Police Surround Clark in Cromwell hotel room; Countdown to Arrest 3..2..1

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Saw his close-up in a CNN video of the arraignment. Mostly apathetic, but clearly nervous.

It blows my mind. He's such a clean-cut looking kid. Almost sympathetic in a certain slant of light. It's so hard to get my brain to accept this guy killed a girl a week ago.
snipped & bold by me

But wasnt RC responsible for that? It does fit his job description (not hers) so
why would he hassle her about it? :waitasec:

It might have been the only thing he could think of at the moment that she would have responded to. Perhaps they had "shared" a prior conversation on cage cleanliness and he was building off that?
It might have been the only thing he could think of at the moment that she would have responded to. Perhaps they had "shared" a prior conversation on cage cleanliness and he was building off that?

Labrat addressed this in another thread:


The thing that puzzles me- and granted I am not up to speed on all the news, is that I saw he told her to come over because mice were "dirty". If the cages were dirty, there would be no reason to call her- it was his job to clean them. If the mice were dirty because of overcrowding, well, that would be her job to do.
Saw his close-up in a CNN video of the arraignment. Mostly apathetic, but clearly nervous.

It blows my mind. He's such a clean-cut looking kid. Almost sympathetic in a certain slant of light. It's so hard to get my brain to accept this guy killed a girl a week ago.

The KIller next door can look like a NORMAL person, clean cut etc.
That's why it is easy for them to kill..........
we expect a Charles Manson type, but that is rare.........
look how many good looking clean cut guys have murdered.......Ted Bundy for one!
IMO......sociopaths are every where some can control themselves and others can't.
There's always a hind thought about them,rage,temper,odd,animal abuse,alcohol, drugs...........
soon we will see the REAL Ray Clark3........IMO
I am really wondering about the developments of the argument/fight that took place. Was it "ok, your dead", or push, slap, grab, "omg, i killed you".
Now I am really mad the threads were merged. :banghead: No one started a new thread for the arrest!! Well...I tried!!

I get to wade through this one to find out what happened! I saw on the video they did wait until daylight to pick him up. Glad I didn't wait up this morning. The is where he belongs.
The KIller next door can look like a NORMAL person, clean cut etc.
That's why it is easy for them to kill..........
we expect a Charles Manson type, but that is rare.........
look how many good looking clean cut guys have murdered.......Ted Bundy for one!
IMO......sociopaths are every where some can control themselves and others can't.
There's always a hind thought about them,rage,temper,odd,animal abuse,alcohol, drugs...........
soon we will see the REAL Ray Clark3........IMO
Ego. I saw the piece on his popularity in HS as a baseball player and how all the girls were after him. This part of his life developed an incredible ego, imo. He ends up working on the janitorial side of cleaning rat poop basically. He did other things to keep his ego intact to keep those feelings alive from his glory days, imo. That is where the rage and jealousy come into play. He was nothing like Annie Le. She was the shining star of the lab and he was the rat poop boy.
Something is seriously bothering me. I just watched the Arraignment Video that our wonderful Angel posted. It's plain to see he was crying and his eyes appear red from crying in his booking photo. In the video, he appears very nervous, and imo remorseful. I seriously wonder if this started as an argument that resulted in an accidental death. GOD help me for even suggesting that but it is on my mind. His actions after the fact belie this, at least in my mind, as I was/am of the notion that he knew he should have stopped but maybe couldn't control himself...he was too enraged or wound up. I wonder if he confronted Annie about something pertaining to her job, be it protocol or mice or whatever, and she responded in a way he didn't like. Maybe he responded with a threat and she slapped him across his face. HYPOTHETICAL. Maybe he slapped/pushed her back and we all know now where it ended up - the end result. I am "hypothetically" thinking that this was an argument that got out of control and he didn't mean it, now he's thinking "Jeez, what the heck have I done...I'm done for now...worthless". I do wonder if he could be considered a suicide risk. Something just isn't sitting right with me. I do believe he's where he needs to be, but something is rubbing me the wrong way for some reason.

Heck, I know, I just need to shut up. This is my original perp anyway. Let him rot, right? There's just something about the way he looked in that video...and his booking photo. Looks like a picture of a "spent" man to me...looked very frightened.

Perhaps this is something people can learn from. I hear of people that are too embarassed to seek psychiatric help. If he had a problem with being overtempered or controlling/opinionated, perhaps he had a chemical change within his body that a little pill could have taken care of...and in turn prevented this. I have no idea, this is just speculation. It's very sad all the way around. I am not sympathetic towards him, just observing from a distance...and wondering in print. :blowkiss:
I agree Jersey and BB. Something is different from what we usually see. Can't put my finger on it.

