Poll: Date of body disposal?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What day do you believe KC disposed of Caylee's body?

  • on day of death (June 15-June 17)

    Votes: 53 8.6%
  • June 18

    Votes: 112 18.2%
  • June 19

    Votes: 114 18.5%
  • after June 19

    Votes: 336 54.6%

  • Total voters
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June 24th. the body was dumped after the near discovery by george when he found the gas cans in the trunk.

I agree. Either that, or on June 20th (I think that was the date) when AL picked her up when her car ran out of gas. I also don't think she was in the car all that time, though. I think she was somewhere, possibly in the backyard for a few days before that, too.
Oh, so do I. :clap:
I believe she was in that trunk more than once, too.

I agree . Maybe, the poll should be what date was she dump where her remains where found,
or what date was she taken from the trunk or how many time was the body moved.
June 24th. the body was dumped after the near discovery by george when he found the gas cans in the trunk.
I agree.
Caylee killed 16th and in trunk. Decomposition for 2-3 days (19th) then wrapped and bagged which stopped decomposition gases and fluids leaking into trunk.
Dumped after near miss with GA and Gas Cans. 24th
I agree.
Caylee killed 16th and in trunk. Decomposition for 2-3 days (19th) then wrapped and bagged which stopped decomposition gases and fluids leaking into trunk.
Dumped after near miss with GA and Gas Cans. 24th

I totally agree!
I find these poll results to be fascinating. Over 50% of the respondents so far believe Caylee's body was in the trunk for longer than what the Body Farm tests indicate. I have to wonder if half the jury will also have no faith in the test results. :eek:

I wonder if we are all clear on the body farm results and what they mean...:waitasec:

I thought they meant that different gases were released at different rates during decomp. And the mixture of gases in THAT trunk, were consistent with a body 2.6 days into decomposition.

IF that is so, then the next question would be, would a sealed container prevent any further gases, consistent with a more advanced decomp, from being released into the trunk? The Body Farm experts may shine more light on this.

And would Casey handle a decomposed body to seal it and put it back in the trunk, knowing she'd have to handle it again?...Personally, I can't see it.

My reasoning for that? Here is a link to an article from a fellow on the Body Farm along with some graphic photos...beware, not for the faint of heart...


I wonder if we are all clear on the body farm results and what they mean...:waitasec:

I thought they meant that different gases were released at different rates during decomp. And the mixture of gases in THAT trunk, were consistent with a body 2.6 days into decomposition.

IF that is so, then the next question would be, would a sealed container prevent any further gases, consistent with a more advanced decomp, from being released into the trunk? The Body Farm experts may shine more light on this.

And would Casey handle a decomposed body to seal it and put it back in the trunk, knowing she'd have to handle it again?...Personally, I can't see it.

My reasoning for that? Here is a link to an article from a fellow on the Body Farm along with some graphic photos...beware, not for the faint of heart...



This is my understanding of the results as well. I think she died on 15th in Casey's room and was dumped on the 18th, the day of the shovel borrowing.
I wonder if we are all clear on the body farm results and what they mean...:waitasec:

I thought they meant that different gases were released at different rates during decomp. And the mixture of gases in THAT trunk, were consistent with a body 2.6 days into decomposition.

IF that is so, then the next question would be, would a sealed container prevent any further gases, consistent with a more advanced decomp, from being released into the trunk? The Body Farm experts may shine more light on this.

And would Casey handle a decomposed body to seal it and put it back in the trunk, knowing she'd have to handle it again?...Personally, I can't see it.

My reasoning for that? Here is a link to an article from a fellow on the Body Farm along with some graphic photos...beware, not for the faint of heart...



Wow, thanks for that link. It was very interesting. I think my husband and I would be interested in donating our bodies to them.
This is my understanding of the results as well. I think she died on 15th in Casey's room and was dumped on the 18th, the day of the shovel borrowing.

I'm thinking the same...but I noticed JWG has the 19th between 3 and 4. I am interested in his time theory because of his cell ping work, impressive, imo...I guess I'm torn, right now...ugh.
Between 1:18PM-2:30PM on 6/20 following the second bagging @ G&C's.

Details on 6/20 thread in the sticky forum.

Casey contacted Tony for help w/ gas on 6/23. Even though she kept him away from the trunk by refilling the car herself, she wouldn't have risked the discovery if the body had still been in the trunk. Analysis of ping data indicates only other trip to G&C's prior to 6/23 makes 6/20 - which was also the final back-into-the G&C garage day - the only option for disposal.

