Police return to North Dumfries farm -- 28 May 2013

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i wouldn't necessarily think that any of the suspects from the TB case would have knowledge of the possibility that DM could have buried LBs remains on his farm. its a whole separate case. I wouldn't think MS or suspect 3 in TB case would have anything to do with LB case. IMO I think DM is talking. I think DM knows the gig is up. it looks like the Toronto police executing the search on the property have pretty specific locations they are searching, something DM could have supplied them. all IMO.

You could be right. IMO though DM would have nothing to gain by admitting to a second murder in order to lessen his charge in the TB murder. Two charges of murder (or more maybe) would not likely give him a lesser penalty in the long run then the single M1 he is already facing.

DM and his friends have been described on numerous occasions as "tight Knit". So again it could be very likely that DM told at least 1 of his inner circle about any prior misdoings. Also as he later seems to have found someone of like mind was apt to have shared with at least that person what he had done while discussing fantasy or maybe bragging even. JMO
Quick question?? Where are the K-9's? Wouldn't they be able to find body parts fairly fast if they have the right area. Geesh, my shepherd can find a bone on my farm in about 30 seconds flat. Imagine if they used the trained dogs? Or, maybe they know exactly where to look and don't need the dogs.
Question 2. While Hamilton and Waterloo were searching the property last week, it was brought to light that the LB case was reopened. Why then, did they leave the property after a two day search saying there are no more remains? Shouldn't they have searched the entire property for the full two weeks? just asking, not judging??

Good questions! Did they bring dogs in during the initial search?

As for your second question, I assume it is a matter of utilizing resources the most efficiently. They did a two day search and than allocated the resources to other areas of the investigation. Searching the entire property for a full two weeks would take too many resources and if they didn't have something specific to look for, the risk is too great they would not find anything. Also, I assume that they need to have search warrants in order to do certain types of searches. The searches need to stay within what is specified in the search warrant.

It seems like they got some new information from somebody that prompted the search today.
There is absolutely no logical reason for DM to provide any info about additional crimes related to the farm... there is no possible way it could help him get a "deal". It would only benefit someone who did not commit the crime in question.

Maybe DM developed a conscience?
My feeling: DM is a punk little !@&% and hasn't/won't be talking.
If nothing else DM gets his lawn maintenance for free...

Joke aside I hope LE will find what they are looking for.
I don't think this has anything to do with his father's death as his body was found and cremated. If it was looking like suicide, they recovered said gun too. I can't really think of anything one should have disposed of after that case although, admittedly, I'm not a criminal.
Does anybody else find it kind of odd that the Twitter feeds and photo updates seem to have stopped or at least dramatically slowed in the last 1/2 hour. Could LE have put a gag order on the media? Stopped the photographers?

It's probably because its now poring rain in this area
Toronto Police Const. Victor Kwong confirmed investigators arrived on the property Tuesday morning.

“We believe that there’s evidence relating to the (Bosma) case,” he said.


The media needs to figure out which answer is true!!

On Tuesday, Toronto police confirmed they executed the warrant in connection to their investigations — the death and missing person’s cases — and not in relation Bosma’s murder.
The media needs to figure out which answer is true!!

On Tuesday, Toronto police confirmed they executed the warrant in connection to their investigations — the death and missing person’s cases — and not in relation Bosma’s murder.
Correct me if I'm wrong-TB is a HPD matter and TO would have nothing to do with it. LB and WM are TPS and thats the only reason there there or perhaps for another TO crime. If HPS was there, then it may make sense, but from the looks of it, TO LE are there by themselves, executing their own warrants for their own cases.
Hamilton Police said that THEY didn't find anymore remains. I think this was a "read between the lines" statement. They don't have jurisdictions over WM or LB's remains/investigations, so maybe they found "something" and TP was told to get warrants etc. All IMO only.

This is my thoughts as well. I agree with this theory. I wonder if HPS came across something in their search for the case of Tim Bosma and because the other 2 cases (WM and LB) are not in their jurisdictions TPS had to get their own warrants which would cause the delay. Now they have their warrants so the search continues.

It is also IMO that TPS would NOT notify LB's family until it was confirmed she was found on the farm. There's no reason to do that to the family if it's not her.
National Post
by Adrian Humphries
13/05/28 | Last Updated: 13/05/28 3:13 PM ET

“Toronto police homicide officers are executing a search warrant there and it is in relation to our portion of the Bosma investigation,” said Const. Wendy Drummond, a spokeswoman for Toronto police.

“We are only saying it is in relation to our portion of the investigation,” she said when pressed for details on what killing or serious crime the search was related to.
Correct me if I'm wrong-TB is a HPD matter and TO would have nothing to do with it. LB and WM are TPS and thats the only reason there there or perhaps for another TO crime. If HPS was there, then it may make sense, but from the looks of it, TO LE are there by themselves, executing their own warrants for their own cases.

This is my thoughts as well. I agree with this theory. I wonder if HPS came across something in their search for the case of Tim Bosma and because the other 2 cases (WM and LB) are not in their jurisdictions TPS had to get their own warrants which would cause the delay. Now they have their warrants so the search continues.

It is also IMO that TPS would NOT notify LB's family until it was confirmed she was found on the farm. There's no reason to do that to the family if it's not her.

In a complicated situation like, both the TPS and HPS will share information of what they have.
You got one chance buddy. You are going down for 25 years no chance of parole. You either talk now, or that's it. I can bring it down to Man 1.. 15 years, talk to your lawyer you got 15 minutes to decide. Tell us what you know, now, if not, no deal.

Yikes, I watch way to much law and order.

I don't there would be a deal here, if they have overwhelming evidence against DM, then they would not be willing to reduce and make a deal. LB is a secondary thing in this situation, they won't want to make a deal just to locate her.
Police currently having discussion on Dellen Millard farm pic.twitter.com/uxrRlsqOq0

Hope I'm not the only one suffering from confusion here.

Toronto Star reports "On Tuesday, Toronto police confirmed they executed the warrant in connection to their investigations — the death and missing person’s cases — and not in relation Bosma’s murder."
Source: http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2..._warrant_at_suspect_dellen_millards_farm.html

JMO, but the complexities continue...guess we have to take TPS's official statement??
I think if MS was told by DM he had killed LB and he knew where the body was, then I think he would cut a deal, if they had overwhelming evidence that MS was just an accessory to the TB case. Just thinking aloud.
I think if MS was told by DM he had killed LB and he knew where the body was, then I think he would cut a deal, if they had overwhelming evidence that MS was just an accessory to the TB case. Just thinking aloud.

But MS was not an accessory, he was charged with 1st degree.
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