Police Flyer #2 - Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020?

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I was thinking all those weeks prior to TH retaining an attorney, when LE - and even Kaine - was saying that Terri was cooperative and doing all she could to help. Remember that?

Yes. She's not a criminal mastermind, if she is in fact the perp. Her cooperation, no matter how minimal it may have been, proves it. What she is, if she is guilty, is lucky. Lucky that no one saw her (or her cohort) abscond with Kyron. Lucky that the terrain in the area is vast and makes it easy to hide a body. Lucky, perhaps, that she has at least one friend who was willing to help her with Kyron. Lucky that white pickups are common.

She is also unlucky. Whether she is the perp or not, she did not intend to lose custody of her daughter, or to lose her husband, home, and Mustang. I think this because she did at least feign cooperation, and the only reason she would have had to do that is to divert suspicion from herself in order to keep home, husband, and family.

She never thought that she would be arrested for Kyron's disappearance, and so far, she is correct about that. Criminals don't undertake crimes for which they believe they will be caught. Her best tactic to avoid capture, if she is guilty, was to be completely uncooperative. That she did not take that tactic tells me that she didn't want to lose what she had. No matter what her status, her life as she knew it prior to Kyron's disappearance, is over.
I'm thinking the area or areas they are referring to are the private property (maybe some residents have long private drives going up to their property) or maybe they mean in the area of no one usually comes in their little community area except other residents.

By "visitors", it sounds to me like LE might mean trespassers, whether they actually saw them or maybe just the result of them being there, like trampled flowers or tall grass, thrown out items that don't belong, etc.

This is sad. I love LE and what they do but maybe it's time they brought in the heavy artillery, meaning those that really have a lot of experience with this sort of thing. I think this should have been done in the beginning after the first two weeks before stories had a chance to change and be "firmed up".

Just a thought.

ITA. If you will rememer, they didn't bring in the extra SAR teams until day 6 of the search, a day when time has probably run out for a child that young and small.

My opinion only
I'd like to suggest we ask in the locals thread for help in determining the area of flier distribution via local talk from people who were given a flier, and by looking at the videos from the news stories about the flier distribution, and identifying the areas of flier distribution.

I could swear we had done that already actually. Maybe not.

But meanwhile, I'd like to register my guess as fliers distributed in the Groom Lake area.

OK so my first thought of the word "visitors" were those poor Mormon Missionary boys or the family of Jehovah's Witnesses who were door knocking in the areas on those days.
The Starbucks employees were from NW Cornelius, yes? That's closer to the second FM, I think.


I haven't been keeping up with the addresses of the FMs. I will try to find them.

Well some of us think she bought coffee INSIDE the first FM on Imbrie which is off Cornelius Pass Road. A few mentioned they thought she might have gone through the Drive Through a block or so South at the Starbucks on Butler St. which is also off Cornelius Pass.

I don't think she went to Starbucks near the second FM but that is only based on the news report that says the employees were from a location "off Cornelius Pass Road" Sorry...wish I had time to find a link but off to church I go!

Did you follow all of that??? LOL
The questioning about the Dede flier was quickly shut down by LE.

Thanks BeanE for all your answers - especially the ones about this presser vs. the flyer.

Yes, we will try to stay on topic today. I will do my part by editing my first post to say RESIDENTIAL areas because page one of the flyer (with the photos) says RESIDENTIAL - and some (me too at first) are confused that this flyer may have gone to commercial areas where Terri went. Every RESIDENT in the household is to fill out the form individually.

It also says the flyer was MAILED (at least to some) and a stamped return envelope was provided. There seems to be no deadline on returning the survey - unlike the Terri Flyer where a deadline was given.

ETA: OOPS!!! :blushing: It seems it's TOO LATE! I can't edit my original post. :(
Let's all say it together:

I WILL stay on topic today.

I will STAY on topic today.

I will stay ON topic today.

Hey Everyone :wave:

Just to Clarify - this 2nd Police flyer was directed at RESIDENTIAL AREAS only. So, we're not discussing Fred Meyers & Starbucks on this thread. You can probably get more help with your FM & Starbucks questions in the Fred Meyer thread.

My fault for not putting that fact in the first post... :blushing:
I'd like to suggest we ask in the locals thread for help in determining the area of flier distribution via local talk from people who were given a flier, and by looking at the videos from the news stories about the flier distribution, and identifying the areas of flier distribution.

I could swear we had done that already actually. Maybe not.

But meanwhile, I'd like to register my guess as fliers distributed in the Groom Lake area.

I guess I haven't been here long enough to know where the Groom Lake area is.

ETA: OH okay. Tee hee - Ha ha ha ha ha BeanE. :blushing:
Wait while I find my tin-foil hat and we'll focus on the NE quadrant of area 51 for visitors. ;)

google is my friend. ;)
I asked this question in the local thread last week - freefallzzzz answered.

question....any locals know what area(s) of town had residents receive the new flyers? thanks. jade

KPTV Fox 12, reported they interviewed people on Old Germantown Rd who got them and in another thread a local said their relatives on Old Germantown got one..

Of course there could be more areas, we just don't know unless someone who got one discloses it..=)
Wonder if LE interviewed people involved in or who toured through the garden tour or whatever it was called happening that weekend. It's been stated on several threads that the place where DeDe was working that day was a stop on the tour.
Looks to me like they are really narrowing in on that area by where DD was working. That said, I'd guess visitors means anyone - friends, landscapers (haha), gardeners, delivery people, relatives, etc. Seeing as how most people would have been at work and/or school during those specific times, I don't see there being a whole bunch of responses.
hmmm.... this is very, very curious....

