the protesters are doing it to get on tv .. as i have stated before if they cared so much for caylee.. why are they doing this and giving the wrong people attention . it should be on that precious baby
OT, but I have to tell you that baby is your avatar is gorgeous!! OH how I miss those days!

Now back to our regular broadcasting schedule:
up next...The Psychopathic Family and Today's Society

OT, thank you. Wish he was that small again. Now he is a 16 month old bruiser!

Back to the police and protesters and such.
It must be really strange with the four of them inside that house, I wonder what they talk about and do. I mean you can't go about like nothing is wrong, somebody is going to lose it.

Cindy walks on eggshells around Casey.
George walks in circles around Casey.
Lee treats Casey like a little sister.
And Casey just goes about as usual, like nothing is wrong, and nothing's ever happened... This is what Leonard Padilla said it was like when he was in the Anthony home. (On Nancy Grace Show 9/8/08)

Nah, they aren't going to act on any charges against the A's and the A's know it. They don't want to give the impression they are harrassing the family.
But by the same token, they don't want to give the impression that the family is receiving some kind of favored treatment.

If your average Orlando resident would get busted for grabbing and destroying personal property, Lee should, too. The fact that he's apparently not too smart is not a defense.
I heard Casey Anthoy just sold movie and book rights for 1 Million...I wonder who posted her bond.??

WELL She also just sealed her rights to burn in h*ll for eternity too! What good news for her today! :behindbar:furious:

Wow, your avatar pic...I had to do a second take because I thought is was a new pic I had not seen before of Casey. Very good likeness though, good job!
I honestly didn't mean to scare you....if you leave the door open, you never know who might just walk right through...lol
Wow, your avatar pic...I had to do a second take because I thought is was a new pic I had not seen before of Casey. Very good likeness though, good job!


you funny sleuthster!
Exactly, there are times when I'm the only one home and I don't answer the door if I don't know the person, and I haven't even received threats which this family has.

Same here. I'm home all day with my infant son. I never answer the door unless it is someone I am expecting or know personally.
I was one of the few who didn't trust him from the start.

I have had my feelings about him because it has been said from the start that Lee and Casey are "tight".

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