Police say parents are not answering vital questions #3

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I wonder if Lisa was dead before that grocery store run. She picked up wine and a jar of food and some wipes. I wonder if the food and wipes were staged...to mislead.

I doubt her brother drove over to the house to take her to buy such mundane stuff. Wonder where they were prior to the store? It would be easy to put her in a bag and drive to another neighborhood and put her in a dumpster.

I've always thought that would explain why JI is sticking with DB. I think it's possible Lisa died and was disposed of before JI went to work.
Are there any reports of local media seeking interviews with them at this point?

Local news has not talked about this case in a month or more..other than the psychic seach...which came up with nothing.
These two "parents" make me so sick in my heart. DB: You were "afraid" to go out back and look for your baby?? WTH??? What kind of a "mother" are you? How, why, would you EVEN CARE about that if you thought your daughter was out there. She may have been in distress and needing help.

I will bet you one thing DB, their isn't one mother, or father on these threads that would have not turned heaven and hell to search for their precious baby.

or an aunt or uncle looking for their nephew/niece. (I don't have children)

It will be one happy day when she is finally arrested and charged with something serious........ I bet she darn well knows where Lisa is and what happened to her.

I think Lisa is in a much better place now.
I wonder if Lisa was dead before that grocery store run. She picked up wine and a jar of food and some wipes. I wonder if the food and wipes were staged...to mislead.

I doubt her brother drove over to the house to take her to buy such mundane stuff. Wonder where they were prior to the store? It would be easy to put her in a bag and drive to another neighborhood and put her in a dumpster.

Excellent deduction. And that would explain how and why JI is going along with this. Do we know what time SB came over to DB/JI's house while the brother took DB to the store, and if she saw anything suspicious.
Excellent deduction. And that would explain how and why JI is going along with this. Do we know what time SB came over to DB/JI's house while the brother took DB to the store, and if she saw anything suspicious.

So you believe JI is cold hearted enough that for eight-plus hours he could act like nothing is amiss while at the Starbucks? You think his heart is cold stoned enough that he could fake it knowing his daughter is dead?

To think JI knew his daughter was dead before he went to work the answers have to be "yes."

The holidays can be an emotional time. I can't imagine what JI is going through now.
I wonder if Lisa was dead before that grocery store run. She picked up wine and a jar of food and some wipes. I wonder if the food and wipes were staged...to mislead.

I doubt her brother drove over to the house to take her to buy such mundane stuff. Wonder where they were prior to the store? It would be easy to put her in a bag and drive to another neighborhood and put her in a dumpster.

So SB and her daughter are lying?
So you believe JI is cold hearted enough that for eight-plus hours he could act like nothing is amiss while at the Starbucks? You think his heart is cold stoned enough that he could fake it knowing his daughter is dead?

To think JI knew his daughter was dead before he went to work the answers have to be "yes."

The holidays can be an emotional time. I can't imagine what JI is going through now.

I don't think JI is cold hearted, nor do I think DB is cold hearted. But someone did something to that baby and disposed of her. I'm sure it was accidental and rather then call 911, they thought if they disposed of Lisa themselves the rest of their family would not be destroyed.

I am not saying that is what happened, none of know what happened. It was a theory and I responded to it.
I've always thought that would explain why JI is sticking with DB. I think it's possible Lisa died and was disposed of before JI went to work.

THIS! I've also wondered about this. But, the neighbors little 4 year old girl said that she saw Lisa. But, "time" to a child is not always accurate. I've always thought that JI's demeaner was at first odd for the situation. In the first day or two, he wouldn't look at DB or hold her hand. He seemed detached from her. I wondered if this was that he knew she did it or if he was guilt-ridden because he was. That part of it has always been in the back of my mind.
So you believe JI is cold hearted enough that for eight-plus hours he could act like nothing is amiss while at the Starbucks? You think his heart is cold stoned enough that he could fake it knowing his daughter is dead?

To think JI knew his daughter was dead before he went to work the answers have to be "yes."

The holidays can be an emotional time. I can't imagine what JI is going through now.

Respectfully, none of us know what type of a person JI is. And, none of know how anyone would act in a situation such as this. I personally don't make a decision on whether a persons heart is stone cold or not. We know from thousands of people out there that we hear about in the news who purposely or accidentally kill their children and hide their bodies. It happens every day...unfortunately...:(
So SB and her daughter are lying?

Totally possible that SB could be lying for her friend, and that her little girl is either mistaken on the time or coerced by the mom, who is DB's friend, to help along with the story by saying she saw Lisa. Maybe you or I wouldn't do this for a friend, and maybe there are thousands of people who wouldn't, but there is always that one who will.
I would think that SB would comply and not make anything up about this since her daughter could have been the one 'kidnapped', either from DB's house or from her own house. The fact that Lisa is gone from a home with three other people in it really bothers me. SB was apparently home alone with her daughter. I really don't believe Lisa was kidnapped, especially since neighbors were outside until 11:30, why take such a risk to get caught?
I would think that SB would comply and not make anything up about this since her daughter could have been the one 'kidnapped', either from DB's house or from her own house. The fact that Lisa is gone from a home with three other people in it really bothers me. SB was apparently home alone with her daughter. I really don't believe Lisa was kidnapped, especially since neighbors were outside until 11:30, why take such a risk to get caught?

