Police say parents are not answering vital questions #3

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Was watching Michelle Parker's family just last night and their efforts to keep their daughters name and face out there and thinking oh, the difference.

It's very frustrating for me to watch the parents just hide and move on. I'm trying to stay away from this forum so much.

Best Xmas gift ever would be for her to be found, I don't think she's alive but a body to put closure.

While I have to admit I'd love to see DB and JI doing more, I do have to point out in MP's case the family are not being treated by LE or the media as suspects, but as victims. That in itself makes a huge difference IMHO.
Are there any reports of local media seeking interviews with them at this point?

Tacopina has made pretty clear he's only interested in national media and doesn't care about local media being shut out.
That in itself makes a huge difference IMHO.

Why would that stop the family from trying to find Baby Lisa? They have made it clear they won't sit down with LE and answer the hard questions.

That being said, LE is not stopping them from getting on national tv, local tv, in the newpapers, or on the street corners with signs about their lost baby.

I don't know of any family who has done LESS than these 2.

Every day without a body breathes hope that Baby Lisa could be alive (or that is what I'd be thinking if I was the parents of a missing baby)
Tacopina has made pretty clear he's only interested in national media and doesn't care about local media being shut out.

They are going to have a big wake up call in a few months, probably less actually, when the national media isn't interested in this case anymore. We haven't had a MSM thread in over 2 weeks.
We have only heard from the parents lawyer concerning the way LE supposedly treated the parents. It serves a purpose for the defense to put out information that puts the blame on LE for the parents withdrawal,as well as part of a defense if either of the parents is brought to trial. "LE had tunnel vision and never looked at any other suspects" .
It doesn't have to be true it just has to insert reasonable doubt.
Michelle Parker's family uses as many resources as they can get to find Michelle.THEY are making things happen,staying in the media spotlight ,asking for volunteers and focusing on their daughter. Lisa's family could have done the same thing ,independent of LE . JMO
They are going to have a big wake up call in a few months, probably less actually, when the national media isn't interested in this case anymore. We haven't had a MSM thread in over 2 weeks.

I think that is exactly what they are hoping for...everything to blow out to see so this couple can go on their merry-way ~ free & clear. :banghead:
I think that is exactly what they are hoping for...everything to blow out to see so this couple can go on their merry-way ~ free & clear. :banghead:

Didn't JI say recently that ' it was getting easier' and they were feeling a little better every day. ???
I say that the two parental units will implode if kept isolated very long.
Maybe DB doesn't know where Lisa is but she knows what happened?
I think that is exactly what they are hoping for...everything to blow out to see so this couple can go on their merry-way ~ free & clear. :banghead:

I hope they (if JI knows about it) charged with 1st degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

I think it's VERY obvious that DB did something to Lisa, she's just too chicken to do anything because she's hoping that people will forget about Lisa and this case and they can go about their everday lives acting if Lisa didn't even exist. JMO.
Maybe DB doesn't know where Lisa is but she knows what happened?

oh, I think she knows where Lisa is because she's the one who caused it.

She probably had help in some way.

But Deborah Bradley says that’s impossible because she doesn’t know where her daughter is.

So it would appear that the ? was, Do you know where your daughter is?

Don't forget that the answer to ?'s are "yes" or "no" answers.

So it would seem if it is true then she knows where lisa is.

If they only asked DB that one question, you may have a point. I would imagine a proper lie detector test would cover more than just "were is your child".
Retired FBI Agent Jeff Lanza said failing a polygraph test doesn’t mean someone is guilty.

“If you’ve registered some deception, that’s an indicator that you’re not telling the truth,” Lanza said. “However, it doesn’t mean you’re guilty. It’s just an indication that you’re deceptive about a particular question or questions on the polygraph exam.”

All we know is that DB said that LE told her that she failed the lie detector test. We don't know which question or questions she failed. Or if LE lied to her about the results of the test to get a confession from her. They may have come at her after the LDT and said "your lying, tell us were Lisa is". Then DB say's "that's impossible because I don't know where she is".

If LE comes out with a statement telling us that DB showed deception when asked certain questions, I'll be willing to consider what it could mean about DB's quilt. Until then, it carries little weight in deciding DB's criminal involvement.

I don't buy that anyone but DB was involved. Why would anyone cover for her or help her? What would give them the investment in this situation to go along with disposing of someone elses dead body? What could be a worse thing they were covering up by becoming an accessory to murder? Drugs, adultury, robbery... They are small potatoes compared to helping with disposal of a body. Jersey is in jail, obviously he hasn't copped to anything or there would have been action by LE. IMO she acted alone and probably hid it from anyone else who was at the house that night until late when she could cover it up herself. At this point, no one would still be covering for her by not answering questions. I really just don't think she is worth it to any potential accessory to keep protecting her.
Why would anyone cover for her or help her? What would give them the investment in this situation to go along with disposing of someone elses dead body? What could be a worse thing they were covering up by becoming an accessory to murder? Drugs, adultury, robbery... They are small potatoes compared to helping with disposal of a body.
Exactly. And that is why I still believe she may be innocent of any wrong doing.
Exactly. And that is why I still believe she may be innocent of any wrong doing.

So your saying that without an accomplice, it would have been hard for DB to dispose of Lisa by herself?
So your saying that without an accomplice, it would have been hard for DB to dispose of Lisa by herself?
Yup. I think it would be darn near impossible for her to do alone and especially cover up the tracks as well someone apparently did.
Why would it be impossible for her to do it alone, if she did? She managed the baby alone lots of times, I imagine...was used to carrying her, etc...it just isn't that difficult, sadly, to hide a body, especially a tiny one, as we see far too often with all of the children who remain missing. I don't know who did this, obviously, but I don't see why it couldn't be the work of one person. JMO
These two "parents" make me so sick in my heart. DB: You were "afraid" to go out back and look for your baby?? WTH??? What kind of a "mother" are you? How, why, would you EVEN CARE about that if you thought your daughter was out there. She may have been in distress and needing help.

I will bet you one thing DB, their isn't one mother, or father on these threads that would have not turned heaven and hell to search for their precious baby.
I wonder if Lisa was dead before that grocery store run. She picked up wine and a jar of food and some wipes. I wonder if the food and wipes were staged...to mislead.

I doubt her brother drove over to the house to take her to buy such mundane stuff. Wonder where they were prior to the store? It would be easy to put her in a bag and drive to another neighborhood and put her in a dumpster.

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