Did I read that arrest warrant is sealed?

If that's the case, then we might not get a lot of information prior to the trial. KWIM?
I have not been following the treads on this case, but I have been following the news.
I don't know why but I think it was either an accident that he did not handle well. Or maybe it is not him, that killed her.
I am not sure what I am thinking. :(
He did not plead guilty... I am wondering. :waitasec:
Does anyone know off hand when the arraignment is?
Well, they'll know for sure exactly what happened here. I don't think we're going to see this kid on death row.
I have not been following the treads on this case, but I have been following the news.
I don't know why but I think it was either an accident that he did not handle well. Or maybe it is not him, that killed her.
I am not sure what I am thinking. :(
He did not plead guilty... I am wondering. :waitasec:
It is a standard plea. His lawyer wouldn't allow him to plead guilty under any circumstances...even if he knew or suspected he was responsible. In Federal court, a guilty plea isn't even allowed (this is not Federal, but simply pointing it out from what we have learned from other cases).

Yes, it is him. They have DNA evidence matching the crime scene and would not have arrested him if they were not certain he was the killer. They cannot afford to go after a person in such a high profile case again only to risk what happened in the Jovin case. They have the goods on this one.
Well, they'll know for sure exactly what happened here. I don't think we're going to see this kid on death row.
I have to respectfully disagree. I think we will see the DP come up and he will be charged accordingly as the case progresses.
In my experience, he is very sorry...control/power freaks are always sorry when they get caught. I do not feel that he is any different than any other abuser-he just went too far.
They all look sympathetic and pathetic, to me. ^i^

Something is seriously bothering me. I just watched the Arraignment Video that our wonderful Angel posted. It's plain to see he was crying and his eyes appear red from crying in his booking photo. In the video, he appears very nervous, and imo remorseful. I seriously wonder if this started as an argument that resulted in an accidental death. GOD help me for even suggesting that but it is on my mind. His actions after the fact belie this, at least in my mind, as I was/am of the notion that he knew he should have stopped but maybe couldn't control himself...he was too enraged or wound up. I wonder if he confronted Annie about something pertaining to her job, be it protocol or mice or whatever, and she responded in a way he didn't like. Maybe he responded with a threat and she slapped him across his face. HYPOTHETICAL. Maybe he slapped/pushed her back and we all know now where it ended up - the end result. I am "hypothetically" thinking that this was an argument that got out of control and he didn't mean it, now he's thinking "Jeez, what the heck have I done...I'm done for now...worthless". I do wonder if he could be considered a suicide risk. Something just isn't sitting right with me. I do believe he's where he needs to be, but something is rubbing me the wrong way for some reason.

Heck, I know, I just need to shut up. This is my original perp anyway. Let him rot, right? There's just something about the way he looked in that video...and his booking photo. Looks like a picture of a "spent" man to me...looked very frightened.

Perhaps this is something people can learn from. I hear of people that are too embarassed to seek psychiatric help. If he had a problem with being overtempered or controlling/opinionated, perhaps he had a chemical change within his body that a little pill could have taken care of...and in turn prevented this. I have no idea, this is just speculation. It's very sad all the way around. I am not sympathetic towards him, just observing from a distance...and wondering in print. :blowkiss:
You are correct, Storm. They are sorry they are caught. The crying is for themselves and not the victim. It doesn't surprise me someone saw him on Friday and he was his normal self. He thought then he was getting away with murder. I expect to see many more tears to be shed from this .

By RAY HENRY and MICHAEL HILL, Associated Press Writers Ray Henry And Michael Hill, Associated Press Writers – 36 mins ago
NEW HAVEN, Conn. – A Yale lab technician appeared in court and was charged with murder Thursday hours after his arrest in the killing of a graduate student whose body was found stuffed in the wall of the research building where they both worked.
Raymond Clark III, 24, kept his head bowed during the three-minute appearance in the suffocation death of Annie Le, also 24. He didn't enter a plea and said, "Yes, your honor," when asked whether he understood his rights. The judge then set bail at $3 million and sent him to a holding cell.
more at link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090917/ap_on_re_us/us_yale_killing
Idk without more details. It will boil down to what type of jurors they select. His demeanor is definitely different than we usual see. Of course are the tears for himself or for the crime he commited.
Yes he caused her death, so he deserves the punishment he will get, but it is very sad that 2 young lives are now over and families destroyed over something so senseless.

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