I wonder if "visitor" could mean a person or possibly a pair of people who came to your house (or at least drove on to your property) looking for or asking about someone else... such as a person who sometimes is on your property. Like, I dunno... maybe a landscaper who sometimes worked there. Or a pool man, or nah.. probably a landscaper.. I don't think people in Oregon have pools.

You know, maybe some such person had gone missing that morning and his two lady friends were looking for him, so they drove around the area or area(s) where he sometimes worked, or maybe where he was supposed to have gone that day, just in case maybe he was there and maybe had a little landscaper's helper with him.

Because they were in major denial that their "friend" was really not a nice man after all.

I peronally think this "different lens" means they are considering the fact that maybe Terri didn't actaully DO it, but has been hiding her involvement with and her knowledge of the person who did it, a person that would never have been a threat to Kyron except because of her and her selfish, dishonest choices.

IMO, though, even if its true that she didn't directly participate in whatever happened to Kyron, she is still as guilty as sin b/c she didn't say a word to help him.. not on the day of his disappearance and not any day since.
5. Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020" yes/no

6. if you answered yes on any of question 2-5, please take a moment now to expand on that with details.

if you were home between 9:45am and 1pm, my guess is le is asking WHO visited you, if anyone. But that could be wrong. I would think if they wanted to know WHO visited you, they would simply ask that....

I don't think they care what vehicle that your visitor was driving because they didn't ask what vehicles the homeowners themselves were driving around that day.
I asked this question in the local thread last week - freefallzzzz answered.

question....any locals know what area(s) of town had residents receive the new flyers? thanks. jade

KPTV Fox 12, reported they interviewed people on Old Germantown Rd who got them and in another thread a local said their relatives on Old Germantown got one..

Of course there could be more areas, we just don't know unless someone who got one discloses it..=)

Freefallzzzz is just the best, isn't she?

vis·i·tor   –noun
a person who visits, as for reasons of friendship, business, duty, travel, or the like.


vis·it   –verb (used with object)
1. to go to and stay with (a person or family) or at (a place) for a short time for reasons of sociability, politeness, business, curiosity, etc.: to visit a friend; to visit clients; to visit Paris.
2.to stay with as a guest.
3.to come or go to: to visit a church for prayer.
4.to go to for the purpose of official inspection or examination: a general visiting his troops.
5.to come to in order to comfort or aid: to visit the sick.
6.to come upon; assail; afflict: The plague visited London in 1665.
7.to cause trouble, suffering, etc., to come to: to visit him with sorrows.
8.to access, as a Web site.
9.to inflict, as punishment, vengeance, etc. (often fol. by on or upon ).

–verb (used without object)
10.to make a visit.
11.to talk or chat casually: to visit on the phone with a friend.
12.to inflict punishment.

13.the act of or an instance of visiting: a nice, long visit.
14.a chat or talk: We had a good visit on the way back from the grocery store.
15.a call paid to a person, family, etc.
16.a stay or sojourn as a guest.
17.an official inspection or examination.
18.the act of an officer of a belligerent nation in boarding a vessel in order to ascertain the nature of its cargo, its nationality, etc.: the right of visit and search.


Based on these, I vote for the definition of 'visitor' as used in the flier:

visitor: any person who came on or near the homeowner's property for any reason (I think LE was intentionally vague so as not to influence them in their answers. MCSO doesn't like suggestion right now.).
5. Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020" yes/no

6. if you answered yes on any of question 2-5, please take a moment now to expand on that with details.

if you were home between 9:45am and 1pm, my guess is le is asking WHO visited you, if anyone. But that could be wrong. I would think if they wanted to know WHO visited you, they would simply ask that....

I don't think they care what vehicle that your visitor was driving because they didn't ask what vehicles the homeowners themselves were driving around that day.

#5 is if you had any visitors, not who.

I bet if you don't say who, or what type person (e.g. pizza delivery guy), in #6, you will get a call or visit from LE. Or you might get a call or visit even if you do put who or what type person in #6.
Re: Visitors. I'd take a "wider lens" look at the term and consider any type of vehicle that may have navigated those streets on the day in question. I'll use my own home/neighborhood as an example.

I live on the street that is the primary entrance to our sub. There are cul de sacs that intersect the street, and most traffic is either residents, delivery services (UPS, FedEx), landscape maintenance vehicles, etc. Very little pedestrian traffic other than walkers, bicyclists, etc. During the school year, there are students walking home from the corner of my street and the main road where there bus drops older children.

Our "media" room (den, study) - main TV, computer, books - is at the front of the house, so when I'm in this room, I can see what vehicles come in and out of the sub or notice people on foot or on bikes. I would be able to provide information only if I happened to be in the den to actually see such activity.

If enough people respond to the flyer, even if not everyone saw exactly the same vehicles/pedestrians at a particular time, I think LE could put together a time-line with noted traffic from several residents. jmo
I keep thinking ... based on LE's indication that they have tons of evidence ... based on the plethora of cell phones - bat and otherwise ... based on the fact that they used this flyer technique once before and must have found it helpful to use the technique again ... that ...

LE knows why they targeted the area they targeted in this survey, and believes these two were together that day in this area.

Do they have evidence from the area and are looking to narrow down searching?

Do they already have witnesses & are they looking for more potential witnesses?

... or ...

Are they simply pressuring Dede?

To paraphrase Cap'n Gates: "I am not going to talk about Terri Horman today."

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