Police Flyer #2 - Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020?

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Emma Peel

an unexpected turn of events
Aug 26, 2008
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The most recent photo-flyer from police, which was distributed to a "selected group of people"...

IMO, the select audience for this flyer is different than the Skyline School Family. I think the audience is for residents who live where LE believes Terri and/or Dede and/or other accomplice(s) would have been busy doing nefarious things.

Please look at the questions - especially question 1 and 5. They are very specific as to timing (Terri & Dede's timeline timing) and slightly odd questions, IMO.

"1. Were you in the area on June 4, 2010, between 9:45 AM and 1:00 PM? Yes/No. (If no, skip to question 7. If yes proceed to next question.)"

2. - did you see Terri
3. - did you see Dede
4. - did you see the White Truck

"5. Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020"

(I guess we can assume that question number 5 has a typo and LE is not seeking out only time-travelers and clairvoyants.) :blushing:

For the purposes of this thread, let's focus on:

1) What "area" or "areas" is LE referring to. Who and where is the intended audience for this particular flyer.


2) What does "visitors" mean, and why would LE be asking if people had "visitors".


3) What does this flyer have to do with LE's "different lens", if anything.
They may be asking if they had any visitors so that they may be contacted to see if they noticed anything unusual, Terri or Dede.
There have been a number of typos in this case. On the MCSO website, the first mention of Kyron on the page dedicated to his case still lists his last name as Hormon.
They probably just want to identify all persons in the area, to identify and question them as well.
They may be asking if they had any visitors so that they may be contacted to see if they noticed anything unusual, Terri or Dede.

so you think it means if those reading the flyer had any guests in the area. people they know.

as opposed to "visitors" - as in strangers in the area they recall.

Also, where Dede was working, if this is part of the target "area" or "areas" - those grounds are open to the public sometimes. They have "visitors" to the gardens.

I was just not sure how to interpret "visitors" myself. Perhaps it doesn't matter, and it means any of the above.


I wonder if they mass-mailed this flyer to residents along certain driving routes in specific areas with the hopes of narrowing search areas?

But gosh, if so, it's very late to be asking - it seems improbably they'll get meaningful input this late in the game...

*emma frets* :cold:
I wonder why DeDe's attorney isn't screaming bloody murder about this flyer. I would be outraged if my client was home all day as he stated previously and LE was putting this stuff out. That said, for defamation purposes LE must have a reasonable good faith belief that Terri and DeDe were in the area during that time period. No way would the city attorney or county counsel let them put any of these fliers out there unless that were the case.
Germantown (sp) road and the other areas mentioned at the presser. Not the skyline school area.

You could be on to something there.

This flyer went out several days before the presser to some type of targeted audience...so I was thinking the audience was not the same as the presser audience. Maybe it was, though?

Did they ask at the presser what areas the flyer distribution covered?
what area are you thinking is the focus?
Germantown Road is probably an area of focus. I've seen some of those residents interviewed on the news and they talked about LE canvassing the neighborhood and asking them whether they had seen DeDe, Terri or the truck.

The fact that the flyer says "your area" instead of Skyline school makes me think this is being sent to people at their residences, asking about anything they observed from their residences that day. Visitors would mean anybody visiting their home.
I wonder why DeDe's attorney isn't screaming bloody murder about this flyer. I would be outraged if my client was home all day as he stated previously and LE was putting this stuff out. That said, for defamation purposes LE must have a reasonable good faith belief that Terri and DeDe were in the area during that time period. No way would the city attorney or county counsel let them put any of these fliers out there unless that were the case.

I've always thought her attorney meant to/should have said she did not leave *the* home that day, as opposed to she did not *leave home.* I don't think there's any legitimate question that she was at the Farm at some point that day. When is the big question, imo.
I believe the areas they are focusing on in re: to this new flier are the Germantown Loop as I heard someone refer to it (the area near the home DD was working at), and the others mentioned in the presser, but most specifically Germantown.

When I first read it, my thought re: visitors was anyone those homeowners had visiting at the time - thinking LE wanted to question them if they may have seen Terri, DD, and/or the truck. But since you mention it, it could mean someone unusual (as in not really belonging there) in the area.

I am still thinking the different lens is initially focusing on Terri, and now having some info that leads them to believe someone else may be involved. Does anyone remember when Desiree and Kaine started talking about someone else possibly being involved? It seemed out of the blue, kinda.
I've always thought her attorney meant to/should have said she did not leave *the* home that day, as opposed to she did not *leave home.* I don't think there's any legitimate question that she was at the Farm at some point that day. When is the big question, imo.

I agree 100% - Her attorney meant to say she did not leave "the" home she was working at.
I read question #5 more as "did you have any visitors that may have went down and checked out the science fair while they were in town and are no longer here and have not been questioned".

I am hopeful that LE is keeping an open mind and there may have been "strangers" in the school or its vicinity that might not have been thoroughly checked out. JMO
And Germantown Road was a major target for last weekend's searches, IIRC.

So ... if I expand on that, this flyer goes hand in hand with some searches done last week...
If anyone was able to say if they had visitors on June 4, 2020, I wonder if they would mind checking out to see what the lottery numbers are for any days at all in the future?
I'm most intrigued by Question 5 - "Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020"

This could be many things.

Perhaps they are trying to rule out any suspicious vehicles or additional white trucks that belonged to a legitimate visitor.

Perhaps they believe the perpetrator(s) or an accomplice "visited" someone in the area. Or perhaps a local came in contact with the perpetrator(s) either knowingly or unknowingly.

Or...perhaps it's just a red herring... an attempt to deflect their obvious suspicions about DeDe and Terri.
I believe the "selected group of people" would be the ones who live on or in the vicinity of the following roads listed by LE during the presser.

"Authorities are seeking information from people who may have seen Terri Horman driving her husband's white Ford F-250 pickup along Northwest Springville Road, Northwest Skyline Boulevard, Springville to Newberry Road, or along Old Germantown and Germantown roads between 10:15 and 11:30 a.m on Friday, June 4."
How could anyone remember if they saw a White truck on Germantown road 9 weeks ago between 9:30 and 1?

Why 9:30 -1 and not 10-11:30? for time frame?

I must be too sleepy to figure out what LE is thinking.
Maybe legal advisors to LE said they should include the bit about the visitors so as not to be seen only focusing on Terri and Dede?

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