Police at anthony home again 9-10-08

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Frankly, why do they even bother looking out their front windows? They never have to face a protester – pull the car into the garage, hit the remote, and go into the house. To leave, reverse the process, lather and rinse.

They WANT to engage these people, who are all too willing to engage right back at them.

And yet Cindy say they hired that lawyer to “preserve their privacy”? A hedge would have been cheaper.

You are so right! George and Cindy put themselves into the situation by going out to their front yard while there were a lot of protesters there and went about posting more "no trespassing" signs and stringing more tape. They pretended to ignore the people that were there and then George lost it and pushed a man and an older woman.

The Anthonys purposely inject themselves into these situations.
I think that LE is allowing all the protestors to get away with so much in hopes that the Anthonys snap. They want the tension to mount. There must be something goin on in that house that they are picking up on. Don't ya think?
From the link above.............

Meanwhile, a source with the Orange County Sheriff's Department said that they are expecting to file some new check fraud-related charges against mother Casey Anthony within the next few days.

I wonder if LE is going to re-arrest Casey on the new check fraud? That's what got her re-arrested the last time.

When a new charge is filed, Casey will have to be rearrested, IMO. You cannot add a new charge without going through the arresting process, bail paid on that charge, etc.

Also, it could be OPD, rather than OCSO. Isn't Amscot in the city limits? Or did they say it would be OCSO?

Anyway, she would be arrested, be booked in, then be bailed out on that charge. It really would not take that long. Is there anything in her bail conditions now that would void the current $50,200.00 bail she is out on now if she were to be arrested on another crime? Does anyone know? TIA
if i had someone swearing at me and calling me a baby killer everytime i walked out on MY lawn . id probably have done alot worse than shove them .. it doesnt matter if these people "arnt on their property" they are still harrassing them . swearing obcene language . that is supposed to be ok though ? it works both ways no one is doing the right thing in this situation except the people that are searching for the baby and imho the protesters are doing it to get on tv .. as i have stated before if they cared so much for caylee.. why are they doing this and giving the wrong people attention . it should be on that precious baby

I agree that the protestors have a right to be there. I do not agree that cursing is acceptable. Of course, the A's would have recourse against that. I think it's called curse and abuse?

Personally, if I were the A's (no way in he!! would that ever happen), I would simply park my car in the garage and come and go to it that way. I would not give the protestors any opportunity to yell at me!

And the bold that I added to your quote? IMO, that's why the protestors are there, because they don't think the A's have their focus in the right place. My eyes read that statement as soooooooooo applying to the A's, more than to the protestors.
I think that LE is allowing all the protestors to get away with so much in hopes that the Anthonys snap. They want the tension to mount. There must be something goin on in that house that they are picking up on. Don't ya think?

I think you may well be on to something here.
CNN...just let the information out...said, she was offered a million dollar book..and TV deal...it didn't say if she accepted or not...

According to the Anthony Family spokesman, they are not entertaining any of those offers coming in.
LOL...I'm still watching CNN...I thought they would mention it again...but, its all about Obama...and Palin right now
I think that LE is allowing all the protestors to get away with so much in hopes that the Anthonys snap. They want the tension to mount. There must be something goin on in that house that they are picking up on. Don't ya think?

Whats going on inside the house?? my guess is that they are playing alot of spades with one of those unsolved homocide decks they where giving the prisoners in florida. Practicing for when they go to the big house.
According to the Anthony Family spokesman, they are not entertaining any of those offers coming in.
Getting paid a million bucks?
If thats the case then somebody needs to , quick, sue like they have done in other cases for the money. Maybe she can pay back all the search teams for all the work they have done looking for her baby when she knew all along where she is. :behindbar
OMG...a protester let her dog crap in the yard..?? So, are most of you living in Florida...close to her.?
Oh, so today it's Lee's turn to get arrested?

I have to laugh at the thought of the Anthonys turning a sprinkler on a woman who's already sitting in the rain.

Yeah, that is pretty funny!
LOL at your signature!!!!!!

Thanks, I'm all about being PC.
Getting paid a million bucks?
If thats the case then somebody needs to , quick, sue like they have done in other cases for the money. Maybe she can pay back all the search teams for all the work they have done looking for her baby when she knew all along where she is. :behindbar

Agreed! And maybe all the donations that were collected to help find Caylee that the fam is presumed to be using for other things....
Whats going on inside the house?? my guess is that they are playing alot of spades with one of those unsolved homocide decks they where giving the prisoners in florida. Practicing for when they go to the big house.

I think they are giving out a little more information than they intend to. If GA is getting as agitated as we see him I can only imagine the inside of the house is a tad bit more.
CNN...just let the information out...said, she was offered a million dollar book..and TV deal...it didn't say if she accepted or not...
That's old news. Now if they had reported that she had ACCEPTED it...
OMG...a protester let her dog crap in the yard..?? So, are most of you living in Florida...close to her.?

I am 90 miles from Orlando. We took the grandbaby to disney last month, I guess i could have saved the money and just drove by the anthony's. Fantasy land, anthony land, same difference.
Lee needs to get a grip. Geez, the police were already there and he goes out and does this? Can this be construed as mistreatment to animals since he took the dogs water bowl? How childish can you get.

How? How do you expect these people to get a grip? Lee's niece is probably a murder victim and his own sister, the mother of his niece, is more than likely the murderer. He apparently cannot even grasp THAT, how he is to get a grip about anything else? Everything he thought he knew and understood is dead.

And to top that, he's got people screaming and shoving camera's and microphones in his face.. staying in his yard all day and night with bright lights, signs, chanting and screaming judgements as if they have a friggin' clue as to what is going on inside that house.

Again, for the record, I don't agree with these people and I despise their lies.. I do think they are probably involved with helping Casey cover something up. Before any of you accuse me of being an Anthony or a supporter of, think again.

I just don't think screaming in their faces 24/7 is going to help them get any kind of grip on anything... scream in anyones face too many times and they are eventually going to REact. You'd have to be a robot not to. These people have more restraint then I would, I'll tell you that much!! But then again, I'm mentally ill ;)
Possiblities Mentioned:

Whoever it was Cindy willing opened the door and had a 10 minute coversation. So I am guessing she knew this person at the door.

Cindy will talk to anyone at anytime. Seems she just can't help herself. Even as she was hammering in the "No Trespassing" signs she was jibber jabbering away with media and bystanders. Honestly I've seen anything like her.

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