As JWG has noted...on 6/24, Casey PULLED into the driveway when she was 'caught' with the cans. On 6/20 Casey was rid of the body and partied her a$$ off @ Fusian that night.
Between 1:18PM-2:30PM on 6/20 following the second bagging @ G&C's.

Details on 6/20 thread in the sticky forum.

Casey contacted Tony for help w/ gas on 6/23. Even though she kept him away from the trunk by refilling the car herself, she wouldn't have risked the discovery if the body had still been in the trunk. Analysis of ping data indicates only other trip to G&C's prior to 6/23 makes 6/20 - which was also the final back-into-the G&C garage day - the only option for disposal.

As JWG has noted...on 6/24, Casey PULLED into the driveway when she was 'caught' with the cans. On 6/20 Casey was rid of the body and partied her a$$ off @ Fusian that night.

June 24th is what motivated her to get rid of the car in my opinion. George got to close, she starts telling people about the odor in her car the next day, her pings show her laying pretty low, and then she dumps the car at Amscot. I really think the shovel day is the day of the disposal. She thought about burying her in the yard, went to the woods instead, returned the shovel.
Between 1:18PM-2:30PM on 6/20 following the second bagging @ G&C's.

Details on 6/20 thread in the sticky forum.

Casey contacted Tony for help w/ gas on 6/23. Even though she kept him away from the trunk by refilling the car herself, she wouldn't have risked the discovery if the body had still been in the trunk. Analysis of ping data indicates only other trip to G&C's prior to 6/23 makes 6/20 - which was also the final back-into-the G&C garage day - the only option for disposal.

As JWG has noted...on 6/24, Casey PULLED into the driveway when she was 'caught' with the cans. On 6/20 Casey was rid of the body and partied her a$$ off @ Fusian that night.

I agree with you on this one, BondJamesBond! It makes sense.
I remember reading somewhere in the inviewing that someone thought they seem her jogging. I search can not find might been in texts. Does anyone remember reading this?
well shoot- I read the poll question in too much of a hurry and marked the 15-17th- which I think is wrong- I think she killed her on one of those days- preferably the night of the 15th or 16th but kept her in the trunk thereafter. At first I thought she kept her in there until the 23rd or 24th but havent rehashed it all in my head again to come up with my final theory
Between 1:18PM-2:30PM on 6/20 following the second bagging @ G&C's.

Details on 6/20 thread in the sticky forum.

Casey contacted Tony for help w/ gas on 6/23. Even though she kept him away from the trunk by refilling the car herself, she wouldn't have risked the discovery if the body had still been in the trunk. Analysis of ping data indicates only other trip to G&C's prior to 6/23 makes 6/20 - which was also the final back-into-the G&C garage day - the only option for disposal.

As JWG has noted...on 6/24, Casey PULLED into the driveway when she was 'caught' with the cans. On 6/20 Casey was rid of the body and partied her a$$ off @ Fusian that night.[/quote
I think she got rid of the body on the 19th and just didn't bother to clean the car up. She was to interested in parting and eventually did decide to dump the car because of the smell.
I still believe Caylee died on June 16th after George left for work and was either taken out of the trunk 2.5 days later or transported down the street in it just like the body farm results show. June 19th. The trunk getting the odor still boggles my mind though because I can't figure out what mistake Casey made in order to get the odor. Maybe Casey actually died in that trunk not enclosed in any bag or container because that was the original kidnap/attack plot. Casey may have wanted evidence in that trunk and just didn't realize that there would be that much odor and her original plan fell through. There's no proof, but I believe the flurry of calls was Casey calling her parents to try and claim she had been attacked with ransom demanded and they didn't fall for it.
Maybe KC "pulled in" rather than backed in on 24th because she no longer intended messing about with the body in the trunk. On previous occasions I think she was backing in so that she could open the trunk and take out/rearrange the body. By the 24th it was all bagged up and ready to dump. She called in home perhaps to get something like a shovel or perhaps just clothes. Maybe even to return the gas cans, but I doubt it. There were fluids leaked into trunk, but largely soaked into trunk liner, possibly into tyre well with a cover over it, and probably clothes etc on top, so smell not that bad yet, certainly not noticable a short distance from the car. The smell developed after all the clothes, toys, books etc and a body were taken off the top of the "stain". That is why the stories about a smell started 25th, the day after KC dumped the body. The fluids were no longer covered and were fermenting and vapourising. KC put a bag of tony's garbage in the trunk to explain/cover the smell. Very smelly by 27th so KC dumped the car near a dumpster, again to hide/account for the smell. Smell continued to worsen. It must have been diabolical by the time GA got to it 15th July.
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