Definitely a "normal" person would tell LE the truth. But, if she really wanted to support DB and DB told her that Lisa was kidnapped, she might do it just because she truly believed DB. Who knows? It's all weird!
1. mother not checking on her sick baby for ten hours;yet recalls checking on boys
2. states baby monitor was on and working..Did not hear a thing
3. dogs in yard at both houses don't bark
4. mother failed poly (some said miserably)
5. cadaver dog hits
6. first time father ever worked this shift
7. clothes worn by baby at last sighting found in home
8. both mother and father refuse to be interviewed again.
9. Family moves from home within hours of Baby missing.
10. Parents have had four Criminal Defense Attorneys on board since Lisa vanished.
11. Parents gave conflicting information regarding what happened. FACT. Affidavit.

...... These folks look darn guilty. I think one has to pretty cold or numb not to consider this family has done something to Lisa.
Respectfully, none of us know what type of a person JI is. And, none of know how anyone would act in a situation such as this. I personally don't make a decision on whether a persons heart is stone cold or not. We know from thousands of people out there that we hear about in the news who purposely or accidentally kill their children and hide their bodies. It happens every day...unfortunately...:(

Yes it happens all the time. But to accept that JI was involved and she was dead before he went to work means you have to accept that from 6 pm or so until 3 a.m. or so that he did nothing on surveillance camera to indicate that his daughter has been accidentally or purposefully killed ....to show not a sign of distress...to act so normal that your actions aren't called into question by the FBI or KCPD...no matter how shell shocked you are....to do so.....if that's not cold hearted then what is? If you can hide any sign of distress over your daughter being dead? That's the point I'm making. To say JI was involved or knew before 3:30-3:45 a.m. means you have to be able to explain his behavior. KCPD and the FBI were satisfied hence why he didn't take a poly the first few days. And you have to be able to explain why the KCPD and FBI were wrong in their assessment of the video. And when I say "you" I don't mean any single particular person....I just mean those advocating JI being involved before 3:45 a.m. Oct. 4. I mean you generally.
...Never saw a sign of anything on JI's face. He appears robotic to me....He'd have a hard time recognizing an emotion if it hit him in the face.
1. mother not checking on her sick baby for ten hours;yet recalls checking on boys
2. states baby monitor was on and working..Did not hear a thing
3. dogs in yard at both houses don't bark
4. mother failed poly (some said miserably)
5. cadaver dog hits Link showing there was more than one please
6. first time father ever worked this shiftWe don't know know that this was JI's decision and not his boss'
7. clothes worn by baby at last sighting found in homeAgain I ask for this link, stating it was the same clothes and not just something similar
8. both mother and father refuse to be interviewed again.
9. Family moves from home within hours of Baby missing.The home was a crime scene, they had no choice
10. Parents have had four Criminal Defense Attorneys on board since Lisa vanished.

...... These folks look darn guilty. I think one has to pretty cold or numb not to consider this family has done something to Lisa.
My replies
Yes it happens all the time. But to accept that JI was involved and she was dead before he went to work means you have to accept that from 6 pm or so until 3 a.m. or so that he did nothing on surveillance camera to indicate that his daughter has been accidentally or purposefully killed ....to show not a sign of distress...to act so normal that your actions aren't called into question by the FBI or KCPD...no matter how shell shocked you are....to do so.....if that's not cold hearted then what is? If you can hide any sign of distress over your daughter being dead? That's the point I'm making. To say JI was involved or knew before 3:30-3:45 a.m. means you have to be able to explain his behavior. KCPD and the FBI were satisfied hence why he didn't take a poly the first few days. And you have to be able to explain why the KCPD and FBI were wrong in their assessment of the video. And when I say "you" I don't mean any single particular person....I just mean those advocating JI being involved before 3:45 a.m. Oct. 4. I mean you generally.

I really don't know or have a theory on JI at this point. I will add to the discussuion the fact that FICA went for 31 days, and according to her friends, acted completely normal. FICA showed no signs of distress, never mentioned her daughter missing, partied like a rock star, nothing, nada. None of these people suspected anything wrong. In opening statements FICA's defense team stated that FICA knew that her daughter was dead but FICA was conducting her life as if she had not a care in the world. So, as far as JI maintaining his composure while at work means nothing to me as far as innocence because we have seen it can and it was done for 31 days by someone.JMO.
I think the chance of anything happening prior to JI leaving for work is slim to none. No way do I believe DB was in that store buying baby wipes so as to put on a front. And then to come home, drink and chat with MB and Shane, acting like nothing was wrong? No way, I can't buy into that theory.

Those that are suggesting this happened earlier in the day, what then is your theory about all the cell phone attempts that night?
LE removed a pair of purple shorts, we don't know if they were teh same shorts. One pr could have been dark purple and the other light. NO LINK?
The top they removed had "disney characters" the one she was reported missing in had kittens. NO LINK?
You keep stating things as fact but fail to provide links, so I will have to assume it is your opinion only.

I surmise this is your opinion only as no links have been provided.

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